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Model for Curbing Corruption in Nigeria in the 21st Century

Nwangele Sunday
Lawrence Chima
Nweze, Chinwe Nweze
Nome Ujebe


This paper focused on Model for Curbing Corruption in Nigeria in the 21st Century. The paper
looked at the meaning of corruption, nature of corruption in Nigeria, forms of corruption, effects
of corruption and causes of corruption. The authors considered Utilitarian-Hedonistic Theory of
corruption as relevant theory for the study. It was discovered that corruption is seen in all spheres
of life in developing countries of the world. Corruption affects negatively the quality of product
and services of any organization. The paper is of the opinion that management of corruption can
be based on the following model: accountability, transparency, compliance to standard,
punishment, use of guarantors, corruption trials, prevention mechanism, judicial proceedings
bottleneck, banishment, citizen education and curriculum development. It was recommended that
corporate business community must be involved in the fight against corruption in organization,
workers in the organization should be trained or educated on the evils of corruption, corruption
detection and deterrence; the traditional means of corruption management such as oath-taking in
the shrine; banishment and use of guarantor should be re-emphasized and amplified; corrupt
practices and trials should be straight-forward without any form of corrupt proceeding or
sentiment; Curriculum developers should enshrine corruption in the school curriculum to specify
dangers and management of corruption.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2787-0359
print ISSN: 2787-0367