Africa Development

Open Access

Africa Development
Africa Development is the quarterly bilingual journal of CODESRIA. It is a social science journal whose major focus is on issues which are central to the development of society. Its principal objective is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among African scholars from a variety of intellectual persuasions and various disciplines. The journal also encourages other contributors working on Africa or those undertaking comparative analysis of developing world issues. Afrique et Développement est un périodique trimestriel bilingue du CODESRIA. C'est une revue de sciences sociales consacrée pour l'essentiel aux problèmes de développement et de société. Son objectif fondamental est de créer un forum pour des échanges d'idées entre intellectuels africains de convictions et de disciplines diverses. Il est également ouvert aux autres chercheurs travaillant sur l'Afrique et à ceux se consacrant à des études comparatives sur le tiers monde.Other websites related to this journal include:〈=fr


African Environment

African Environment
Environmental Studies and Regional Planning Bulletin

African Environment is published in French and English, and for some issues, in Arabic.

(only the issue below has been received by AJOL)


African Journal of International Affairs

Open Access

African Journal of International Affairs
La Revue africaine des affaires internationales est une publication du CODESRIA. Elle offre une tribune pour l'analyse des questions contemporaines concernant les affaires internationales africaines, en relation avec les événements mondiaux qui ont des répercussions sur le continent. La Revue sollicite des contributions, en anglais et en français, aussi bien d' universitaires africains que d'universitaires d'autres continents travaillant sur l'Afrique. The African Journal of International Affairs (AJIA) is a bi-annual publication of CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal. It offers a platform for analyses on contemporary issues in African International Affairs in relation to global developments as they affect Africa. AJIA welcomes contributions in English and in French from both African scholars and scholars working everywhere on Africa. We believe this journal to be no longer publishing.Other websites related to this journal:〈=fr


African Sociological Review / Revue Africaine de Sociologie

Open Access

African Sociological Review / Revue Africaine de Sociologie
The African Sociological Review is a bi-annual publication of CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal. It welcomes articles and other academic communications from scholars in Africa and elsewhere regarding issues of African and general social analysis. The Review exists in the first instance to promote the extension of sociological and anthropological thought among scholars working in Africa. Relevant work from elsewhere will however also be considered. Contributions may be in English or French. La Revue africaine de sociologie est une publication semestrielle du CODESRIA. Les articles et autres communications scientifiques d' universitaires d'Afrique et d'ailleurs sur la problématique des analyses sociales ou d'ordre général sont les bienvenus. La vocation première de la Revue est de servir de support au développement de la pensée sociologique et anthropologique au sein de la communauté des chercheurs africains. Néanmoins, toute contribution pertinente venant de l'extérieur du continent sera également prise en compte. Les articles peuvent être rédigés en anglais ou en français.Other websites related to this journal:〈=fr


Afrika Statistika

Open Access

Afrika Statistika
The Africa Statistika journal publishes applied and theoretical work researches about probabilities, statistics, operational research, financial mathematics and about the annexes as well. The fundamentals articles will be published in a series A, the applied articles in a series B. Each series will be displayed at least once per year. The articles are written in English or in French and have to be typed out with double spacing on the first side only, with a margin of three centimetres. The articles must not be longer than 12 pages. The invited papers can be longer. Other websites related to this journal:


Global Africa

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Global Africa
Global Africa aims to be the echo of the new voices of African research of excellence in the humanities and social sciences. Its objective is to significantly increase the African contribution to global scientific creation, and to arouse critical reflexivity to strengthen the epistemological, theoretical, methodological and ethical foundations of research in the humanities and social sciences (HSS).

Aims and Scope

Global Africa is a pan-African, international journal, dedicated to the expression, dissemination and promotion of excellent research in the humanities and social sciences on the African continent and its diaspora. It welcomes reflections on global issues and their challenges apprehended from Africa and its diasporas to show how the transformations of the world are played out from the continent.
​Led by Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis (UGB) through its Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Social Sciences (LASPAD) in partnership with a consortium of thirteen pan-African, African and European research institutions, the journal aims to contribute to contemporary debates both within and beyond the academic sphere, in which African issues intersect with global issues. It is particularly interested in current and future transitions, whether economic, energy, demographic, digital, health, ecological, technological, urban, based on multi/interdisciplinary approaches.
​​Global Africa Publishes regular and thematic issues four times a year including expert viewpoints on current event and book recensions.
​​The journal is distributed with articles in HTML and PDF formats. The entire editorial process of the journal is subject to compliance with its Ethical Charter. Each participant in the process (editors, authors, reviewers, translators) is deemed to be aware of it and is required to comply.

You can see this journal's own website here.


Journal des Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur

Journal des Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur
Le Journal des Sciences de l'Ingénieur a pour objectif de diffuser les travaux les plus récents des chercheurs, en particulier basés en Afrique, en leur facilitant l'accès à une expertise de qualité et à un organe de large diffusion. Bien au-delà des disciplines Sciences pour l'Ingénieur (Mécanique, Electrique, Civil, Informatique, Chimique…), le journal est ouvert plus largement aux Sciences, de manière à faire écho aux caractères souvent interdisciplinaires des recherches actuelles.Other sites related to this journal: