Leucaena leucocephala was evaluated to determine the agronomic and management requirements of this legume in Natal. The objectives were to test the effect of maintaining hedge-rows at different heights, and to investigate the effect of different densities, harvest intervals and fertilization on edible dry matter (EDM) production of L. leucocephala plants grown in the pure stand situation. Cutting plants in hedge-rows at 0,3, 0,6, 0,9, 1,2 and 1,5m respectively resulted in significant increases in yield of EDM with increases in height which ranged from 2,3 to 3,1 t/ha. By increasing the density of plants from 12 346 to 444 444 plants/ha, a significantly greater production of EDM was obtained. A harvest interval of six weeks was significantly better than four and eight week intervals. Fertilization increased production to a greater extent with a shorter cutting interval. Yields ranged from 1,6 to 5,7 t/ha for the pure stand situation.
Keywords: planting densities|cutting heights|harvesting frequencies|fertilisation|dry matter yields|agronomic requirements|management|legumes|KwaZulu Natal Province|hedges|height control|densities|edible dry matter|production