This paper focused on Faith-based Organizations in the healing of persons living with HIV/ AIDS (PLWHA), using Overcomers’ Christian Mission (OCM) as reference. The Study employed the transition theory as a conceptual base. Data were obtained from ethnographic life history of 2 persons previously living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and 2 FGDs (one on males and the other on females) conducted on some members of OCM. The PLWHA who were seropositive to HIV/AIDS eventually tested as a result of prayers they received. HIV/AIDS was perceived as a spiritual offence, allowed by God against offenders and is curable only through prayers and genuine repentance. Strategy should be designed by policy makers, NGOs and pastoral ministries to encourage healthy sexual life; inculcate in individuals favorable attitude towards genuine repentance and to devise measures against possible fraudulent activities that could be masked behind offering prayers for healing. Also, the transition theory should be re-visited in terms of the emerging role of faith (religion) in the reduction of incidence of death as against improved health care services.