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The history of robusta coffee cultivation in the Tshopo Province, Democratic Republic of The Congo

Bamenga Bopoko
Ieben Broeckhoven
Bruno Verbist
Piet Stoffelen
Theordore Trefon


The study aims to trace the history of robusta coffee cultivation (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A.Froehner) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with particular emphasis on the Tshopo province. Both the enabling and disabling factors influencing the production of Robusta from 1881 to the present day were examined. The objective is to increase our understanding of conditions related to the cultivation of the Robusta coffee in Tshopo, given its potential as a major producer and the global shift towards robusta, in light of the challenges of climate change faced by coffee farmers. A literature review was conducted, based on archives and scientific papers. Robusta production has experienced boom and bust cycles in these periods. The fluctuation in coffee production in the DR Congo is due to the orientation of agricultural economic policies, particularly investments in research and infrastructure, and to political  dynamics. Fluctuations in world coffee prices have accentuated, and sometimes created, these cycles. Thus, in order to enable the re-emergence of the DRC’s coffee sector, it is recommended that the primary focus should therefore be on creating of an enabling political and economic environment. Agronomic aspects and market integration should also be addressed.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-3324
print ISSN: 2672-5142