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The Influence of Green Logistics and Food Distribution Strategy on Post-Harvest Loss Reduction

Ofori Issah
David Ackah


Post-harvest losses are a significant issue confronting farmers in Ghana, which requires the proper intervention to help deal with the situation and improve the social and economic life of the farmers. The farms in Ghana are primarily located in the hinterlands, making it very difficult to get the agri-food stuff transported to the marketplaces or points of a process, usually leading to substantial post-harvest losses due to the short life of most of the foodstuff. Therefore, it is imperative to devise the right food distribution strategy to reduce post-harvest loss. The study examined the influence of green logistics and food distribution strategy on post-harvest loss reduction. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse 238 useable data from the extension officers, freight forwarding/logistics companies, and local food distributing agencies in Ghana. We found support for all the two hypotheses. We then offer both theoretical and managerial implications.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2676-2730
print ISSN: 2676-2730