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The dual burden of women entrepreneurs. A case study of Mbuyuni village, Monduli

Obedi L. Ngalesoni
Adam R. Msendo
Geofrey A. Mwakifwamba


This study explores the dual burden experienced by women entrepreneurs in Mbuyuni Village, a rural area in Tanzania's Monduli District. The research aims to understand how these women manage their entrepreneurial responsibilities while fulfilling domestic roles and to identify the key challenges and opportunities they face. Through semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and participant observations, the study reveals that women entrepreneurs in Mbuyuni Village grapple with significant time constraints, balancing long hours in their small businesses with household duties and caregiving responsibilities. Financial constraints and limited access to resources, such as formal credit and markets, further hinder their entrepreneurial success. Cultural expectations and gendered roles exacerbate the dual burden, as women are often expected to prioritize domestic tasks, leading to a lack of support for their businesses. Despite these challenges, women develop coping strategies, including family support, participation in mutual aid groups, and time management techniques. However, these strategies are often inadequate, emphasizing the need for comprehensive interventions. The study recommends improving financial access, enhancing institutional support, addressing cultural barriers, increasing education and skills development, implementing gender-responsive policies, and strengthening social support networks to empower women entrepreneurs in Mbuyuni Village and similar rural settings.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-3324
print ISSN: 2672-5142