Please find below the clear and comprehensive guidelines to ensure a smooth and successful submission process:
1. Scope: Ensure that your manuscript aligns with the journal's focus on pharmacy and alternative medicine topics. Topics may include Pharmacognosy, clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry, traditional medicine, complementary therapies, and related disciplines as specified in the journal description.
2. Originality: Only submit original work that has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by other journals. PLAGIARISM IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
3. Format: Prepare your manuscript in Microsoft Word or a compatible format. Follow the journal's prescribed template and guidelines for layout, font, spacing, and referencing styles.
4. Structured Content: Organize your manuscript into appropriate sections, such as Introduction,
Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References as stipulated in the manuscript
guidelines. Include necessary tables, figures, and illustrations to support your findings.
5. Authorship: Provide the full names, affiliations, and contact details of all contributing authors. Clearly indicate the corresponding author for communication purposes.
6. Ethical Considerations: Adhere to ethical standards, ensuring that your study involving human or animal subjects has received appropriate approvals, and obtain informed consent when necessary.
7. References: Cite all sources accurately and consistently using the journal's preferred citation style. Include a comprehensive list of references at the end of your manuscript.
8. Manuscript Submission: Submit your manuscript through the journal's online submission portal following the provided instructions.
9. Review Process: Expect a thorough peer-review process. Be prepared to respond to reviewer comments and make necessary revisions to improve the manuscript's quality.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3005-6306