Abia State University Medical Students' Association Journal
The Abia State University Medical Students’ Association Journal (ABSUMSAJ) provides a medium for the publication of scientific papers written primarily by and for medical students. Experts may also contribute. It aims to advance the frontier of biomedical sciences and encourages academic & medical research based on sound scientific principles and guidelines.
The editorial board welcomes original contributions with a strong medical and scientific basis. Papers consistent with recent trends in the scientific and medical fields and in accordance with international guidelines are given preference. Manuscripts are judged on the topic, intellectual and scientific content, clarity of the presentation and relevance to readers of the journal.
Abraka Humanities Review
The Abraka Humanities Review is interdisciplinary in approach and is adapted to research and scholarship on the African continent and the world. The AHR foregrounds the interrelationship between research in the Arts and Humanities and developments in the African continent. Each volume of well – researched, data – driven academic papers emanate from the annual international conferences of the faculty of Arts as well as calls for papers. AHR cut across all aspects of Arts and Humanities: linguistics, African languages, modern European languages, English language and literature, Fine and Applied Arts, Music, Theatre Arts, Religious Studies and Philosophy, Gender and Diaspora Studies, History and International Studies and popular and Folk Culture. Authors are expected to submit their papers electronically to facultyofartsjournal@delsu.edu.ng.
ABUAD Journal of Engineering Research and Development
ABUAD Journal of Engineering Research and Development (AJERD) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal, which is domiciled in the College of Engineering of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD), Ekiti State, Nigeria. The aim of AJERD is to promote the discovery, advancement and dissemination of innovative and novel original research and development results in different branches of engineering to the wider public. AJERD provides platform for fast publication of research and development outputs. All papers are freely available online with permanent web identifier. The abstracts will be submitted for indexing in major academic databases. The journal accepts original research contributions that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The scope of AJERD includes, but not limited to, the following branches of Engineering: Agricultural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Bioresources Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Systems Engineering.
You can see this journal's website
Academy Journal of Science and Engineering
The Academy Journal of Science and Engineering
(AJSE) publishes articles on well researched theoretical, experimental and analytical papers in all areas of Science, Technology and Engineering.
Other websites associated with this journal:
African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
The African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues is dedicated to the Scientific investigation of psychological and social issues and related phenomenon in Africa. The journal does not undertake to specify rigidly an appropriate domain of context, but intends rather to reflect current significant research of psychology and social issues. Although the journal primarily publishes reports of empirical research, other types of papers relevant to the development of an African view of psychology (such as theoretical analyses, literature reviews, methodological notes, observations on published articles etc.) are also sought.
African Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
The purpose of the African Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care is to provide a medium for the dissemination of original works in Africa and other parts of the world about anaesthesia and intensive care including the application of basic sciences
African Journal of Applied Zoology and Environmental Biology
The African Journal of Applied Zoology and Environmental Biology (formerly the African Journal of Applied Zoology) was inaugurated to meet the growing need for an indigenous authoritative organ for the dissemination of the results of scientific research into the fauna of Africa. Its scope has been widened and the title changed to include original research papers which make significant contributions to flora on the other aspects of environmental biology relevant to Africa. Concise contributions on investigations on faunistics, biochemistry, microbiology, hydrobiology, nutrition, botany, soil and water chemistry, are invited for publication.
African Journal of Biomedical Research
AJOL has stopped updating this journal, as it no longer complies with our basic inclusion criteria.
Authors are kindly advised that this platform has ceased to process manuscripts for publication in the African Journal of Biomedical Research.
Kindly go to
www.africanjournalofbiomedicalresearch.com to submit your manuscript.
Thank you so much
Prof. S.B. OlaleyeEditor (August 2006 - August 2024)
African Journal of biomedical Research was founded in 1998 as a joint project between a private communications outfit (Laytal Communications) and members of the Ivory tower. Later, the need to expand the horizon of the journal led to the formation of a group (Biomedical Communications Group, Ibadan, Nigeria) which is aimed at being registered in future as a non-governmental organization involved in the promotion of scientific proceedings and publications in developing countries.
The journal is conceived as an academic and professional journal covering all fields within the Biomedical Sciences including the allied health fields. Articles from the Physical Sciences and humanities related to the Medical Sciences will also be considered. The
African Journal of Biomedical Research publishes full-length papers, review articles intended to throw light on recent advances in areas within its scope, short communications, rapid communications and mini-reviews. The journal will also carry news on conferences, workshops and products. The guiding principle shall be consistency.
One of the dual roles of the
African Journal of Biomedical Research is to serve as a conduit for academic and professional media, covering all research findings within the biomedical sciences including the allied health fields. The other role is to put to test the alliance between the private non-governmental sector and members of an African academic community in their quest to propagate knowledge. Furthermore, the journal will make significant and regular contribution to the South-North flow of information, which hitherto has been slow.
African Journal of Biomedical Research (ISSN 1119-5096) is published in January, May and September by the Biomedical Communications Group, Ibadan, Nigeria. The journal is published on a page sponsorship basis (Three issues per volume).
TO SUBMIT YOUR MANUSCRIPT, PLEASE VISIT https://www.africanjournalofbiomedicalresearch.com/
African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology
African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology is the official Journal of the African Society for Clinical and Experimental Microbiology. It publishes original research, review papers, case reports/series, short communications and letters to the editors, in all aspects of Medical Microbiology including Bacteriology, Virology, Rickettsiology and Chlamydiology, Mycology, Mycobacteriology and Actinomycetes, Parasitology, Molecular Genetics in relation to microorganisms and humans, Clinical Microbiology, Clinical Veterinary Microbiology, and Public Health Microbiology.
Other websites associated with this journal:
African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies
The African Journal of Drug & Alcohol Studies is an international scientific journal published by the African Centre for Research and Information on Substance Abuse (CRISA). The Journal publishes original research, evaluation studies, case reports, review articles and book reviews of high scholarly standards. Papers submitted for publication may address any aspect of alcohol and drug use and dependence in Africa and among people of African descent living anywhere in the world.
African Journal of Economic Policy
The primary aim of this journal, an offshoot of the Trade Policy Research and Training Programme in Economics Department, University of Ibadan, is to provide a forum for development and equity on the African continent.
African Journal of Educational Research and Development
AJERD is a bi-annual journal that publishes blind and peer reviewed, well researched articles across disciplines in all fields of learning with ultimate aim of advancing knowledge, informing policies and enabling sustainable development.
You can view the journal's website
African Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
The African Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (AJEM) is a biomedical peer-reviewed journal with international circulation. It publishes Reports of Original Work, preferably briefly described, in the fields of endocrinology, metabolism and related subjects. Reviews are authoritative, evidence-based articles on topical subjects. Submission in this category is generally by invitation; however, unsolicited manuscripts are also welcome. Authors are encouraged to discuss an outline of their idea with the editor-inchief of AJEM.
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (AJEST) is an open access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly) of articles in all areas of the subject. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately one month after acceptance. All articles are peer-reviewed. The African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (ISSN 1996-0786) is published monthly (one volume per year) by Academic Journals. Journal information is also available on the publisher's website here:
http://www.academicjournals.org/ajest/AJOL has stopped updating this journal, as it no longer complies with our basic inclusion criteria.
African Journal of Health Economics
African Journal of Health Economics is an international journal aimed at promoting and sustaining the knowledge, development and application of health economics in health policy and systems in Africa, economic analysis of health and healthcare, development of methodologies for health economics and policy analysis that are sensitive enough to significantly reflect differences observed in the African context, health care provision, health care financing, equity and efficiency in service provision and delivery, public health policy and governance, determinants of health and their policy implications, valuation of health, a wide range of health related materials with policy implications, development and evaluation of health systems, programmes and related interventions being carried out in the Africa.
It is particularly keen to publish findings and reviews which though originating from the African region, are of general interest to a global readership. Articles originating from other parts of the worlds but which are relevant to policy debates in health systems in Africa are also welcome.
You can see this journal's own website
African Journal of Infectious Diseases
African Journal of Infectious Diseases (AJID), is a peer-reviewed, international journal that publishes papers which make an original contribution to the understanding of infectious diseases. Any paper relating to impact, care, prevention and social planning, will be considered for publication in AJID. Reports of research related to any aspect of the fields of microbiology, parasitology, infection, and host response, whether laboratory, clinical, or epidemiologic, will be considered for publication in the journal. AJID is index by AFrican Index Medicus, African Journals Online (AJOL), Scopus, EBSCO, MEDLINE, etc.
All the other links can be found on our site at:
African Journal of International Affairs and Development
The African Journal of International Affairs and Development (AJIAD) began in 1995 as a bi-annual devoted to the study of Africa in global affairs and development.
African Journal of Laboratory Haematology and Transfusion Science
African Journal of Laboratory Haematology and Blood Transfusion is the official journal of the Haematology and Blood Transfusion Scientists Society of Nigeria (
The journal provides a platform for academics, new researchers, authors, Medical Laboratory Scientists and other related disciplines in medicines for publication of their new development in research and practice in their various fields as earlier mentioned.
The journal covers articles, reviews, short communications, case studies and correspondence in haematology, haemostasis and thrombosis, blood transfusion, immunohaematology, immunology, molecular biology and other areas related to haematology and blood transfusion.
You can view this journal's website
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science is established mainly to provide a forum for librarians, archivists, documentalists, information scientists and other information related professionals in Africa to report their research findings but with emphasis on African setting. The Journal is refereed by distinguished scholars. Emphasis is on empirical research; however, manuscripts of high quality on theoretical aspects of the three information related disciplines will be considered for publication.
We are pleased to announce to our website users that we have made some exciting changes, and the journal can now be found at
African Journal of Livestock Extension
African Journal of Livestock Extension aims to bring to the fore the role and significance of livestock in maintaining rural, peri-urban and urban households, vis-à-vis its impact on poverty alleviation, household nutritional status, economic coping strategy and provision of employment. The focus of the journal relates to all species of livestock.
African Journal of Oral Health
AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ORAL HEALTH is a biannual publication aimed at disseminating knowledge that will enhance the practice of oral health, particularly in Africa.
ScopeThe Journal will publish articles which contribute significantly to oral health research and practice on the African continent. Contributions would be welcomed from all parts of the world. It will publish:
a) Original research reports not previously published (except in the form of an abstract or preliminary report) and only when they are not being considered for publication elsewhere.
b) Letters relating to materials previously published in AJOH or to topical issues relevant to the practice of dentistry.
c) Update articles surveying the present state of knowledge in selected fields of Dentistry and oral health.
d) Critical or analytical reviews in the area of theory, policy, or research in Dentistry.
e) Reviews of recently published books or group of books which would be of relevance to the improvement of oral health in Africa.
f) Short reports of scientific meetings, news items, activities and functions of the IADR and other dental associations.Other websites related to this journal:
African Journal of Paediatric Nephrology
African Journal of Paediatric Nephrology is the official Journal of the African Paediatric Nephrology Association (AFPNA). The journal is dedicated to increasing awareness and knowledge of Paediatric nephrology in Africa and beyond. We publish research articles on renal diseases in children, on fluid and electrolyte metabolism, clinical quiz on paediatric nephrology, letters to the editor and review articles. The articles are published biannually in English and French languages.
Other websites associated with this journal:
African Journal of Paediatric Surgery
African Journal of Paediatric Surgery aims to promote research, post- graduate training and further education among Paediatric surgeons, Paediatric Surgical Trainees and paramedical personnel in the surgery of newborn infants and children particularly in Africa and other tropical regions of the world.AJPS welcomes original articles, case reports, letters to the editor, editorials, commentaries, special communications and innovations related to clinical or laboratory-based research in Paediatric Surgery. Issues of this journal from 2008 are available as open access publications.Other websites related to this journal:
African Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development
African Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development (AJOPRED) is the official scientific journal of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
AJOPRED is an open-access, double-blind peer review journal. It is dedicated to publishing high quality and innovative research papers, review articles, case reports and short communications in all areas of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biomedical Research and allied sciences including, but not limited to:
Pharmaceutical Technology,
Pharmaceutical Product Development,
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry,
Endophytic fungi,
Herbal and Natural product Research,
Pharmaceutical Microbiology,
Clinical Pharmacy and Hospital Pharmacy,
Pharmacology & Toxicology,
Clinical Pharmacology,
Neuro- and Behavioural Pharmacology,
Novel Drug Delivery,
Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry,
Formulation Science,
Cosmetic Product Development,
Pharmaceutical Analysis,
Quality Assurance and Quality Control,
Pharmacy Practice,
Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy,
Bioinformatics and Pharmacy Informatics,
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology,
Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences,
Veterinary Pharmacy,
Environmental Toxicology,
Drug safety testing,
Drug legislation,
Forensic and Regulatory affairs,
You can view this journal's own website
African Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences
The AJPARS, published bi-annually is a peer review scientific publication in the field of physiotherapy, health promotion and rehabilitation sciences. The journal welcomes manuscript in the areas of Physiotherapy, Orthotics and Prosthetics, Occupational therapy, Rehabilitation medicine, Exercise physiology, Speech therapy and Audiology, Rehabilitative intervention and Health promotion through exercise.
African Journal of Politics and Administrative Studies
African Journal of Politics and Administrative Studies offers open access platform to the scholars , researchers, academia, and students of politics and administration with a view to publishing the most captivating , innovative and trending researches that explore political issues and administrative research in the wake of globalization.
Hosted by the Department of Political Science Department of Ebonyi State University Abakaliki Nigeria, West Africa.
Since 2004, “ AJPAS” has become a peer-reviewed international journal which accepts high quality research articles. The Journal is published two times a year (June/December).
The Journal is keen in capturing the major developments in the Political science and Public Administration discipline that is growing vertically and horizontally. The goal of AJPAS is to provide original, relevant, and timely information from diverse sources; to write and publish with absolute integrity; and to serve as effectively as possible the needs of scholars. AJPAS also provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global knowledge production and exchange. AJPAS is open to all researchers, in the field of Political Science and Public Administration regardless of their geographical origin, race, nationality, religion or gender in so far as they have an adequate scientific articles. All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer review by members of the editorial board who are noted experts in the appropriate field of specialization.
African Journal of Reproductive Health
African Journal of Reproductive Health (AJRH) is published by the Women’s Health and Action Research Centre (WHARC). It is a multidisciplinary and international journal that publishes original research, comprehensive review articles, short reports and commentaries on reproductive health in Africa. The journal strives to provide a forum for African authors, as well as others working in Africa, to share findings on all aspects of reproductive health, and to disseminate innovative, relevant and useful information on reproductive health throughout the continent.
AJRH is indexed and included in Index Medicus/MEDLINE. The abstracts and tables of contents are published online by INASP at http://www.ajol.info/ajol/ while full text is published at
http://www.ajrh.info and by Bioline International at
http://www.bioline .org.br/. It is also abstracted in
Ulrich’s Periodical, Feminist Periodicals African Books Publishing Records.
La Revue Africaine de santé de la Reproduction (RASR) est publiée par le Women’s Health and Action Research Centre (WHARC). C’est une revue à la fois pluridisciplinaire et internationale qui publie des articles de recherche originaux, des articles de revue détaillés, de brefs rapports et des commentaires sur la santé de la reproduction en Afrique. La Revue s’efforce de fournir un forum aussi bien à des auteurs africains qu'a des professionels qui travaillent en Afrique, afin qu'ils puissent partager leurs découvertes dans tous les aspects de la santé de reproduction et diffuser à travers le continent, des informations innovatrices, pertinentes et utiles dans ce domaine de santé de la reproduction.
La R
ASR est indexée et figure sur I’Index Medicus/MEDLINE. Les résumés et les tables des matières sont publiés en ligne par INASP sur le site web
http://www.ajol.info/ajol tandis que le texte est publié à
http://www.ajrh.info par Bioline International sur le site web
http://www.bioline.org.br/. Il est également résumé dans
Ulrich Periodical, feminist Periodical et African Books Publishing Records
African Journal of Social Issues
African Journal of Social Issues (AJOSI) is a peer reviewed, multidisciplinary, international journal. It is a publication of the Development and Management Research Group (DMRG), a registered Professional Research Association with central focus on issues on African development and circumstances. It is a member of African Journal Online (AJOL) and Society for African Journal Editors (SAJE). It aims to be proactive in initiating and sustaining quality academic debates in social, economic, political, religious etc. development, international relations policies and management practices and theories while providing an institutional framework for the dissemination of such ideas through the publication of quality journal papers, book review and short notes, including conferences and workshops.
It welcomes papers in the fields of social sciences, humanities, management sciences and related disciplines, including but not limited to sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, history, agriculture, development studies, population studies and demography issues, philosophy, economics, public health, education, statistics, management, law and linguistics provided their focus is on Africa and related issues.
African Journal of Sustainable Development
Articles should be of sustainable development interest and include full- length reports of original research not previously published elsewhere; research notes which consist of brief reports of new findings, techniques and equipment of importance to sustainable development practice. Reviews or announcement of publications, reports of various sustainable development practice agencies in Africa.
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines
The “
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines (AJTCAM)” is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, international, scientific Open Access Journal that provides publication of articles on phytomedicines, ethnomedicines and veterinary ethnomedicines. The journal is published by a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) known as “African Traditional Herbal Medicine Supporters Initiative (ATHMSI)”. The Journal welcomes submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately two-to-three months after acceptance
Other websites related to this journal are:
https://journals.athmsi.org/index.php/ajtcam/index and the PUBMED link:
African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research
The African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research is a multidisciplinary and international journal published by the College of Health Sciences,Delta State University of Abraka, Nigeria. It provides a forum for Authors working in Africa to share their research findings on all aspects of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and to disseminate innovative, relevant and useful information on tropical medicine and biomedical sciences throughout the continent. The journal will publish original research articles, reviews, editorials, commentaries, short reports, case reports and letters to the editor. Articles are welcome in all branches of medicine and dentistry including basic sciences (Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pharmacology, Psychology, Nursing etc) and clinical sciences (Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dental surgery, Child Health, Laboratory Sciences, Radiology, Community Medicine, etc). Articles are also welcome from social science researchers that document the intermediating and background social factors influencing health in countries of Africa. Priority Will be given to publication of articles that describe the application of the principles of primary health care in the prevention and treatment of diseases.
You can see the journal's own website
African Studies Monographs
The African Studies Monographs is a serial that promotes research and scholarship on the African perspective worldwide. This includes matters of philosophy, history, literature, arts and culture, environment, gender, politics, administration crisis management, etc.
The Afrimedic Journal (AJ) is a semi-annual, multidisciplinary medical journal published by the Association of Resident Doctors, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria. The purpose of this journal is to promote clinical and academic excellence in basic and clinical medical sciences as well as dentistry.
We consider any original work that advances or illuminates medical science or practice. Contributions may be in the form of review articles, original articles, case reports, short communications and letters to the editor. The AJ will also publish articles on socio-economic, political and legal matters related to medical practice; conference and workshop reports and medical news.
The journal allows free access to its contents. Therefore, authors are required to pay a token charge for processing and publication of manuscripts including color reproduction of photographs. All submissions are subject to peer review by the Editorial Board and by expert reviewers in appropriate specialties.
Alternative website:
Agricultural Economics and Extension Research Studies
Agro-Science, the journal of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Nigeria, was borne out of the need for a forum and technical mouthpiece for the communication and extension of scientific and agricultural research in Africa and countries in the rest of the tropical region of the world. Agro-Science is an international journal of high technical/intellectual quality, published four times a year (January, April, July and October). It is tropical in scope and has the following areas of focus: Crop Science: Animal Science; Animal Health; Soil and Environment, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Home Economics, Food and Nutrition; Post-harvest Technology; Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization.
Other websites related to this journal:
Agrosearch aims to create an effective medium for dissemination of information on research findings in all areas of agriculture, food sciences and development. The journal publishes original articles and short communications on topics such as agronomy, crop protection, soil science, forestry, animal science, agricultural economics; extension and technology, rural development, food technology, and allied disciplines.
Open Access: Please note that as of September 2013 all issues of this journal will be published as open access and are therefore free to all users.Other websites associated with this journal:
Anchor University Journal of Science and Technology
Anchor University Journal of Science and Technology (AUJST) (Anch. Univ. J. Sc. & Tech.) being a multi-disciplinary journal in line with the current global research trend is intended as a medium for communication/dissemination of important issues on scientific and technological activities. Beside full length research articles and shorter research communications, the journal publishes review articles survey articles, scientific correspondence and commentaries.
Some of the special areas of interest of AUJST includes (but not limited to) all areas of computing, biology, microbiology, biotechnology, mathematics, statistics, physics, electronics, chemistry, biochemistry, earth sciences, food science and technology, nutrition, dietetics, environmental sciences, remote sensing, waves and symmetry, global seismology, nanomaterials, AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, molecular biology of ageing, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, global monsoon, water, transport, weather forecasting and other related subjects. The journal also accepts articles on novel Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) teaching methodologies.
Animal Production Research Advances
Animal Production Research Advances is a peer-review journal established expressly to promote the production of all animal species utilized as food. The journal has an international scope and is intended for professionals in animal production and related sciences. We solicit contributions from animal production and health specialists in academia, industry, veterinary and environmental health, as well as from specialists in economics, extension, sociology, agric engineering, fisheries and wildlife, minilivestock, livestock farming systems and other disciplines.
Animal Research International
This journal is an international journal publishing original research involving the use of animals and animal products.
