Here is a list of AJOL’s partner journals according to their JPPS rating.

You can learn more about the unique JPPS system, a framework for assessing publishing practices and standards, at

AJOL’s journals are reassessed periodically, so the list of journals in each section of this menu will change over time. Please note that the JPPS system is unique to AJOL and a handful of international JOL sites, so the various rating categories are in-house to JPPS, not universal.

Here are the available ratings:

  • 1 Star (240 Journals)
    Has met the basic requirements for at least two years.

  • 2 Stars (220 Journals)
    Compliant with additional publishing practice quality criteria.

  • 3 Stars (2 Journals)
    Consistently excellent in all the technical and editorial publishing best practices set out in the JPPS assessment criteria.

  • Inactive Title (175 Journals)
    Has not added new content to the JOL platform in over one year.

  • New Title (27 Journals)
    Has been publishing for less than two years, but meets basic assessment criteria.

  • No Stars (139 Journals)
    Not currently meeting the basic criteria for inclusion on a JOL platform.

  • Pending (39 Journals)
    Rating in progress.

  • Ceased (1 Journals)
    Ceased publishing.