An investigation at Stellenbosch into the possibility of utilizing annual medics in the summer rainfall region is reported. In a trial under controlled conditions long photo-period was found to hasten flower initiation: different species and cultivars differed however in their sensitivity to photo-period. In a summer trial under irrigation it appeared that species and cultivars also differed in their lower temperature requirement for flower initiation. Both sensitivity to photo-period and low temperature requirement influenced yield during summer. Early cultivars of Medicago truncatula and M. littoralis with little or no low temperature requirement grew normally during summer and yielded well. It is concluded that thorough testing of these species in the summer rainfall region is warranted.
Keywords: Stellenbosch|summer rainfall|photoperiods|flowers|cultivars|summer|irrigation|temperature treatments|temperatures|initiations|sensitivities|yields|pastures|annual medics|winter rainfall|legumes|flowerings