Annals of African Medicine
The Annals of African Medicine is published by the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, Nigeria and the Annals of African Medicine Society. The Journal is intended to serve as a medium for the publication of research findings in the broad field of Medicine in Africa and other developing countries, and elsewhere which have relevance to Africa.
Other websites related to this journal:
http://www.annalsafrmed.org/ and
Bioline: http://www.bioline.org.br/am
Annals of Biomedical Sciences
The Annals of Biomedical Science publishes articles in all aspects of clinical and medical research as well as from fields of basic and applied Biomedical Sciences. The annals is intended to serve as a vehicle for professionals and Scientists to publish articles and research works in all aspects of medicine and biomedical studies.
Annals of Health Research
The Annals of Health Research is a peer-reviewed open access journal of medical and health-related sciences (clinical sciences, basic medical sciences, public health and laboratory medicine) meant to disseminate research works and ideas in the fields of medicine and allied health sciences with the ultimate goals of enhancing knowledge, improving practice and encouraging practice-centred research.
The Annals of Health Research is published quarterly, in the moths of March, June, September and December (formerly biannually in June and December). This journal publishes original communications in the form of original research, high-quality case reports, short communications, letters to the editor and systematic reviews on clinical medicine (surgery, surgical specialities, paediatrics, internal medicine, public health, obstetrics and gynaecology), laboratory medicine and other specialities in the basic medical sciences, the allied health sciences and health-related social sciences. Articles in form of Narrative Reviews, Personal Practice, Personal Opinions and Commentaries will only be invited from renowned experts in the concerned fields by the Editors.
Alternative websites associated with this journal:
Annals of Humanities and Development Studies
Annals of Humanities and Development Studies publishes papers in all aspects of humanities and rural, social and cultural development, including peace and international cooperation activities related to societal transformation in developing countries. Papers arising from original research and case studies or forming significant reviews will be evaluated for publication. Submitted papers are subject to a peer review by reputable researchers who are experts in the relevant fields. Our referees will evaluate the quality of research as well as the relevance and accessibility of a paper for an international audience.Other websites related to this journal:
Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine
Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine is a peer-reviewed, international, medical journal published bi-annually by the Association of Resident Doctors, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. The journal has a vision to regularly publish first-class and widely cited articles in different specialities of medical sciences and related subjects. It welcomes contributions from all fields of medicine including medical technology, as well as economic, social and ethical issues that are related to the practice of medicine, especially in developing countries of the world. The journal publishes review and original articles, commentaries, book reviews, meeting reports, addresses and speeches, correspondences etc.
Other websites related to this journal:
http://www.aipmed.org/ and
Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research
The journal covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of all aspects of medicine (Basic and Clinical), Health Sciences, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Medical Radiography and Rehabilitation, Pharmacy, Biomedical Engineering, etc. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference.
Other websites related to this journal:
http://www.amhsr.org/AJOL is no longer updating this journal because it has been purchased by a Pulsus, a division of OMICS publishers group, with which AJOL does not work. Archival content of this title is being kept on AJOL as it is part of the scholarly record.
Annals of Medical Laboratory Science
Annals of Medical Laboratory Science is an international, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary open-access scientific journal, founded in 2021 and is published by the West African Postgraduate College of Medical Laboratory Science, a nonprofit West African organization of Medical Laboratory scientists. The journal publishes: original articles, case reports, literature reviews, Systematic review, articles for practitioners, book reviews, comments and letters to editor, and other medical information dedicated to the advancement of medical research, practice, and education, in the field of medical laboratory science and related fields. The journal is published both in electronic and print format, twice a year. Immediately after publication, all papers are available online for free, on the journal’s website and other databases.
Aims and Scope
Annals of Medical Laboratory Science (AMLS) is international, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary open-access medical scientific journal, founded in 2021 and is published by the West African Postgraduate College of Medical Laboratory Science, a nonprofit organization. The journal is based on independent and impartial double-blind review principles. The main aim of the journal is to publish high quality: original articles, case reports, literature reviews, Systematic review, articles on history of medicine, articles for practitioners, book reviews, comments and letters to editor, and other medical information dedicated to the advancement of medical research, practice, and education, from different medical disciplines and related fields. Only unpublished papers that are not peer-reviewed for publication elsewhere may be submitted. AMLS does not accept multiple applications. All manuscripts under consideration in the AMLS may not be offered or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
You can see this journal’s own website here
Annals of Medical Research and Practice
The Annals of Medical Research and Practice is a multi-disciplinary journal dedicated to the publishing of research manuscripts in all fields of medicine. The journal is owned by Dr. Fancis Uba and published by the Scientific Scholar. Publishing editorials, original articles, reviews, metanalysis, innovations, etc. ANMRP enjoys international readership as reflected in the prestigious international Editorial Board and worldwide reviewers.
Our audience includes all fields of medicine. Publishing editorials, original articles, reviews, metanalysis, innovations, etc.
Annals of Modern Education
Annals of Modern Education will be considered for publication publishes regular papers reporting findings of empirical research of interest to the international audience of researchers in education. However, review articles on specific educational topics will also be entertained. . Manuscripts in all areas of Education – Adult Education, Curriculum and Teaching, Students' Perspectives on Learning Environments, Environmental Education, Social and Special Education, Motivational and Emotional Aspects of Learning, Educational Foundation, etc, will be considered for publication. The Journal aims to facilitate the engagement of researchers world-wide with findings and issues most relevant to their own interests.Other websits related to this journal:
Annals of Nigerian Medicine
The Annals of Nigerian Medicine is an editorially independent publication by the Association of Resident Doctors of the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching hospital Zaria, Nigeria. the journal is multidisciplinary and provides a forum for the dissemination of research finding, reviews, theories and information on all aspects of medicine.
Annals of Tropical Pathology
Annals of Tropical Pathology is a publication of the Faculty of Pathology, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. It is a peer-reviewed, print and online biannual journal. The Journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents which are available online at http://www.antpjournal.org, and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of their articles on any OAI-compliant institutional/subject-based repository.
Aims and ScopeAnnals of Tropical Pathology publishes technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the field of Pathology and Tropical Medicine. Articles with clinical interest and implications are given preference. The objectives of the Journal are to promote research in laboratory medicine, promote research cooperation among Pathologists/Laboratory Physicians in Nigeria and other parts of the world, and to communicate the findings of such research to the academic and research community as well as practitioners in the field.
You can view this journal's website
ANSU Journal of Arts And Social Sciences
ANSU Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (ANSUJASS) is published by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (formerly Anambra State University), Igbariam Campus, Nigeria. The journal is geared to disseminating research outputs of academics in Nigeria, Africa and the rest of the world. The peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal aims at promoting scholarship in all areas in Arts and Social Sciences. ANSUJASS hereby invite researchers to submit for publication, their high quality original manuscripts to the journal’s Editorial secretary at ansujass@coou.edu.ng. Published twice a year (March and September), the journal welcomes sound theoretical and empirical papers, discursive articles, position papers and short book reviews.
Aims and Scopes
ANSUJASS is geared to disseminating research outputs of academics in Nigeria, Africa and the rest of the world. The peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal aims at promoting scholarship in all areas in Arts and Social Sciences. ANSUJASS hereby invite researchers to submit for publication, their high quality original manuscripts to the journal’s Editorial secretary at ansujass@coou.edu.ng.
Archives of Ibadan Medicine
The Archives of Ibadan Medicine is a broad-based medical publication which focuses on topics with a tropical slant that would be of interest to a worldwide readership. As such, suitable articles (original articles, case reports, points of technique, editorials or leader articles) on issues which would be of interest to this audience are requested for due consideration for publication. Articles co-authored with resident staff and junior faculty members are particularly welcome.
Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment
The Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment is peer reviewed journal with the objectives to explore, develop and elucidate the knowledge of Engineering design and technology, to keep Practitioners and Researchers informed on current issues and best practices, as well as serving as a platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and expertise among technology researchers and practitioners. AZOJETE is published by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria.
You can view this journal's website
Arụmarụka: Journal of Conversational Thinking
The journal was founded in January 2021 to promote the theory of Conversational Thinking propounded by Jonathan O Chimakonam and other proponents, and endorsed by the Conversational Society of Philosophy. The goal is to make it a world-class academic journal, publishing high-quality articles that engage deeply with ideas centred around African philosophical, political, sociological, historical, anthropological thinking etc., with the aims of reclaiming, correcting and promoting accurate African narratives, and fostering continuous conversation, and system building in African scholarship. It aims also to create a platform where scholars in African philosophy and studies can present novel ideas, critique and converse with established ideas/ systems, and build on existing systems using the conversational method.
ATBU Journal of Environmental Technology
The journal of environmental technology is devoted to the publication of papers which advance knowledge of practical and theoretical issues of the environmental technology. Selection of papers for publication is based on their relevance, clarity, topicality and individuality; the extent to which they advance knowledge and understanding, and their likely contribution towards inspiring further activity, development and research. The aims of the journal are to provide an avenue for dissemination of academic research findings dealing with environmental issues and to provide a forum for meaningful discussions and debates between academics and field practitioners of the natural and the built environments. The journal will therefore accept for publication research results of both the natural; the technological; and the built environment.
Babcock University Medical Journal
BUMJ is a multidisciplinary journal, published by the Babcock Medical Society, that provides rapid publication of peer-reviewed new human research findings in all the specialties of basic health sciences, basic clinical sciences, and clinical sciences with a strong emphasis on community health. We are keen on disseminating evidence-based pragmatic insights into health issues in Africa.
The journal seeks to publish original manuscripts of new human research findings, review articles, and commentaries on topical issues. Brief reports, case reports, and letters to the editor will also be considered.
Other websites associated with this journal are:
Bakolori Journal of General Studies
The Bakolori Journal of General Studies (BAJOGES) is a quarterly publication of the Seminar and Publication Committee of Abdu Gusau Polytechnic, Talata Mafara as against its former bi-annual policy. This was as a result of the publication grant of the Tertiary Trust Fund and the patronage of the journal from members of the academia. Scholarly articles that cut across various disciplines are reviewed for their contributions to knowledge, general scientific and technological breakthrough, as well as the enhancement of the acquisition of practical skills for self-reliance and national development.
Other websites associated with the journal:
Bayero Journal of Evidence-Based Physiotherapy
Bayero Journal of Evidence-Based Physiotherapy (BAJEBAP) is an annual journal of the Department of Physiotherapy, Bayero University Kano, published in June of every year. The journal aims to enhance the dissemination of research findings and encourage evidence-based practice in Physiotherapy and related fields such as physical activity, exercise science, current trends in health issues and other general health topics. The journal, therefore, welcomes scholarly papers in the aforementioned fields.
Bayero Journal of Medical Laboratory Science
The BJMLS is the official journal of the Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Bayero University, Kano. Articles from all areas of Biomedical Sciences such as Chemical Pathology, Haematology and Blood Group Serology, Histopathology, Medical Bacteriology, Parasitology, Virology, Immunology, Biochemistry, General Microbiology, Anatomy, Physiology, and related fields will be accepted for publication. Articles will be published twice a year.
Submission of manuscripts: Manuscripts should be submitted as email attachments to the Editor-in-Chief, journal acronym through the journal email: bjmls.mls@buk.edu.ng.
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Bayero Journal of Nursing and Health Care
Bayero Journal of Nursing and Health Care aims to disseminate scholarly articles in all nursing specialities (Medical-Surgical and including Adult and Emergency Nursing, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, Community and Public Health Nursing, Maternal and Child Health Nursing as well as Nursing Education and Pedagogy and Nursing Administration). The Journal also accept research works on basic medical, clinical sciences and in other aspects of health sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
The Journal aim is to satisfy the goal of ensuring rapid and wide dissemination of results of scientific researches that could finally trigger the advancement of human kind in all its ramifications. The Journal’s scope is wide in that it reported findings in the areas of pure and applied sciences, namely; Agricultural Sciences, Botany, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Geography. Also, areas of Laboratory Science, Technology, Mathematical Sciences, Microbiology, Physics, Medical Sciences and Zoology form part of the contents of the Journal. Scientists in the academia, research institutes and industries are therefore encouraged to participate actively in the propagation of their works through Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (BAJOPAS).
Benin Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
The Benin Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (BJPM) is the Official Journal of the Association of Resident Doctors (ARD), University of Benin Teaching
Hospital (UBTH), Benin City.
Bima Journal of Science and Technology
Bima Journal of Science and Technology (BJST) (ISSN 2536-6041) is a Quaterly journal, published by Faculty of Science, Gombe State University (GSU), Nigeria since year 2017. The BJST GSU welcomes the submission of articles in all scientific fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences).
You can view this journal's own website
The “Journal of Biological Research and Biotechnology (Bio-Research)” is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, international, scientific Open Access Journal that provides publication of articles on biological sciences and biotechnology. The journal established in 2003, is published by the faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. The Journal welcomes submission of manuscripts in the form of original and reviews articles, brief and case reports, special communications and editorials, that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published online approximately one-to-two weeks after acceptance.
Publication of articles in the Journal of Biological Research and Biotechnology (Bio-Research) involves several parties, each of which performs an essential role in achieving the aims and objectives of the journal. Thus, all players (author, the journal editor, the peer-reviewer, and the publisher) are expected to meet and uphold standard norms of ethical behaviour from submission to the publication stage, depending on the area of involvement.
All articles published by
Bio-Research journal are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. This means:
- Everyone has free and unlimited access to the full-text of all articles published in Bio-Research journal;
- Everyone is free to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.
- Open access publication is supported by the authors' institutes or research funding agencies by payment of a comparatively low Article Processing Charge (APC) for accepted articles.
No special permission is required to reuse all or part of article published by Bio-Research, including figures and tables. For articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, any part of the article may be reused without permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. Reuse of an article does not imply endorsement by the authors or Bio-Research.
Biokemistri is a journal devoted to the dissemination of knowledge relating to all aspects of biochemistry. These include theoretical biochemistry, Biophysical chemistry, animal and plant biochemistry, microbial biochemistry, clinical and forensic biochemistry, enzymology, Protein chemistry, Analytical biochemistry, nutritional biochemistry, toxicology and xenobiochemistry, molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics. Manuscripts will be rejected if the contents do not sufficiently conform to modern day biochemistry.
Other websites related to this journal:
Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics
Biological and Environmental Science for the Tropics is an international peer review journal that welcomes original research note, short communications and review articles. Submitted papers should contain results from original researches that are not being considered for publication elsewhere or previously published. The Journal’s scope is interdisciplinary in nature and covers any aspects related to issues on life and environmental sciences especially from the field of Plant and Animal sciences, Biochemistry, Biosecurity, Microbiology, Pharmaceuticals sciences, Taxonomy, Biodiversity and Evolution, Forestry, Food science, Limnology, Pathology, Genetics, Ecology, Biotechnology, Postharvest, Weed science, Bioremediation, Agriculture, Soil science, Zoology and other life science related fields.
Borno Medical Journal
BOMJ was created to serve as an international avenue of communication among medical scientists, clinicians and other related professionals. The Journal provides an opportunity for exchange of novel and significant ideas to promote competence and professionalism within the scientific community. To provide a medium for the dissemination of the results of Medical, Dental and Basic Medical Science Research.
The Borno Medical Journal (BOMJ) is a biannual peer-reviewed open access journal that is jointly published by the Borno State chapters of the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA) and Medical and Dental Consultants’ Association of Nigeria (MDCAN). It welcomes any contribution that advances/illuminates medical science or practice extending to all aspects of medicine. Articles may be in the form of original articles, review articles, case reports, clinic practice materials, letters to the editor, short communications, commentaries, viewpoints, and review of books, clinico-pathologic conferences and medical education materials. The BOMJ also publishes articles on socio-economic, political and legal matters related to medical practice; conference and workshop reports and medical news.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Bowen Journal of Agriculture
The Bowen Journal of Agriculture serves to provide information for effective management of agriculture and associated innovations. It publishes papers in the fields of agricultural economics, forestry, crop production and mechanization, wood technology, food sciences and technology, rural sociology and extensions, environmental management, soil science, animal science and fisheries management.
Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology
The Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology (CaJOST) is a new multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed international journal of the Sokoto State University. The Journal is domiciled at the Faculty of Science and its primary objective is to provide a platform for sharing, discussing and promoting latest developments in theoretical and experimental aspects of Science and Technology. The journal plans to publish twice a year (January and July).
Scope of the Journal
The Journal publishes original articles on all areas of Science and Technology. The types of articles accepted for publication are original research contributions, short communications, review articles, book reviews and letters to the editor.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Chemsearch Journal is a peer – reviewed journal that publishes original research work, scientific papers and technical reports in all the field of Chemistry (pure science, agriculture, environmental science, science education and related fields).This journal is now Open Access so the content can be freely accesses online.
COAST is an open access Journal that provides rapid publication (two issues per volume) of papers on Chemical, Physical, Mathematical and Life Sciences in areas such as of applied biochemistry, Biology, Industrial and food microbiology, Molecular biology, Genomics and proteomics, Food and agricultural technologies/sciences, Functional foods, Physics, Computer science, Mathematics, Metabolic engineering, Technical education, Social sciences, Industrial chemistry, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Geosciences, Statistics etc. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence.
Submit manuscripts to the Editorial Office at
You can see the journal's own website
Communicate: Journal of Library and Information Science
The Journal deals with Library Science, Communication and Information Sciences
Communication in Physical Sciences
Communication in Physical Science is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria. Previously known as the Journal of Physical Sciences, this journal has evolved into a platform for disseminating high-quality research in all areas of science.
The journal is fully open access, making scientific knowledge freely available to the global community without any subscription barriers. It invites submissions from a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines, ensuring that both foundational and innovative research can reach an extensive audience.
For more information or to inquire about submissions, you can contact the journal via email at okon.nnabuk@unn.edu.ng.
Aims and ScopeAims: Communication in Physical Science seeks to provide a comprehensive platform for publishing innovative and high-quality research across various scientific disciplines. The journal’s primary aims are:
1. To foster the exchange of novel ideas, research findings, and advancements in physical, biological, environmental, geological, and technological sciences.
2. To support the dissemination of interdisciplinary research that bridges multiple scientific fields.
3. To contribute to scientific progress by promoting the publication of peer-reviewed, open-access research accessible to the global community.
4. To encourage collaboration among scientists, researchers, and practitioners through the publication of impactful studies.
Scope: The journal covers a broad range of scientific disciplines and invites contributions in the following areas:
• Physical Sciences: This includes physics, chemistry, material science, nuclear science, and applied physical sciences. Research that advances understanding in areas such as thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, nanomaterials, and nuclear energy is particularly welcomed.
• Environmental Sciences: Focused on research addressing environmental challenges, the journal publishes studies on pollution control, sustainable resource management, biodiversity conservation, and climate science. It seeks contributions that explore solutions to environmental issues impacting ecosystems and human health.
• Biological Sciences: The journal supports research in biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and biotechnology. Papers that delve into cellular mechanisms, genetic engineering, and molecular interactions that bridge biology and physical science are highly encouraged.
• Mathematical and Computational Sciences: This section focuses on applied mathematics, data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computational modeling in the physical sciences. Studies on algorithm development, simulation, and modeling techniques that solve real-world scientific problems are of interest.
• Engineering and Technological Sciences: Contributions in engineering innovations, nanotechnology, renewable energy, and material engineering are sought. The journal supports work that focuses on technological advancements with potential applications in medicine, industry, and environmental protection.
• Geology and Earth Science: Communication in Physical Science also welcomes research on the Earth’s geological processes, natural resources, and environmental phenomena. Topics such as geophysics, geochemistry, mineralogy, tectonics, hydrogeology, and Earth system sciences are covered. The journal invites studies on the formation, structure, and dynamics of the Earth and its components, including innovative approaches to understanding natural hazards, resource exploration, and sustainable land-use practices.
In addition to traditional research areas, Communication in Physical Science encourages submissions that explore new scientific frontiers, emerging technologies, and interdisciplinary approaches that have a significant impact on scientific progress. The journal is dedicated to maintaining a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the publication of high-quality, impactful research.
You can see this journal's own website
The journal publishes research articles that are empirical and theoretical, covering a wide range of issues relating to counselling and has broad interest for a readership comprised mostly of counsellors in educational institutions, mental health, professionals in government, private practice and community agencies. The Counsellor is the major outlet for counselling related issues in Nigeria.
Creative Artist: A Journal of Theatre and Media Studies
The Creative Artist is an annual publication devoted to the advancement of knowledge in all areas of Theatre and Media arts
Democracy & Development: Journal of West African Affairs
Democracy & Development – Journal of West African Affairs is a bi-annual (Rains and Harmattan editions), published by the Centre for Democracy & Development. The journal’s broad focus areas are: 1. Conceptualising Democracy and Development in West Africa; 2. Practical problems that have inhibited democratic reform in the region; 3. Civic organisations and the new and innovative programmes, activities, and personalities driving the democracy and development agenda in the region; 4. Conflict and peace-building; 5. Public policy research (empirical and theoretical) on the democracy, security, and development nexus. Democracy & Development: Journal of West African Affairs is the only one of its kind entirely devoted to reporting and explaining democratic developments in the sub-region. It is read widely by researchers, journalists, opinion moulders, and academics. This journal will be updated soon.
DENTISCOPE is the official journal of the Dental Students of the University of Ibadan since its inception in 1985.
