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Traditional classification of common diseases by Bapedi of Limpopo Province, South Africa


Classification of diseases is imperative to understanding the types of illnesses prevalent within a community and determining the appropriate course of therapy required to effectively manage these conditions. The objective of this study was to provide a comprehensive description of the conventional disease classification systems employed by local communities that continue to prioritise traditional medicine for their basic healthcare needs. Semi-structured interviews with 103 participants provided data on the classification of diseases based on patient age and gender, aetiology, anatomy, natural occurrence, cultural specificity, infectious nature, and hereditary factors. These classification systems are different from the biomedical classifications of disease, which are based on the assessment and ramifications of human disease. A scholarly examination of the distinctions between traditional and biomedical disease classifications has the potential to enhance understanding of diseases, particularly their aetiology, and foster the development of more effective preventive strategies.

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print ISSN: 2411-6939