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Postural deformities in children: A review
regular physical activity contribute to the poor physical condition of children. Childhood obesity has increased dramatically in the past decade.
Countries in economic transition from underdeveloped to developed, such as South Africa, are particularly affected and have an increasing
prevalence of obesity across all economic levels and age groups. In a developing country like South Africa, where overweight/obesity co-exists with undernutrition, there is an urgent need to prevent unhealthy trends in diet and physical activity. School screening is mandatory in schools in 26
states of the United States (US) for children between 10 and 16 years of age. Previous studies conducted in the US found that 160 out of 1000 people suffer from scoliosis (Boachie-Adjei & Lonner, 1996). This means that scoliosis is as prevalent as hypertension or diabetes mellitus. Identification of postural deformities at an early stage makes early
treatment possible, which may, in future, prevent serious postural abnormalities. The aim of this review article is to define the concept of good posture, analyze normal postural development and postural deformities, and discuss some of the developmental factors affecting posture.