The study extended prior job involvement research by examining whether participation in decision making (PDM) and perceived organizational politics (POP) influence job involvement (JI) among tax collectors of Lagos State Revenue offices. Using a cross sectional design, data were obtained from tax collectors in Lagos state, Nigeria through questionnaire consisting of demographic factors, JI, PDM and POP scales. Two hundred and one (110 males, 91 females) employees were purposively selected for the study. The mean age of participants was 36.67(SD 11.67). Three hypotheses were tested in the study using t-test for independent samples and two of them were confirmed. Tax collectors who perceived high PDM significantly reported higher job involvement than those who perceived low PDM (t=-4.57, df = 199, p < .01). Similarly, employees who perceived favourable POS significantly reported higher job involvement than those who perceived unfavourable POS (t=-4.34; df=199; p<.05). Gender had no significant influence on job involvement among tax collectors (t=1.17, df =199; = p>.05).It is concluded that PDM and POS are crucial to increasing levels of job involvement among tax collectors in Lagos State. This implies that there is a need to allow tax collectors to participate in decision making of the organization and understand politics in same setting.