DENTISCOPE is a peer reviewed journal of Dental Students of the University of Ibadan, under the auspice of the DENTISCOPE Editorial Board, which is an autonomous organization. DENTISCOPE serves as an audience that crosses Dental, Medical specialties and provide a medium for dissemination of information about Dentistry and Medicine in Nigeria, Africa and beyond the continent.
Our Vision is to become the leading student editorial board and resource for oral health and dental practices, empowering professionals and patients with the knowledge.
Our mission is to provide evidence-based, user-friendly and innovative content that supports and informs dentists, researchers and the general public in advancing oral health research.
You can view this journal's website
Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science
Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science (DRJAFS) (ISSN 2354-4147) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original research, comprehensive review articles, short reports, and commentaries in the field of Agricultural and Food Science.
The journal strives to provide a forum for Authors, as well as other researchers to share their findings on all aspects of Agricultural and Food Science and to disseminate innovative, relevant, and useful information on Agricultural and Food Science throughout the world.
You can see this journal's own website
here. The journal's permanent archive is
DOKITA is a WHO recognised peer-reviewed medical journal of the University of Ibadan Medical Students’ Association, Nigeria. It is published by DOKITA Editorial Board, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. The journal features general medical articles by medical students, medical doctors and consultants to contribute to existing knowledge and serve the medical community at large.
You can see the journal's own website
Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
DUJOPAS publishes original research articles, short communications, case reports, review articles and book reviews in all fields of natural and applied sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Ebonyi Medical Journal
The journal publishes original research findings, reviews, case reports and letters to the editor in clinical and basic medical sciences to disseminate same to medical doctors, scientists and other health personnel over the world.
Economic and Policy Review
The NESG Economic and Policy Review (EPR) is a bi-annual publication of the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG), established to serve as an avenue for constructive analysis of economic policies and their impacts on different aspects of the business and economic environment. The EPR aims to provide unbiased, non-partisan views, opinions and analyses on the Nigerian economy and a source of socio-economic indices for business leaders, policy makers and other stakeholders. Therefore, the thrust of the EPR is to provide readers with ideas that help them become smarter, more creative, and more informed about the business and economic environment in which they operate and work. EPR enlists experts in public policy, business, economic theory and practice to express their thoughts and views in the most influential way possible on economic policy and direction of government and the Nigerian economy in the short, medium and long terms.
Edo Journal of Counselling
Edo Journal of Counselling, the official publication of Edo Chapter of Counselling Association of Nigeria publishes original well researched and well articulated papers/articles on all issues relating to counselling and psychology that use a variety of appropriate approaches to the conduct of theoretical, empirical and experimental research and inquiry. The editors invite scholarly manuscripts in theory and practice of all fields of education, qualitative, quantitative and clinical researches on counselling and related fields.
EJOTMAS: Ekpoma Journal of Theatre and Media Arts
Ekpoma Journal of Theatre and Media Arts (EJOTMAS) is committed to the promotion of scholarship in all the areas of Drama and Theatre, Media and Communication, Music and Dance, Performance Studies and other fields in the Arts and Humanities.
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Environmental Technology and Science Journal
The Environmental Technology and Science Journal (ETSJ) is devoted to the publication of papers which advance knowledge of practical and theoretical issues of the environmental technology. The aim of the journal is to provide an avenue for dissemination of academic research findings from various disciplines of the environment, engineering, pure and applied sciences, arts and social science, which have materials that emphasize on environmental issues.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Equity Journal of Science and Technology
Equity Journal of Science and Technology (EQUIJOST) is published by the Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero (KSUSTA) and supported by the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND). It is a high quality biannual, an open access, peer reviewed, online and print journal that is aimed at publishing researches that are relevant to scientific findings. EQUIJOST is set to publish vital information regarding scientific discoveries and inventions, collection and dissemination of solution to major scientific challenges as well as providing a forum for publication of new findings. The journal, EQUIJOST cut across subject areas like Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biological Sciences (Biology, Botany, Microbiology, Entomology, Parasitology, Zoology, etc), Medical Sciences, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Information Technology, Agricultural Sciences, Animal Science, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Crop Science, Forestry, Engineering and related fields.
Ezumezu: African Perspectives on Logic, Transhumanism and AI Ethics
Ezumezu: African Perspectives on Logic, Transhumanism and AI Ethics was founded in January 2024 to promote studies in African logic and the African perspectives to transhumanism and AI Ethics, as part of African contributions to world knowledge. It honours the contributions of African thinkers such as Meinrad Hebga, Leopold Senghor, Campbell Momoh, Godwin Sogolo, Chris Ijiomah, Uduma Uduma, Akin Makinde, Udo Etuk, Innocent Asouzu, and Jonathan Chimakonam, to name a few. The aim is to make it a world-class academic journal, publishing high-quality articles that engage deeply with existing and new ideas, with the aims of reclaiming, correcting and promoting African narratives, and building accurate logical frameworks for African scholarship.
You can see this journal's own website
Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (FEPI-JOPAS) is a refereed academic journal being published by The School of Pure and Applied Sciences of The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State. Nigeria. It is a bi-annual open access journal that aims to provide a scholarly platform for critical and informed articles in sciences, applied sciences, computing, technology and engineering related fields. Contributors are therefore advised to follow the guidelines for their papers to be acceptable for publication in subsequent editions of the journal.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Federal University Dutsin-Ma Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology
FUDMA JAAT is a journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Federal University Dutsin-Ma with a scope covering researches across the field of Agriculture and Technology such as: Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Animal Science, Agronomy, Crop Protection, Soil Science, Forestry, Fisheries, Food Science & Technology, Agricultural Engineering etc.
Aims and Scope
Our aim is to provide a platform to showcase research findings of individuals and groups for the benefit of all.
You can see this journal’s own website here.
Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions
Filosofia Theoretica is a publication of Calabar School of Philosophy (CSP), University of Calabar.
From 2018, the journal will begin to publish a third issue which will be a bi-lingual edition in both French and English languages. Filosofia Theoretica provides outlet for well researched and original papers in the following areas of African studies: philosophy, culture, religions, history and arts. It also publishes book reviews. Its publication cycle is January-June and July-December issues. The journal is abstracted/indexed on SCOPUS, EBSCO Humanities Source, ProQuest, Google Scholar, Ajol, EBSCO Database, Philosopher's index, etc. Filosofia Theoretica is also accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DoHET), South Africa.
Usage Policy: For student based personal use or general academic research only. Not to be used for commercial purposes without the prior notice of the publishers.
The website related to the journal is
The SCImago Journal Rank for this journal can be found here:
FUNAI Journal of Science and Technology
FUNAI Journal of Science and Technology (FJST) is a peer-reviewed electronic/print journal of interdisciplinary original scientific research, theories, and observations. FJST is a quarterly publication of Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike (AE-FUNAI), Nigeria. The aim of this journal is to provide a platform for the distribution of scientific research and theory across the academic disciplines. We seek to facilitate greater communication between the scientific assemblage at AE-FUNAI, other research institutions all over the world and the larger scientific community. To this end, the FJST provides a platform for dissemination of research conducted both inside and outside AE-FUNAI. The esteemed multidisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this journal. The journal showcases research in the broad field of science and technology, including, but not limited to Environmental sciences, Pure and Applied mathematics, Engineering, Biological sciences, Medicine and allied Medical sciences, Physics, Geosciences, Computer science, Statistics, Chemistry, Agricultural sciences and Environmental Sciences. Original Contributions are expected from senior researchers, project managers, research administrators and postgraduate students at advanced stages of their research, representing both public organizations and private industry. Therefore, the journal is intended for scholars and students, staff working at research organizations and government agencies, and also for companies and organisations undertaking applied Research & Development (R&D) to drive innovations. The journal provides a unique platform for both contributors and readers, the world over, since it focuses on the significant potential of R&D in an emerging economy like Nigeria, with implications for other emerging regions around the world.
Other websites associated with this journal:
FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology
FUOYEJET is an open access, double blind peer-reviewed and refereed journal with the objective of providing a platform for researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers in all fields of Engineering, Computing & Information Systems, Applied Physical & Life Sciences and Technology. In pursuit of this objective, the journal will not only publish high quality research papers but also ensure that the published papers achieve broad international credibility.
FUTY Journal of the Environment
The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for dissemination of research findings necessary for sound policy formulations towards a better environment. It is an inter-disciplinary journal concerned with issues in the following disciplines: Architecture, Building, Estate Management, Environmental Management, Geography, Industrial Design, Surveying and Geoinformatics, Urban and Regional Planning, Agriculture, Forestry and Wild Life and other related fields.
Gender and Behaviour is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to articles, that reflect psychological and behavioural aspects of gender in general. Gender and Behaviour welcomes scholarly manuscripts from authors all over the world on a wide array of subjects concerning psychological and behavioural aspects of gender in general.
Global Approaches to Extension Practice: A Journal of Agricultural Extension
Global Approaches to Extension Practice (GAEP), A publication of the Department of Agricultural Extension, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria is an international journal which considers articles from all areas of Agricultural Extension: rural sociology, environmental extension, extension communication technology, community and rural development, programme planning, extension administration, indigenous knowledge practices, extension education, livestock extension, Women- In-Agriculture, home economics extension, and other relevant extension related issues.
Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Agricultural Sciences including Animal Production, Fisheries, Agronomy, Processing and Agricultural Mechanization. Related topics in Biological Sciences will also be considered.
Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Global Journal of Community Medicine
Global Journal of Community Medicine is aimed at promoting research in all areas of community or public health. It addresses issues of primary and tertiary health care. It deals with problems and solutions of health problems at the grassroots and daily livings.Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Global Journal of Educational Research
Global Journal of Education Research is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Education including curriculum development, educational technology, foundation, administration etc.
Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Global Journal of Engineering Research
Global Journal of Engineering Research is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Engineering Research including Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Chemical, Electronics, Geological etc Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Global Journal of Environmental Sciences
Global Journal of Environmental Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Environmental Sciences including waste management, pollution control, and remediation of hazards. The journal is published twice a year.Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Global Journal of Geological Sciences
Global Journal of Geological Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Geological Sciences including geochemistry, geophysics, engineering geology, hydrogeology, petrology, mineralogy, geochronology, tectonics, mining, structural geology, marine geology, space science etc.
Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Global Journal of Humanities
Global Journal of Humanities is aimed at promoting reasearch in all areas of Humanities including philosophy, languages, linguistics, literature, history, fine/applied arts, theater arts, architecture, etc.Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences
Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences publishes research work in all areas of mathematical sciences and application at all levels including, but not limited to basic research leading to development of new theories, techniques and application to science, industry and society. The journal aims to promote the exchange of information and ideas between all classes of mathematicians and /or the rest of society. Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Global Journal of Medical Sciences
Global Journal of Medical Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Medical endeavour and health care from Basic Science to Evidence Based Clinical Management.This Journal is also available online here:
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences is a multi-disciplinary specialist journal aimed at promoting research in Biological Science, Agricultural Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Medicine.
Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Articles are indexed on Chemical Abstracts(USA), CAB Abstract, African Geology, Zoological Records, African Journal Online (AJOL), Google Scholar, EBSCO and Proquest
Global Journal of Social Sciences
Global Journal of Social Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Sociology, Anthropology, Management Sciences, Geography, Regional Planning etc.
Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Gusau International Journal of Management and Social Sciences
Gusau International Journal of Management and Social Sciences (GIJMSS) is a biannual (October and April) academic journal, which welcomes contribution from the diverse fields of Management and Social Sciences. The mission is to publish high quality papers from all over the world and make GIJMSS a high ranked journal.
GIJMSS adheres to a rigorous double-blind reviewing policy and all submissions are evaluated initially by the Editorial Board and only those papers that meet the specific and editorial standard of the journal, and fits within its aims and scopes will be subjected to blind review. The Editorial Board reserves the right to modify part of the papers adjudged acceptable for publication.
You can view the journal's own website
HAFED POLY Journal of Science, Management and Technology
The Journal accepts, review and publish scholarly articles that contribute to knowledge from Science field, Management and Technology discipline. The mission of JSMT is to bring improvement in the socio-economic environment, contemporary political discourse, science education and technological innovation in the modern society. The JSMT identifies potential processes, tools, techniques and applications for the development of humanities and provides insightful analysis about those factors that affect ICTs for human development initiatives. Proposing strategies to both governance and technology transfer in organizations for progressive enablement meant to address future educational challenges. Two types of papers are published in the Journal: Research Papers and Review Papers. It is intended that in a research paper, the original material should permit conclusion to be drawn and should not be of a purely preliminary nature. On the other hand, a review paper should critically assess the subject matter under consideration and provide the reader with a thorough review of the particular subject area based on the use of contemporary relevant published literature. The editorial team of the journal recognizes the publications are important to the authors who wish to publish the result of their research work. Typically, the journal would publish accepted articles within six months of acceptance after the peer-review process. All rights reserved. No part of the journal may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means without the prior written permission of the publisher: Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic Kazaure. It is also a condition of publication in the journal that manuscripts submitted have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Also, upon acceptance of any manuscripts to be published in the journal, the author(s) have transferred copy right of the manuscripts to the publisher (Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic Kazaure).
Highland Medical Research Journal
The aim of the Highland Medical Research Journal is to publish scientific research in various fields of medical science and to communicate such research findings to the larger world community. It aims to promote cooperation and understanding amoungst workers in various fields of medical science.
Humanities Review Journal
Humanities Review Journal is published in June and December by Humanities Research Forum. The Journal publishes original, well-researched papers, review essays, interviews, resume, and commentaries, which offer new insights into the various disciplines in the Humanities. The focus is on issues about Africa. However, comparative works from Western and other cultures designed to enhance the vitality of humanistic studies in Africa are acceptable.
The various issues parade contributions from the fields of Theatre Arts, Philosophy, English Language, Literature in English, History, Music, Communication Arts, Anthropology and other relevant disciplines.
Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies
Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies (IJHS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Established in 1981, IJHS is an annual publication which serves as an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of issues of broad humanistic relevance. Preference is given to articles related to the African experience and environment, but there is also room for issues that embrace the larger international order or human culture from which the African world may derive valuable comparative insights.
The copyright for reproduction of articles published in the journal belongs to the Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. However the responsibility for obtaining copyrights permission for the fair use of any published material is that of the individual author, as the faculty accepts no liability whosoever for any failure to do this. Only articles prepared strictly in accordance with the following guidelines will be considered.
Ibom Medical Journal [Ibom Med J] is an open-access peer-reviewed biomedical journal published by the Nigerian Medical Association, Akwa Ibom State Branch. At the presence, Ibom Med J is published three time annually as follows; January as issue 1, May as issue 2 and September as issue 3 every year.
Ibom Med J publishes original research articles, review articles, systematic reviews, rare case reports, commentaries, communications, etc in all fields of medicine. The Ibom Med J also publishes articles in Basic Medical Sciences and Allied Medical Sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal: https://ibommedicaljournal.org/index.php/imjhome
Ife Journal of Science
Ife Journal of Science (IJS) aims to publish articles resulting from original research in the broad areas of chemical, biological, mathematical and physical sciences. This extends naturally into frontiers that include the applied areas of Biochemistry and Geology as well as Microbiology and such allied fields as Biotechnology, Genetics, Food Chemistry, Agriculture, Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Shorterlength manuscripts may be accepted as Research notes. Review articles on research topics and books are also welcome.
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The journal has a multidisciplinary focus. It is not intended for psychologists alone but for anyone with an interest in the current state of psychology in Africa and what has been accomplished to date in this field. It also addresses the future of psychology in Africa and the world over.Other websites related to this journal:
IFEMED Journal is the official publication of Obafemi Awolowo University Medical Students’ Association, Ile-Ife , Nigeria .
The Journal Club periodically publishes articles on medical and medically related topics for the consumption of emerging health care professionals from all over the country, ranging from medical, pharmacy, dental, physiotherapy and nursing students. In the past, the Club had published editions of the journal on topical issues such as 'Malaria', 'Tuberculosis', 'Renal Diseases', ‘Infectious diseases in Children’, 'Cancer in Nigeria’ since its inception in 1976
Igbinedion University Okada Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The Igbinedion University Okada Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is an open access, multidisciplinary, international, peer review journal published by the College of Pharmacy, Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State, Nigeria. It is a bi-annual (May and November) Journal that publishes high quality scholarly manuscripts in the fields of Pharmaceutical sciences and Biomedical research. Reviews, original research articles, short communications and case reports are published.
Ilorin Journal of Economic Policy
The Ilorin Journal of Economic Policy (IJEP) is an open access journal owned by the Department of Economics, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, that is made up of a collection of scholarly perspectives on different aspects of contemporary economic policy issues encountered mainly in developing countries. The focus of the Journal is to publish quality papers that provide pragmatic policy directions for government and policy makers in the public and private sectors. The contributions employ qualitative, quantitative or mixed research, methodology and present conceptual or theoretical framework which are applicable to real-world development. The Journal is published twice a year (June and December).
Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies
Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal that serves as a forum for disseminating research findings on issues relating to religion in general.The Journal aims at creating avenue for scholars to publish their research works on all aspects of religions. It seeks to promote critical research and original scholarship on issues related to all aspects of religion generally – theoretical, empirical or comparative. Other websites related to this journal:
Information Impact: Journal of Information and Knowledge Management
Information Impact: Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (IIJIKM) is a Journal of Library and Information Science published in Nigeria. IIJIKM is a peer review journal for librarians, information scientists, information specialist, library educators and other related practitioners to report their empirical research findings. However, articles written from a sound theoretical understanding will be considered for publication. The journal (IIJIKM) is aimed at keeping researchers and practitioners abreast with the most recent issues and developments in Information and Knowledge Management.
Other website associated with this journal:
Information Manager (The)
The Information Manager is an Interdisciplinary Journal which provides a forum for the publication of high quality articles on theory, practices, innovation and research covering knowledge management, public relations and other allied areas of information studies. It serves as a forum for new research in information dissemination and communication processes in general,
The basic focus of Information manager are:
i. to provide current thoughts and research reports on developments and trends in the various fields that relate to information management.
ii. To facilitate knowledge enhancement related to information management
iii. To provide a platform for new thinking and directions on the problems, prospects, strategies and techniques of information management.
Information Technologist (The)
The Information Technologist: An International Journal, of Information Communication Technology (lCT) is a referred Journal by Nigerians and foreign renowned Scholars who have distinguished themselves in the field of Library, Information, and Communication Technology (lCT).
Essentially the journal concerns itself with the pervasive impact and the changes in the basic character of library and information operations and services occasioned by the use of technology.
The journal deals mainly with the publication of the results of empirical research in the field of Library, Information Science, Communication and Information Technology as they affect Developing Countries. The journal is also devoted to articles of high quality on the theoretical aspects of its area of concern.
Book reviews, letters to the editor, news items and other brief communications are also welcome.
This journal has been positively evaluated in the Scientific Journal Impact Factor Journal List Evaluation Process with a score of SJIF 2022 = 6.129 (Scientific Journal Impact Factor Value for 2022).
Innovative Solutions in Engineering: Journal of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering
The aim of the Journal is to provide a medium for the exchange of ideas and knowledge at the highest level of the engineering profession in Nigeria towards providing innovative solutions to infrastructural and engineering problems confronting Nigeria in particular, Africa and the world in general. The journal covers all areas of Engineering applications and focuses on problems rather than disciplinary boundaries. Areas of focus include but not limited to: conventional energy and power; renewable energy and clean energy solutions; transport; housing and shelter; smart cities; water resources; environment and waste management; agriculture and food; oil and gas; operations research; materials; information and communications; healthcare, manufacturing, mining and solid minerals development; engineering economics and management.
You can view this journal's website
International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development
The International Journal of Agricultureand Rural Development (IJARD) is an International Journal designed to provide information in the areas of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics. The main aim is to disseminate information resulting from the research experience of Scientists working in all the fields agriculture including Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Animal Sciences, Fishery Management, Agronomy, Forestry and Wildlife resources, Soil Science, Agricultural Engineering and Food Processing.
International Journal of Applied Agriculture and Apiculture Research
The journal publishes current and emerging issues in the following areas: Animal science, crop science, weed science, biological science, food science, Biotechnology in agriculture and apiculture, agricultural extension, agricultural economics, soil science, agricultural technology and aquaculture. It aims to promote the effective dissemination of information on research findings thus encouraging active research in all aspects of agricultural and apicultural sciences and to provide an effective means for research scientists to contribute to international scientific and technological knowledge in the agricultural and apicultural sciences.Other websites associated with this journal:
International Journal of Applied Technologies in Library and Information Management
The journal aims to publish high quality primary and secondary research and peer-reviewed papers for worldwide readership by librarians and information professionals. The journal is an online open access journal published for Librarians, Information Scientists, Information Technologists, Information and Knowledge Managers and Research Scholars (including undergraduates and postgraduate LIS students). There is also a print version of the journal.
Focus and scope of journal
Empirical research, analytical review or technical briefs papers are invited for publication consideration in JATLIM. The Journal is an international journal dedicated to well researched articles on technologies applicable to library and information management in all types of libraries and information centres. Studies on other aspects of Librarianship and Information Science such as Information Seeking Behaviour, Technologies for LIS education and practice are as well considerable.
