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Identification of companion legumes for Midmar Italian ryegrass.

Smith H.R.H.


In a preliminary investigation seven legumes were planted alone and in combination with Lolium multiflorum cv. Midmar. The pure stands of legumes were harvested at either four, five of six week cutting intervals, while the pure stands of Lolium multiflorum and the ryegrass/legume mixtures received in addition to the cutting treatments 0, 200 of 400 kg N/ha in four equal applications. The ryegrass and legume components separately for dry matter yield (DM) and crude protein (CP) determinations. Trifolium repens and T. pratense were the most suited companion legumes in terms of DM yield, CP content and the ability to extend the growing season. Ornithopus sativus and T. vesiculosum were the most suited annual legumes to grow in combination with L. multiflorum responding the most to nitrogen. The legume DM yields were adversely affected by the addition of nitrogen and by lengthening of the cutting interval. The incorporation of legumes into a ryegrass sward had the greatest positive effect on DM yields and CP content when not nitrogen was applied and when harvested at six week intervals. Dry matter yields of the mixtures were only slightly reduced when half the maximum amount of nitrogen was applied.

Keywords: crude protein; cutting interval; dm yield; dry matter yield; ermelo district; italian ryegrass; legumes; lolium multiflorum; nitrogen fertilization; nooitgedacht research station; ornithopus sativus; south africa; treatments; trifolium pratense; trifolium repens; trifolium vesiculosum; yield

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-9380
print ISSN: 1022-0119