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Environmental, Technological and Socio-Cultural Factors Enhancing Adoption of Agricultural Technological Innovations Among Women in Nigeria
technological innovations among rural women for improved agricultural
productivity in Nigeria.. The framework was formulated through a thorough
literature search on the concept of agricultural technology, appropriate
technology for rural women and reasons why technological innovations
disseminated to the rural women should be appropriate Aconceptual framework explaining the appropriateness of technological innovations was therefore designed. It was revealed that introduction of appropriate technology increases income from the main occupation but also increases the time available for women to look after the home and children and other income generating activities.The paper therefore provides a framework of the appropriateness of technological innovations for adoption by women..This will improve their productivity and income and render farming and processing easier and less time consuming. It is recommended that appropriate policy should be formulated to address the technological needs of the rural women and involve them from the planning to the implementation stage.