International Journal of Basic, Applied and Innovative Research
International Journal of Basic, Applied and Innovative Research (IJBAIR) [ISSN: 2315-5388; E-ISSN: 2384 - 681X] is a peer reviewed Journal Publication of Anthonio Research Center and the International Society of Science Researchers (ISSCIR). IJBAIR accepts research articles, review articles, short reports, and commentaries that are related to the fields of Art and Biology, as well as Medical, Natural and Social SciencesOther websites related to this journal:
International Journal of Community Research
International Journal of Community Research (IJCR) [ISSN: 2315 – 6562; E-ISSN: 2384 - 6828] is a peer reviewed journal publication of Anthonio Research Center. IJCR publishes research articles, review articles, short reports and commentaries that are community-based or inter and intra-cultural based. IJCR also accepts manuscripts on family/human relationship, human behavior, public health, politics, and conflict resolution.Other websites related to this journal:
International Journal of Development and Management Review
The journal aims to be proactive in initiating and sustaining quality academic debates in social Development and Management practices and theories while providing an institutional framework for the dissemination of such ideas through the publication of quality journals.
International Journal of Development and Policy Studies
QDMRC - publisher of the International Journal of Development and Policy Studies - is a social science research-based organisation that works principally on gender, children and social policy research. The organisation currently co-ordinates gender research in all Nigerian higher institutions of learning, in addition to serving as the African Regional headquarters of the Pan-African Gender and Peace Research Group. The research group meets quarterly to review research on topical areas, in addition to considering further researchable areas.
Membership of the research group is drawn among prolific academics and is open to interested academics with research interest in gender, peace, development and social policy. Applicants must be scholars of African descent with a track record of research and publications.
International Journal of Educational Research
International Journal of Educational Research (IJER) is the official Journal of the Department of Educational Foundations, University of Lagos, Lagos-Nigeria. The Journal publishes articles concerned with research theory and practice or programme application in the field of Education and the Behavioural Sciences.
IJER website:
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (IJEST) - an E-journal is an international peer-reviewed, electronic, online journal published by MultiCraft. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of engineering, science and technology. IJEST publishes articles that emphasizes research, development and application within the fields of engineering, science and technology. Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contributes to a better understanding of engineering, science and technological challenges, are encouraged. All manuscripts are pre-reviewed by the editor, and if appropriate, sent for blind peer review. Contributions must be original, not previously or simultaneously published elsewhere, and are critically reviewed before they are published. Papers, which must be written in English, should have sound grammar and proper terminologies.
Papers are published in IJEST based on the outcomes of the peer-review processes and no article processing fees or publication fees are charged; it is free to publish in IJEST.
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International Journal of Health Research
The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, and case reports in health sciences and related disciplines, including medicine, pharmacy, nursing, biotechnology, cell and molecular biology, and related engineering and social science fields. Other websites related to this journal:
International Journal of Herbs and Pharmacological Research
International Journal of Herbs and Pharmacological Research (IJHPR) [ISSN: 2315-537X; E- ISSN: 2384-6836] is a peer reviewed journal publication of Anthonio Research Center. The Journal is intended to serve as a medium for the publication of research findings in the field of Herbal medication in developing countries and elsewhere; as well as synthetic medications, orthodox medicines and pharmacological products in both developing and developed countries.Other websites associated with this journal:
International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research
The International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research (IJHHR), as an open-access, double-blind peer-review journal, aims to publish high-quality articles that promote empirical, theoretical, and methodological knowledge of Home Economics and Hospitality Management for the benefit of practitioners, educators, students and associates in the field of Home Economics Education, Hospitality Management and Allied Specialties. It publishes original research reports, brief research reports, and opinion review articles in all areas of Home Economics and Hospitality Management, which include but are not limited to:
- Child Development and Care
- Clothing and Textile
- Cosmetology Education
- Creativity and Innovation in Hospitality Industry
- Entrepreneurship Education
- Event Management
- Financing in Hospitality Management
- Foods and Nutrition
- Home Management and Human Resources
- Leisure and Outdoor Catering
- Lodging and Accommodation in Hospitality
- Restaurant Management
- Safety and Security in Hotel Management
- Sustainability in Hospitality Management
- Tourism and Travels
- Allied Topics in Agriculture, Education and Social Sciences related to Home Economics
You can view this journal's website
International Journal of Information Security, Privacy and Digital Forensics
The journal is managed and published by Nigeria Computer Society (NCS). It is a knowledge resource for practitioners, academics, scientists, experts and researchers, among others, working in various fields of Information Security, Privacy, Trust, Digital Forensics, Hacking, Database Security, cybersecurity, communication security, digital Forensics, Security Issues in Emerging Technologies etc.. We welcome original contributions as high quality technical papers (full and short) describing original unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual or experimental research. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the editorial board and selected reviewers and those accepted will be punished.
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International Journal of Malaria and Tropical Diseases (IJMTD)
International Journal of Malaria and Tropical Diseases (IJMTD) (formally known was the
Journal of Malaria in Africa and the Tropics (JMAT) is a publication of the malariologists and researchers in tropical diseases. Its aim is to educate, improved the practice of malaria treatment, stimulate research, encourage academic tropical medicine and enhance patient care. The journal publishes on a biannual basis; research articles, short communications, letters, reviews, operational research in malaria and other tropical diseases. Areas of interest include diagnosis, pathogenesis, socio-economic aspects of diseases and all the facets of disease control. Henceforth, all contributions are peer reviewed by assessors.
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International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization: Theory and Applications
The Aim of the Journal is to publish high impact original articles in Mathematical Sciences, including Optimization theory, techniques and methods.
It is an open access peer-reviewed international Journal that publishes original research articles in the broad range of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization, including articles that relate directly and indirectly to Mathematical Sciences and Optimization. Consequently, good and original articles relating to Computer Sciences, Statistics, Modelling, Differential Equations, Algorithms, Iterative processes, Pure Mathematics etc. are also publishable in the Journal.
Other websites associated with this journal: ijmso.unilag.edu.ng
International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research (IJMBR) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal by Michael Joanna Publications. It publishes data and information, useful to researchers in all aspects of Clinical and Basic Medical Sciences including Anatomical Sciences, Biochemistry, Dentistry, Genetics, Immunology, Internal Medicine, Microbiology and Parasitology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physiology, and Surgery. Relevant studies in areas of Biological Sciences related to health issues and Allied Medicine including Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Nursing and Physiotherapy are also welcome.
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International Journal of Medicine and Health Development
International Journal of Medicine and Health Development (formerly, Journal of College of Medicine) is the official publication of
College of Medicine University of Nigeria, and was established in 1995. It is under the supervision of the
Directorate for Research and Publications of the College of Medicine, University of Nigeria
. The University of Nigeria was established in 1960 while the College of Medicine was established in 1982. The College currently consists of four faculties: The Faculty of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Dentistry, and Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences. Through excellence in education, research and clinical service, College of Medicine, University of Nigeria has achieved an ever-increasing national distinction as a health sciences college. It provides outstanding medical education through its faculties, staff, programs, affiliates and centers of excellence. It is affiliated with the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku-Ozalla Enugu, National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu, and National Neuropsychiatric Hospital Enugu with thousands of bed spaces to serve as places for clinical education and research for her undergraduate and post graduate students.
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International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences
International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (IJONAS) publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers of significance in all areas of natural and applied sciences. The scope of the journal includes biological sciences, biodiversity, biotechnology, clinical sciences, animal and veterinary sciences, agricultural sciences, chemistry, environmental sciences, physics, mathematics and statistics, geology, engineering, computer science, social sciences and information technology. The journal is designed for academics, scholars, advanced students and reflective practitioners.
International Journal of Public Administration
International Journal of Public Administration (IJOPAD) is a broad based biannual open access, peer reviewed International Journal, published by the Department of Public Administration Federal Polytechnic Oko, Anambra State, Nigeria. IJOPAD aims to publish original peer-reviewed articles, case studies, surveys and critically reviewed academic works within the broad field of public policy and administration. This includes recent developments in research, scholarship and practice within public policy, public Administration, government, public management, administrative theory, administrative history and administrative politics. The journal welcomes submissions from both academic and practitioner communities from around the world.
Aims and Scope
1. To provide a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices in public administration.
2. To facilitate dialogue and collaboration among academics, policymakers, and professionals in the field of public administration.
3. To promote cutting-edge research, critical thinking, and innovative solutions to address the complex challenges facing public administration in Nigeria and globally.
1. Public Administration Theories and Practices: IJOPAD welcomes manuscripts that explore theoretical and practical aspects of public administration, including governance, policy analysis, public management, and organizational behavior.
2. Public Policy and Governance: The journal invites submissions that examine public policy processes, governance structures, and institutional frameworks at local, national, and international levels.
3. Public Management and Leadership: IJOPAD encourages manuscripts that focus on public management, leadership, and organizational development, including human resource management, financial management, and performance management.
4. Development Administration and Planning: The journal accepts submissions that investigate development administration, planning, and implementation, including sustainable development, poverty reduction, and social justice.
5. Comparative Public Administration: IJOPAD welcomes comparative studies that analyze public administration systems, policies, and practices across different countries, regions, or cultures.
You can see this journal's own website
International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems
International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems (IJOTAFS) publishes high-quality peer reviewed articles, in English, in all areas of agriculture and food production and processing including tree production, pesticide science, post harvest biology and technology, seed science, irrigation, agricultural engineering, water resources management, marine sciences, agronomy, animal and veterinary science, physiology and morphology, aquaculture, crop science, dairy science, entomology, fish and fisheries, forestry, freshwater science, arid soil research and rehabilitation, agricultural genomics, horticulture, soil science, systematic, virology, viticulture, economics and agribusiness.
International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment
International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment (IJOWITED) is a multidisciplinary double-blind peer-review journal that cut across all fields in Science, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Management studies, Information and Communication Technology among others and publishes original and quality research articles twice every year - July and December. Quality review articles that contribute to the body of knowledge are also welcome.
Call for papers are made from January to March for the first issue each year which will be published in July and the second Issue from July to September and published in December. Authors must ensure that manuscript submission is free from plagiarism and grammatical errors. Also, articles previously published or simultaneously submitted for publication in another journal are not allowed. Manuscript will not pass beyond the editorial table if these two are detected and will be rejected instantly.
This journal among other things seeks to advance the participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment (IJOWITED) is also part of an effort to achieve the mission of Women in Technical Education and Employment.
Our vision is to create a high-quality publication that will be relevant, challenging, thought-provoking, and inclusive of a diverse range of voices and perspectives, including graduate students, academic researchers and scholars. We welcome original research, theoretical contributions and reviews of the literature.
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Jos Journal of Medicine
Jos Journal of Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal and editorially independent publication of the Association of Resident Doctors of Jos University Teaching Hospital. It seeks to provide a forum for the dissemination of research, review articles and information in all aspects of medical sciences among medical professionals in AfricaOther journals associated with this journal:
Journal of African Association of Physiological Sciences
Journal of African Association of Physiological Sciences (J. Afr. Assoc. Physiol. Sci.)
is an international, bi-annual official publication of African Association of Physiological Sciences. Both print and online forms are available. The journal is aimed at dissemination of information on diverse areas of research in Physiological Sciences disciplines and to showcase a representative cross-section of the kinds of research being carried out in Africa, in particular and globally. The journal was established in 2012 at the congress of African Association of Physiological Sciences held in Egypt. The journal will consider for publication, Full-length original research articles, short communications as well as review articles.
Other websites associated with this journal:
J. Afr. Assoc. Physiol. Sci. applies the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, under which authors agree to make articles legally available for reuse, without permission or fees, for virtually any purpose. Anyone may copy, distribute or reuse these articles, as long as the author and original source are properly acknowledged.
Journal of Agricultural Extension
The mission of the Journal of Agricultural Extension is to publish conceptual papers and empirical research that tests, extends, or builds agricultural extension theory and contributes to the practice of extension worldwide.
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Agricultural Extension (JAE) is devoted to the advancement of knowledge of agricultural extension services and practice through the publication of original and empirically based research, focusing on; extension administration and supervision, programme planning, monitoring and evaluation, diffusion and adoption of innovations; extension communication models and strategies; extension research and methodological issues; nutrition extension; extension youth programme; women-in-agriculture; extension, marginalized and vulnerable groups, Climate Change and the environment, farm and produce security, ICT, innovation systems. JAE will normally not publish articles based on research covering very small geographic area (town community and local government areas/council/counties) that cannot feed into policy, except they present critical insights into new and emerging issues is agricultural extension and rural development.
Journal of Agricultural Research and Development
The Journal of Agricultural Research and Development aims at publishing research reports, short communications, Critical Reviews in Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, Agronomy, Forestry, Animal Science, Food Technology, Soil Science, Home Economics, Agricultural Extension, Rural development, Environmental Biology and Agricultural Engineering
Journal of Agriculture and Environment
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment is a biannual, peer reviewed publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, Usmanu Danfodiyo, Sokoto, Nigeria. The Journal welcomes articles from original research in the various branches of Agriculture and related fields, specifically in areas of:
- Agriculture (Crop, Animal and Soil sciences)
. Agronomy and Crop Protection
- Agricultural Economics, Extension and Policy
- Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization
- Food Science and Technology
- Biotechnology as related to Agriculture
- Forestry, Fisheries and wildlife management
- Rangeland management
- Interaction of the above with the environment
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Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences
The Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences JAFS is a platform for scientists dealing with agriculture, food science and related technological and socioeconomic issues with focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Articles on these areas are published after critical peer review. JAFS targets researchers and policy makers.
Journal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR)
Journal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR), a biannual journal, is an official publication of Agricultural Volunteers of Nigeria (AgVON). The journal considers articles from the following areas: Agriculture, Home Economics/Food science, forestry, wildlife and fisheries, environment and waste management, economics, urban and Regional planning, sociology and other relevant social and applied sciences.Other websites associtaed with this journal:
Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences
The Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences generally aims to foster progressive partnerships between different stake holders towards sustainable Agriculture.
Papers in Animal husbandry, Fisheries, wild life, crop and Soil Science, agricultural economics, Extension, Forestry, environment and papers with a Social Science tilt that are geared towards sustainable agriculture are acceptable for publication.
Journal of Applied Chemistry and Agricultural Research
JACAR is a learned journal devoted to the publication of high quality articles in all areas of Agricultural Sciences and Applied Chemistry. Applied Chemistry manuscripts should be restricted to corrosion of materials, environmental chemistry and water quality (pollution studies), physico-chemical properties of naturally occurring products, colloid chemistry, nutritional chemistry and metallurgy. Articles must be original and written in English.
Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology
The Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology covers research activities and development in the field of Applied Sciences and Technology as it relates to Agricultural Engineering, Biotechnology, Computer Science and Engineering Computations, Civil Engineering, Food Science and Technology, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Energy, Geology, Industrial, Production & Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Physics and other related Applied Sciences and Engineering fields.
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
Journal of Aquatic Sciences
Journal of Aquatic Sciences publishes articles on problems and issues in Aquatic Sciences from all parts of the world. The journal accepts for publication manuscripts of very high international standard containing reports of original scientific research. Acceptable topics include aquatic biology, aquatic resources management, aquatic ecotoxicology and pollution, fish physiology, nutrition, health, breeding, population dynamics, fish processing and preservation.
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The Journal of Banking is a bi-annual research and policy-based publication of The Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN), the foremost professional banking Institute in Nigeria. The Journal of Banking is a publication focusing on topical issues in the core areas of banking and finance as well as other related disciplines with emphasis on implications for banking policy and the economy.
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Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences
Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences (ISSN - 2278-960X, Online - 2320-2041) is a peer-reviewed journal published on behalf of the Society of Reproductive Biologists of Nigeria. The journal publishes articles relating to all aspects of Basic Medical Sciences of the Reproductive system of humans and Animals; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Laboratory Science, Medical Rehabilitation, Nursing, Medical Education, Social and Preventive medicine as it concerns the reproductive system. The Journal is published semiannually (in the months of January and July).AJOL is no longer updating this journal because it has been purchased by a Pulsus, a division of OMICS publishers group, with which AJOL does not work. Archival content of this title is being kept on AJOL as it is part of the scholarly record.
Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences Research
The Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences Research (JOBASR) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers, reviews, technical reports, and brief communications in all science and technology-related subjects such as Chemistry, Agriculture, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Physics, and Computational Analysis. The Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences Research (JOBASR) provides free access to its users to the full text of articles. All our publications are free to access and easy to track. the users are allowed freely to read, copy, download, print, and search and distribute the full text of the articles. They don’t need any prior permission from the publisher and the authors. JOBASR provides instant visibility of the published manuscripts after they are reviewed and accepted.
Aims and Scope
The aim of Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences Research (JOBASR) is to be one of the foremost sources of scholarly articles and research papers through the support of research publication at reasonable or at no cost in long run. This is to make research publication hassle free for financially constrained researchers and scholars. The published article will always be an open access, free under Creative Commons License 4.0 and archived for future generations.
The Objectives of Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences Research (JOBASR) are:
1. To supply publishing platform to scholars and researchers from different science and technology-related fields
2. To grant research and scholarly articles available free of cost to all users without any subscription or login ID.
3. To give scholars a chance to be part of the scholars community who assists and helps others in publication and review.
4. To create research publication hassle free to ensure sharing of knowledge in due time.
You can see this journal's own website
Journal of Biomedical Investigation
Journal of Biomedical Investigation seeks to promote interdisciplinary research across all Biomedical Sciences. It publishes articles reviews and short communications in the field of clinical laboratory and experimental medicine.
Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care
The Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care (JCMPHC) is a multi disciplinary journal that provides a platform for sharing research findings, theories, reviews, and information on all aspects of public health, primary health care, and community medicine. The journal welcomes a variety of submissions, including original research reports, invited commentaries, critical and analytical reviews, case reports, reports of professional conferences, updates, and articles on continuing education. It covers diverse specialties and practice areas that make up community medicine, such as epidemiology, environmental health, public health nutrition, occupational health, medical sociology, rehabilitative medicine, primary health care, reproductive health, maternal and child health, health planning and management, health policy, and health care financing.
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Journal of Computer Science and Its Application
The journal provides a multidisciplinary forum for the publication of original research and technical papers, short communications, state-of-art computing and review papers on advances, techniques, practice, and applications of Computer Science.
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Journal of Cultural Studies
The Journal of Cultural Studies was established in 1999 as an independent tool for research development in Africa. It is published by the Nigerian Group for the Study of African Cultures (NIGSAC), a non-profit organisation which focuses on cultural and development issues in Africa. The journal aims to explore the varied socio-cultural experiences of the African peoples through various academic disciplines.
Journal of Dietitians Association of Nigeria
The Journal of Dietitians Association of Nigeria (JDAN) is the official Journal of the Dietitians Association of Nigeria, is a peer-reviewed publication and is published biannually, two volumes per year. The primary focus of the journal is the publication of basic and applied studies in dietetics, medical nutrition therapy, nutritional sciences, food sciences, diet related diseases and related fields. The following types of manuscripts are considered: original research articles, review articles, issues and opinions, special communications, letters to the Editor, book reviews, and proceedings of symposia. The journal is intended for a wide audience, including, dietitians, nutritionists, biochemists, health professionals, home economists, policy makers, students of dietetics/nutrition and related fields, health educators, and all those in the health sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal: www.jdan.org.ng
Journal of Educational Foundations
The Journal of Educational Foundations (JEF) publishes papers from all fields in education. The Editorial Board accepts original, scholarly articles on significant educational issues in Nigeria and Africa. Both empirical and theoretical papers are accepted, although empirical papers are strongly preferred. Papers should concentrate on providing practical suggestions to improve the quality of education across Nigeria and Africa in general.
Journal of Environmental Extension
Journal of Environmental Extension is to be published annually to generate ideas on formulation, packaging, dissemination and consequential impacts of ideas/policies relating to the quality and sustainability of the environment.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy accepts for publication manuscripts of high standard containing reports of original scientific research in the morphology, mechanical functioning and development of man and animals. The scope the journal embraces articles of human and comparative anatomy, embryology, histology, histochemistry, neurology and functional aspects of eh anatomical sciences. As a publication with background on pure and applied research, the journal recognizes the importance of descriptive studies in the morphological aspects of molecular, cellular, systems and evolutionary biology. Clinical updates and case reports relating to consequences of disruption of cells, tissues or organ architecture will be published.
The journal website can be found here:
Journal of Health and Visual Sciences
This journal deals with aspects of optometry and visual sciences.
Journal of Health, Applied Sciences and Management
JOHASAM is a multidisciplinary journal that provides a platform for researchers, academics, health professionals and management experts to share universal knowledge on Community Health, Environmental Health, Laboratory Science, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Anatomy, Health Education, Medical Social Work, Sociology, Psychology, Entrepreneurship, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Health Information Management.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies
The Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies journal includes papers that focus specifically on developments in Africa and/or the continent’s relations with the outside world. All articles must, however, make fresh and original contribution to knowledge and the journal will consider well-researched articles on any aspects of History and Diplomatic/International studies.
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa
The Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa (JLISA)/Revue de Bibliotheconomie et Science de l'information en Afrique is expected to explore the range of issues and problems of concern to librarians, information scientists and other information professionals especially in Africa and aims to publish articles, short communication and conference reports.
Journal of Medical Investigation and Practice
The Journal of Medical Investigation and Practice (JOMIP) is a quarterly peer-reviewed international journal published by the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Abia State University. The journal's full text is available online at
http://www.jomip.org. The journal allows free access to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI complaint institutional/ subject-based repository. The journal makes a token charge for submission, processing and publication of manuscripts including colour reproduction of photographs.
