This paper explores intricate nexus between security, and the challenges of promoting sustainable development in a volatile environment. It conceptualises security, sustainable development, and volatile environment. The paper argues that the volatile environment in the country has led to security breaches and slowed down the promotion of sustainable development. It notes that security being the super-structure upon which edifice of national development; sustainable development and sustainable peace are erected is required to protect a person, property or organisation from attack; it is therefore the duty of security operatives to identify the types of possible attacks, so as to deploy appropriate counter-measures, or a pre-emptive attack on a source of threat. The paper canvasses the view that the inability to access basic needs has provided motivation for thousands of religious fundamentalists, oil militants and criminals. The paper submits that the quest for security and the promotion of sustainable development will be a gargantuan task in a volatile environment. It charges to come up with fresh and innovative perspectives that will make it difficult for the criminally-minded people to attack individuals, property or organisations.