Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences
Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences (AJBS), established by Wollo University, Ethiopia in 2016 is peer-reviewed and an open access journal that publishes high quality articles twice per year. This journal publishes original research articles, short communications and review articles in all fields of Business, Economics, Social Sciences, Law, Behavioral Sciences, Humanities and language studies. The journal is devoted to disseminate high quality papers and create common platform for researchers, practitioner and scholars all over the world to share experiences, publish articles and debate on various cross-cutting issues in Africa and the rest of the world.
Aims and Scope
Abyssinia Journal of Business and Social Sciences (AJBS), established by Wollo University, Ethiopia in 2016 is peer-reviewed and an open access journal that publishes high quality articles twice per year. This journal publishes original research articles, short communications and review articles in all fields of Business, Economics, Social Sciences, Law, Behavioural Sciences, Humanities and language studies. The journal is devoted to disseminate high quality papers and create common platform for researchers, practitioner and scholars all over the world to share experiences, publish articles and debate on various cross-cutting issues in Africa and the rest of the world. All papers submitted to this journal for publication have undergone through initial editor screening, peer review, and double anonymous review processes. Reviewers will be selected based on their publication experiences, academic standards, proximity to the particular discipline etc.
You can see this journal's website
African Anthropologist
African Anthropologist provides a forum for African and Africanist anthropologists, researchers, social scientists, writers, thinkers, philosophers, and artists to explore what it means to be human.
AA seeks to stimulate conversation on culture, diversity, ideas, and life processes' complex webs and fabrics while developing anthropological conceptual and theoretical frameworks and research methodologies.
AA is committed to advancing anthropological research and practice developments, initiating and sustaining multidisciplinary collaboration, and protecting human life and human rights.
Cover art:
Virtud Femenina, by
artist Mene Manresa Bodipo.
African Human Mobility Review
The African Human Mobility Review (AHMR) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed on-line journal created to encourage and facilitate the study of all aspects (socio-economic, political, legislative and developmental) of human mobility in Africa.
Through the publication of original research, policy discussions and evidence-based research papers, AHMR provides a comprehensive forum devoted exclusively to the analysis of contemporaneous trends, migration patterns and some of the most important migration-related issues. The journal is accessible on-line at no charge.
AHMR is jointly owned by the
Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA) and
University of the Western Cape (UWC).
At the moment, AHMR is also
accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)
Journal List.
Other websites associated with this journal:
African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
The African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (AJADA), is a publication of the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) in Kenya. NACADA is a State Corporation established under the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse Act, 2012 of the Laws of Kenya.
This is an open access, peer reviewed journal, committed to high quality output publications with an international audience seeking to disseminate reliable information on the subject of alcohol and drug abuse. AJADA contributes to new research discoveries in areas related to alcohol and drug abuse and publishes articles with a clear intention of advancing the campaign against alcohol drug abuse.
Currently, AJADA is published bi-annually both online and in print and receives manuscripts focusing on;
1. Prevention and Advocacy
2. Enforcement of alcohol and drug prevention strategies
3. Treatment and rehabilitation
4. Education, Training and Capacity building
5. Research on alcohol and drug related discoveries
6. Policy and legislation on matters relating to alcohol and drug abuse.
The journal aims to provide an avenue to exchange evidence-based information and best practices on the areas of prevention, advocacy, policy development and legislation, enforcement, treatment and rehabilitation and other aspects of relevance to alcohol and drug abuse.
Manuscripts are accepted on the basis of their quality, originality and significance to the readership and contribution to research knowledge in the field of ADA. All manuscripts will be evaluated and those deemed appropriate for publication will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. Final acceptance or rejection rests with the Editorial Board.
You can see the journal's website
African Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Sport Facilitation
The African Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Sport Facilitation will take and publish empirical studies and theoretical propositions as well as case studies that are community-based and inter/intra-cultural on human behaviour, relationship in the family, workplace, schools and organisations.
African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies
The African Journal of Drug & Alcohol Studies is an international scientific journal published by the African Centre for Research and Information on Substance Abuse (CRISA). The Journal publishes original research, evaluation studies, case reports, review articles and book reviews of high scholarly standards. Papers submitted for publication may address any aspect of alcohol and drug use and dependence in Africa and among people of African descent living anywhere in the world.
African Journal of Social Issues
African Journal of Social Issues (AJOSI) is a peer reviewed, multidisciplinary, international journal. It is a publication of the Development and Management Research Group (DMRG), a registered Professional Research Association with central focus on issues on African development and circumstances. It is a member of African Journal Online (AJOL) and Society for African Journal Editors (SAJE). It aims to be proactive in initiating and sustaining quality academic debates in social, economic, political, religious etc. development, international relations policies and management practices and theories while providing an institutional framework for the dissemination of such ideas through the publication of quality journal papers, book review and short notes, including conferences and workshops.
It welcomes papers in the fields of social sciences, humanities, management sciences and related disciplines, including but not limited to sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, history, agriculture, development studies, population studies and demography issues, philosophy, economics, public health, education, statistics, management, law and linguistics provided their focus is on Africa and related issues.
African Journal of Social Work
African Journal of Social Work is an international refereed journal that serves as a forum for exchanging ideas and knowledge and discussing issues relevant to social work practice, education and research in the African region. Producing 2 issues a year, the Journal is published by the National Association of Social Workers (Zimbabwe) and is committed to reflecting culturally relevant and appropriate social work practice in Africa. Social work is seen as a broad-based profession that can vary from individual casework to community development and policy-related concerns.
African Journal of Social Work (AJSW) content is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
African Journal of Sustainable Development
Articles should be of sustainable development interest and include full- length reports of original research not previously published elsewhere; research notes which consist of brief reports of new findings, techniques and equipment of importance to sustainable development practice. Reviews or announcement of publications, reports of various sustainable development practice agencies in Africa.
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines
The “
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines (AJTCAM)” is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, international, scientific Open Access Journal that provides publication of articles on phytomedicines, ethnomedicines and veterinary ethnomedicines. The journal is published by a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) known as “African Traditional Herbal Medicine Supporters Initiative (ATHMSI)”. The Journal welcomes submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately two-to-three months after acceptance
Other websites related to this journal are:
https://journals.athmsi.org/index.php/ajtcam/index and the PUBMED link:
African Quarterly Social Science Review
The African Quarterly Social Science Review (AQSSR) stands tall as a distinguished peer-reviewed journal, seamlessly blending intellectual exploration with an unwavering commitment to excellence. As a beacon guiding scholars, students, and educators, AQSSR offers a vibrant platform for peer-reviewed research articles and empirically driven works in the realm of social sciences. Embracing diversity in thought and methodological rigor, AQSSR fosters an environment where scholarly inquiry thrives. With a dedication to advancing knowledge and understanding, articles are welcomed on a rolling basis, ensuring a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights. By upholding the highest standards of scholarship, AQSSR continues to be a trusted resource for academics and practitioners alike, shaping discourse and driving progress in the field of social sciences across Africa and beyond.
Aims and ScopeOur aim is to cultivate a dynamic environment that not only provides access to the latest literature and innovations in the social sciences but also fosters the exchange of ideas and expertise in Africa and beyond.
You can view this journal's own website
African Social Science and Humanities Journal
ASSHJ is an online international open access publication journal with a policy of an anonymous peer-reviewing process. As a double-blind academic journal, it focuses on social sciences and humanities issues and topics to benefit developed and developing countries.
ASSHJ is a quarterly journal (four times a year). Our audience is scientists, practitioners, researchers, policymakers, government agents, NGOs, professionals, academia, and many more.
Manuscripts for publication include original and unpublished research papers in the form of conceptual articles, theoretical and experiential, review articles, case reports, and empirical research papers. All the submitted manuscripts should not be under consideration or reviewed for publication in any journal anywhere.