Journal of Medical Laboratory Science
The Journal of Medical Laboratory Science is a Quarterly Publication of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria. It Publishes Original Research and Review Articles in All Fields of Biomedical Sciences and Laboratory Medicine, Covering Medical Microbiology, Medical Parasitology, Clinical Chemistry, Haematology, Blood Group Serology, Cytogenetics, Exfoliation Cytology, Medical Virology, Medical Mycology, Histopathology and Immunochemistry. There is Special Interest in New Biologicals, Laboratory Diagnostic Reagents, Fabricated Laboratory Hardware and Advances that Have Reached an Acceptable Degree of Completion in Biochemical and Pathophysiological Mechanisms May also be Considered for Publication in the JMLS.
Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research is published by the College of Medical Sciences, University of Benin to encourage research into primary health care. The journal will publish original research articles, reviews, editorials, commentaries, case reports and letters to the editor. Articles are welcome in all branches of medicine and dentistry including basic sciences (anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, etc) and clinical sciences (internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, dental surgery, child health, laboratory sciences, radiology, community medicine, etc). Articles are also welcome from social science researchers that document the intermediating and background social factors influencing health in developing countries.
Other websites related to this journal:
Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Journal of Medicine in Africa
Journal of Medicine in Africa (JOMA) is a biannual publication of the Association of Resident Doctors, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. It was born out of the desire to give doctors, the medical community and allied health professionals a platform to showcase their abilities in research and medical reporting to the outside world. This platform is expected to improve the practice and delivery of health care services to individuals and the community at large.
The Association of Resident Doctors, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, is made up of medical practitioners undergoing specialist training in the various fiends of medicine (Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Family Medicine, Dentistry, Radiology, Laboratory medical specialties, etc). The members of this prestigious association are known for academic excellence as they strive daily to improve on their medical practice, skills and care of patients both locally and globally. The Journal of Medicine in Africa (JOMA), therefore provides an enabling platform to showcase their scholarly work and also enhance, appropriate, practical and effective health care delivery.
This biannual Journal, welcomes articles and reports from the entire world (medical and allied health communities). Every article or case report published in JOMA, goes through rigorous editorial scrutiny by both the editorial board and board of review members. Journal of Medicine in Africa is also committed to speedy publication of submitted manuscript without compromising the standard of the rigorous peer review process as outlined in the authors’ guidelines
You can view this journal's own website
Journal of Medicine in the Tropics
The Journal of Medicine in the Tropics is primarily a medium for the publication of research in the areas of medicine and related sciences. Specifically, the journal is interested in environmental and disease epidemiology, basic sciences as well as inter-disciplinary studies that enhance and improve the health status of man in the tropics.
Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science
The Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science publishes rigorous theoretical reasoning and advanced empirical research in all areas of Meteorology and Climate Sciences. We welcome articles or proposals from all perspectives and on all subjects pertaining to Meteorology, Agriculture, Humanity, Physics, Geography, Oceanography and Marine science, GIS, Geophysics, Environmental Sciences, Urban and Regional Planning and Architecture.
Journal of Mining and Geology
Journal of Mining and Geology is the scientific publication of the Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society. Its scope covers the fields of the geosciences, mining, metallurgy, materials science and geoenvironmental studies.
Journal of Modeling, Design and Management of Engineering Systems
The Journal of Modeling, Design & Management of Engineering Systems publishes original research reports, short communications, and critical reviews in any branch of engineering and allied fields such as applied mathematics, applied physics, applied chemistry and management sciences. It has special focus on the application of physical or mathematical modeling, computing, simulation, design and/or operations research tools for solving engineering problems.
Journal of Paediatric Dental Research and Practice
The Journal of Paediatric Dental Research and Practice is published by the Nigerian Association of Paediatric Dentistry (NAPD). The journal specializes in highlighting oral health problems of children and adolescents. It provides a forum for many disciplines, including the biomedical sciences, social sciences, and humanities, to publish research-based evidence related to children's health. It is a platform for disseminating and exchanging knowledge among researchers, policymakers and clinicians providing oral health care for children.
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Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences (JOPHAS) publishes original scientific and technical research works carried out on drugs and drug-related products, within and outside Nigeria in the fields of pharmacy, microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmacology, medical sciences and veterinary medicine. The journal aims at serving professionals in these aforementioned areas. Readership scope covers the entire globe, as the journal is made available to scientists all over the world.This journal has been assigned impact factors of 0.312 for 2012 and 0.378 for 2013 as per Global Impact Factors
Journal of Pharmacy & Bioresources
The Journal of Pharmacy and Bioresources (JPB) publishes scientific work in all areas of Pharmaceutical and life sciences, including (but not restricted to): medicinal plant research; herbal medicines and cosmetics; development of drugs and pharmaceuticals; quality assurance of drugs; safety and efficacy of drugs; pharmacy practice; veterinary pharmacy; bioresources development and conservation.
Journal of Phytomedicine and Therapeutics
JOPAT is a peer reviewed journal published by National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development. It covers all areas of subject as: Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology, Immunology, Virology, Bacteriology, Pharmacology, Botany, Chemistry of medicinal plants and Pharmacognosy.
Authors can submit their manuscripts as an e-mail attachment to: niprdjopat@gmail.com; petyem2001@yahoo.co.uk
Journal of Policy and Development Studies
Journal of Policy and Development Studies (JPDS) is published four times a year by the Office of Centre for Social Science Research, Enugu, Nigeria with the collaboration of Arabian Group of Journals and Zainab Arabian Research Society for Multidisciplinary Issues Dubai, United Arab Emirate.
JPDS aims to publish the best research on international development issues in a form that is accessible to practitioners and policy-makers as well as to an academic audience. JPDS is an international journal that effectively bridges the gap between academics, policy makers, and practitioners and links the various economic development communities. The journal focuses on contemporary research publication philosophies including blind strict peer refereeing, timely review, regular publication and broader coverage of the field. The editorial board is represented by the world's reputed and experienced academicians and researchers. The journal is completely open access which has opened the doors for the millions of international readers and academicians to keep in touch with the latest research findings in the field of economics and development studies.
You can view the journal's website
Journal of Radiography and Radiation Sciences
The journal publishes articles specific but not limited to Diagnostic and therapeutic radiography, which includes medical imaging modalities like Computed Tomography, Diagnostic sonography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and oncology, radiography education, radiation protection, radiological health management.
The journal is targeted to radiographers, radiologists, sonographers, and other medical staff in the health sciences whose job involves the use of radiation.
Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment
The Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment lays emphasis on result of empirical research and conceptual issues in different aspects of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Management, Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences, Pure and Applied Environmental Sciences; Engineering, Geography, Geology, Applied Economics and Biological Sciences.
Journal of Research in National Development
Journal of Research in National Development aims to encourage interdisciplinary research, joint authorships and the recognition of the interface among disciplines. Favorite articles are quantitative, empirical and developmentally biased. It aims to serve all with interest in the development of developing countries, especially social scientists. Abstracts are available at
www.transcampus.org Full text of vol 5 (2) 2007 & vol 6 (1) 2008 is available open access at
Journal of Science and Practice of Pharmacy
The Journal of Science and Practice of Pharmacy is an Open Access online international journal allowing free unlimited access to abstract and full-text. The journal is devoted to the promotion of health sciences and related discipline including biological sciences, molecular biology, biotechnology, medicinal chemistry, phytochemistry, herbal medicines, physiology and clinical pharmacology, and drug-related issues in medicine, nursing, engineering and social sciences. It seeks particularly (but not exclusively) to encourage multidisciplinary research and collaboration among global scientists, the pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare professionals. Although primarily devoted to original research papers, the journal welcomes critical reviews, commentaries and book review on current topics of special interest and relevance. All manuscripts are subject to rapid peer review and those of high quality (not previously published and not under consideration for publication in another journal) are published without delay.
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Science and Practice of Pharmacy (J Sci Pract Pharm) is a fully peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, current issues papers and commentary on pharmaceutical sciences and related disciplines including biological sciences, molecular biology, biotechnology, medicinal chemistry, phytochemistry, herbal medicines, physiology and clinical pharmacology, and drug-related issues in medicine, nursing, engineering and social sciences). It seeks particularly (but not exclusively) to encourage multidisciplinary research and collaboration among scientists, the industry and the healthcare professionals. It also provides an international forum for the communication and evaluation of data, methods and findings in health sciences and related disciplines.
You can see the journal's own webiste here
Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies
Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies (JSWDS) is a scholarly refereed and peer-reviewed academic platform designed to extend knowledge, provide a forum for social work-related developmental issues in LMICs, and promote general discourses in the fields of social work, social welfare, community development, and social policies. It aims to provide the much-needed forum for social workers to discuss and debate social issues of developmental significance, with connections to social work insights. Majorly, it seeks to emphasize exemplary research that advances the development of applied knowledge capable of informing the social work discipline and its broad concerns. The journal aims to cover every aspect of social work research, practice, and theory. It is read by social work educators, researchers, practitioners, managers, concerned scholars, and persons outside the discipline who wish to keep up with theoretical and empirical developments in the field of social work.
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Journal of Surgical Technique and Case Report
The aim of Journal of Surgical Technique and Case Report is to advance surgical knowledge and practice by promoting the reporting of innovative and reproducible surgical techniques and illustrative surgical cases on various surgical disciplines. The journal encourages authoritative synthesis of current surgical literature and practice and will serve as a source of material on evidence based knowledge about current acceptable surgical techniques. It will serve as a medium for experts to detail how they do it. The journal will accommodate case reports, case series and reviews of surgical techniques with potentials to illustrate management of surgical cases or to advance new frontiers in surgical technique. It will provide a quarterly medium for communication and continuing surgical education and debate among surgeons and surgical trainees. Other websites related to this journal:
Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy (The)
The Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy (JSDLP) is Nigeria’s first interdisciplinary sustainable development journal, published by the OGEES Institute, Afe Babalola University, Nigeria. The journal fosters the dissemination of research results and scholarly papers by teaching and research scholars in Africa and across the world in the area of sustainable development law and policy. The OGEES Institute publishes two issues per year.
The thematic focus of the journal span across broad areas of sustainable development law and policy ranging from the economic, social and environmental dimensions. As such papers that explore broad themes of sustainable development such as environment, natural resources, green economy, international trade, banking, taxation, public policy, public private partnerships, alternative dispute resolutions, peace, and conflict studies are normally given top consideration. The Editorial Board of the Journal comprises international development scholars and experts from Italy, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Nigeria, Canada and the United States that provide leadership and lend their expertise to promote and enhance the scholarly relevance of the journal.
Other websites associated with this journal:
http://www.ogeesinstitute.edu.ng/index.php/research-publications and
Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria
The Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria focuses on the following areas: Agriculture, Food Science, Technology/Engineering, Science and Applied Science, Vocational/Technical Education.
Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists
The objectives of
Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists are to develop musicology as a field through research and publication of highly standard articles; to enhance quality scholarship in Nigerian music and to promote Nigerian musicology internationally
Web site:
Journal of the Chemical Society of Nigeria
The journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria is a bimonthly publication of original research reports in pure and applied chemistry.
Aims and ScopeThe aim of JCSN is to publish works to promote knowledge among the Chemical Sciences communities in all areas of Chemistry (Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Polymer, Environmental and Food).
You can see this journal's website
Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
The journal is directed at any scientist who applies fairly rigorous mathematics to physics, chemistry, engineering or other sciences and also any mathematicians whose results have direct applicability in physics,chemistry, engineering and so forth.
Journal of the Nigerian Infection Control Association
The Journal of the Nigerian Infection Control Association publishes articles which deal with clinical medicine, basic medical science, dental sciences, pharmaceutical, veterinary sciences, nursing services and medical education and other related disciplines which are pertinent to infection control.
Language of Publication: English Language.
Subject: Biological Sciences; Medicine
Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project
The Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project is a peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary academic journal. It publishes serious, well-researched, and original papers or reports in linguistics, languages, literature, culture, and technology, as well as communication studies related to Nigerian languages. It is an annual publication that began in 2019. It publishes occasional supplements as the needs arise. Although manuscripts are received all year round for consideration, it is an outlet for the work on the Nigerian Languages Project, some of which pass through the Conference of the Nigerian Languages Project (CNLP).
Aims and ScopeThe Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal of the Nigerian Languages project. The journal's main aim is to gather information on the documentation efforts across Nigeria and publish volumes on and in the languages of Nigeria. It publishes articles from linguists, language activists, and speakers that address theory, research, technology, and practice concerning Nigerian languages, literature, culture, and indigenous knowledge systems from synchronic and diachronic perspectives.
You can see this journal's own website
Journal of the Nigerian Optometric Association
Journal of the Nigerian Optometric Association (JNOA) is the official scientific publication of the Nigerian Optometric Association. It is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal devoted to bringing together up-to-date clinical and scientific research information and novel developments in the broad fields of optometry and vision science including basic and clinical research aimed at advancing the science, technology, ethics and practice of Optometry and Health sciences.
The scope of the journal covers basic, translational and clinical research in optometry and vision science. The journal publishes research in the broad fields of Eye Care/Vision Sciences and Public
Health; Primary Care Optometry, Public Health Optometry, Rehabilitative Optometry and Low Vision Care, Paediatric Optometry, Corneal and Contact Lenses, Ocular Health, Orthoptics, Anatomy, Physiology, Epidemiology, Economics and Sociology of Vision and Blindness, Ocular Biomedics, Optics and Instrumentation, Optometric Education and History, etc. Publication of papers in this journal requires strict compliance with specifications as outlined herein. The audience of JNOA includes Optometrists, Ophthalmologists, Ophthalmic Nurses, Public health and Vision Scientists as well as undergraduate and post-graduate students in these field.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Journal of Underutilized Legumes
JUL is an official publication of the
Society of Underutilized Legumes, is an international peer-reviewed journal that is generally seeking to be one of the world’s most rated, well-indexed, and most globally circulated journals in the nearest future. JUL is dedicated to publishing original research articles as well as reviews and short communications on issues relating to research and development and other issues geared towards improving the economics, utilization, conservation and general development of the underutilized legumes in the African Continent and the world at large. The Journal basically covers areas of Agronomy, Crop Development, Botany, Biochemistry, Ethnobotany, Taxonomy,Biotechnology, Climate change, Animal Nutrition, Law, Commerce, Economics, and any other Field or Discipline wherein the research/discourse is majorly based on underutilized legumes.
To accommodate a wider scope, the journal publishes articles covering other underutilized crops.
You can see this journal's website
Kanem Journal of Medical Sciences
Kanem Journal of Medical Sciences (KJMS) is a biannual peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original papers on experimental and clinical research, up-to-date reviews of topical issues, as well as case reports. It publishes articles on all aspects of medical sciences. The journal is dedicated to offer the latest information on medical sciences and relevant basic science researches to medical practitioners, medical students and other healthcare providers.
Kashere Journal of Education
The Kashere Journal of Education (Kashere J. Edu.) is a biannual Journal that publishes in June and December of every year by the Faculty of Education, Federal University of Kashere in Gombe State, Nigeria. The Journal seeks to provide a unique and worldwide forum for communication between researchers, experts and policy makers in exchanging research findings, views, concerns and as well as innovative ideas in the form of original papers. The scope of the Journal is broad and international and covers a range of research areas in Education. The primary purpose of the Journal is to publish original research articles and reviews.
Lagos Historical Review
The Lagos Historical Review is an international and interdisciplinary journal publishing papers with a historical focus. The journal generates and participates in debates to advance the discipline of history and promote its relevance to development. The journal aims to serve the academic community with a bias towards history and policy formulation.
Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science
Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science (LJLIS) aims to publish articles, short communications and conference reports which will: raise the level of awareness within the international library and information community of the potential for change and innovation; assist policy and decision-making in the medium term (five to ten years); help in reporting on present research, the implementation of research results, and the planning of future research; raise the standard of professional theory and practice.
Lagos Notes and Records
Lagos Notes and Records is an annual, interdisciplinary journal of the humanities. It is devoted to the publication of well-researched articles in all the subjects in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Law. In addition to original articles, the journal publishes review articles, brief accounts of work in progress, notes and comments on issues arising out of recent publications.
Lapai Journal of Economics
The Lapai Journal of Economics (LJE) is a blind peer reviewed academic journal, published by the Department of Economics, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, P. M. B. 11, Niger State, Nigeria. The Journal covers areas such as Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Development Economics, Agricultural Economics, Welfare Economics, Finance, International Economics, Health Economics, Environmental Economics, Political Science, Banking, Accounting, Public Administration, Economics of Happiness, Social Economics, Education Economics, Managerial Economics, Rural Development, Entrepreneur Development, Sociology, Psychology, Corporate Finance and Governance, Risk Management, Economic History, Human Resource, Women Studies, and all related Social Science Areas.
You can view the journal's own website
LAUTECH Journal of Civil and Environmental Studies
LAUTECH Journal of Civil and Environmental Studies (LAUJOCES) is an academic journal of the Department of Civil Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria. It is an international peer review journal which publishes original research papers, reviews and technical notes in the fields of Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Highway and Transportation Engineering, Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Sciences and other related disciplines. LAUJOCES provides a veritable platform for dissemination of new research outputs, latest technologies and discoveries that promote research, academic excellence and sustainable development.
Other websites associated with this journal:
LBS Management Review
The Lagos Business School Management Review is published by management professionals for practising managers without sacrificing academic standards. It carries articles on all aspects of management that reflect issues growing out of management research relevant to Africa and it provides up-to-date information on the economy.
Malam: A Journal of Arabic Studies
Malam: A Journal of Arabic Studies, formerly called
Malam: A Journal of Language and Linguistics, speciality journal dedicated to the advancement of research and innovations in the broad field of Arabic studies. It publishes research outcomes with significant contribution to the development of Arabic language, literature and teaching. Special attention is given to contributions of Nigerian and African Scholars in the past and contemporary periods.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine
The Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine (MJSM) publishes original research papers, review articles, case reports and short communications on any aspect of health and tropical diseases. All papers are refereed by independent assessors.
Mgbakoigba: Journal of African Studies
Mgbakoigba welcomes original and incisive contributions engaging historical and contemporary issues relevant to the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Environmental Sciences, especially as they affect the field of African Studies. Its main emphasis is to generate and construct a new agenda for approaching history, methodology and theory in African knowledge production. Considering new frameworks for reflecting and addressing issues arising from the present context of economic, political, cultural and technological changes, the journal aims to establish a platform to revisit the grand teleological narration of progress and modernity where Africa has always been denied intellectual agency and subjectivity. The editors seek research papers and innovative essays engaging new debates, exhibition review essays, cultural events, responses to contemporary cultural criticisms in the relevant disciplines. All work submitted are subject to peer review. All submissions must not exceed 6, 000 word papers.
All manuscripts and inquiries should be directed to the editor: Dr. Okechukwu Nwafor; Email:
Moor Journal of Agricultural Research
Moor Journal of Agricultural Research (Moor J. Agric. Res.) is a peer-reviewed international journal, publishing original, basic and applied research articles in the areas of crop and animal science, basic and applied sciences related to Agriculture, Agric. Economics/Rural Sociology, Environmental Sciences, Product derivations, etc.
Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Journal of Women in Technical Education & Employment
MAPJOWITED focuses on publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research, case studies, and technical reports in fields such as Engineering, Applied Sciences, Vocational Studies, Information Technology, Management Studies and other relevant disciplines. The journal encourages contributions that emphasize practical applications, industry relevance, and innovation in Technical Education.
Aims and Scope
The aim of this academic journal is to publish original and high-quality research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge and practices in specific and multi-disciplinary fields of study.
1. To disseminate peer-reviewed articles that present innovative research and critical analysis.
2. To encourage inter and multi-disciplinary contributions that broaden the scope and impact of the journal.
3. To uphold rigorous academic standards and ethical practices in all aspects of research publication
4. To foster scholarly exchange of ideas by providing an accessible platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators.
Nano Plus: Science and Technology of Nanomaterials
Nano Plus: Science and Technology of Nanomaterials is a bimonthly Open Access Journal published by Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Nanotechnology Research Group (NANO+). The journal publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, review articles and short communications in all areas of nanotechnology. In addition, the journal provides a platform where rigorously reviewed conference and symposia proceedings are published. Nano Plus places high premium on the quality of articles it publishes while ensuring processing and publication times are completed within reasonable times. Articles are published rapidly after acceptance.
Aims and ScopeNano Plus welcomes articles from nanotechnologists working in industry, universities and research organizations focusing on synthesis/processing, characterization and applications of all kinds of nanomaterials. The scope is not limited to the following areas and applications of nanotechnology: nanobiotechnology, nanocomposites, surface coating, packaging, nanotoxicology, nanoenzymes, nanobiosensors, nanomachines, nanomedicine, nanoagriculture and agro-allied industries, renewable energy, built environment, transportation, climate change, waste treatment, recycling, policy development and bioprocesses.
You can see this journal's own website
NG Journal of Social Development
The NG-Journal of Social Development is one of the open access International Journals, in the area of development studies, social studies, arts, humanities, social policy, education policy, history, anthropology, management since its foundation in 2003. It started first as a print journal before it started publishing online in 2014. It has published many seminal articles, academic debates, and well researched scholarly papers bordering on the scope. Priority is given to papers which are relevant to important current issues, cutting edge and stimulating research outputs both contextual, theory and analysis. The journal has made novel and significant contributions to the field of development studies.
