Desmodium intortum is well suited to the East London Coastal area for beef production under dryland conditions. Although slow to establish, satisfactory livestock production is maintained under a low fertilizer regime. Experimental results indicate stocking rates for maximum production per animal and per hectare of 0, 8 and 8, 2 steers (250 kg)/ha respectively. A cost comparison between a highly fertilized Star grass pasture and a Desmodium pasture show that, while the gross margins at current beef prices favour Star grass (R2 882 and R2 052/ha/yr respectively), the returns per rand capital expenditure differ significantly (R2, 29 and R10, 01 respectively) in favour of Desmodium.Language: English
Keywords: Animal production; Beef production; botany; Desmodium intortum; dryland; east london; Eastern Cape; economic evaluation; fertilizer; grasses; gross margin; Growth requirements; livestock; Management; maximum production; pasture; Pastures; Production costs; south africa; star grass; stocking rate; stocking rates