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Occurrence of crystal arthropathy in patients presenting with synovitis in Nairobi
Objective: To describe different types of crystals seen in patients with synovitis in Nairobi.
Design: Descriptive prospective cross sectional study.
Results: There were 260 samples received from patients with synovitis. Of them, 61 (23.5%) were from males while 199 (76.5%) were from females. The age range of the patients was from 14 – 110 years. The mean, median and mode were 59.6, 60 and 55 years respectively. Majority of the patients were in the 51-60 years age category. Most of the patients recruited had no crystals (n=211; 81.2%)
diagnosed, with 14.2%(n=37) having uric acid crystals and 4.6 % (n=12) having CPPD crystals. For the patients who had uric acid crystals (n=37), when gender was cross tabulated against microscopy, males (n=32; 86.5%) were noted to have more uric acid crystals than females (n=5;
13.5%). Among patients diagnosed with CPPD (n=12), there were more females (n=9; 75%) patients compared to males (n=3; 25%). From the total population recruited (n=260), when age range categories were cross tabulated against microscopy, the age ranges 41-50 (n=9; 3.5%) 51-60 (n=12; 4.6%), and 61-70 (n=6; 2.3%) were noted to have more uric acid crystals than any other age category recruited. Patients in the age category 61-70 (n=6; 50 %) had more CPPD crystal detections than any other age category from the patients recruited.
Conclusion: Crystal arthropathy is a major cause of synovitis in patients seen in Nairobi.