
The African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES) is a refereed journal published quarterly (March, June, September and December) by LAM Publications Limited.

Publication Scheduling

AJPHES is published quarterly, i.e., in March, June, September and December.
Supplements/Special editions are also published periodically. Specific details about the publication of a supplement/special issue are obtainable from the Editor-In-Chief upon request.


AJPHES publishes research papers that contribute to knowledge and practice, and also develops  theory either as new information, critical reviews, confirmation of previous findings, application of  new teaching/coaching techniques and research notes. Letters to the editor, relating to the materials  previously published in AJPHES, could be submitted within 3 months after publication of the article  in question. Such letters will be referred to the corresponding author and both the letter and response  will be published concurrently in a subsequent issue of the journal.  

Manuscripts are considered for publication in AJPHES based on the understanding that they have  neither been published nor submitted for publication in any other journal. Corresponding authors  should make such declarations in submitting papers for publication. Where a paper has been partly  or wholly published or presented at congresses, seminars or symposia, reference to that publication  should be made in the acknowledgement section of the manuscript.  

AJPHES is published quarterly, i.e., in March, June, September and December.  Supplements/Special editions are also published periodically. Specific details about the publication  of a supplement/special issue are obtainable from the Editor-In-Chief upon request.


AJPHES’ review process normally takes about 8 weeks and authors will be advised about the  decision on submitted manuscripts within 90 days. In order to ensure anonymity during the review  process, authors are requested to avoid self-referencing or keep it to the barest minimum. AJPHES  adheres strictly to the ethical principle of responsible publishing and relies on expert opinions of  specialists in the various fields of physical activity and health sciences to guide its decisions on  acceptance or rejection of papers submitted.  

Guided by the Editor and the editorial board, AJPHES adopts a blind review process in which  manuscripts submitted are evaluated by at least two specialist reviewers (who may or may not be  members of the editorial board). In circumstances where two reviewers give inconsistent  recommendations on the acceptance of a paper or otherwise, the Editor nominates a third reviewer to resolve the disagreement. However, if the discrepancy is not resolved even after the appointment  of a third reviewer, the Editor adjudicates on the matter. In this regard, the Editor’s adjudication is  based on the principle of consensus building on specific areas of contention between reviewers.  

Manuscripts submitted to AJPHES are reviewed based on a four-step assessment procedure. STEP 1 involves the editor undertaking an initial screening of the manuscript to determine whether or not  it fits the scope of AJPHES as well as its overall potential contribution to knowledge and practice in  physical activity and health sciences. A manuscript which does not fit the scope of the journal or is  not of topical interest, is declined within one week of its submission, and the Editor promptly notifies  the corresponding author.  

In STEP 2, a specialist reviewer is assigned a potentially suitable paper for review and undertakes  the review by thoroughly reading the article and rating each of the following 11-point criteria as  appropriate: Relevance to AJPHES in terms of scope/focus, approach and content; (1) Manuscript’s  title and introduction (Background, problem statement, aim/purpose, objectives, research question and hypotheses as applicable); (2) Scientific merit of the manuscript; (3) Theoretical  basis/conceptual framework as appropriate and relevant to the topic, results and discussion; (4)  Structure/organisation/presentation of material – logical flow and with clarity; (5) Methodology – Study design/approach-appropriate, adequate in terms of procedures, methods and analysis, and  relevance in line with recent trends, and (6) Results – Clarity and consistency with aims, objectives,  research question and hypothesis, and accuracy of presentation. Other criteria include: (7)  Discussion and Conclusions – Critically appropriate, reflective and focused; (8) Recommendation – Practical and strategic, rather than operational, contain policy implications as appropriate; (9)  References – Significant updated publications in the field, adequacy of spread of authors and up-to date citations; (10) Abstract – Concise and reflective of manuscript and appropriate keywords; and  (11) Technical aspects – Font, outlay, language, referencing and formatting. The reviewer’s rating  of each of the above guidelines is based on the following qualities: inadequate, marginal, adequate  or excellent. 

After the evaluation in STEP 2, the reviewer then ranks the manuscript’s overall contribution to  knowledge and practice in physical activity and health sciences (STEP 3). The reviewer’s evaluation  in STEP 3 is based on a ten-point scale designed to indicate his/her final ranking of the overall  contribution and potential impact of the paper, ranging from 1=Little or no contribution to 10=Outstanding/cutting edge innovation and state of the art contribution. 

STEP 4, the final stage of the evaluation process, concerns reviewer’s recommendation regarding  acceptance of paper for publication or otherwise. This aspect has the following dimensions:  Acceptable for publication in AJPHES (with little or no revision); Acceptable for publication with  minor editorial or technical revisions; Acceptable for publication with major revisions/rewrite;  Acceptable for publication with major revisions/rewrite and resubmit for another round of review  and Rejected (Not acceptable for publication). Based on our reviewers’ recommendations and once  editorial decisions have been reached, corresponding authors are promptly notified by the Editor.  Accepted manuscripts are generally published within 6 to 8 months of acceptance.  


Original manuscript and all correspondence should be addressed to the
Editor-In-Chief: Professor A.L. Toriola
Tel: +27 12 3825806
Cell phone: +27 82 5451852 
Department of Sport, Rehabilitation and
Dental Sciences, Tshwane University of Technology,
P. Bag X680, Pretoria 0001,
Republic of South Africa 

Articles should be submitted electronically, i.e., via e-mail attachment, directly to the Editor.  However, the corresponding author should ensure that such articles are virus free.


Manuscript accepted for publication will be returned to the corresponding author for final correction  and proofreading. Corrected proofs should be returned to the Editor-In-Chief electronically within  48 hours of receipt. It will be assumed that there are no further revisions and the paper should be  published, if no response is received from the corresponding author within 72 hours. Minor editorial  corrections are handled by AJPHES. 


LAM Publications Ltd. holds the copyright for AJPHES. In keeping with copyright laws, authors  will be required to assign copyright of accepted manuscripts to LAM Publications Ltd. This ensures  that both the publishers and the authors are protected from misuse of copyright information.  AJPHES is not yet an open access journal, but intends to adopt this platform in the future. Requests  for permission to use copyright materials should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief. 


Principal authors will receive a maximum of three (3) complimentary hard copies of the journal. In  case of two or more joint authors, the principal author distributes the copies received to the co authors. After publication, pdfs of published articles are sent to corresponding authors for  distribution to the co-authors. Electronic copies can be ordered from SABINET at or AJOL at or EBSCO at Requests for  AJPHES’ subscription should be addressed to the Editor-In-Chief. Specific subscription information  are contained in the preliminary pages of every published issue of the journal. 

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2411-6939