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The Role of Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) on Crime Prevention and Management in Gombe State, Nigeria

Nurain Abayomi Mumuni
Abdulrasheed Abdulyakeen


The purpose of this study is to investigate the Role of Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps
(NSCDC) on Crime Prevention and Management: A Study of Gombe State. Adopting
descriptive survey and random sampling procedure to select a sample size of one hundred (100)
participants, 90 respondents were filled and returned. The instrument of data collection was
questionnaire. Data were analyzed using percentage and frequency count table. It was found that
Civil Defense as an emerging organization has played some vital roles in ameliorating the effect
of war and conflict amidst the civil populace. Also the Study indicated the challenges faced by
the corps in peace management which includes; inadequate equipment, lack of cooperation from
the public and negative perception, bribery and corruption, poverty, politicization of recruitment
and promotion, under founding, lack of personnel, poor remuneration, lack of periodic
workshop, seminars and trainings, poor working conditions. The study recommends among
others that the corps should be properly equipped with modern and sophisticated equipment.
Government must provide good condition of service to the corps, this include recruitment of
adequate number of NSCDC, attractive salary and accommodation. This will improve the image
of the NSCDC and thereby improving their performance toward crime prevention and control.
There is need to establish corps Board at the local level to replace the moribund and weak Corps
Community Service Committee.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2787-0359
print ISSN: 2787-0367