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Composition, pattern and diversity of some Transkeian grasslands.

McKenzie B.


Species composition, pattern and diversity of selected grassland communities were determined by using point samples, transects and quadrats. The continuously grazed grasslands of Dohne Sourveld generally had the richer species composition, the highest diversity and the most variable intra-community pattern. Forb species were mainly responsible for the higher diversity in these grasslands compared with more severely disturbed sites (e.g. old fields). The intra-community pattern was, however, determined by the relative proportions and distribution of the grass species.Language: English

Keywords: Composition; disturbance history; Diversity; Dohne Sourveld; grasses; grassland; grassland communities; grasslands; Grazing pressure; Management; old fields; Patterns; south africa; Species; species composition; transects; Transkei; umtata district; Veld condition

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119