African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
The African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues is dedicated to the Scientific investigation of psychological and social issues and related phenomenon in Africa. The journal does not undertake to specify rigidly an appropriate domain of context, but intends rather to reflect current significant research of psychology and social issues. Although the journal primarily publishes reports of empirical research, other types of papers relevant to the development of an African view of psychology (such as theoretical analyses, literature reviews, methodological notes, observations on published articles etc.) are also sought.
African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
The African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (AJADA), is a publication of the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) in Kenya. NACADA is a State Corporation established under the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse Act, 2012 of the Laws of Kenya.
This is an open access, peer reviewed journal, committed to high quality output publications with an international audience seeking to disseminate reliable information on the subject of alcohol and drug abuse. AJADA contributes to new research discoveries in areas related to alcohol and drug abuse and publishes articles with a clear intention of advancing the campaign against alcohol drug abuse.
Currently, AJADA is published bi-annually both online and in print and receives manuscripts focusing on;
1. Prevention and Advocacy
2. Enforcement of alcohol and drug prevention strategies
3. Treatment and rehabilitation
4. Education, Training and Capacity building
5. Research on alcohol and drug related discoveries
6. Policy and legislation on matters relating to alcohol and drug abuse.
The journal aims to provide an avenue to exchange evidence-based information and best practices on the areas of prevention, advocacy, policy development and legislation, enforcement, treatment and rehabilitation and other aspects of relevance to alcohol and drug abuse.
Manuscripts are accepted on the basis of their quality, originality and significance to the readership and contribution to research knowledge in the field of ADA. All manuscripts will be evaluated and those deemed appropriate for publication will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. Final acceptance or rejection rests with the Editorial Board.
You can see the journal's website
African Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Sport Facilitation
The African Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Sport Facilitation will take and publish empirical studies and theoretical propositions as well as case studies that are community-based and inter/intra-cultural on human behaviour, relationship in the family, workplace, schools and organisations.
African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies
The African Journal of Drug & Alcohol Studies is an international scientific journal published by the African Centre for Research and Information on Substance Abuse (CRISA). The Journal publishes original research, evaluation studies, case reports, review articles and book reviews of high scholarly standards. Papers submitted for publication may address any aspect of alcohol and drug use and dependence in Africa and among people of African descent living anywhere in the world.
African Journal of Neurological Sciences
African Journal of Neurological Sciences (AJNS) is owned and controlled by the Pan African Association of Neurological Sciences (PAANS). The AJNS's aim is to publish scientific papers of any aspects of Neurological Sciences. AJNS is published quarterly. Articles submitted exclusively to the AJNS are accepted if neither the article nor any part of its essential substance, tables, or figures has been or will be published or submitted elsewhere.
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African Journal of Psychiatry
Publisher Update - September 2013: This journal is now published by OMICS (, therefore as of 2014 AJOL will no longer be hosting this journal's future content.The journal's primary aim is the publication of review and CME papers, aimed at both primary care practitioners and specialist mental health care professionals. Older issues of the journal can be found here: Journal of Psychiatry is also indexed online in the following programmes:
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Medline (PubMed), PsycINFO, Embase, Excerpta Medica, Scopus & African Index Medicus (AIM)
Bayero Journal of Nursing and Health Care
Bayero Journal of Nursing and Health Care aims to disseminate scholarly articles in all nursing specialities (Medical-Surgical and including Adult and Emergency Nursing, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, Community and Public Health Nursing, Maternal and Child Health Nursing as well as Nursing Education and Pedagogy and Nursing Administration). The Journal also accept research works on basic medical, clinical sciences and in other aspects of health sciences.
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Edo Journal of Counselling
Edo Journal of Counselling, the official publication of Edo Chapter of Counselling Association of Nigeria publishes original well researched and well articulated papers/articles on all issues relating to counselling and psychology that use a variety of appropriate approaches to the conduct of theoretical, empirical and experimental research and inquiry. The editors invite scholarly manuscripts in theory and practice of all fields of education, qualitative, quantitative and clinical researches on counselling and related fields.
Ethiopian Medical Journal
The Ethiopian Medical Journal (EMJ) is the official Journal of the Ethiopian Medical Association (EMA) and devoted to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge pertaining to the broad field of medicine in Ethiopia and other developing countries. EMJ is an open access, double blind peer-reviewed medical journal publishing scientifically valued and influential research outputs in the area of clinical medicine, conventional modern medicine, biomedical research, Preventive medicine, traditional medicine, and other related researches in the broad area of Medicine. Prospective contributors to the Journal should take note of the instructions of Manuscript preparation and submission to EMJ which is available on the journal website.
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Evidence-Based Nursing Research
Evidence-Based Nursing Research is an international scientific open access, fully refereed journal. The EBNR aims to promote excellence in nursing and health care by disseminating the latest, evidence-based, and high-quality research findings, specialist knowledge, and discussion of professional issues that reflect the diversity of nursing. The journal calls for original research manuscripts, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis, theory or philosophy of nursing, practice improvement initiatives, research briefs, methodologic development, book reviews, news and announcements, reports of scale and instrument development, and single case reports, which will meet the journal's high academic and ethical standards. The journal values critical scholarly debate of issues that have strategic significance for educators, practitioners, leaders, and policymakers of nursing and related health care professionals that support the interdisciplinary nature of the health care workforce. EBNR also
supports nursing student research publications and project reports.
