Water was withheld from individual plants of Themeda triandra and Sporobolus fimbriatus growing in pots in a greenhouse. Leaf extension growth, followed by successive degrees of tiller desiccation, were monitored on a daily basis and related to diminishing moisture availability. Leaf extension growth ceased after about 40% soil water depletion in both species on the sandy clay loam used in the trial. Thereafter, leaves and growing points senesced progressively with increasing evaporative demand, despite a relatively small drop in soil moisture content. The tentative conclusion is that active leaf growth in semi-arid grassveld takes place in short sporadic spells subsequent to each effective rainfall event. It seems, for example, that after a rain of 50 mm in midsummer, the duration of active leaf growth could be no more than a week.Language: English
Keywords: botany; desiccation; growth; leaf growth; Leaves; Moisture; moisture content; mortality; semi-arid grassveld; shoot apices; soil moisture; south africa; sporobolus fimbriatus; themeda triandra