We invite articles that are interdisciplinary or focused on particular disciplines like public administration, political science, management, sociology, anthropology, geography education policy, fiscal policy, development studies and other related fields.
Nigeria Agricultural Journal
Published by the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, the
Nigerian Agricultural Journal is the oldest agricultural journal in the country having been published since 1961. It is published bi-annually to quarterly, and contributions are accepted from anyone engaged in agricultural work in Nigeria and other countries in tropical Africa.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Nigeria and the Classics: Ibadan Journal of the Classics and Multidisciplinary Studies
Nigeria and the Classics (NigCL) is a multidisciplinary journal, double-blind and peer-reviewed. It accepts original publications in English on any aspect of classical antiquity, African History, African world view, problems and prospects, including all fields in the Humanities. Review of recent publications that relate to classical antiquity and Africa are also accepted.
Nigeria Journal of Business Administration
The Nigeria Journal of Business Administration has as its principal goal the promotion of academic excellence in research in the management sciences and the exchange of information between the academic, professional and business worlds. Each issue is designed to inform researchers and practising managers of on-going developments in management and their practice. Articles are carefully selected to provide the reader with an analytical, application-oriented approach to managerial problems.
Nigeria Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
Nigeria Journal of Pure and Applied Physics publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in specific areas of physics, pure and applied, as listed below. The journal content reflects core physics disciplines, but is also open to a broad range of topics whose central theme falls within the bounds of physics. Research areas covered in the journal include:
- Quantum physics
- Atomic and molecular physics
- Statistical physics, thermodynamics
- Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Modelling
- Condensed-matter physics
- Fluid dynamics
- Information theory and computation
- Electronics, photonics, device physics
- Nanotechnology
- Nuclear physics
- Plasma physics
- Astrophysics and cosmology
- Biophysics
- Geophysics
- Material Sciences and Engineering
- Instrumentation
Nigeria Theatre Journal: A Journal of the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists
The journal publishes themed articles from SONTA Annual International Conference, which usually applies itself to current issues of national or international importance but approached from the varied areas of theatre scholarship and practice. Technically, the hard copies of NTJ are made available at SONTA conferences. This is because it is owned and sponsored by the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists (SONTA). There is virtually no subscription in print because the Association underwrites its production and shares copies among its members at annual international conferences. There are no author charges for author submissions. Articles are drawn from SONTA international conferences and published annually. NTJ is freely available online. However, SONTA members pay their annual dues and conference fees annually and such members could be considered as NTJ subscribers in addition to any other interested institutions or persons.
Other websites associated with this journal:
The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) is a non-profit, professional association of all lawyers admitted to the Bar in Nigeria. It is engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights, the rule of law and good governance in Nigeria. It has an observer status with the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, and a working partnership with many national and international non-governmental organizations concerned with human rights, the rule of law and good governance in Nigeria and in Africa.
The Nigerian Bar Association has 125 branches across 36 States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and its National Secretariat is located and administered from Abuja alone. Its organizational Structure comprises of a National Executive Committee, a National Officers/ Management Board, Sections, forums, committees, Working Groups and a National Secretariat.
The Nigerian Bar Association is a principled, people-centred organization, which takes with all seriousness, its leading role in advancing the reform of Nigeria’s laws, strengthening her access to justice institutions and promoting the rule of law and good governance.
The NBA also has commitment to strengthening legal skills and law practice of its members, and to improve the legal profession in order to meet the needs of the 21st century. It also seek to reposition its members to embrace and cope with the changes occasioned by globalization, information technology and economic developments, to enable the Nigerian lawyer and law firm compete in the international globalised market
Nigerian Dental Journal
The Nigerian Dental Journal, the official publication of the Nigerian Dental Association publishes peer reviewed, scientific articles relevant to the needs of dental, medical and other health professionals in Nigeria and other parts of the world. The Nigerian Dental Journal is published biannually and the contributions that are accepted for publications include clinical papers, research papers, review papers, technical notes (surgical techniques, technical innovations), case reports and letters to the Editor that are related to dentistry and allied professions.
Nigerian Endocrine Practice
Nigerian Endocrine Practice, a peer reviewed publication published twice a year is the official publication of the Nigerian Chapter of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE-Nigeria). The primary mission of the Nigerian Endocrine Practice is to enhance the health care of patients with endocrine disorders through continuing education of practicing endocrinologists and specialists of related fields.The journal accepts original contributions related to the practice and science of clinical endocrinology, articles updating the clinical endocrinologist on current areas of interest in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders, articles discussing dilemma facing endocrinologists in the clinical, social, and ethical arena of endocrine practice, instructive clinical and laboratory cases, articles dealing with the history of clinical endocrinology and letters to the editor.
Nigerian Food Journal
The Nigerian Food Journal (NIFOJ) is a peer-reviewed journal designed to contribute towards the development of new and improved food sources and products based on sound research. NIFOJ is also designed for effective communication of special attributes and advantages of food products as well as focus on the activities of the food industry in Nigeria. The journal publishes pure and applied food science and technological research to promote knowledge sharing and nutrition development in all aspects of the food processing and consumption value chain. Aspects covered in NIFOJ include food chemistry, food engineering, food microbiology, food packaging, food preservation, food safety, new product development, and sensory analysis.Other websites associated with this journal:
Nigerian Frontline Medicine Journal
The Nigerian Frontline Medicine Journal (NFMJ) is identified as the official publication of the Faculty of Family Medicine at the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria.
Aims and Scope
The Nigerian Frontline Medicine Journal (NFMJ) is dedicated to advancing medical knowledge and healthcare practices in Nigeria and beyond. NFMJ is identified as the official publication of the Faculty of Family Medicine at the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. Published biannually since its inaugural issue in 2023, NFMJ prioritizes high-quality, peer-reviewed articles spanning various medical disciplines. Its mission includes promoting open access to ensure broad dissemination of research findings. The journal welcomes original contributions from frontline doctors and healthcare professionals across primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare facilities, emphasizing health promotion and disease prevention. The publication operates under the copyright of the Faculty of Family Medicine at the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. It has ISSN number 2636-6487. Despite being a relatively new entrant in the scholarly landscape, NFMJ has maintained its promised frequency of publication, with the latest issue released in November 2023. While currently not indexed, the journal employs a rigorous peer-review process to uphold the quality and integrity of its articles. Utilising a double-blind review system, submissions undergo scrutiny by two expert reviewers over two weeks. Authors receive constructive feedback aimed at enhancing the scholarly merit of their work. Ultimately, the editorial board makes the final decision regarding publication. The journal employs Grammarly as its primary plagiarism detection tool. This software scans submitted manuscripts for any instances of plagiarism by comparing the text against a vast database of academic and online sources. Additionally, the editorial team conducts manual checks to ensure the originality of the content. If plagiarism is detected, appropriate actions are taken, including rejection of the manuscript or requesting revisions from the authors to address the issue. With a rejection rate of 25%, the journal maintains standards while providing opportunities for dissemination. Authors and reviewers adhere to specific guidelines, fostering a transparent and fair review process. Moreover, NFMJ operates as an open-access platform, allowing unrestricted access to its content. Given that this is an open-access journal, neither the user nor their institution will be charged for access to any content. The complete texts of the articles may be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, searched, linked to, and used for any other permissible purpose without prior permission from the publisher or author. This fits the definition of open access provided by BOAI. Authors retain copyright, with articles licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This journal takes a firm stance against duplicate publication and plagiarism, striving to maintain the integrity of scholarly research. As part of its editorial process, the journal routinely conducts plagiarism screenings on submitted articles to ensure the originality of the work. Authors submitting manuscripts to this journal are expected to affirm that their study has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Proper attribution should be given for any content reused from previously published papers, and authors are responsible for obtaining necessary permissions if applicable. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism will not be considered for publication. In cases where plagiarism is detected in a published paper following an internal investigation, immediate action will be taken. All authors, their affiliated institutions, and relevant funding agencies will be notified, and the paper will be retracted from publication. The journal's plagiarism policy draws inspiration from Nature's plagiarism policy and adheres to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) definition of plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as the attempt to pass off someone else's work as one's own, encompassing the reuse of ideas, processes, results, or words without proper acknowledgement. Clear instances of plagiarism, such as the wholesale copying of large sections of text, result in immediate rejection of the manuscript. However, minor cases of plagiarism without dishonest intent, such as reusing parts of an introduction from a previous paper, are also addressed. Duplicate publication, or self-plagiarism, occurs when authors reuse significant portions of their previously published work without appropriate references. This practice, sometimes called 'text recycling', raises ethical concerns and is subject to scrutiny by editors, reviewers, and authors. The journal follows guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding text recycling, and adherence to these guidelines is strongly encouraged. In cases of suspected minor plagiarism, authors are contacted for clarification, and final decisions regarding the manuscript are made based on thorough assessments by reviewers and editors. If a manuscript is accepted for publication, all relevant reports are published alongside the paper as part of the publication history, ensuring transparency in the peer review process. Journal editors evaluate each case of plagiarism based on its merits, relying on their knowledge and awareness of the literature and input from referees. The journal's support stems from the Faculty of Family Medicine at the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. Notably, NFMJ boasts an extensive editorial board comprising esteemed professionals from various institutions across Nigeria. Additionally, international advisers contribute to the journal's global perspective. For those seeking hard copies, the journal is available for purchase at 6000 naira, approximately 4 US dollars via the Editor-In-Chief. Interested parties can contact the designated email address for further information. There are no fees associated with submitting and processing articles for publication. However, upon acceptance of an article for publication, authors are required to pay a publication fee of N60,000 or $40. This fee covers the costs associated with the final processing, formatting, and publication of the article in the journal. Furthermore, the journal's website serves as a central hub for accessing its content, reinforcing its commitment to widespread dissemination.
You can see the journal's own website
Nigerian Hospital Practice
The aim of the Nigerian Hospital Practice Journal is to aid in enhancing the advancement of medicine globally by acting as a medium for disseminating information on current clinical and drug practices in Nigeria and the medical science world as well as acting as a medium for continue medical education.
Nigerian Journal of Animal Production
The Nigerian Society for Animal Production was inaugurated in March 1973 during the First International Symposium on Animal Production in the Tropics at the University of Ibadan, lbadan, Nigeria. This society is responsible for the publication of the Nigerian Journal of Animal Production (NJAP) which commenced publication in 1974.
Nigerian Journal of Animal Science
The Nigerian Journal of Animal Science (NJAS) is an official publication of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN) that is published twice a year in two issues. The Journal publishes carefully peer-reviewed original research articles on various farm and laboratory animals covering diverse areas such as production, management, health, physiology, nutrition, feeds and feedstuff, breeding and genetics, reproduction, animal products, biotechnology, socio-economics, extension, farming systems and crop/livestock interactions within the context of sustainable livestock production among others. Review articles should cover new development in a field of livestock production.
Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
The object of the Journal is the advancement of science in all its aspects of theory, principles, methodology and practice, with emphasize on areas of common interest to all scientists.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NJBMB) is the official journal of the Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The NJBMB is an international, rigorously peer-reviewed journal, devoted to the advancement of science that interfaces with all life processes. The purpose of this journal is to provide a medium for the rapid communication of advances and new knowledge in the areas of Life Sciences.
The Nigerian
Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology welcomes original research papers in all and related fields of Biochemistry; including, but not limited to Macromolecular Biochemistry, Toxicology, Environmental Biochemistry, Medical/Clinical Biochemistry, Membrane Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Enzymology, Parasite Biochemistry, Reproductive & Developmental Biochemistry, Nutritional Biochemistry, Malariology, Bioinformatics, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Molecular Biology, Phytomedicine, Health Science, Biophysics and Food Science.
You can see the journal's own website
Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology
Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology is a publisher of multidisciplinary peer-reviews original research works and critical reviews on interdisciplinary studies in Biotechnology, Agriculture, Food and Environment interface; and is published twice a year. It serves scientists in the field of Agriculture, Food science and Technology; Animal science, Agriculture Economy and Extension, Fisheries and Aquiculture, Biotechnology, Breeding and Veterinarians.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Nigerian Journal of Botany
The Nigerian Journal of Botany is published by the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON) and is devoted to disseminating results of original research in pure and applied Botany, from within and outside Nigeria.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Nigerian Journal of Chemical Research
The Nigerian Journal of Chemical Research seeks to disseminate results of research in
all branches of chemistry including Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, Physical and
various areas of chemistry in application. The journal, which will be published once a
year, acceptsfull research papers, short communications and letters on condition that
they make original and new contribution to knowledge in the respective areas of
Nigerian Journal of Christian Studies
The Nigerian Journal of Christian Studies (NJCS) is a scholarly double- blind peer-reviewed journal and the official publication of the National Association for Christian Studies (NACS). Published since 2017, the NJCS is an annual publication which focuses on the in-depth, critical and original research papers in various disciplines within Christian Studies and those consisting of theological themes within the Nigerian contemporary experiences in particular and the world in general. These papers are those that had been presented at eth annual conference of the National Association for Christian Studies (NACS). The papers will received for editorial processing after correcting and made to be in sync with the Authors’ Guidelines and relates to the conference theme.
Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology
The Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology is concerned with the psychological, social, behavioural, medical, paediatric and ethical aspects of the applied field of clinical and counselling psychology. The journal publishes contributions of research, clinical, counselling and theoretical interest. Contributions from other disciplines which have a close bearing on psychology such as psychiatry, sociology, social work, nursing and educational issues are also encouraged. Although primary emphasis is placed on empirical research, the journal also welcomes articles concerned with important clinical, theoretical and methodical issues as well as reviews of relevant literature. Summaries of proceedings of important national and international workshops, conferences, symposia falling within the aims of the journal are also featured.
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Medicine
The Nigerian Journal of Medicine (NJCM) is a biannual journal of the Association of Resident Doctors of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, which hopes to provide a platform for medical researchers to make contributions that advances/illuminates medical science or practice in all its spheres.
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice
AJOL has paused updating this journal.
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice is the official publication of the Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria (MDCAN) established in 1997 and published regularly twice yearly in June and December. Its purpose is to promote clinical and academic excellence in Medicine and Dentistry and allied sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice has been admitted into the latest Journal Citation Reports with an Impact factor of 0.168 (as of June 2011)
Nigerian Journal of Communication
Nigerian Journal of Communication (TNJC) is a scholarly, academic, professional peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal of the African Council for Communication Education (ACCE), Nigeria Chapter. It is devoted to publishing researches, book reviews and position papers in all functional areas of communication. The journal focuses on relevant and contemporary issues in all areas of communication including Print Journalism, Broadcast Journalism, Development Communication, Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing Communication, Business and Organisational Communication, Political Communication, Science, Health and Environmental Communication, International Communication, Traditional/Indegenous Communication, ICT and Online Communication, Film and Multimedia, Communication Theory and Methodology, Communication, Culture and Society, Media Language, and other communication-related disciplines or areas. While the journal is Nigerian-based, it also accept contributions from accross the world.
You can see this journal's website
Nigerian Journal of Dental Research
The journal publishes articles in all field of Oral, Dental and Craniofacial Science, and Applied Research in form of original Research Articles, Special Review Articles, Histories and Case Reports of Rare and Special Cases, New Science, Discoveries and Innovations in Surgical Techniques Relevant to the study and Practice of Dental Surgery. Others are Short Communication, Editorial Comments, and Letters to the Editor.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Nigerian Journal of Economic History
The Nigerian Journal of Economic History (NJEH) seeks to promote the scholarly study of Africa's and the developing world's past economic issues and events from a diversity of perspectives notably those of History, Economics, and other relevant disciplines. The Journal, which encourages careful formulation of issues and methods, hopes to stimulate discourse among scholars with varied interests and backgrounds.
Nigerian Journal of Engineering
Nigerian Journal of Engineering (NJE) is a publication of the Faculty of Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria - Nigeria. NJE publishes original articles from all fields of Engineering like
- Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering
- Automotive and Mechatronics Engineering
- Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- Polymer and Textile Engineering
- Water Resources & Environmental Engineering
and some related applied sciences.
The journal receives articles for publication at all times, however publishes three issues per year. The journal uses a double-blind review system for manuscripts received.
Other websites associated with the journal:
Nigerian Journal of Family Practice
Nigerian Journal of Family Practice (NJFP) serves as a repository for cutting-edge, peer-reviewed research in all fields of primary health care and family medicine in a uniquely African context. Encouraging scholarly exchange between family medicine and primary health care researchers and practitioners across Sub-Saharan Africa, NJFP provides a contextual and holistic view of family medicine as practiced across the continent. The journal is indispensable for family medicine specialists, primary health care practitioners and academics from both the developing and developed worlds, and offers an engaging insight into the growth of these disciplines from a distinctly African perspective.
Coverage of NJFP includes: Family medicine; Primary health care; District health; Rural health; Health promotion Prevention of disease and disability; Community oriented primary care; Education and training of professionals and health workers in primary health care and family medicine; Medical informatics and information science; Accident & Emergency care; Occupational Health; Travel Medicine etc.
Nigerian Journal of Fisheries
The Fisheries society of Nigeria (FISON) was founded in 1976 by some few civil service based enthusiasts to promote the development of the fisheries profession and related disciplines in Nigeria, Africa and internationally. Today the membership of the society has expanded cutting across all the related disciplines including fisheries scientists, fishing companies and professional industrial fishing/fish farming enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. The Nigerian Journal of Fisheries is aimed at encouraging needed research into multivariate fisheries development options for national and international benefits and also providing the forum for dissemination of scientific findings in all aspects of fisheries for progressive development. It aims to serve individuals, industrialists and most importantly members of academia.
Nigerian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
The journal is published biannually, and its contents include original research, review articles, clinical trials, conference proceedings, case reports, commentaries, letters to the editor and other items of interest on the biology and diseases of the gut, liver, pancreas, peritoneum, and spleen both in humans and experimental animal models. Readers, researchers and scientists in basic medical sciences and clinical medicine related to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and its accessory organs are critical stake holders in this effort. This includes but not limited to medical and surgical specialists, general internists, pathologists, human nutritionists, endocrinologists, nursing scientists, radiologists, radiobiologists and indeed all allied medical specialists. The journal is also an invaluable companion to practitioners in the specialties who are desirous of remaining up to date in the practice of gastroenterology and hepatology.
Journal website:
Nigerian Journal of General Practice
The Nigerian Journal of General Practice is the official publication of the Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria. It is a multi-disciplinary, biannual, peer-reviewed biomedical journal that has been published since 1985. It invites scholarly manuscripts relevant to the broad discipline of Family/General Medicine education. It aims to publish evidence-based scientific research articles from a diversity of disciplines in the basic medical and clinical sciences.
Nigerian Journal of Genetics
The journal publishes original articles in the broad discipline of basic genetics (plant, livestock and human) and applied breeding. Only specially invited review articles will be published.Please note that this journal is now published by Elsevier - a non-African publisher. For this reason AJOL no longer hosts the future published issues.
Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling
The Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling (TNJGC) (ISSN 0794-0831) is published annually by the Department of Counsellor Education, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. The journal publishes well researched and well articulated papers/articles on all issues relating to counselling and applied psychology which use a variety of appropriate approaches in the conduct of research and inquiry in theoretical, empirical and experimental studies. The editors invite submission of manuscripts from contributors for publication. Manuscripts are peer reviewed anonymously, and those that are accepted are published in the following issue of the journal.
Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences
The Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences is a multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal. This journal was established to meet the challenges of health care delivery in the 21st century in Nigeria and other countries with similar setting in the ever-changing world of science and technology. The health care delivery apart from primary, secondary and tertiary health care systems has a lot of subjects/disciplines. There is a beauty in the diversity of these disciplines in Medicine but the primary goal of maintaining good health of an individual in a stable society, should not be lost to researchers. It is inconceivable that a man with typhoid intestinal perforation after surgical intervention in a tertiary health institution should be allowed to go back to the same old insanitary environment with polluted drinking water. Health education now becomes very relevant for the individual and the society where many sociological problems exist. The application of molecular biology and information technology is taking a center-stage in this century.
Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science
Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science (NJHS) is an international double-blinded, peer-reviewed Journal of Horticultural Society of Nigeria. The journal publishes original research manuscripts in all aspect of horticulture and horticultural industries. Specifically, the journal publishes full length paper, short communication, reviews and technical reports in area of horticultural research and industries that have not been published previously or considered for publication elsewhere. Issues of the journal are released quarterly.
Nigerian Journal of Hydrological Sciences
Nigerian Journal of Hydrological Sciences publishes original research papers, case studies and critical reviews in all the sub fields of the hydrological sciences including water-based management and policy issues that impact on the environment and economics. These comprise the physical, chemical, biological, stochastic and systems aspects of surface and groundwater hydrology, hydro-meteorology, hydrogeology and eco-hydrology. Social science perspectives on hydrological problems such as resource and ecological economics, environmental sociology, psychology and behavioural science, management and policy analysis are also invited. The scope of the journal includes applied aspects as in agricultural water management, ecosystems management, water resources engineering, water quality, hydropower, watershed and environmental management.
Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education
Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education is a collaborative peer reviewed scientific publication of the Network for Oral and Maxillofacial Infections, Oncology and Traumatology in Nigeria® with Department of Periodontics & Pure and Applied Dental Oral and Craniofacial Research Society (PADOCRS), Health Sciences Research Group (HESRG), University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State; Community Dental Health Unit of Department of Preventive Dentistry, University of Port Harcourt, River State; Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bayero University Kano, Kano State and Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Jos, Jos, Plateau State.
