Acta Theologica

Open Access

Acta Theologica
Acta Theologica is an accredited, South African journal publishing independently reviewed research articles on broad Christian-theological and religion topics, aimed at a national and international academic audience/readership. The Editorial Board accepts and considers for possible publication articles in English and Afrikaans, written from a responsible point of view on subjects in a relevant field of study within the Christian-theology science.For any enquiries, please contact the executive editor, Dr L Hoffman ( relating to Acta Theologica include


Cahiers des Religions Africaines

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Cahiers des Religions Africaines
CRA publishes scientific studies on African religions, customs and cultures, both traditional and modern. The Journal is available to Africanists in the humanities (Theology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, Linguistics, Ethnology and religious Studies).

Aims and Scope
CRA a pour objectif de publier des recherches sérieuses sur les religions, croyances et coutumes africaines, traditionnelles et modernes et de contribuer ainsi à l'élaboration d'une pensée et d'une pratique chrétiennes tenant compte de l'expérience spirituelle des peuples africains. Ce faisant, il permet d'assurer une meilleure connaissance scientifique des cultures africaines et de les confronter aux réalités et défis du monde contemporain.

CRA aims to publish serious research on African religions, beliefs and customs, traditional and modern, and thus contribute to the development of Christian thought and practice taking into account the spiritual experience of African peoples. In doing so, it ensures better scientific knowledge of African cultures and confronts them with the realities and challenges of the contemporary world.

You can view this journal's own website here.



Open Access

Conspectus is the journal of the South African Theological Seminary. The journal is fully accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training. Like the Seminary, the values of the journal are encapsulated in the phrase, “Bible-based, Christ-centered and Spirit led.” Operationally, the journal is marked by four distinctives:
1. With interdisciplinary discourse being a prized research objective at SATS, the journal publishes articles from across the broad spectrum of theological studies (Biblical Studies, Practical Theology, Systematic Theology, Studies in Church and Society), as well as studies that link with extra-theological disciplines.
2. Conspectus is a Christian journal whose ethos does not divorce academic reflection and engagement from belief in God, obedience to the Scriptures, and commitment to the church. Consequently, Conspectus welcomes articles that are soundly Scriptural in perspective, approach, and content. The tone should reflect a commitment to the inspiration, authority, and relevance of Scripture, and to a theology that serves the church and honors God.[1] Publishing articles that employ reader-centered methodologies for exegesis does not lie in Conspectus’s[2]
3. Like the Seminary, Conspectus prioritizes representation and input from various nations, ethnicities, and denominations under a broadly evangelical umbrella. This is reflected in the Editorial Board, Editorial Team, Board of Referees, and the journal’s content.
4. As SATS is based on the African continent, its journal is largely representative of the Majority World—reflecting on/from and speaking into this context. Although this emphasis is apparent, this does not preclude contributions and contributors from elsewhere in the world.
Conspectus is an open-access journal, meaning that the journal is made available to readers at no cost. The journal is catalogued under ATLA (American Theological Library Association), Logos Bible Software, Galaxy Software, Sabinet, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), African Journals Online (AJOL), and is available on the SATS website. To be published in Conspectus, an article must go beyond a summary of secondary sources and present the results of sound theological research into a biblical or practical problem in a way that would be valuable to the church, including scholars, pastors, students, missionaries, or other Christian workers.
You can view the journal's own website here


Cradle of Knowledge: African Journal of Educational and Social Science Research (The)

Open Access

Cradle of Knowledge: African Journal of Educational and Social Science Research (The)
The journal covers and not limited to: Social Science and Humanities, Sociology, Social Welfare, Law, Anthropology, Religious Studies, Visual Arts, Political, Cultural Aspects of Development, Tourism Management, Public Administration, Psychology, Philosophy, Political Science, History, Education, Women Studies, Business and Marketing, Economics, Financial Development, Accounting, Audit, Banking, Management, Human Resources etc.
Other websites associated with this journal: 


E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies

Open Access

E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies
ERATS is peer-reviewed and operates an open access policy aimed at Advancing Religous and Theological Studies throughout Africa. ERATS focuses on theoretical and empirical research in Religious and Theological studies. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts with the theoretical or empirical aspects from the following categories: African Traditional Religion, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Translation Studies, Christian Education, Church History, Church and Society, Comparative Study of Religions, Ecocriticism, Ethics, History and Mission, Inter-religious Dialogue, New Testament, Old Testament, Pentecostal Studies, Theology, Wisdom Literature. We however accept manuscripts relating to other areas not stated above pertaining to religious and theological research.
You can view this journal's website here.


Eastern Africa Journal of Kiswahili

Open Access

Eastern Africa Journal of Kiswahili
Eastern Africa Journal of Kiswahili (ISSN 2958-1036) is a double-blind peer reviewed, open access, online Journal published by Editon Consortium Publishing, East Africa, Kenya. The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses in Kiswahili Linguistic Studies.
Aims and Scopes
The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses in Kiswahili Linguistic Studies.
You can see the journal's own website here.


Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology

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Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology
The Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology (GJRT), formerly Ghana Bulletin of Theology (GBT), is an interdisciplinary and interreligious refereed journal that seeks to serve as a forum for religious studies and to promote the encounter between people of different faith commitments and different perspectives on religion.
Other websites associated with this journal: Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology (


HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies

Open Access

HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies
HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies is an acclaimed Open Access journal with broad coverage that promotes multidisciplinary, religious, and biblical aspects of studies in the international theological arena. The journal’s publication criteria are based on high ethical standards and the rigor of the methodology and conclusions reported.Other websites related to this journal:


Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies

Open Access

Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies
Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal that serves as a forum for disseminating research findings on issues relating to religion in general.The Journal aims at creating avenue for scholars to publish their research works on all aspects of religions. It seeks to promote critical research and original scholarship on issues related to all aspects of religion generally – theoretical, empirical or comparative. Other websites related to this journal:


Journal for Islamic Studies

Journal for Islamic Studies
The Journal for Islamic Studies is a peer-reviewed journal committed to the publication of original research on Islam as culture and civilization. It particularly welcomes work of an interdisciplinary nature that brings together history, religion, politics, culture and law. The Journal has a special focus on Islam in Africa, and on contemporary Islamic Thought. Contributions that display theoretical rigour, especially work that link the particularities of Islamic discourse to the enterprise of knowledge and critique in the humanities and social sciences, will find JIS to be receptive to such submissions.


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Journal for the Study of Religion

Open Access

Journal for the Study of Religion
Journal for the Study of Religion is published twice a year in March and September by the Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa as a forum for scholarly contributions of up to 6000 words on topics of contemporary significance in the academic study of religion, in the form of articles, responses to articles, review articles and shorter book reviews.


Journal of Pastoral and Practical Theology

Open Access

Journal of Pastoral and Practical Theology (ISSN: 2957-6482) is a double-blind peer reviewed, open access, online Journal published by “Editon Consortium Publishing”, East Africa, Kenya. The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses all areas of pastoral and practical theology.
Aims and Scope
The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses all areas of pastoral and practical theology.
You can find the journal's own website here


Journal of Philosophy and Religion

Open Access

Journal of Philosophy and Religion (ISSN: 2958-1133) is a double-blind peer reviewed, open access, online Journal published by “Editon Consortium Publishing”, East Africa, Kenya. The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses covering all areas of Philosophy and religious studies.
Aims and Scopes
The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses covering all areas of Philosophy and religious studies.
You can see the journal's own website here.


Nigerian Journal of Christian Studies

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Christian Studies
The Nigerian Journal of Christian Studies (NJCS) is a scholarly double- blind peer-reviewed journal and the official publication of the National Association for Christian Studies (NACS). Published since 2017, the NJCS is an annual publication which focuses on the in-depth, critical and original research papers in various disciplines within Christian Studies and those consisting of theological themes within the Nigerian contemporary experiences in particular and the world in general. These papers are those that had been presented at eth annual conference of the National Association for Christian Studies (NACS). The papers will received for editorial processing after correcting and made to be in sync with the Authors’ Guidelines and relates to the conference theme.


Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies

Open Access

Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies
The Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies (NJRCS) is the official and open access journal of the Department of Religion and Cultural Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. NJRCS aims to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among scholars from various fields, including religious studies, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, , Psychology, and philosophy. By exploring the complex intersections of religion and culture, the journal seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of human experience and the promotion of tolerance, inclusivity, and social cohesion.
Aims and Scope
1. To provide a platform for scholarly engagement with the intersections of religion, philosophy, culture and other interdisciplinary fields in African and global contexts.
2. To foster critical thinking, research, and debate on the role of religion in shaping cultural values, beliefs, and practices.
3. To explore the complex relationships between religion, culture, and society, and their implications for human flourishing.
The NJRCS welcomes articles, and book reviews that address the following areas:
1. Religious traditions and their cultural expressions (e.g., Christianity, Islam, African religions, etc.).
2. Comparative studies of religion and culture across different regions and historical periods.
3. Methodological innovations in the study of religion and culture.
4. Cultural hermeneutics and interpretation of religious texts and practices.
Interdisciplinary fields such as Philosophy, anthropology, sociology, Psychology, Social Sciences, humanities, and other related areas.
You can see the journal's own website here


