The gifted and Talented students are capable of developing opportunities that are not ordinarily provided through regular or traditional instructional programmes. This is because old stereotype and conventional instructional strategies may not be enough to give the needed stimulation. Thus, the researcher is interested in investigating the influence of enrichment Triad and acceleration programmes on the academic achievement of gifted children in a selected school in Ibadan, Oyo – State. The study used a pre-test, post-test control group quasi experimental design, with 24 participants from JSS II. A multistage sampling technique was utilized for the selection of the subjects, who were randomly assigned into the experimental and control groups. Two validated and reliable research instruments namely; slosson's intelligence Test (r = 0.97) and Teacher made Achievement test (r = 0.98) were used. The finding revealed that there was a significant treatment effect on participants' exposed to acceleration with a mean score of (X=48.13) and those exposed to enrichment triad with a mean score of (X=48.8). The control group has the least post-test means score of (X=22.1). Thus, groups, A & B performed significantly than the control group, which provide the justification for the need of enrichment Triad and Acceleration programme for the gifted children. Since the findings have revealed that the two models can facilitate gifted students, it is therefore recommended that both the regular and special educators should used these models in facilitating the academic achievement of gifted students.
African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Vol. 9(1) 2006: 58-66