This study assessed the influence of social support on the general wellbeing of women with HIV/AIDS co morbid with psychiatric disorders at the Federal Medical Center, Makurdi, Nigeria. The study employed the Cross sectional design. One hundred (100) women whose age ranged from 15to 79witha mean age of 47years took part in the study. The participants had been diagnosed by medical doctors and psychiatrics with HIV/AIDS co morbid with various psychiatric disorders. Data was collected using a questionnaire comprising scales for multidimensional scale for perceived social support (MSPSS), and general wellbeing scale (GWBS).Four hypotheses were stated and tested. Results showed that Social Support, from significant others significantly influence the general wellbeing of women with HIV/AIDS co morbid with psychiatric disorders β=.536, t= 4.03, P<0.05. Social Support from family did not significantly influence general wellbeing of women with HIV/AIDS co morbid with Psychiatric disorders β=.113, t= 0.99, P= .321. Social support from friends did not influence general wellbeing of women with HIV/AIDS co morbid with psychiatric disorders β=-.114, t=-1.07, P= .288. There was no statistical significant difference in economic statuses (F(2,95)=2.67, P=.075). In the light of the findings, it was concluded that social support from significant others significantly influence general wellbeing of women with HIV/AID comorbid with psychiatric disorders. Recommendation is, the findings contribute to the evidence for promotion of knowledge about social supports from significant others for people living with HIV/AIDS and psychiatric disorders for improved quality of life of the patients.