Pan-African Journal of Theology

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Pan-African Journal of Theology
The Pan-African Journal of Theology (PAJOT) is one of the journals of the Adventist University of Africa (AUA). PAJOT is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal. It provides a platform for scholarship based on biblical fidelity for academics and practitioners in all areas of theological studies. The aim of the journal is to encourage original and deeper studies, provide appropriate and relevant application of Scriptures to society for the ultimate purpose of redemption. The journal is published in June and December every year. PAJOT is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CCBY-NC 4.0).
Aims and Scopes
The Pan-African Journal of Theology accepts and publishes original research areas of biblical and theological studies. These include but are not limited to biblical archaeology and history of antiquity; Hebrew Bible and New Testament studies; Church History; historical, biblical, systematic, and philosophical theology; science and religion; practical theology, ethics; world religions; and missiology. PAJOT also accepts short articles written from the perspectives herein mentioned. PAJOT affirms that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and infallible revelation of truth in written form. Furthermore, PAJOT endorses the use of the biblical-historical-grammatical method for the interpretation of the Scriptures, and recognizes the necessity of the Holy Spirit's aid in so doing. This journal does not subscribe nor promote the use of any method in biblical and theological studies that retains the principle of criticism which subordinates the Bible to human reason, tradition, or experience.
You can see this journal's own website.


The Catholic Voyage: African Journal of Consecrated Life

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The Catholic Voyage: African Journal of Consecrated Life
The Aims
The Catholic Voyage  seeks to educate, inform and form. It  strives to propagate “the good, the true and the beautiful” in communicating  message (John Paul II, Ecclesia in Africa, n.124) on Consecrated Life in its various forms.   In particular, its purposes are to: 
(1) Provide a forum for the cultivation, development and promotion of Theology, Canon law, Church History, spirituality, philosophy, and social and human sciences  insofar as they treat matters relating to Consecrated Life; 
(2) Become a medium for debate, dialogue and  reflection on historical, contemporary,  topical issues and challenges concerning consecrated life and its  mission  in the church and in the world;
 (3) Contribute to the local and universal Church’s  mandate for evangelization by proclaiming the Gospel through dialogue, inculturation,  the strive for justice, peace and integral human development of peoples;
 4)  Make Christ’s message relevant and credible through the   dissemination of serious studies, reflections, apostolates and ministries, documents and texts, as well as  sharing pertinent experiences and relevant testimonies of witnesses and experts relating to Consecrated life and Society of Apostolic Life.
Type of Papers and topics 
The Catholic Voyage publishes:

  •  Original and scholarly articles on historical, contemporary and current topics from any area of the ecclesiastical disciplines  that contribute to questions of social, cultural and religious significance, and from the human and social sciences,  insofar as they  relate to any aspect of  Consecrated Life and Society of Apostolic Life, especially in an African context and  perspective; 

  •    Papers and topics from  the areas of Sacred Scriptures, Theology, Morals, Canon Law,  Philosophy, History and cultural heritage of the Church, Patrology (or Patristics),  Spirituality, Religion, Church, inculturation, Integral human development,  Morals, Missiology,  Ecumenism and Inter-religious dialogue,  Cultures, Ethics,  Social and Cultural Anthropology, Social Sciences, Social Communications, Psychology, Education, Health Care. 

  •   Documents, Reports and Papers of the  assemblies of  important meetings  relating to  Consecrated  life,   as well as  well-articulated reflections  on vocation, life and ministry  of Consecrated persons; 

  •  Interviews, Experiences and  Witnesses (Testimonies) on issues  relating to  Consecrated Life and to the aims and objectives of the journal;

  •  Book reviews.  

The audience and community  it aims to  serve
The journal is destined primarily for members of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Formation houses, Major Seminaries, as well as the clergy. The readership extends to the lay people who share with Consecrated persons the same ideals, spirit and mission or who  are simply interested in deepening their knowledge about the vocation, life, mission, the history and theology of consecrated life in the  Church. While it is addressed to readers and researchers principally in Africa, we hope that this journal will be beneficial or helpful to interested readers and scholars in other regions of the world.
Journal keywords

  • Catholic Church. 

  • Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria.

  • Consecrated Life and Charism in Africa. 

  • Truth and Mercy in Religious Institutes. 

  • Catholic Theology, Mission and Voyage.

Other journals associated with this journal:


UNIZIK Journal of Religion and Human Relations

Open Access

UNIZIK Journal of Religion and Human Relations
In 2022 this journal title was changed from Journal of Religion and Human Relations to UNIZIK Journal of Religion and Human Relations.
The Journal of Religion and Human Relations (JORAHR) is an academic journal with focus on religious and human relations issues, but accommodates researches from other disciplines within academic spectrum. The African continent is the main focus.