Aims and Scope
Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education welcomes high quality papers on all aspects of health research, health professional education including; undergraduate education, postgraduate training, continuing professional development and interprofessional education. As such, all issues of current interest, including teaching methods, curriculum reform, the training of medical/dental teachers, the selection of entrants and assessment techniques, are covered. • The readership consists primarily of teachers of medicine/dentistry, medical/dental educators, administrators of medical/dental faculties, medical/dental workers and researchers involved in the development of medical/dental education as a whole. Two issues of Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education (NJMDE) are published annually covering January-June and July-December.
You can see this journal's own website
Nigerian Journal of Medicine
Nigerian Journal of Medicine ( NJM) , is the official publication of Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors ( NARD), established in 1990. It is an international peer-reviewed print and online bi-monthly journal.
NJM publish scientific reports on human subjects in the form of original articles, review articles, case reports and letters. The journal covers technical and clinical studies related to medicine, dentistry and allied sciences. Articles with clinical interest and implications are only considered for publication.
The journal allows free access ( Open Access) to it's contents.
Other websites related to this journal:
www.journalonweb.com/njm and
Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and Medicine
Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and Medicine is published by the Nigerian Society of Pharmacognosy, a non profit organisation established in 1982 dedicated to the promotion of Pharmacognosy, Natural Products and Traditional Medicine. It has a current circulation of about 500 to scientists in Nigeria and abroad. The journal is produced once a year and had been in production since 1996. Articles published cover phytomedicine, natural product chemistry and biochemistry, pharmacognosy and traditional medicine, ethnoveterinary medicine and chemistry, clinical studies among others.
Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences
The Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences (ISSN 0189-0913), official Journal of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria, is a peer-reviewed publication and is published biannually, two volumes per year.
The primary focus of the journal is the publication of basic and applied studies in nutritional sciences and related fields. The following types of manuscripts are considered: original research articles, review articles, issues and opinions, special communications, letters to the Editor, book reviews, and proceedings of symposia. The journal is intended for a wide audience, including, nutritionists, dieticians, biochemists, health professionals, home economists, policy makers, students of nutrition and related fields, health educators, and all those in the health sciences. Other websites related to this journal:
Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology
Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology, a publication of Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, is a peer-reviewed online journal with Semiannual print on demand compilation of issues published. The journal’s full text is available online at
http://www.nigerianjournalofophthalmology.com.The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts and even for color reproduction of photographs.
Scope of the Journal
The journal will cover technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of clinical, laboratory, community medicine, basic medical sciences, medical technology, economics and management of health care delivery. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference.
Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma
The Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma publishes original papers, review articles and case reports on pathology, anaesthesia, orthopaedics and trauma.
Nigerian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
The Nigerian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology was established by the Otorhinolaryngological Society of Nigeria, as an international medium for the rapid dissemination of original research and scientific works related to all aspects of academic and clinical practice of Otorhinolaryngology. It aims to promote academic and clinical excellence of the highest standards that will be second to none in the world. The Journal welcomes original scientific contributions, review papers, clinical trials, case reports letters to the Editor, medico-legal and ethical articles, on the basic medical and clinical sciences in relation to the fields of Otorhinolaryngology, Head-and-Neck surgery, Audiology, Speech and Language Disorders, and allied specialties.
Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics
Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics a quarterly journal publishes original articles, brief reports on clinical and laboratory observations; case reports of substantive value; invited editorial annotations; invited papers on recent electronic clinical briefs, advances, clinical diagnosis, announcements (meetings, courses, job advertisements); summary reports of conferences and book reviews.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Nigerian Journal of Parasitology
The Journal is devoted primarily to pure and applied research and provides a medium for the publication of investigations in all aspects of Parasitology. The Journal will publish original research and technical studies carried out in the country, as well as works and documents from foreigners which are of interest to Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Parasitology publishes original research works on Parasitology (epidemiology, vector biology, public health, disease prevention, molecular and biochemical parasitology, drug test, diagnostics parasitology, control, socio medicine and international health).
Nigerian Journal of Periodontal Research
Nigerian Journal of Periodontal Research (NJPR) is a peer reviewed scientific publication of Periodontologists Association of Nigeria (PAN). This Journal will publish original clinical and basic investigations, review articles and case reports concerned with every aspect of periodontology and related sciences like Implantology etc. Reports of scientific meetings in periodontology and related fields are also welcomed.
Aims and Scope
Nigerian Journal of Periodontal Research is a journal whose aim is to publish original clinical and basic investigations, review articles and case reports concerned with every aspect of periodontology and related sciences like Implantology etc.. Reports of scientific meetings in periodontology and related fields are also published. One volume of two issues will be published annually and this may be reviewed from time to time.
Journal Ethics
This journal is committed to meeting and upholding standards of ethical behaviour at all stages of the publication process. These requirements are met by the journal following the set standards and guidelines for best practices established by associations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).
You can see this journal's own website
Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research
The Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, the official publication of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo, Nigeria, is published quarterly as a reference source to researchers in the pharmaceutical, chemical, life, medical, and paramedical sciences. It is a refereed journal. Statements and opinions expressed in the articles and communication are those of the authors, not the editor(s) and publisher. The Editor(s) and Publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such materials and do not guarantee, warrant, or endorse any product or service advertised in this publication or any claim made by the manufacturer.
Aims and Scope
The Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research is an international open-access journal committed to advancing the field of pharmaceutical sciences and its intersecting disciplines. With a special focus on research of tropical relevance, the journal aims to bridge the gap between traditional pharmaceutical studies and cutting-edge interdisciplinary research encompassing biotechnology, cell and molecular biology, drug utilization, adverse drug events, medical and other life sciences, as well as relevant engineering fields. The journal serves as a dynamic platform for scientists, researchers, healthcare professionals, and the pharmaceutical industry to disseminate and exchange knowledge, fostering a collaborative environment for multidisciplinary research. It emphasizes the importance of integrating diverse perspectives to drive innovation and address complex challenges in the field. In addition to original research papers, the Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research welcomes comprehensive reviews that provide insightful analysis on current topics of special interest and importance in the pharmaceutical and applied sciences domains. By offering an international forum, the journal ensures the communication and critical evaluation of significant data, methods, and findings, contributing to the global discourse in pharmaceutical sciences and related disciplines. Through its dedication to open-access publishing, the journal ensures that its content is readily available to a wide audience, facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and supporting the advancement of pharmaceutical sciences on a global scale.
You can see this journal’s own website here.
Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
The Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research publishes scientific work in all areas of Pharmaceutical and life sciences, including (but not restricted to): medicinal plant research; herbal medicines and cosmetics; development of drugs and pharmaceuticals; quality assurance of drugs; safety and efficacy of drugs; pharmacy practice; veterinary pharmacy.
Nigerian Journal of Physics
Nigerian Journal of Physics publishes original papers in pure and applied physics. It aims to serve research physicists in the academia, industry as well as graduate students.
Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences
Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences (
Niger. J. Physiol. Sci.) is a biannual publication of the Physiological Society of Nigeria. It covers diverse areas of research in physiological sciences, publishing reviews in current research areas and original laboratory and clinical research in physiological sciences.Other websites related to this journal:
Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery
The Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery has its objectives in publishing original articles about developments in all areas related to plastic and reconstructive surgery as well as to trauma surgery.
It also serves as a means of providing a forum for correspondence, information and discussion. It also accepts review articles that may be related to plastic and reconstructive surgery, burns and trauma management, epidemiology or prevention.
Nigerian Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
We are interested in contributions that illuminates or advance medical science or practices extending all aspects of medicine. Contributions may be in the form of review articles, case reports, clinical practice materials, letter to the Editor, short communication commentaries, and viewpoints. Articles on socio-economic, political and legal matters related to medical practice, conference and workshop reports and medical news are also published by the Nigeria Journal Of Postgraduate Medicine
Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry
The Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry publishes original scientific papers, review articles, short reports and opinion papers in all areas of psychiatry and related fields, such as sociology, applied anthropology and neurosciences
Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
The Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment is the official journal of the Faculty of Science, Delta State University, Abraka Nigeria and publishes original peer-reviewed research manuscripts in agriculture and pure and applied sciences.
Aims and Scope
The journal is designed to contribute towards the promotion of science particularly in the developing countries of the world. Manuscripts on environmental, physical and biological sciences with particular reference to the African continent are highly welcome. The subjects covered include: Agriculture, Biochemistry, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Microbiology, Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Zoology Manuscripts for publication will be accepted on the basis of their high scientific merit and originality. Manuscripts are welcome from all over the world.
You can see this journal's own website here
Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology
Nigerian Association of Social Psychologists (NASP) is a unit under the Nigerian Psychological Association (NPA) and was inaugurated in March 2018. NASP has a longstanding commitment to maintaining the quality and integrity of research findings in social and personality psychology in Nigeria. This commitment is reflected in our ongoing efforts to identify, adopt, and promote best practices through the association’s publication platform, Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology (NJSP).
The Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology (Online ISSN: 2682-6151, Print ISSN: 2682-6143) is open to publication of high quality research on all topics within the field. The topics covered include, among others, intergroup relations, group processes, social cognition, attitudes, social influence and persuasion, self and identity, verbal and nonverbal communication, interpersonal relationships, language and thought, affect and emotion, embodied and situated cognition, cultural and cross-cultural phenomena, societal psychology and individual differences of social-psychological relevance.
NJSP is an international outlet for original empirical papers in all areas of personality and social psychology. Occasionally, NJSP will publish other pieces of particular interest to members of the Association, such as special topical issues, selected symposia, and invited addresses. All papers are reviewed with respect to their scholarly merit.
Note: Regardless of whether you are a member of the Association, you are welcome to view abstracts and to subscribe to its NJSP feed free of charge.
Other websites associated with this journal: https://www.nigerianjsp.com/index.php/NJSP
Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research
The Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research (previously named Nigerian Journal of Soil Research) is an annual publication of the Department of Soil science, Faculty of Agriculture/Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaira. The journal accepts articles in English. The journal is concerned with soils and environmental issues of tropical interest.
Nigerian Journal of Soil Science
The Nigerian Journal of Soil Science publishes research works in all aspects of soil science.
Nigerian Journal of Surgery
Nigerian Journal of Surgery publishes original articles, special articles (by invitation), reviews, case reports, correspondences and notes. Materials cited for publication will include scientific research papers read at the meetings of the Nigerian Surgical Research Society, and of the Association of Surgeons of Nigeria and the abstracts of those meetings. Suitable papers not presented at the meetings are also welcome.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research
Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research is a publication of the Surgical Research Society with main office in Zaria, Nigeria. Zaria is home to Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), a premier university in Nigeria. The aim of The
Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research is to cover developments and advances in the broad field of Surgery and related Clinical and Basic Sciences in Nigeria and the rest of Africa. It will also serve as a medium for publicising and communicating scientific meetings and other news in these fields within Nigeria and Africa. The Journal will also serve as a medium for continuing education, particularly for doctors in remote rural areas.
Other websites related to this journal:
Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences
Nigerian Journal of Technological Development
Nigerian Journal of Technological Development (NJTD) is a quarterly publication of the Faculty of Engineering & Technology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. It publishes original high-quality articles focusing on all aspects of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Manuscripts are double-blind peer-reviewed and if found suitable, are published as full length research articles or review papers. Our publications are scheduled for March, June, September and December.
Please note that this Journal does not receive manuscripts via this website. To submit your manuscript to the NJTD, please click on the link:
Nigerian Journal of Technological Research
The Nigerian Journal of Technological Research is a pure scientific journal with a philosophy of attempting to provide information on problem solving technology to its immediate environs and the international community. The scope of the journal is in the core areas of: Pure and Applied Sciences; Engineering Sciences; Environmental Sciences; Agricultural Sciences; Information and communication Technology; Management and Entrepreneurship sciences.
Nigerian Journal of Technology
The aim of establishing the Nigerian Journal of Technology is to create a forum for the publication of well-researched articles in all areas of Engineering and Technology and for fast dissemination of such research reports. We accept multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary manuscripts that have application and relevance in Engineering. Manuscripts submitted to NIJOTECH should fall within any of the following broad areas:
- Building, Civil and Geotechnical Engineering
- Chemical, Industrial, Petroleum and Production Engineering
- Mechanical, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering,
- Computer, Telecommunications, Software, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Agricultural, Bioresources, Biomedical and Food Engineering
- Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
- General and Emerging Engineering
All papers submitted to the journal should be an original thought-provoking appraisal of existing knowledge, collation of relevant data of interest or investigation and exploration of new fields in applied science and technology. Only original articles which have been peer-reviewed to show new or additional knowledge can be considered for publication.
View our website here: www.nijotech.com
This journal has been accepted for indexing in Scopus (October 2023).
Nigerian Libraries provides information on library science in Nigeria.
Nigerian Medical Journal
Nigerian Medical Journal publishes original articles, reviews, memoranda, reports, case reports, reports of meetings as supplements, letters to the Editor, Association New, book reviews as well as any news of medical relevance. Topics published are of interest to clinicians, researchers, resident doctors, epidemiologists, medical and paramedical teachers, biomedical scientists, health managers and other professionals.
See our website here:
Nigerian Medical Practitioner
The Nigerian Medical Practitioner, a monthly Journal publishes clinical and research articles in medicine and related fields which are of interest to a large proportion of medical and allied health practitioners. It also publishes miscellaneous articles-hospital administration, business practice, accounting, law-for health practitioners. Case reports and letters about published papers are welcome.
Nigerian Music Review
Nigerian Music Review is aimed at the scholarly review of the developments in various musical practices in Nigeria. It considers well researched articles in any of the following areas: Musicology, Ethnomusicology, African Music, Music Education, Performance, Composition, Music Technology, Music & Related Disciplines, Book/Album Reviews etc.
Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine
Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine is published quarterly and the contents include articles in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical and Basic Medical Sciences with emphasis on health problems and solutions relating to developing countries. The readership are in - Libraries, Teaching Hospitals, Universities, Institutions within and outside the country.
Nigerian School Library Journal
The Nigerian School Library Journal is a scholarly publication of the Nigerian School Library Association that focuses on issues relating to school library media centers’ establishment, administration, organization, media resources management, reading development, e-learning/m-learning, and other related topics of concern to researchers and school librarians or media specialists and those in the field of library and information sciences.
Nigerian Veterinary Journal
Nigerian Veterinary Journal (NVJ) has been in existence since 1971. The NVJ is published by the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA) as part of the association's commitment to the advancement of Veterinary Medicine in Nigeria and other parts of the world, with a general view of enhancing the livestock economy worldwide.Other websites related to this journal can be found here:
http://www.nvma.org.ng and
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence (NAUJILJ) is a scholarly, online/print, open access, peer-reviewed and fully refereed journal which focuses strictly on issues of international law and jurisprudence. The Journal is abstracted and indexed with African Journals Online (AJOL) and HeinOnline. It provides a forum for legal scholars and jurists to report research findings for policy making through innovative and advanced methodologies. Well researched and original papers on topical subject matters, and case/book reviews, which extend the frontiers of knowledge with a view to solving developmental problems, are welcome. NAUJILJ is published biannually in April and September, and promptly appears in Google scholar. Submission of manuscripts can be made all through the year.
Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies
The Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies (NJRCS) is the official and open access journal of the Department of Religion and Cultural Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. NJRCS aims to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among scholars from various fields, including religious studies, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, , Psychology, and philosophy. By exploring the complex intersections of religion and culture, the journal seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of human experience and the promotion of tolerance, inclusivity, and social cohesion.
Aims and Scope
1. To provide a platform for scholarly engagement with the intersections of religion, philosophy, culture and other interdisciplinary fields in African and global contexts.
2. To foster critical thinking, research, and debate on the role of religion in shaping cultural values, beliefs, and practices.
3. To explore the complex relationships between religion, culture, and society, and their implications for human flourishing.
The NJRCS welcomes articles, and book reviews that address the following areas:
1. Religious traditions and their cultural expressions (e.g., Christianity, Islam, African religions, etc.).
2. Comparative studies of religion and culture across different regions and historical periods.
3. Methodological innovations in the study of religion and culture.
4. Cultural hermeneutics and interpretation of religious texts and practices.
Interdisciplinary fields such as Philosophy, anthropology, sociology, Psychology, Social Sciences, humanities, and other related areas.
You can see the journal's own website here
OGIRISI: a New Journal of African Studies
OGIRISI is a multidisciplinary journal. Its principal scope definition is focus on Africa. It therefore welcomes articles that attend to the African world, existence and development; African worldview and values; African symbols and institutions; African situation and the globalizing world; African problems and prospects. Reviews of publications that focus on Africa are also received.
Orient Journal of Medicine
Orient Journal of Medicine, which was founded in 1989, is the official journal of the Nigerian Medical Association of South-East Nigeria. Currently, it is owned by the Nigerian Medical Association, Anambra state branch. It was originally conceptualized as a quarterly, peer-reviewed, and open-access scientific journal that publishes original articles, reviews, case reports, and letters to the editor, in the biomedical sciences.
The journal aims at disseminating biomedical advances from research, clinical practice, and emerging issues relevant to human health from all specialties of medicine from all regions of the world.
Other websites related to this journal:
Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences
The Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences was founded on 27th April 2019. It is published by the Department of Surgery at the Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital (COOUTH) in Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.
The Journal provides a platform for local and international clinicians to publish clinical studies, research articles, ethical issues and other topics pertinent to general surgery, surgical sub-specialties, Anaesthesia and Radiology.
We accept original reports, review articles, case reports, short communications and letters to the editor within the specialties under coverage. The OJSS observes rigorous peer-review process and undertakes to publish only those manuscripts that meet international standards. We aim to achieve a maximum period of twenty-eight days from submission to decision to publish or decline.
OYE: Ogun Journal of Arts
OYE: Ogun Journal of Arts is an annual publication devoted to publishing articles relevant to the development of the humanities. Essays in any of the regular disciplines of the humanities: language, linguistics, communication arts, history, theatre arts or performing arts, history and diplomatic studies or international relations, philosophy, religious studies, film, etc., are normally peer-reviewed before publication. Book reviews and commentaries pertinent to humanistic studies are also considered for publication.
Physics Access is a new open access journal for the rapid publication of high-quality research in all areas of physics.
Aims and Scope
Physics Access publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas of physics, pure and applied. The journal does not make a subjective assessment on the potential future significance of a paper, instead providing a rapid platform for communicating research that meets high standards of scientific rigour and contributes to the development of knowledge in physics.
All physics-related research is in scope, including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies. All types of results can be published, provided they contribute to advancing knowledge in their field, including negative results, null results and replication studies.
You can see this journal's website
Plant Products Research Journal
Plant Products Research Journal publishes papers of merit on all aspects of plant biology, particularly Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Ethnobiology, Plant micro-organism interaction, Biotechnology, Development and conservation.
Port Harcourt Medical Journal
Port Harcourt Medical Journal's objectives are to disseminate medical information from the College of Health Sciences, University of Port Harcourt and the rest of the national and international medical community; act as a medium for the articulation of research and findings from same as well as proceedings of medical conferences of professional societies among the national and international medical community; and promote cooperation among medical scientists world wide.
Proceedings of the Nigerian Academy of Science
The regular edition of the journal is a multi-disciplinary publication, with the primary objective of disseminating original research, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis in all STEM disciplines, especially those that address national and regional developmental challenges. The journal publishes articles that are based on deep-seated formative research using large and multi-center datasets that lead to a better understanding of the context of science related developmental challenges in various disciplines, and that identify appropriate pathways for accomplishing change. Submissions of papers based on intervention research that focus on experimental and quasi-experimental designs are also encouraged.
The journal's themed edition will focus on specific developmental challenges in Nigeria and the African region, which can be resolved by the strategic re-positioning of science and its components. We firmly believe that one of the draw-backs that configures Africa’s developmental nightmare is the low use and poor infiltration of science into various elements of development. We believe that PNgAS can play a significant role in encouraging specific considerations of scientific principles in the formulation of policies and programs in the region.
You can view this journal's own website
Research Journal of Health Sciences
Research Journal of Health Sciences is dedicated to promoting high quality research work in the field of health and related biological sciences. It aligns with the mission of the Osun State University, which is “to create a unique institution, committed to the pursuit of academic innovation, skills-based training and a tradition of excellence in teaching, research and community service”. The Journal acts as a medium of improving the quality of health care and medical education particularly in the context of developing countries with limited resources.
Research Journal of Health Sciences aim to make a substantial contribution towards providing high quality publications in health sciences and related biological sciences. It publishes manuscripts from basic and clinical sciences that have not been submitted for publication/or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Journal ensures a rigorous review process.
