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Service quality dimensions, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions in recreational hubs: A scoping review


It has become essential in the recreational environment to understand the effect of service quality on customer loyalty and happiness. Therefore, considerable research has been done to understand the dimensions of service quality in relation to these outcomes. This scoping review examines extant literature on service quality across various recreational settings to identify key dimensions influencing customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions. Drawing on 17 studies spanning diverse geographical locations, including Australia, Greece, Malaysia, Portugal, South Africa, Sri Lanka and the United States, this review highlights the universal and context-specific aspects of service quality. By perusing qualitative and quantitative research across various settings, including university campuses, sports programmes and recreational facilities, this review identifies key tools and approaches used to evaluate service quality. Literature searches were conducted using three databases: Scopus, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar. Key findings revealed a significant impact of tangible and intangible service quality dimensions, such as facility conditions, staff interactions and programme outcomes, on enhancing customer experiences in recreational environments. Notably, the review underscores the importance of adapting service quality (SERVQUAL) measurements to the unique demands of recreational services, offering insights into improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. A synthesised understanding of the role of service quality in recreational settings is presented, suggesting directions for future research and practical implications for service providers who seek to elevate the recreational experience in various settings.

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print ISSN: 2411-6939