This study adopted the survey research design using an ex-post facto type to investigate path modeling of psychosocial factors influencing quality marital relationship among married individuals in Southwest Nigeria. The target population for the study consisted of 3,824 married partners from the Southwest Nigeria who were selected through multi-stage method of sampling. Four validated research instruments were used to collect data from the respondents. The instruments are: Quality marital relationship Quality Inventory, General Health Questionnaire, Daily Spiritual Experience Scale and Cultural Values Scale. Three research questions were answered using path analysis. The result showed that there was significant relationship between the exogenous variables and quality marital relationship. The correlated and path coefficients in the new models can be taken, to establish the significance of this model, which can best explains quality quality marital relationship of the married individuals in Southwest Nigeria. The percentage of total direct influence attributed to the eight independent variables is 68.1% while the percentage of total indirect
influence is 33.9%. Along with the hypothesized paths predicting quality quality marital relationship among married individuals, there are 11 pathways through which all the predictors Vi(i = 1-7) caused variations on the dependent variable (quality marital relationship) out of which 3 indicated direct effects while 8 indicated indirect effects. From this finding, it is logical to postulate that emotional health, a critical part of human wellbeing, plays significant roles in keeping married individuals psychologically healthy to facilitate quality quality marital relationship among the married people.