Research Journal of Health Sciences journal is a peer reviewed, Open Access journal. The Journal subscribed to terms and conditions of Open Access publication. Articles are distributed under the terms of Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). (
http://creativecommons.org/licences/by-nc-nd/4.0). All articles are made freely accessible for everyone to read, download, copy and distribute as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences
The Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences aims to provide a platform for the publication of high-quality research articles, short communications, case reports, and review articles encompassing all aspects of Veterinary Sciences and related disciplines. The journal welcomes original research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge in these areas. Both basic and applied research articles are encouraged, as well as short communications that provide concise findings or preliminary results. Additionally, the journal invites case reports that present interesting or unique clinical cases, and review articles that critically analyze and summarize the current state of knowledge in specific areas of veterinary sciences. The scope of the journal includes:
- Animal Production:
- Animal breeding and genetics
- Animal nutrition and feeding
- Livestock management and welfare
- Reproductive biology and technology in animals
- Animal behavior and welfare
- Animal biotechnology and genomics
- Animal husbandry practices and techniques
- Veterinary Medicine Specialties:
- Small animal medicine and surgery
- Large animal medicine and surgery
- Avian and exotic animal medicine
- Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics
- Veterinary pathology and diagnostics
- Veterinary anesthesia and pain management
- Veterinary epidemiology and public health
- Veterinary radiology and imaging
- Veterinary clinical sciences
- Comparative medicine and pathology
- Veterinary immunology and infectious diseases
- Veterinary oncology
- Veterinary toxicology
- Veterinary microbiology and virology
- Veterinary parasitology
- Veterinary public health and zoonoses
- Veterinary education and research methodology
- One Health-related Research:
- Interactions between human, animal, and environmental health
- Zoonotic diseases and their prevention and control
- Emerging infectious diseases and their impact on animal and human populations
- Environmental impacts on animal and human health
- Epidemiological studies and surveillance programs related to One Health
Please note that the journal also welcomes interdisciplinary studies that bridge the gap between veterinary sciences and other related fields, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Only original contributions written in clear and concise English would be considered for publication. The journal is published quarterly.
Sahel Medical Journal
Sahel Medical Journal is a quarterly international Journal devoted solely to (1) dissemination of information about medical sciences in Nigeria, particularly the Sahel zone, Africa and the rest of the world, (2) to provide a medium where national and international medical and health organizations may relay information to medical scientists and others interested in health care in Nigeria, Africa, and the rest of the world, (3) it is also to serve as a forum for publications relating to international conferences in medical and health sciences in Nigeria, and (4) to promote inter-regional cooperation amongst medical and social scientists engaged in health care delivery in Nigeria in particular, and Africa in general.Other websites related to this journal:
Samaru Journal of Information Studies
The Samaru Journal of Information Studies addresses issues in the field of library science, information science and related fields including but not limited to, information and communication Technology (ICT) applications to effectively create, apply, and communicate knowledge in organization. including but not limited to knowledge management, information and communication Technology (ICT) applications and use, communication, public relations and other allied areas of information studies. The basic objectives of the journal are (i) to provide current thoughts and research reports on developments and trends in the areas of Library and information science, academic, school, national and special librarianship. (ii) to provide a platform for new thinking and directions on the problems, prospects strategies and techniques of library and information services and ICT applications in library, archive, publishing and information works. (iii) to provide a forum for discussion of library and information science education and training, and future trends in information access and delivery.
Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice
The Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice aims to promote and advance the practice and study of all fields of medicine in Nigeria in general as well as in other African countries and the rest of the world. We therefore welcome contributions relating to all aspects of medicine from workers throughout the world. Contributions may be in the form of original articles, solicited review articles, case reports, letters, preliminary communications etc. it aims to serve medical doctors, medical consultants, allied health professionals and medical scientists
Science World Journal
The SWJ is a peer review on-line international journal of broad appeal, aimed at fast publication of cutting edge research across the sciences. The Journal publishes multidisciplinary articles reporting on original research in the natural and physical sciences and their applications. The journal also promotes the application of computers in modeling and Bioinformatics. Other websites related to this journal: www.scienceworldjournal.org
Scientia Africana seeks to encourage communication among scientists all over the world through regular publication of their research findings. The journal publishes results of original research in all aspects of biological, chemical, earth, mathematical, physical and applied sciences including basic medical and engineering sciences. It also publishes review articles, book reviews, research notes and other short communications on all aspects of pure and applied sciences and accepts advertisements in related fields.
Securities Market Journal
Sokoto Journal of Medical Laboratory Science
Sokoto Journal of Medical Laboratory Science (SJMLS) represent a unique opportunity for accelerated interdisciplinary exchange of thought-provoking commentary, responsibly conducted research, case reports and review of literature of reliable information on the current discoveries and developments in the field of Medical Laboratory Science. The Journal is published quarterly and advocates for adherence to the codes regarding accuracy, transparency and honesty in all scientific communications. Commitment to provide high quality work and speed is our philosophy. This fast review process is useful for faster dissemination of knowledge.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences
The Journal publishes original research articles related to veterinary sciences, including livestock health and production, diseases of wild life and fish, preventive veterinary medicine and zoonoses among others. Case reports, review articles and editorials are also accepted.
Other sites related to this journal:
Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy
The journal aims at publishing scholarly articles in any branch of philosophy and related disciplines. It shows a special interest in articles which encourage philosophising within the content of Africa, etc.
Notice from the journal:You are cordially invited for the 2016 RESEACHERS INTERNATIONAL NETWORK CONFERENCE. VENUE: UNIVERSITY OF BENIN, NIGERIA. DATE: 13th -15 OCTOBER, 2016. All papers and Abstracts should be submitted on or before 20th September, 2016 to rinternationalnetwork@gmail.com. Thanks. For more information contact Dr. Ekanem on +2348037269701, Patrick +2348032182251 or visit
The Catholic Voyage: African Journal of Consecrated Life
The Aims
The Catholic Voyage seeks to educate, inform and form. It strives to propagate “the good, the true and the beautiful” in communicating message (John Paul II, Ecclesia in Africa, n.124) on Consecrated Life in its various forms. In particular, its purposes are to:
(1) Provide a forum for the cultivation, development and promotion of Theology, Canon law, Church History, spirituality, philosophy, and social and human sciences insofar as they treat matters relating to Consecrated Life;
(2) Become a medium for debate, dialogue and reflection on historical, contemporary, topical issues and challenges concerning consecrated life and its mission in the church and in the world;
(3) Contribute to the local and universal Church’s mandate for evangelization by proclaiming the Gospel through dialogue, inculturation, the strive for justice, peace and integral human development of peoples;
4) Make Christ’s message relevant and credible through the dissemination of serious studies, reflections, apostolates and ministries, documents and texts, as well as sharing pertinent experiences and relevant testimonies of witnesses and experts relating to Consecrated life and Society of Apostolic Life.
Type of Papers and topics
The Catholic Voyage publishes:
- Original and scholarly articles on historical, contemporary and current topics from any area of the ecclesiastical disciplines that contribute to questions of social, cultural and religious significance, and from the human and social sciences, insofar as they relate to any aspect of Consecrated Life and Society of Apostolic Life, especially in an African context and perspective;
- Papers and topics from the areas of Sacred Scriptures, Theology, Morals, Canon Law, Philosophy, History and cultural heritage of the Church, Patrology (or Patristics), Spirituality, Religion, Church, inculturation, Integral human development, Morals, Missiology, Ecumenism and Inter-religious dialogue, Cultures, Ethics, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Social Sciences, Social Communications, Psychology, Education, Health Care.
- Documents, Reports and Papers of the assemblies of important meetings relating to Consecrated life, as well as well-articulated reflections on vocation, life and ministry of Consecrated persons;
- Interviews, Experiences and Witnesses (Testimonies) on issues relating to Consecrated Life and to the aims and objectives of the journal;
- Book reviews.
The audience and community it aims to serve
The journal is destined primarily for members of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Formation houses, Major Seminaries, as well as the clergy. The readership extends to the lay people who share with Consecrated persons the same ideals, spirit and mission or who are simply interested in deepening their knowledge about the vocation, life, mission, the history and theology of consecrated life in the Church. While it is addressed to readers and researchers principally in Africa, we hope that this journal will be beneficial or helpful to interested readers and scholars in other regions of the world.
Journal keywords
- Catholic Church.
- Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria.
- Consecrated Life and Charism in Africa.
- Truth and Mercy in Religious Institutes.
- Catholic Theology, Mission and Voyage.
Other journals associated with this journal: https://www.tcvafrica.org/
THE COLLOQUIUM is a publication of Federal College of Education {Technical) Omoku, Rivers state ,Nigeria. It is a multi-disciplinary thematic policy journal devoted to the publication of high-quality research/review articles , survey articles offering description of the scientific advances achieved in given fields. Some editions are compendia of articles selected following a special thematic College seminar and or conferences. The Journal is and funded and supported by Tertiary Education trust Fund TETFUND.
Other websites associated with this journal:
The CRAB: Journal of Theatre and Media Arts
The Crab: Journal of Theatre and Media Arts is a peer-reviewed journal of the Department of Theatre and Film Studies, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. It avails space for presentation of well researched theory based and critically robust articles, relevant to the humanities and social sciences, with special focus on Theatre, Film and other Media related areas.
The Nigerian Health Journal
The Nigerian Health Journal (TNHJ) is an OPEN ACCESS, internationally peer-reviewed, English language, medical and health science journal that was established in 2000, as a publication of the Nigerian Medical Association, Rivers State Branch. The journal publishes quarterly scientific manuscripts that advance medical science or practice covering all aspects of medicine including socio-economic, political and legal perspectives related to medical practice. The journal’s scope covers medical and health science disciplines including clinical research, public health, nursing, pharmacology, laboratory practice, anatomy, physiology, physiotherapy etc.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Tropical Freshwater Biology
Tropical Freshwater Biology promotes the publication of scientific contributions in the field of freshwater biology in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. One issue is published annually but this number may be increased. Original research papers and short communications on any aspect of tropical freshwater biology are acceptable. Review articles relevant to the tropics and books for review are welcome. Articles solely concerned with the physical and chemical environment and theoretical issues will be considered occasionally.
Tropical Journal of Health Sciences
The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences (TJHS) is an international journal which provides a forum for exchange of ideas to those engaged in work in the Health Sciences and related fields. The journal intends to publish high quality papers on original research, case reports, short communications, commentary, review articles, editorials, correspondence and book reviews. TJHS is an official organ of the College of Health Sciences (A WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Manpower Development), University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria and will also serve as a medium for disseminating information on the activities of the College.
Tropical Journal of Medical Research
Tropical Journal of Medical Research publishes original research work, review articles, important case report, short communications, and innovations in medicine and related fields.
Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research
The Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR) is a peer-reviewed, open access online international journal which publishes original research papers. The journal welcomes submission from scholars and experts for possible publication from all over the world. The scope of the journal includes:
Pharmaceutical research
Chemistry and biochemistry of naturally occurring compounds
Biological evaluation of crude extracts
Traditional and complementary medicine
Biomedical research
Evaluation of natural substances of land and sea and of plants, microbes and animals,
Pharmacological and toxicological studies
Pharmacokinetics of phytochemicals
Isolation and characterization of compounds
Structure elucidation
Synthesis and experimental biosynthesis of natural products,
as well as developments of methods in these areas are welcomed in the journal. Finally, research papers in fields on the chemistry-biology boundary, papers discussing the screening of natural products for biological activity against different health targets are also encouraged.
Timely, concise and focused reviews on recent progress in active areas of natural Product will be also published.
This international journal is published monthly, and available in both printed and electronic formats.
You can view this journal's website at
Tropical Journal of Nephrology
The Journal publishes original papers, review articles, case reports, technical reports, guidelines in the field of general nephrology, dialysis, and transplantation as well as on medical education on special interests.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISSN: Print 0189-5117, is peer-reviewed journal. The Journal is Official Publication of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. The journal publishes articles on the subject it provides a forum for the publication of original articles Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Reproductive Health, and Allied disciplines in the tropics. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Reproductive Health, Basic Science Research, clinical research, clinical trials, critical reviews, commentaries, public health controversies, consensus reports, special articles, case reports, letters, and other appropriate forms of communications in Maternal and Foetal Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology, Gynaecological Oncology, Female Urology, and other aspects of Reproductive Health. The journal is published 3 Issue in the months of January, May, and September.
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
We seek to encourage pharmaceutical and allied research of tropical and international relevance and to foster multidisciplinary research and collaboration among scientists, the pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare professionals.
We publish articles in pharmaceutical sciences and related disciplines (including biotechnology, cell and molecular biology, drug utilization including adverse drug events, medical and other life sciences, and related engineering fields). Although primarily devoted to original research papers, we welcome reviews on current topics of special interest and relevance.
Other websites related to this journal:
http://www.tjpr.org and
Tropical Veterinarian
TROPICAL VETERINARIAN is an international journal devoted to all aspects of veterinary science as practiced in the tropics, including livestock production and management, animal disease (domestic and wild), various aspects of preventive medicine and public health and basic and applied research in these areas.
UJAH: Unizik Journal of Arts and Humanities
UJAH: Unizik Journal of Arts and Humanities is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to the promotion of excellence in theoretical and applied research and the dissemination of research reports as tools for learning. It publishes scholarly articles in such areas of the humanities as Igbo and other African languages and literatures, English and other European languages and literatures, Chinese and other Asian languages and literatures, History, Philosophy, Religion, Music, Theatre Arts, etc. UJAH seeks to grow the variety of human languages by maintaining a liberal language policy. Authors are encouraged to write in whatever language they are most proficient. In any case, the abstract shall be available in English
Umudike Journal of Engineering and Technology
The Umudike Journal of Engineering and Technology (UJET) publishes high quality articles focusing on all aspects of Engineering and applied sciences. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed and if found suitable, published, according to subject matter, as research paper, review or technical note.
You can view the journal's own website
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research (UJMR) is an international open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality original research, case studies, technical reports, short communications, letters to the editor, and critical reviews. UJMR covers a broad range of topics in Microbiology, Biological Sciences, Biomedicine, Agricultural Sciences, and Biochemistry, making it a comprehensive platform for scholarly contributions.
Aims and Scope
As the official journal of the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, UJMR focuses on a wide range of topics of general interest. These include Medical, Environmental, Industrial, Agricultural, Public Health, Food Microbiology, and other related fields within Microbiology, Biological Sciences, and Biochemistry. The journal seeks to advance knowledge in these disciplines by providing a platform for original research, critical reviews, and technical reports.
You can see this journal's own website
Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources
The Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources operates under the Provost’s Office, College of Agriculture and Renewable Resources, Ejigbo Campus, Osun State University, P.M.B. 4494, Osogbo, Nigeria. The mission of the Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources is to expand the body of knowledge in the core areas of Agriculture, Applied and Pure Sciences, Agricultural Mechanisation, Environmental Sciences, Sciences, Renewable Natural Resources and Management. Transactions with Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources will principally be online. The Journal is domiciled within the official website of the Osun State University: www.ujarr.uniosun.edu.ng. Submission of articles should be done through e-mail attachment to the editor at ujarr@uniosun.edu.ng. Articles are anonymously peer-reviewed (double blind) by relevant experts and professionals in the field of expertise. All submissions must be firmly based on experience or research and must be relevant to current issues. Articles are reviewed for their quality, length, content, and applicability to an international readership with strict adherent to the Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources Author’s Guidelines. Only a paper with favourable reports shall be considered for possible acceptance for publication. The acceptance of manuscripts for publication is decided by the Editorial Board. Articles are accepted with the understanding that their content is the author’s original work, not slanderous, libelous, or plagiarized. All statements of opinion and supposed fact in the Journal are published under the authority of the authors. They are not to be accepted as the view of the editors, the publisher, the UJARR Journal Committee, or the Osun State University.
Aims and ScopeThe aims and objectives of the Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources are to expand the body of knowledge in the core areas of Agriculture, Applied and Pure Sciences, Agricultural Mechanisation, Environmental Sciences, Sciences, Renewable Natural Resources and Management through our editorial contents. The contents include columns for Editor in-Chief, feature articles, short communications, reviewed and original research articles and technical articles.
You can see this journal's own website
UNIZIK Journal of Religion and Human Relations
In 2022 this journal title was changed from Journal of Religion and Human Relations to UNIZIK Journal of Religion and Human Relations.
The Journal of Religion and Human Relations (JORAHR) is an academic journal with focus on religious and human relations issues, but accommodates researches from other disciplines within academic spectrum. The African continent is the main focus.
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research provides a multidisciplinary forum for the publication of original research and technical papers, short communications, state-of-the-art developments in Information and communications technology, bio-medical informatics, computers, mathematics, control and information technology, physics, industrial electronics, management sciences and engineering, industry chemistry, general technology rocketry, space and astronomy, earth sciences, oceanography and the environment with special emphasis on the application of communications and information technology to these fields of importance. Other websites related to this journal:
West African Journal of Medicine
The West African Journal of Medicine is owned by the West African College of Physicians and the West African College of Surgeons. Aims: The aims of the Journal are: To provide a medium for international dissemination of information about medical science in West Africa and elsewhere. To furnish a means whereby appropriate international medical and health organisations may transmit information to medical scientists in medical institutions of West Africa and elsewhere.
The free abstract-text content of this edition can be accessed on PubMed Central, EMBASE, Excerpta Medica, and African Index Medicus, amongst others.
Please contact the journal directly for content not available on AJOL.
West African Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research
(Journal Ouest Africain de Pharmacologie de Recherche sur les Medicaments)Papers on all aspects of drug action and related topics including chemotherapy and toxicology will be considered for publication
West African Journal of Radiology
West African Journal of Radiology is an annual publication and the official organ of the Association of Radiologists of West Africa. The Journal accepts for publication, original work in the Science and Technology of Radiology, clinical case reports, discoveries and engineering design/fabrication reports related to any branch of imaging modalities, Radiotherapy and allied subjects.Other websites associated with this journal:
Western Nigeria Journal of Medical Sciences
The Western Nigeria Journal of Medical Sciences (WNJMS) is an official publication of the UNIOSUN Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Nigeria, the teaching hospital/training institution of the Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria. The WNJMS is a recognized vehicle for timely publication of high-quality, relevant research and commentary for the community of researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to support knowledge transfer, understanding of complex public health problems, and informed decisions in order to promote public health and the medical/surgical sciences.
Aims and Scope
The Western Nigeria Journal of Medical Sciences (WNJMS) publishes peer-reviewed original articles, reviews, case reports and correspondences on all aspects of medicine and the medical sciences. Manuscripts will be considered for publication with the understanding that the work has not already been reported in a published paper or described in a paper accepted for publication elsewhere in print or in electronic media. This does not preclude consideration of a complete report that follows the publication of a preliminary report, however, such as an abstract. Nor does it preclude consideration of a paper that has been presented at a scientific meeting if not published in full in meeting proceedings or similar publication. Circumstances in which there has been any other form of public disclosure of unpublished data must be declared in the covering letter to the editor and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. When submitting a manuscript for consideration, please also state clearly in your covering letters the dates of the study. All original contributions are reviewed by the co-editors and sent to two or more external reviewers as part of a double-blind peer-review process (authors and reviewers are anonymous). The editor reserves the right to make editorial changes in all materials published in the Journal and cannot enter into correspondence about papers not accepted for publication.
You can view this journal's website
World Journal of Applied Science & Technology
A Journal for specialized readers, presenting important/new developments in the area of Applied Science & Technology, World Journal of Applied Science & Technology (WOJAST), formerly Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (JONAS), is a peer-reviewed journal, published by the faculty of Science, University of Uyo, Nigeria. The journal publishes research papers in the field of pure, applied science and technology relevant subjects. The journal is published in printed version as well as online.
Other websites associated with this journal: http://wojast.org/
Publication Ethics
WOJAST is dedicated to upholding the utmost level of integrity in the content it publishes. There are no exceptions to the rigorous standards employed by the editors in handling matters related to research integrity and publishing ethics. Any form of plagiarism is categorically unacceptable, and the severity of plagiarized content dictates the measures the editorial board will undertake. Consequences may range from imposing a ban on the author from submitting to WOJAST for a specified period to potential legal repercussions.
Academic dishonesty is not to be tolerated and will be pursued to its fullest extent. These infractions may also give rise to, or become entangled with, legal ramifications. The editors and other members of the journal team are obligated to deliberate on such matters and take appropriate actions, which may include seeking legal counsel. Instances that may necessitate legal advice encompass potential defamation, breach of contract, privacy violations, or copyright infringement. WOJAST unequivocally disapproves of these actions and considers them as serious matters deserving of utmost attention.
World Journal of Biomedical Research
World Journal of Biomedical Research (WJBMR) is a publication of the Faculty of Clinical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Uyo, Nigeria. It publishes original research and review articles, case reports, short communication, letter to Editor and technical reports in all fields of medical, basic medical sciences, clinical medicine, and allied medical specialties such as nursing, medical laboratory sciences and other related areas.
You can view this journal's website here:
Zaria Historical Journal
Zaria Historical Research (Zahir) accepts well-researched and scholarly articles on all aspects of humanities and the social sciences.
The Zoologist, an Open Access publication of the Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN) is an international journal that publishes scholarly articles in English Language twice a year, in June and December. It is dedicated to promoting innovative research on animals, ecosystems and sustainability. The journal welcomes articles based on original research on biological phenomena at scales ranging from the molecular level through organismal, population, community to ecosystem levels within the sub disciplines of Ecology, Population dynamics, Epidemiology, Immunology, Environmental Science, Hydrobiology & Fisheries, Biodiversity & Conservation, Physiology, Anatomy, Cell Biology, Zoos & Parks, Genetics & Molecular Biology, Wildlife Management, Ethnozoology, Parasitology & Public Health, Epidemiology and Entomology. Papers in other areas are acceptable at the editors’ discretion. The journal also publishes short notes, expository and review articles, and book reviews.
The journal is available online at www.zoologicalsocietyofnigeria.com/thezoologist or
https://publications.zoologicalsocietyofnigeria.com and