MissionTo reinvigorate academic integrity and research quality.
To bridge research knowledge, ideas, and innovation gap through academic publications.
To expand the network of the national and international research community through publications.
To provide an established platform for scholarly collaborations in a global research community.
To provide the platform for research and knowledge sharing between academic researchers, consultants, and practitioners.
VisionTo become a household name and well-known scientific journal for social science and humanities research.
You can view this journal's own website
African Sociological Review / Revue Africaine de Sociologie
African Sociological Review is a bi-annual publication of CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal. It welcomes articles and other academic communications from scholars in Africa and elsewhere regarding issues of African and general social analysis. The Review exists in the first instance to promote the extension of sociological and anthropological thought among scholars working in Africa. Relevant work from elsewhere will however also be considered. Contributions may be in English or French. La
Revue africaine de sociologie est une publication semestrielle du CODESRIA. Les articles et autres communications scientifiques d' universitaires d'Afrique et d'ailleurs sur la problématique des analyses sociales ou d'ordre général sont les bienvenus. La vocation première de la Revue est de servir de support au développement de la pensée sociologique et anthropologique au sein de la communauté des chercheurs africains. Néanmoins, toute contribution pertinente venant de l'extérieur du continent sera également prise en compte. Les articles peuvent être rédigés en anglais ou en français.Other websites related to this journal:
AFRREV IJAH: An International Journal of Arts and Humanities
IJAH: International Journal of Arts and Humanities, is a Peer Reviewed Journal by
International Association of African Researchers and Reviewers, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia and was also incorporated in Nigeria with Corporate Affairs Commission. It is a forum for research on all aspects of arts and humanities. It publishes articles, reviews and scholarly comments relating to the arts and humanities.
It focuses both on conceptual or theoretical approaches and case studies or essays demonstrating how advanced information technologies further scholarly understanding of traditional topics in the arts and humanities. The journal also welcomes submissions on policy, epistemological, and pedagogical issues insofar as they relate directly to computing-based arts and humanities research.
- Publication within a short period after acceptance
- About four editions in a year – (January, April, July and September)
- On-line publication in advance of the printed journal.
- Papers abstract/indexed by major indexing services
Other websites associated with this journal:
AFRREV LALIGENS: An International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender Studies
LALIGENS is a peer-reviewed journal by International Association of African Researchers and Reviewers (IAARR). It is published three times a year. Three topical issues are to be addressed by this journal – language, literature and gender with the following sub-headings among others:
- the relationship between language and development and offers a specific proposal for addressing issues of language policy and planning in Africa and elsewhere in the world
- the extinction and survival of many African languages
- the role of foreign languages in African context
- issues of gender portrayal in language and literature
- all about feminism
- the relationship between language and gender
- Gender-related linguistic properties such as referential terms, word formations, syntactic structures, semantic connotations, social gender and idiomatic expressions.
- Literature related topics among others
Other websites associated with this Journal:
Arụmarụka: Journal of Conversational Thinking
The journal was founded in January 2021 to promote the theory of Conversational Thinking propounded by Jonathan O Chimakonam and other proponents, and endorsed by the Conversational Society of Philosophy. The goal is to make it a world-class academic journal, publishing high-quality articles that engage deeply with ideas centred around African philosophical, political, sociological, historical, anthropological thinking etc., with the aims of reclaiming, correcting and promoting accurate African narratives, and fostering continuous conversation, and system building in African scholarship. It aims also to create a platform where scholars in African philosophy and studies can present novel ideas, critique and converse with established ideas/ systems, and build on existing systems using the conversational method.
Conspectus is the journal of the South African Theological Seminary. The journal is fully accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training. Like the Seminary, the values of the journal are encapsulated in the phrase, “Bible-based, Christ-centered and Spirit led.” Operationally, the journal is marked by four distinctives:
1. With interdisciplinary discourse being a prized research objective at SATS, the journal publishes articles from across the broad spectrum of theological studies (Biblical Studies, Practical Theology, Systematic Theology, Studies in Church and Society), as well as studies that link with extra-theological disciplines.
2. Conspectus is a Christian journal whose ethos does not divorce academic reflection and engagement from belief in God, obedience to the Scriptures, and commitment to the church. Consequently, Conspectus welcomes articles that are soundly Scriptural in perspective, approach, and content. The tone should reflect a commitment to the inspiration, authority, and relevance of Scripture, and to a theology that serves the church and honors God.[1] Publishing articles that employ reader-centered methodologies for exegesis does not lie in Conspectus’s[2]
3. Like the Seminary, Conspectus prioritizes representation and input from various nations, ethnicities, and denominations under a broadly evangelical umbrella. This is reflected in the Editorial Board, Editorial Team, Board of Referees, and the journal’s content.
4. As SATS is based on the African continent, its journal is largely representative of the Majority World—reflecting on/from and speaking into this context. Although this emphasis is apparent, this does not preclude contributions and contributors from elsewhere in the world.
Conspectus is an open-access journal, meaning that the journal is made available to readers at no cost. The journal is catalogued under ATLA (American Theological Library Association), Logos Bible Software, Galaxy Software, Sabinet, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), African Journals Online (AJOL), and is available on the SATS website. To be published in
Conspectus, an article must go beyond a summary of secondary sources and present the results of sound theological research into a biblical or practical problem in a way that would be valuable to the church, including scholars, pastors, students, missionaries, or other Christian workers.
You can view the journal's own website here.
Contemporary Journal of African Studies
Contemporary Journal of African Studies, formerly published as
Research Review of the Institute of African Studies (see RRIAS pages here:
http://www.ajol.info/index.php/rrias/index) publishes academic and scholarly articles that set forth the findings of new research in any branch of African Studies, or discuss and re-evaluate earlier or current research or publications by an author or authors.
The journal publishes research articles that are empirical and theoretical, covering a wide range of issues relating to counselling and has broad interest for a readership comprised mostly of counsellors in educational institutions, mental health, professionals in government, private practice and community agencies. The Counsellor is the major outlet for counselling related issues in Nigeria.
Cradle of Knowledge: African Journal of Educational and Social Science Research (The)
The journal covers and not limited to: Social Science and Humanities, Sociology, Social Welfare, Law, Anthropology, Religious Studies, Visual Arts, Political, Cultural Aspects of Development, Tourism Management, Public Administration, Psychology, Philosophy, Political Science, History, Education, Women Studies, Business and Marketing, Economics, Financial Development, Accounting, Audit, Banking, Management, Human Resources etc.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Creative Artist: A Journal of Theatre and Media Studies
The Creative Artist is an annual publication devoted to the advancement of knowledge in all areas of Theatre and Media arts
Dirāsāt Hispānicas: Revista Tunecina de Estudios Hispánicos
Dirāsāt Hispānicas is a scientific journal published by the High Institute of Humane Sciences of Tunis - University of Tunis El Manar. (e-ISSN: 2286-5977).
Dirāsāt Hispānicas is an open access electronic journal, meant to be a space for study, debate, and reflection spanning the geographical areas of Spain, the Maghreb and Latin America. In order to promote multidisciplinary dialogue through a Hispanic perspective, its pages are open to original works of history, language and literature, written in Spanish, French and English.
Other websites connected with this journal: https://dirasathispanicas.org/index.php/dirasathispanicas/index
E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies
ERATS is peer-reviewed and operates an open access policy aimed at Advancing Religous and Theological Studies throughout Africa. ERATS focuses on theoretical and empirical research in Religious and Theological studies. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts with the theoretical or empirical aspects from the following categories: African Traditional Religion, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Translation Studies, Christian Education, Church History, Church and Society, Comparative Study of Religions, Ecocriticism, Ethics, History and Mission, Inter-religious Dialogue, New Testament, Old Testament, Pentecostal Studies, Theology, Wisdom Literature. We however accept manuscripts relating to other areas not stated above pertaining to religious and theological research.
You can view this journal's website
East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences
East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS) is an international open access journal that publishes scholarly articles in the field of education and social sciences. The main focus for this journal is to inspire, motivate and nurture researchers from various corners of the world to search and share knowledge and insights through research and publication. The primary target audience includes researchers and practitioners in the field of education and Social Sciences. Content of manuscripts published in this journal include: Educational Administration, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Technology, Inclusive Education, Educational Psychology, Religious Education, Supervision of Instruction, Quality Assurance in Education, Comparative Education, Issues in Primary, Secondary and Higher Education, Foundations of Education, Teaching Areas like Languages, History, Geography, Economics, Mathematics, Sciences, etc and other issues related to Education and Social Sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Eastern African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Emphasizing experimental and descriptive research, the
Eastern African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences presents articles that examine important issues in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. The social sciences focus on subjects like economics, psychology, geography and history, while the humanities explore philosophy, languages and literature, and the arts. This definition encompasses such fields of study as (in the humanities) history, English, philosophy, foreign languages, classics, history of art, and (in the social sciences) sociology, psychology, economics, and political science.
- Papers that present integrated sets of studies that address significant theoretical issues relating to humanities and social sciences.
- Theoretical papers and critical reviews of current experimental and methodological interest.
- Single, well-designed studies of an innovative nature.
- Brief reports, including replication or null result studies of previously reported findings, or a well- designed study addressing questions of limited scope.
You can see this journal's website
Ethiopian Journal of Human Rights
The Ethiopian Journal of Human Rights (EJHR) is a multidisciplinary journal published by the Center for Human Rights, Addis Ababa University (CHR, AAU). The objectives of the EJHR include the promotion of knowledge and dialogue on issues of human rights as a multidisciplinary theme. Furthermore, it envisions promoting human rights values including, but not limited to, understanding, tolerance, and participation.
All research articles published in the journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and they must be original contributions that are not under consideration for any other publication. The EJHR welcomes solicited and unsolicited research articles, reviews, commentaries, decisions of courts/tribunals, opinions/notes/reflections, etc. related to human rights.
Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences
EJSS publishes scholarly works focusing on historical, socio-economic, development, cultural, gender, political and environmental issues. Contributions for the journal should include full-length original research articles, review articles, book reviews and letters.
The Journal works for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in social sciences. It provides a platform for the research community to share their findings, insights and views in social sciences. The Journal serves as a forum of critical, constructive and problem-solving research and knowledge creation.
Ethiopian Journal of Sport Science
Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
It aims to provide a platform for the research community to share their findings, insights and views about all aspects of Social Sciences and Humanities.
The Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (Erjssh) is an open access peer reviewed journal published twice a year (July/August and December/Janu- ary in both print and online versions to be accessed free of cost. The journal accepts the research papers from the diverse fields of social sciences and humanities reflecting the disciplines taught in the college such as population, sociology, anthropology, political sci- ence, history, geography, religion, media, environmental issues, art/theatre and culture. Papers can be submitted in the form of full-length original research, review articles, book reviews, commentaries, editorials - policies, news and letters to the editor.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Feminist Africa is a continental gender studies journal produced by the community of feminist scholars. It provides a platform for intellectual and activist research, dialogue and strategy. Feminist Africa attends to the complex and diverse dynamics of creativity and resistance that have emerged in postcolonial Africa, and the manner in which these are shaped by the shifting global geopolitical configurations of power.
Feminist Africa provides a forum for progressive, cutting-edge gender research and feminist dialogue focused on the continent. By prioritising intellectual rigor, the journal seeks to challenge the technocratic fragmentation resulting from donor-driven and narrowly developmentalist work on gender in Africa. It also encourages innovation in terms of style and subject-matter as well as design and lay-out. It promotes dialogue by stimulating experimentation as well as new ways of engaging with text for readers.
You can view this journal's website
Gadaa Journal is an open access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary bilingual journal (online and print version) published biannually by the Institute of Oromoo Studies (IOS) in Jimma University. It is a double blind, peer reviewed, open access, refereed Journal aspiring to have a brand value among the world’s multidisciplinary journals. The journal publishes original, multidisciplinary, scientific (theoretical and empirical) research in all fields of studies focusing on Oromoo and accepts articles that address aspects of the totality of Oromoo life in space and time.
This includes multidisciplinary research works pertinent to, but not limited to, Oromoo language, culture, philosophy, history, folklore, literature, arts, humanities, indigenous life systems and practices, environment, administrative and governance systems, economy, education, and science and technology. The forms of contributions the journal entertains include original research, review articles, book reviews, and short communications. These contributions should pass through the peer review process to be published on the journal.
This journal's own website can be found
Gender and Behaviour is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to articles, that reflect psychological and behavioural aspects of gender in general. Gender and Behaviour welcomes scholarly manuscripts from authors all over the world on a wide array of subjects concerning psychological and behavioural aspects of gender in general.
Global Africa aims to be the echo of the new voices of African research of excellence in the humanities and social sciences. Its objective is to significantly increase the African contribution to global scientific creation, and to arouse critical reflexivity to strengthen the epistemological, theoretical, methodological and ethical foundations of research in the humanities and social sciences (HSS).
Aims and Scope
Global Africa is a pan-African, international journal, dedicated to the expression, dissemination and promotion of excellent research in the humanities and social sciences on the African continent and its diaspora. It welcomes reflections on global issues and their challenges apprehended from Africa and its diasporas to show how the transformations of the world are played out from the continent.
Led by Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis (UGB) through its Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Social Sciences (LASPAD) in partnership with a consortium of thirteen pan-African, African and European research institutions, the journal aims to contribute to contemporary debates both within and beyond the academic sphere, in which African issues intersect with global issues. It is particularly interested in current and future transitions, whether economic, energy, demographic, digital, health, ecological, technological, urban, based on multi/interdisciplinary approaches.
Global Africa Publishes regular and thematic issues four times a year including expert viewpoints on current event and book recensions.
The journal is distributed with articles in HTML and PDF formats. The entire editorial process of the journal is subject to compliance with its Ethical Charter. Each participant in the process (editors, authors, reviewers, translators) is deemed to be aware of it and is required to comply.
You can see this journal's own website
Haki Journal of Human Rights
HAKI Journal of Human Rights is an annual peer-reviewed academic journal that seeks to provide researchers, scholars and human rights practitioners with a platform for engaging in human rights theory, practice and advocacy.
The journal’s general aim is to broaden the study and practice of human rights by fostering a critical re-examination of existing approaches from an Afrocentric perspective through discussions on themes on the universal theory and practice of human rights.The Journal invites analytically rigorous papers, articles, comments on cases, legislation, policies and book reviews pertaining to various themes in Human Rights in Kenya.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Hybrid Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies
Part of Royallite Global,
Hybrid Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies is a leading interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research works across the breadths of Literatures and Cultural Studies. The journal has a mission to make research and knowledge accessible to all; authors, therefore, benefit from high visibility and readership for their work. The journal's broad aims and scope allow researchers to explore interconnected subject areas. Each article on this particular issue has been evaluated on its own scholarly merit and research integrity, and our expert academic editors take an objective and constructive approach to peer review.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Publication office: Muthaiga Business Centre, 1st Floor, Left Wing, Muthaiga Estate, Pangani Junction, along Thika Road, Nairobi, Kenya
Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Welcome to
Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IAJIKS). The name Indilinga: stands for the "circular orientation" of indigenous African communities which is exhibited in their material culture and behaviour. The journal has been motivated by the need for a dependable expression for critical and analytical writing on issues related to production, dissemination and recognition of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. IAJIKS represents a variety of cross disciplinary interests in ethno-methodology and in qualitative methods. Debates on methodology, epistemology, ethics, gender, education, science and technology, arts, food systems and social-cultural issues are invited.Abstracts can also be viewed at
Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
The journal’s objectives are to publish papers of broad interest in the humanities and social sciences. The journal strives to enable a sound balance between theory and practice and will publish papers of research, conceptual, viewpoint, case study, literature review nature in broad topics in the field such as: Philosophy and Psychology, Religion and Theology, Social Sciences, Language, the Arts, Literature and Rhetoric, Geography and History, Management, Communication, Media and Information Sciences.
The Journal has its own website here:
International Diplomatic Review Journal
The principal purpose of the journal is to publish scholarly work in a wide range of development issues namely; International Relations, Multilateral and Bilateral Diplomacy, International Trade and Investment, Geopolitical issues, Local and International Conflict Management, and Post Conflict Reconstruction, Peacekeeping and Peace Building, Diaspora and Remittances for Development, Civil-Military Relations, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Small Arms and light weapons, Human Security Issues, Human Trafficking and Drug Addiction, Economic, Cultural and Conference Diplomacy, Tourism, Cross Border Issues, Regional Cooperation, Strategic Negotiations and Mediation Skills, Refugees Issues and Forced Migrations, Diplomatic Communication Skills, Globalizations issues (sovereignty, sea and air space invasion and territorial integrity), Gender issues (human trafficking, refugees, peacebuilding and effects of war), Global crises (Climate change, Food Security, Human Security and Environment Diplomacy).
You can view this journal's website
International Journal of Community Research
International Journal of Community Research (IJCR) [ISSN: 2315 – 6562; E-ISSN: 2384 - 6828] is a peer reviewed journal publication of Anthonio Research Center. IJCR publishes research articles, review articles, short reports and commentaries that are community-based or inter and intra-cultural based. IJCR also accepts manuscripts on family/human relationship, human behavior, public health, politics, and conflict resolution.Other websites related to this journal:
International Journal of Emotional Psychology and Sport Ethics
The International Journal of Emotional Psychology and Sport Ethics will consider empirical studies as well as theoretical propositions and case summaries on human emotions and/or feelings, family issues, battery/battering, disabilities, problem of underachievement/learning-difficulties, intellectual disabilities, behaviour disorders, psychosomatic conditions, issues in sports and regulations and health.
International Journal of Modern Anthropology
Some recent rigorous studies in anthropological research begin to provide new conclusions against some classic questionable considerations and /or show increasing tendency to do some syntheses of multidisciplinary data. The revelation of these two events marks the birth of a modern anthropology. The principal aim of this journal is to contribute to the development of this modern anthropology.
Another website related to this open access journal:
Italian Studies in Southern Africa/Studi d'Italianistica nell'Africa Australe
The journal aims at providing a forum for academic discussion on all aspects of Italian culture. It features articles on Italian language and literature and, since it is one of the primary aims of the journal to foster multi- and inter-disciplinary study and communication, contributions are invited from all writers interested in Italian culture, irrespective of their specific disciplines. Contributions also of a less theoretical nature which provide an insight into Italian culture, especially as it manifests itself in Southern Africa, also receive attention. Since 2010 the journal has been also accredited by the Australian Research Council and added to the ERA list.Please note: As of November 2017 the printed version of this joural is going to be discontinued and the online version will be OA with a 2-year embargo on all articles.
Jarida la Chama cha Lugha na Fasihi ya Kiswahili Tanzania (CHALUFAKITA)
Jarida la Chama cha Lugha na Fasihi ya Kiswahili Tanzania (CHALUFAKITA) linamilikiwa na chama hicho ambacho makao makuu yake ni Dodoma,Tanzania. Jarida la CHALUFAKITA lilianzishwa na kusajiliwa tarehe 18/01/2018. Hili ni jarida la kimataifa linalochapisha makala zake mara moja kwa mwaka. Jarida linapatikana katika nakala ngumu pamoja na nakala tepe/mkondoni. Jarida hili limesajiliwa pia na
African Journals Online (AJOL). Lengo la Jarida ni kuendeleza na kudumisha lugha ya Kiswahili na utamaduni wa Waswahili. Pia, linalenga kuwajengea uwezo wanataaluma katika kufanya tafiti na kuandika makala mbalimbali zitakazochangia maarifa mapya katika nyuga mbalimbali za lugha ya Kiswahili. Kwa hiyo, tunakaribisha makala kutoka pande zote za dunia zinazohusu Isimu ya Kiswahili, fasihi ya Kiswahili na utamaduni wa Mswahili.
Chama cha Lugha na Fasihi ya Kiswahili Tanzania (CHALUFAKITA) Journal is owned by the stated association which is based in Tanzania; and its headquarter is in Dodoma region. CHALUFAKITA is an international journal which publishes its articles once a year. The Journal can be accessed online and a hard copy is also available. The Journal has also been registered on African Journals Online (AJOL). The main objective of CHALUFAKITA Journal is to develop and promote Kiswahili language and the Swahili culture. The Journal provides an avenue to scholars to undertake research and publish diverse papers that will contribute to knowledge in various disciplines. Therefore, we invite scholars from all parts of the world to contribute scholarly papers which address Kiswahili language in all categories: linguistics, sociolinguistics, literature and culture.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Journal for Islamic Studies
The Journal for Islamic Studies is a peer-reviewed journal committed to the publication of original research on Islam as culture and civilization. It particularly welcomes work of an interdisciplinary nature that brings together history, religion, politics, culture and law. The Journal has a special focus on Islam in Africa, and on contemporary Islamic Thought. Contributions that display theoretical rigour, especially work that link the particularities of Islamic discourse to the enterprise of knowledge and critique in the humanities and social sciences, will find JIS to be receptive to such submissions.
Journal of Agricultural Extension
The mission of the Journal of Agricultural Extension is to publish conceptual papers and empirical research that tests, extends, or builds agricultural extension theory and contributes to the practice of extension worldwide.
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Agricultural Extension (JAE) is devoted to the advancement of knowledge of agricultural extension services and practice through the publication of original and empirically based research, focusing on; extension administration and supervision, programme planning, monitoring and evaluation, diffusion and adoption of innovations; extension communication models and strategies; extension research and methodological issues; nutrition extension; extension youth programme; women-in-agriculture; extension, marginalized and vulnerable groups, Climate Change and the environment, farm and produce security, ICT, innovation systems. JAE will normally not publish articles based on research covering very small geographic area (town community and local government areas/council/counties) that cannot feed into policy, except they present critical insights into new and emerging issues is agricultural extension and rural development.
Journal of Consumer Sciences
The Journal of Consumer Sciences is an official publication of the South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences (SAAFECS).
The Journal of Consumer Sciences (JCS) publishes articles that focus on consumer experiences in different places and from different perspectives and methodological positions. The journal will consider research from within the fields of hospitality, consumer studies, consumer science, home economics, family studies, consumer education, consumer rights, and consumer behaviour. We also consider household and/or individual food security to be a facet of food consumerism and hence those working in this field should consider publishing in this journal. The journal also welcomes current consumer-related research that examines the impact of environmental, community, and sustainability issues.
Journal of Cultural Studies
The Journal of Cultural Studies was established in 1999 as an independent tool for research development in Africa. It is published by the Nigerian Group for the Study of African Cultures (NIGSAC), a non-profit organisation which focuses on cultural and development issues in Africa. The journal aims to explore the varied socio-cultural experiences of the African peoples through various academic disciplines.
Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies
The Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies journal includes papers that focus specifically on developments in Africa and/or the continent’s relations with the outside world. All articles must, however, make fresh and original contribution to knowledge and the journal will consider well-researched articles on any aspects of History and Diplomatic/International studies.
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHSS) is an interdisciplinary international journal devoted to the study of matters related to the various disciplines in Humanities and Social Sciences. The main aim of the journal is to gather and disseminate under a single cover a wide variety of research and discussion of fundamental concerns to all those scholars who have an interest in humanities and social sciences.
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHSS) at the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (University of Dar es Salaam) is an interdisciplinary referred journal that disseminates original research works, scientific review works, and proposals for methodological shifts in these fields: anthropology, development studies, economics, fine arts, gender studies, general linguistics, geography, history, language studies, language in education, literary studies, performing arts, philosophy, political science, public administration, and sociology. The journal seeks to publish high-quality creations and innovations of the theoretical frameworks in the disciplines mentioned.
You can see this journal's website
Journal of Internal Displacement
The JID aims to raise the profile of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) by creating a platform whereby leading scholars, representative of this group, and others, can disseminate and exchange ideas on contemporary issues as well as mentor young scholars in the field. The JID is an inter-disciplinary platform for discussions, critical dialogue, emerging themes, reflections and explorations on a wide range of topics and regions related to displaced populations around the globe.
You can view the journal's website
Journal of Philosophy and Culture
The Journal of Philosophy and Culture is devoted to the promotion of scholarship in philosophy, culture and allied disciplines.
Journal of Social Issues in Non-Communicable Conditions and Disability
The Journal of Social Issues in Non-Communicable Conditions and Disability (SINCCD) promotes the creation and dissemination of knowledge of social issues in non-communicable diseases and disability with a focus on the African continent. There is currently a gap in Africa in terms of academic publications for non-communicable conditions and disability, particularly the social issues. SINCCD is a refereed journal publishing original articles on research, practice and education, policy and service user experiences. The journal is open access and submission is free.
You can see this journal's own website here.
Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies
Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies (JSWDS) is a scholarly refereed and peer-reviewed academic platform designed to extend knowledge, provide a forum for social work-related developmental issues in LMICs, and promote general discourses in the fields of social work, social welfare, community development, and social policies. It aims to provide the much-needed forum for social workers to discuss and debate social issues of developmental significance, with connections to social work insights. Majorly, it seeks to emphasize exemplary research that advances the development of applied knowledge capable of informing the social work discipline and its broad concerns. The journal aims to cover every aspect of social work research, practice, and theory. It is read by social work educators, researchers, practitioners, managers, concerned scholars, and persons outside the discipline who wish to keep up with theoretical and empirical developments in the field of social work.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Journal of Sociology and Development
The Journal of Sociology and Development is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly, original empirical research, theoretical contributions, and book reviews in the fields of Sociology and Development Studies with a multidisciplinary and global perspective, and with a focus on the African continent. The vision of the journal is to stimulate scientific communication towards the understanding of the continent departing from a plurality of perspectives. With most social sciences journals being produced and published outside Africa, JSD is envisaged as a forum for the growing number of academics working within the social sciences disciplines in Africa. International contributions are welcome and crucial in achieving the JSD vision. JSD welcomes contributions in all branches of Sociology as well as contributions in the field of Development Studies that take a marked socio-economic, political and cultural perspective on questions related to societal development, social policy, governance, resource management and similar topics.
Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists
The objectives of
Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists are to develop musicology as a field through research and publication of highly standard articles; to enhance quality scholarship in Nigerian music and to promote Nigerian musicology internationally
Web site:
Le Carrefour Congolais
The objective of the journal is to promote a Congolese approach to research in social sciences, particularly in Anthropology. It provides researchers from various disciplines, professionals from development organizations, media, and businesses in the DRC with a platform where they can publish the outcomes of their practices as well as relevant ideas that could inspire the development of social programs. Authors are offered the opportunity to write and analyze, even in local languages, the issues experienced by Congolese people on a daily basis.
L’objectif de la revue est de promouvoir une approche méthodologique congolaise de la recherche en sciences sociales, en particulier en anthropologie. Elle offre aux chercheurs des diverses disciplines, aux professionnels des organisations de développement, aux médias et aux entreprises en RDC l’opportunité de publier les résultats de leurs recherches sur les problématiques vécues quotidiennement par les Congolais et de disséminer les idées pertinentes susceptibles d’inspirer l’élaboration des programmes de développement social. Les auteurs ont la possibilité d'écrire et d'analyser leurs données de recherche aussi dans les langues locales.
You can see this journal's website
Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is a leading multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed open access journal, publishing research across the breadth of the arts and humanities. Part of Royallite Global, the journal has a mission to make research and knowledge accessible to all – authors therefore benefit from high visibility and readership for their work. The journal’s broad scope allows researchers to explore interconnected subject areas.
The journal operates under the expert guidance of a team of Senior Editors, supported by an international Editorial Board. Each submission is evaluated on its own scholarly merit and research integrity, and our expert academic editors take an objective and constructive approach to peer review. Article-level metrics let the research speak for itself.
Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences considers original research and review articles in the following sections and broad topical areas:
Culture, Media & Film
Explores the ever-expanding fields of communications, media and film within the spheres of culture and their historical contexts. The section welcomes cross-disciplinary perspectives and those which address critical theory.
Cultural Heritage
Publishes work spanning the full range of cultural heritage research; inclusive of archaeology, anthropology, (including museum, heritage and conservation studies) and the connections and subdisciplines in-between and adjacent. Submissions of research and reviews are encouraged that explore diverse chronological contexts, global and local perspectives, and theoretical and methodological approaches.
Digital Humanities
Explores the potential impact of information technology and digital media on research communities. Digital technology has fundamentally changed the way humanities researchers conduct studies and engage with the world. It is now common for scholars to share research online with an increasingly global audience, yet wider resources and policies continue to animate and inform much of digital humanities research.
Covers the full breadth of historical research, ranging from social, economic and political, to cultural and international fields of history. The section’s broad chronological scope and geographical coverage enables researchers to explore multidisciplinary approaches and perspectives to their research.
Literature, Linguistics & Criticism
Publishes work spanning the full range of literature research, critical analysis and linguistics. National and international perspectives are welcome, and the section aims to attract research and reviews informed by multiple theoretical approaches and encourages cross-disciplinary connections, including cultural studies, politics, sociology and other humanities disciplines.
Philosophy & Religion
Aspires to cover the full diversity of these fields of research and its traditions. Interdisciplinary research that seeks literary, critical, conceptual, and historical approaches to religion are encouraged. We welcome Western and Eastern philosophy approaches, including: continental philosophy, pluralism, analytic philosophy, history of philosophy, ethics and critical theory.
Visual & Performing Arts
Publishes broad research across the visual and performing arts and texts. We encourage submissions that explore any form of performance studies and theories, in context within their wider interdisciplinary cultural and sociological contexts. Research fields include: contemporary arts, exhibitions, music, dance, critical theory, technology and theatre studies.
Criminology & Criminal Justice
Promotes critical reflection and international scholarship through exploring trends in crime control and the comparative organization and operation of criminal justice systems. We encourage work that looks at how key sociological constructs such as age, class, gender and race and ethnicity interact with definitions of criminality and the contemporary management of crime.
Providing a forum for international and interdisciplinary approaches to geography research. Topics covered may include urban, rural, regional, cultural, human, political, population and environmental geographies, and geographies of social well-being.
Leisure & Tourism
Provides an international platform for the publication of empirical and theoretical-based research findings in all areas of leisure and tourism. The section particularly welcomes both multi- and interdisciplinary approaches, and work with applications to other areas of the journal, and the wider Cogent Series.
Media & Communication Studies
Offering an international forum for all work covering the media and new media technologies. The section invites a broad range of topics from the philosophy of communication to strategic communication, and digital cultures to journalism studies.
Politics & International Relations
Publishing contemporary scholarship across all subfields of political science, including political theory, comparative politics, international relations and political methodology. The section welcomes diverse methodologies and various approaches, from positivism to rational choice theory, and structuralism to institutionalism.
Embodying a global perspective, this section encourages work which advances the theoretical understanding of sociological topics. Submissions may report findings using both quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Focusing on wide-ranging and multidisciplinary research, discussion and analysis on contemporary sport issues. Topics may include the history, sociology, and psychology of sport, as well as sports administration and management.
Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences considers original academic articles, review articles and critical essays in any of the following fields of the arts and humanities:
- Archaeology
- Conservation Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Cultural Anthropology
- Film Studies
- Heritage Studies
- History
- Linguistics
- Literature & Criticism
- Media Studies
- Museum Studies
- Philosophy
- Religious Studies
- Visual & Performing Arts
- Criminal Justice
- Criminology
- Environmental Studies
- Geography
- International Relations
- Law
- Media & Communication Studies
- Planning
- Politics
- Social Anthropology
- Sociology
- Sport
- Leisure and Tourism
Other websites associated with this platform:
NG Journal of Social Development
The NG-Journal of Social Development is one of the open access International Journals, in the area of development studies, social studies, arts, humanities, social policy, education policy, history, anthropology, management since its foundation in 2003. It started first as a print journal before it started publishing online in 2014. It has published many seminal articles, academic debates, and well researched scholarly papers bordering on the scope. Priority is given to papers which are relevant to important current issues, cutting edge and stimulating research outputs both contextual, theory and analysis. The journal has made novel and significant contributions to the field of development studies.
We invite articles that are interdisciplinary or focused on particular disciplines like public administration, political science, management, sociology, anthropology, geography education policy, fiscal policy, development studies and other related fields.
Nigerian Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
We are interested in contributions that illuminates or advance medical science or practices extending all aspects of medicine. Contributions may be in the form of review articles, case reports, clinical practice materials, letter to the Editor, short communication commentaries, and viewpoints. Articles on socio-economic, political and legal matters related to medical practice, conference and workshop reports and medical news are also published by the Nigeria Journal Of Postgraduate Medicine
Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology
Nigerian Association of Social Psychologists (NASP) is a unit under the Nigerian Psychological Association (NPA) and was inaugurated in March 2018. NASP has a longstanding commitment to maintaining the quality and integrity of research findings in social and personality psychology in Nigeria. This commitment is reflected in our ongoing efforts to identify, adopt, and promote best practices through the association’s publication platform, Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology (NJSP).
The Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology (Online ISSN: 2682-6151, Print ISSN: 2682-6143) is open to publication of high quality research on all topics within the field. The topics covered include, among others, intergroup relations, group processes, social cognition, attitudes, social influence and persuasion, self and identity, verbal and nonverbal communication, interpersonal relationships, language and thought, affect and emotion, embodied and situated cognition, cultural and cross-cultural phenomena, societal psychology and individual differences of social-psychological relevance.
NJSP is an international outlet for original empirical papers in all areas of personality and social psychology. Occasionally, NJSP will publish other pieces of particular interest to members of the Association, such as special topical issues, selected symposia, and invited addresses. All papers are reviewed with respect to their scholarly merit.
Note: Regardless of whether you are a member of the Association, you are welcome to view abstracts and to subscribe to its NJSP feed free of charge.
Other websites associated with this journal: https://www.nigerianjsp.com/index.php/NJSP
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence (NAUJILJ) is a scholarly, online/print, open access, peer-reviewed and fully refereed journal which focuses strictly on issues of international law and jurisprudence. The Journal is abstracted and indexed with African Journals Online (AJOL) and HeinOnline. It provides a forum for legal scholars and jurists to report research findings for policy making through innovative and advanced methodologies. Well researched and original papers on topical subject matters, and case/book reviews, which extend the frontiers of knowledge with a view to solving developmental problems, are welcome. NAUJILJ is published biannually in April and September, and promptly appears in Google scholar. Submission of manuscripts can be made all through the year.
Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies
The Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies (NJRCS) is the official and open access journal of the Department of Religion and Cultural Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. NJRCS aims to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among scholars from various fields, including religious studies, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, , Psychology, and philosophy. By exploring the complex intersections of religion and culture, the journal seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of human experience and the promotion of tolerance, inclusivity, and social cohesion.
Aims and Scope
1. To provide a platform for scholarly engagement with the intersections of religion, philosophy, culture and other interdisciplinary fields in African and global contexts.
2. To foster critical thinking, research, and debate on the role of religion in shaping cultural values, beliefs, and practices.
3. To explore the complex relationships between religion, culture, and society, and their implications for human flourishing.
The NJRCS welcomes articles, and book reviews that address the following areas:
1. Religious traditions and their cultural expressions (e.g., Christianity, Islam, African religions, etc.).
2. Comparative studies of religion and culture across different regions and historical periods.
3. Methodological innovations in the study of religion and culture.
4. Cultural hermeneutics and interpretation of religious texts and practices.
Interdisciplinary fields such as Philosophy, anthropology, sociology, Psychology, Social Sciences, humanities, and other related areas.
You can see the journal's own website here
The Oromia Law Journal covers articles, book reviews, legislative and case comments related to legal, economic, political and social issues arising in relation to Oromia, Ethiopian, and other related International Laws. As such, the journal has two audiences-primary and secondary. The primary ones are legal professionals of the region and the country. Law students, policy makers of the country, and even legal professionals in other jurisdictions are secondary audiences.
PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development
PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development (PJGD) is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal of Jimma University that publishes editorials, research articles, book reviews, commentaries and notes. PJGD offers a platform of expression of new scientific enquiries to intellectuals of the world in general and Africa & Ethiopia in particular to reflect on how governance and development can be promoted, strengthened and consolidated. The biannual edition is published in February and August of each year only in English language. PJGD is APC Free Journal.
PJGD accepts the scientific works focused on the diversified areas of Governance and Development drawn from multiple disciplines of Political Science and International Relations, Public Management, Leadership, Development Economics, Environmental Governance, Peace and Conflict, Human Rights, National and International Law, Globalization, Public Policy, Regional and International Organizations, Gender, Peace and Conflict Management, International Political Economy, Multiculturalism, Civil Society, and related areas.
People Centred – The Journal of Development Administration
The Journal of Development Administration (JDA) publishes papers that have implications for development globally but with a focus on African development. The journal is people centred because we believe in people centric approaches to development. This is development with a human face. By putting people at the centre of development, practitioners, governments and agencies have greater chances of taking people out of poverty. This bottom-up approach to understanding poverty, planning against it and implementing poverty reduction strategies is seen as the best recipe for development.
The Journal considers articles from a wide variety of interest areas and from a wide spectrum of disciplines. The editor works with an editorial team from across the globe derived from development sectors mainly in the social sciences. Specific areas covered include but are not limited to development management; resource mobilisation and fundraising; inclusive development; sustainable development; disability and development; gender and development; poverty; sustainable development; social services and development; human development; HIV/AIDS; child development; counselling; rural development; governance; disaster management; agriculture and livelihoods; and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
The Journal accepts manuscripts in the form of original research reports, research summaries, book reviews, literature review articles including systematic reviews, think pieces, reports of practice and original frameworks. Other forms of papers may be published at the discretion of the Editor.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Research in Hospitality Management
Research in Hospitality Management (RHM) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles that make an original contribution to the
understanding of hospitality and to the theory and practice of international hospitality management.The journal focusses on three main areas:(1) “Hospitality (Management) Studies” includes articles related to the study of andthe study for hospitality. The study of hospitality refers to studies about the essence and ethics of hospitality from a social sciencesperspective, while the study for hospitality refers to a more disciplinary approach according to the quintessential managerial areas of Finance, Human Resources, Operations, Marketing & Sales, and Technology;(2) “Hospitality Management Education” is devoted to articles about curriculum content and delivery methods for training and educating hospitality managers. Considering the size and scope of the hospitality industry, and the number of staff and students involved, studies on efficient, effective, and innovative ways of developing hospitality competencies are considered indispensable; (3) “Student Research Projects” allows excellent student work to be published. Student work can relate to excellent BA dissertations or MA theses.RHM also accommodates short communications, working papers, book reviews, and discussion papers.More information for this journal can be found
Revue Africaine des Sciences Sociales et de la Sante Publique
Created in January 2010 by a multidisciplinary team of African and European Sociologists, Anthropologists, Doctors, Pharmacists, Psychologists and Psychoanalysts, the RASP is a Pan-African open-access journal.
RASP is an open-access journal, which means all its content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author as long as they cite the source. Since January 2018, the RASP has been published by Bamako Institute for Research and Development Studies Press.
Aims and ScopeRASP aims to create a fund of valuable documentation in public health, social sciences and humanities for students, teachers, policy makers and researchers who find support for disseminating their work in French or English. RASP is an open-access journal, which means all its content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author as long as they cite the source. Since January 2018, the RASP has been published by Bamako Institute for Research and Development Studies Press.
You can view this journal's website
Revue Congolaise des Sciences Humaines et Sociales
The Congolese Review of Human and Social Sciences (RECOSH) is an international, multidisciplinary scientific journal, published every six months by the Center for Research in Human Sciences (CRESH) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It is open to academic and research circles around the world and allows the publication in French (sometimes in English) of high-quality original scientific articles, conference proceedings, and communications at national and international conferences. Any publication is accepted on the basis of its added value in the field concerned, after double-blind evaluation by at least two experts on the issue addressed, and validation by the editorial committee.
La Revue Congolaise des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (RECOSH)
est une revue scientifique internationale, multidisciplinaire, éditée semestriellement par le Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRESH) en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Elle est ouverte aux milieux académiques et de recherche du monde entier et permet de publier des articles scientifiques originaux de grande qualité, des actes de colloques, des communications à l’occasion des congrès nationaux et internationaux. Toute publication est acceptée sur la base de sa valeur ajoutée dans le domaine concerné et ce, après évaluation, en double aveugle, par au moins deux experts de la question abordée, et validation par le comité éditorial. La langue de publication est le français, toutefois, les articles en anglais sont accueillis.
You can view this journal's website
Revue Marocaine de Recherche en Management et Marketing
is a
FREE ACCESS "Open Access" magazine of a managerial nature, whose vocation is at the same time Moroccan, African and international. It aims to publish original articles, which are in the field of theoretical or empirical research and which aim to advance knowledge in the field of management sciences. It is intended particularly for marketing and management professionals wishing to learn about the very latest methods and to take a step back from practices. The published articles deal with concepts and methods useful for marketing and managerial decision-making, as well as related issues and strategies (innovation, communication, internationalization, distribution, etc.).
Other websites associated with this journal:
Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Business
The main objective of the Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Business (RJSHB) is to disseminate scientific knowledge and generate debate in an interdisciplinary context, linking the different areas of social sciences such as anthropology, political science, history, philosophy, Sociology, Social Work, Education, Human Resources, Administration, Gender Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Psychology, Development Studies, Geography, journalism and communication, Fine and Performing art, Language and Linguistics, information studies, Religion, all areas of law, Management and Business Studies, economy and related fields.
RJSHB is focused on the analysis of societies, on the study of social problems, and on guidelines needed to overcome them. Thus, it is contributing to a qualitative and social transformation. This will help to the societies' development with a rigorous scientific basis, internationally proved.
With this approach, the journal also aims to reflect the outcomes of the major global research in social sciences, humanities and business; RJSHB pretends to achieve critical and scientific debate based on evidences that contribute to the theoretical and empirical knowledge.
Rwanda Public Health Bulletin
Rwanda Public Health Bulletin (RPHB) is an open-access and peer-reviewed bulletin published by the Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC). Its mission is to serve as a knowledge-sharing platform for national and international public health scientific information. Content published under RPHB will be used to control and address potential public health outbreak threats and strengthen health systems through real-time information availability. This will allow more effective communication between policymakers, researchers, and health practitioners.
Aim To bridge the gap in public health information sharing between policy-makers, researchers, health professionals, and practitioners.
ScopeTo serve as a scientific information dissemination platform of national and international significance, mainly in areas related to the Rwanda Ministry of Health’s essential mission to strengthen national and local health systems and improve the health of the people of Rwanda. The Rwanda Public Health Bulletin (RPHB) publishes disease surveillance summaries, public health response guidelines, public health notices, case reports, outbreak reports, original research papers, and policy briefs, among others. It generally features issues of importance to its targeted audience, which are health professionals, academic researchers, policymakers, and anybody interested in health issues. Articles for publication are received from doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, students, policymakers, government bodies, non-governmental bodies, and others.
You can see this journal's website
Rwanda Public Health Bulletin
Rwanda Public Health Bulletin (RPHB) is an open-access and peer-reviewed bulletin published by the Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC). Its mission is to serve as a knowledge-sharing platform for national and international public health scientific information. Content published under RPHB will be used to control and address potential public health outbreak threats and strengthen health systems through real-time information availability. This will allow more effective communication between policymakers, researchers, and health practitioners.
Aim To bridge the gap in public health information sharing between policy-makers, researchers, health professionals, and practitioners.
ScopeTo serve as a scientific information dissemination platform of national and international significance, mainly in areas related to the Rwanda Ministry of Health’s essential mission to strengthen national and local health systems and improve the health of the people of Rwanda. The Rwanda Public Health Bulletin (RPHB) publishes disease surveillance summaries, public health response guidelines, public health notices, case reports, outbreak reports, original research papers, and policy briefs, among others. It generally features issues of importance to its targeted audience, which are health professionals, academic researchers, policymakers, and anybody interested in health issues. Articles for publication are received from doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, students, policymakers, government bodies, non-governmental bodies, and others.
You can see this journal's website
SAFERE: Southern African Feminist Review
SAFERE provides women with a writing platform which is feminist in content and orientation, as well as facilitating for African women to express their ideas and interests through a medium which is supportive and encouraging of feminist opinions and positions. The Journal is one of barely a handful of feminist journals coming out of Africa, and through careful editing and the collection of high quality written work, it has established itself as a journal of world standing from the time it was first published in 1995.
Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies
Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published bi-annually by the Faculty of Military Science of Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Our journal has a long and proud history of researching and publishing on a broad spectrum of matters and issues relating to defence, security and military affairs using a discipline-based and inter-disciplinary research approach. Published articles are of high quality since all submissions are refereed (peer-reviewed) by at least two experts in the field. Refereeing is done with complete anonymity and confidentiality.
Other websites related to this journal:
Social Empowerment Journal
Social Empowerment Journal is an international, blind-double-peer-reviewed, Trimestral and free of charge, open-access academic journal, published by the Labratory of Social Empowerment and Sustainable Development in the Desert Environment, the Faculty of Social Sciences – University Amar Telidji of Laghouat, Algeria. The journal focuses on topics related to Humanities, Social and economic Sciences. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute their original and innovative work in the field. The journal accepts original and full-length academic articles that reflect the latest research and developments in practical aspects of the mentioned domain. Our journal is published in both print and electronic versions. The electronic version can be accessed and downloaded freely. All papers around the world are very welcome to publish their work in our Journal. Manuscripts can be sent in two languages (English, Arabic) for the four issues (March, June, September and December) of each year.
Aims and ScopeThe journal focuses on the investigation of principles and practices in social, humanitarian and economic studies. The main goal is to improve research approaches in the study of societal phenomena from an interdisciplinary angle and cognitive cohesion from multidimensional angles of research in sociology and various disciplines including: psychology, economic, linguistic andlamic studies.
