The effect of four seeding rates (3; 6; 12 and 24 kg/ha), four methods of weed control (nil, mowing, 4l/ha of 2, 4-D amine and hand weeding) and two times of cutting (late boot stage and end of season) on the establishment and yield of a Rhodes grass pasture was investigated. The experiment was first sown in 1980 and repeated in the same form in 1982. Mother and daughter plants were counted and the canopy of Rhodes grass was estimated a year after seeding. Subsequently, the experiments were harvested a number of times. Seeding rate, weed control and cutting affected the density of plants. The higher densities affected the yield of the pasture initially only. The value of using more than 3 kg/ha of commercial certified seed is doubtful. The use of adequate measures to control weeds does seem to be economically justified.Language: English
Keywords: 2, 4-d; bathurst; botany; chloris gayana; Choris gayana; cutting; Eastern Cape; establishment; grasses; Herbicide plant-density; pasture; Research notes; Rhodes grass; seeding; Seeding rate; south africa; Weed; Weed control; Yield