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Relationship Between Poverty and Child Labour in Nasarawa State, Nigeria
children in Nasarawa State of Nigeria. The study comprised of 420 children
with age ranged of between the ages of 10 to 16 (Mean=13.7 and SD=2.8),
and their parents drawn through the systematic sampling technique from Keffi, Nasarawa, Akwanga, Mararaba, and Lafia (all in Nasarawa state, Nigeria). Aquestionnaire was administered on the participants. The demographic section measured, among others, the total income levels of the family of participants. A child economic supportive scale was used to measure poverty level and parental perceived child labour. The result indicates that there is a strong relationship between poverty and child labour. It is therefore concluded that the Nigerian government should seriously address the issue of poverty alleviation, since it is directly associated with child labour.