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Influence of Job Status on Subjective Well-Being of University Lecturers in Western Nigeria
of University lecturers. The hypothesis tested for in this study was that
there would be a significant influence of job status on the subjective wellbeing of university lecturers. The study specifically adopted and utilized the survey design, using job status as independent variable and SWB, the dependent variable. Six hundred (600) participants were selected through the stratified random sampling technique, including 423 (70.5%) males and 177 (29.5%) females. The job status frequency as at when the participants were employed showed that 71 (11.8%) were Graduate Assistants; 307 (51.2%) were Assistant Lecturers; 171 (28.5%) were Lecturer II; 46 (7.7%) were Lecturer I; while others (Senior Lecturers, Readers, Professors) were 5 (0.8%). The result revealed that job status of the university lectures significantly influenced their subjective wellbeing (F (6,469) =5.83; p<.001). Specifically, the result showed that university lecturers, such as Professors ( x=106.73, Senior Lecturers (x= 100.20), lecturer1(x= 99.85), and Lecturer11(x= 95.40)reported significantly
higher on Subjective wellbeing respectively. In view of this result, it is therefore recommended that younger university lecturers should be encouraged more so as to improve their attitude and increase their commitment towards their job. Such encouragements should include activities and factors that can encourage their progressive growth on the ladder of the job status in this profession. Conclusively, the issue of University lecturers’ promotion should be taken more seriously to continue to improve the wellbeing of the university lecturers.