The dry-weight-rank method of botanical analysis was tested in the highveld of the Eastern Transvaal and was found to be an efficient and accurate means of determining the botanical composition of veld herbage. Accuracy was increased by weighting ranks on the basis of quadrat yield, and by allocation of equal ranks to species with a similar contribution to yield within a quadrat. Although multipliers derived from local data gave the most accurate estimates, the gain in precision was only marginal as compared with estimates obtained with the use of the original multipliers proposed by 't Mannetje & Haydock (1963). The use of the latter is recommended. A regression relating accuracy of estimates of botanical composition to sample size was established. Possible applications of the method in studies on veld are briefly indicated.
Keywords: dry weights|methods|botanical analyses|Eastern Transvaal Highveld|Gauteng Province|Highveld|botanical compositions|herbage|herbage yields|multipliers|Ermelo|grasslands