Fifteen perennial legumes were compared, under dryland conditions on two sites, in the Dohne Sourveld. These sites were Dohne, which has a mild, but dry winter and an average of 743 mm of rainfall per year, and Grasslands, which is a colder site with an average rainfall of 866 mm per year. The legumes were compared in terms of their total dry matter production and the distribution of this production during the season. At Grasslands, Coronilla varia produced more (10, 6 t/ha/y) than Medicago sativa (7, 1 t/ha/y). At Dohne, C. varia, M. sativa and Neonotonia wightii cv. Cooper all produced more than 6 t/ha/y. The high yields and persistence of C. varia, and N. wightii suggests that these two legumes can play a role in dryland pastures (as M. sativa should) in the Dohne Sourveld. C. varia could also have a role to play in replacing Stipa trichotoma. The monthly production of legumes at Dohne has been tabulated. Farm applications of the crops are postulated.
Keywords: condition; coronilla varia; crops; dohne sourveld; dry matter production; dry matter yield; dryland pasture; grassland; grasslands; legumes; medicago sativa; neonotonia wightii; pasture; pastures; production; rainfall; stipa trichotoma; yield