You can view this journal's website
South African Crime Quarterly
South African Crime Quarterly is an inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal that promotes professional discourse and the publication of research on the subjects of crime, criminal justice, crime prevention, and related matters including state and non-state responses to crime and violence. South Africa is the primary focus for the journal but articles on the above mentioned subjects that reflect research and analysis from other African countries are considered for publication, if they are of relevance to South Africa.
SACQ is an applied policy journal. Its audience includes policy makers, criminal justice practitioners and civil society researchers and analysts, including the academy. The purpose of the journal is to inform and influence policy making on violence prevention, crime reduction and criminal justice. Articles submitted to SACQ are double-blind peer-reviewed before publication.
Other sites related to this journal:
South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation
Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Navorsing in Sport, Liggaamlike Opvoedkunde en Ontspanning /
The South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation is published by the Southern African Alliance for Sport Science, Physical Education and Recreation. Contributions from the fields of Sport Science, Movement Education, Recreation/Leisure Studies, Exercise Science and Dance Studies will be considered for publication. The articles submitted will be administered by the appropriate Review Editor and evaluated by two or more referees.
This journal's own homepage:
Content published in and after 2023 will now be freely accessible for this title.
South African Journal of Cultural History
South African Journal of Occupational Therapy
The South African Journal of Occupational Therapy (SAJOT) is the official journal of the Occupational Therapy Association of South Africa (OTASA) and is a leading publication for research into occupational therapy in Africa. The Editorial Team can be contacted at sajot@otasa.org.za The SAJOT accepts research articles, scoping/integrative/systematic/rapid reviews, scientific letters, commentaries, and opinion pieces. We publish and disseminate research articles that contribute to the scientific knowledge of the profession and its outcomes which have reference to service delivery in Africa. This journal provides a platform for debate around issues relevant to Occupational Therapy in Africa which will also contribute to the development of the profession worldwide. This journal provides open access to its content immediately at the time of publication of an edition on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Therefore, all articles that are published in SAJOT may be found on this web site (see below) and under the tab Archives. They may also be found on the following web sites: SciELO, EBSCOHost, OTDBase, OT Search and ProQuest. In addition, articles are preserved
via Portico.
You can view the journal's website
Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics
Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SPiL) is an annual/biannual open access, peer-reviewed international journal, published by the Department of General Linguistics, Stellenbosch University. The papers published in SPiL are intended for scholars with an interest in linguistics and related disciplines. SPiL provides a platform for scholars to share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews.
Though many of the contributions originally took the form of working papers – presented for critical discussion – all have been subjected to review. Some of the papers appearing in SPiL may be published later in a revised or extended form elsewhere.
Other website associated with this journal:
Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus
SPiL Plus originated as a supplement to Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SPiL). The SPiL Plus series has two main aims. Firstly, it serves as a vehicle for the distribution of new and relatively inaccessible information in the field of modern linguistics. Secondly, it aims to stimulate critical discussion in Southern African linguistics.
SPiL Plus is an annual/biannual open access, peer-reviewed international journal, published by the Department of General Linguistics, Stellenbosch University. The papers published in SPiL Plus are primarily intended for scholars with an interest in linguistics and related disciplines in Southern Africa. SPiL Plus provides a platform for scholars to share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews.
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Tanzania Journal of Development Studies
The journal focuses on social, economic, political and cultural development. The target of the journal is researchers and policy makers.
Tanzania Journal of Sociology
Tanzania Journal of Sociology is a yearly publication that seeks to address sociological issues from a multi-disciplinary perspective. It aims to generate scholarly reflections in the field of sociology and anthropology and related fields of social sciences. The journal encourages manuscripts informed by up-to-date empirical studies focusing on local and global concerns. Our goal is to create platform for scholars, practitioners and policy makers, from Tanzania and international research community, to explore the critical yet creative aspects for scholarly discussion and knowledge sharing. The journal publishes articles, book reviews, conference papers, critical comments, research reports, and other genres of academic writing. The journal is published in June and December by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Dar es Salaam.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Tanzanian Journal of Population Studies and Development
Tanzania Journal of Population Studies and Development (TJPSD) is a journal which is published twice a year. It is a multi-disciplinary journal that pursue to address issues related to population, development and social sciences matters. It targets to publish and advocates scholarly articles in the field of Fertility, mortality, migration, health, population-environment nexus, diseases, disasters, urbanization, rural-urban linkages, policies and related fields of social sciences. The Journal motivates up-to-date empirical papers in terms of theoretical and methodological research as well as analytical review articles focusing on sustainable human development at local and international levels. Our main objective is to create a podium for scholars of various levels of academia from Tanzania and the global research community at large, to explore, critically analyze and share the scholarly writings and knowledge. For the interested scholars, articles should be sent to
https://tjpsd.udsm.ac.tz together with a brief profile of the author(s). All articles submitted for publication are blindly peer-reviewed. Apart from regular issues, the journal accepts publishing special issues related to the mentioned topics based on working group research and conferences. Its current Chief Editor is Prof. Herbert Hambati from the University of Dar es Salaam. The Journal has 10 editorial board members, 10 Editorial team members and 10 advisory board members. All are Senior Scholars (Professors & senior lectures) from universities within and outside Tanzania (Africa and rest of the world). The Journal has International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for print and electronic publications i.e. ISSN 0856-0227 and eISSN 2961-628X respectively. The Journal is released both in print and online via: https://tjpsd.udsm.ac.tz/index.php/tjpsd
Aims and Scope
TJPSD is devoted to articles and research information on Tanzania and East Africa primarily, the global South and elsewhere in general. Our subject is to explain what takes place in our social, personal, legal, political, natural, economic, fertility, mortality, bioethical, migration and natural and human made environments, why and how, achievements and challenges in research and development efforts and possible problem-solving alternatives. We are particularly interested in work done which critiques, challenges, corrects or jettisons the flaws recognized in standard, conventional, fashionable assumptions and frameworks for addressing enduring concerns and matters arising on the African continent and global in general. TJPSD is not bound by narrow confines of disciplines. We welcome articles on themes and topics covering the broad spectrum of social sciences and humanities, including geography, history, economics, education, development studies, planning, social administration, literature, statistics, philosophy, cultural studies, religious studies, and law, to mention just a few. People of different ideological standpoints have the opportunity to argue their positions and cases, and we do welcome such healthy debates without taking part, to allow and promote complete academic freedom.
You can see this journal’s own website here
The journal Thought & Practice is a biannual publication of the Philosophical Association of Kenya.
Vision A forum for incisive philosophic reflection on intellectual, social and political issues within the African context.
Mission Thought and Practice serves scholars with broad interests in the humanities and social sciences by disseminating original articles with a philosophical outlook, with emphasis on intellectual, social and political issues that are of special relevance to contemporary Africa.
UJAH: Unizik Journal of Arts and Humanities
UJAH: Unizik Journal of Arts and Humanities is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to the promotion of excellence in theoretical and applied research and the dissemination of research reports as tools for learning. It publishes scholarly articles in such areas of the humanities as Igbo and other African languages and literatures, English and other European languages and literatures, Chinese and other Asian languages and literatures, History, Philosophy, Religion, Music, Theatre Arts, etc. UJAH seeks to grow the variety of human languages by maintaining a liberal language policy. Authors are encouraged to write in whatever language they are most proficient. In any case, the abstract shall be available in English
UNIZIK Journal of Religion and Human Relations
In 2022 this journal title was changed from Journal of Religion and Human Relations to UNIZIK Journal of Religion and Human Relations.
The Journal of Religion and Human Relations (JORAHR) is an academic journal with focus on religious and human relations issues, but accommodates researches from other disciplines within academic spectrum. The African continent is the main focus.