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Factors influencing the teaching of physical education and sport in Cluster H Shools of Chivi district in Zimbabwe

C Chrispen
C Vitalis
M Costa
M Tapiwa
C Raphinos


This research study was conducted to gain an understanding of the pedagogic, administrative and attitudinal factors that influence the teaching of Physical Education and Sports in cluster H schools of Chivi district of Zimbabwe. The research employed the descriptive survey design. Data was collected by means of questionnaires given to a sample of 64 teachers and nine heads of schools selected using the random sampling technique. Observations were also made in schools. The study found out that the teaching of Physical Education and Sport (PES) is grossly impaired by poorly designed current syllabi, negative effects of examinations, teacher  incompetency, inadequate resources committed to the subject and negative attitudes of teachers and heads towards the subject. The study then recommended concerted effort in training teachers, making resources available for the subject in schools and changing damaging attitudes towards the subject. Further research could be undertaken on the factors affecting the participation of children with disabilities in Physical Education and Sports.

Key words: Teaching, Physical Education and Sport, Physical Education, curriculum implementation, syllabus, examinations, attitudes

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