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Standards for the mental health care of people with severe psychiatric disorders in South Africa: Part 2. Methodology and results
Methods: a systematic literature review and broad consultation to develop a set of normative- based standards. Consultation included widespread draft document distribution/feedback, in-depth provinical workshops, and focus groups. Structually, detailed criteria and sub-criteria were developed for measurability and adequate detail in key service areas.
Results: Three types of standards were developed: core standards, standards for service delivery and for specific settings. Standards to ensure the rights and protection of varied service users within a range of contexts are described.
Conclusion: A standards document is an essential component of a quality improvement process, within the context of a supportive legislative, political and managerial framework.
Keywords: standards, mental health care, South Africa, methodology, results
South African Psychiatry Review Vol. 8(4) 2005: 146-152