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Gender and Behaviour is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to articles, that reflect psychological and behavioural aspects of gender in general. Gender and Behaviour welcomes scholarly manuscripts from authors all over the world on a wide array of subjects concerning psychological and behavioural aspects of gender in general.
Ibom Medical Journal [Ibom Med J] is an open-access peer-reviewed biomedical journal published by the Nigerian Medical Association, Akwa Ibom State Branch. At the presence, Ibom Med J is published three time annually as follows; January as issue 1, May as issue 2 and September as issue 3 every year.
Ibom Med J publishes original research articles, review articles, systematic reviews, rare case reports, commentaries, communications, etc in all fields of medicine. The Ibom Med J also publishes articles in Basic Medical Sciences and Allied Medical Sciences.
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The journal has a multidisciplinary focus. It is not intended for psychologists alone but for anyone with an interest in the current state of psychology in Africa and what has been accomplished to date in this field. It also addresses the future of psychology in Africa and the world over.Other websites related to this journal:
Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
The journal is an initiative of the Phenomenology Research Group based at Edith Cowan University, South West Campus, in Western Australia and Rhodes University in South Africa, where there had been a long-established phenomenological tradition.
The Phenomenology Research Group is a circle of postgraduate scholars who have a range of research interests which cross a broad spectrum of areas including education, health, religion, business, tourism, counselling and psychology. The journal is published by NISC SA (
IPJP on NISC) and has its own website online here:
International Journal of Emotional Psychology and Sport Ethics
The International Journal of Emotional Psychology and Sport Ethics will consider empirical studies as well as theoretical propositions and case summaries on human emotions and/or feelings, family issues, battery/battering, disabilities, problem of underachievement/learning-difficulties, intellectual disabilities, behaviour disorders, psychosomatic conditions, issues in sports and regulations and health.
Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health aims to contribute towards the development of a robust and inclusive knowledge base for child and adolescent mental health across diverse contexts. To this end the Journal seeks to promote coverage, representation and dissemination of high quality work from around the world that traverses high-, middle- and low- income contexts.
Read more about the journal
Journal of Community Psychosocial Research
The Journal of Community Psychosocial Research (JCPR) is committed to publishing high-quality research to improve psychosocial health and well-being. We accept basic and applied research of the following types:
Qualitative research,
Quantitative research,
Mixed-method research,
Review studies,
Book reviews,
and Opinion papers.
At JCPR, we believe in the power of collaboration and the exchange of ideas. We aim to publish research that advances our understanding of psychosocial health and well-being and has real-world implications and applications.
Aims and ScopeThe Journal of Community Psychosocial Research (JCPR) is an open-access online publication platform for researchers concerned with research, policy, and practice in improving psychosocial health and well-being. Our journal provides a platform for cutting-edge research in Community Psychosocial Research, and we welcome contributions from researchers, scholars, and scientists worldwide.
You can see this journal's website
Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Studies
Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences (ISSN 2958-1117) is a double-blind peer reviewed, open access, online Journal published by “Editon Consortium Publishing”, East Africa, Kenya. The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses in psychology, and behavioural sciences.
Aims and Scope
The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses in psychology, and behavioural sciences.
You can view this journal's own website
Journal of Psychology in Africa
Findings from psychological research in Africa and related regions needs a forum for better dissemination and utilisation in the context of development. Special emphasis is placed on the consideration of African, African-American, Asian, Caribbean, and Hispanic-Latino realities and problems. Contributions should attempt a synthesis of emic and etic methodologies and applications. The
Journal of Psychology in Africa includes original articles, review articles, book reviews, commentaries, special issues, case analyses, reports and announcements.
Publisher Details Please note: This journal is no longer published within Africa, which, according to AJOL's policies, does not allow us to host the subsequent issues of this journal published after 2005. Please contact the new publisher -
Taylor & Francis Group (UK) for further information:
Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology
The Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology is concerned with the psychological, social, behavioural, medical, paediatric and ethical aspects of the applied field of clinical and counselling psychology. The journal publishes contributions of research, clinical, counselling and theoretical interest. Contributions from other disciplines which have a close bearing on psychology such as psychiatry, sociology, social work, nursing and educational issues are also encouraged. Although primary emphasis is placed on empirical research, the journal also welcomes articles concerned with important clinical, theoretical and methodical issues as well as reviews of relevant literature. Summaries of proceedings of important national and international workshops, conferences, symposia falling within the aims of the journal are also featured.
Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling
The Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling (TNJGC) (ISSN 0794-0831) is published annually by the Department of Counsellor Education, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. The journal publishes well researched and well articulated papers/articles on all issues relating to counselling and applied psychology which use a variety of appropriate approaches in the conduct of research and inquiry in theoretical, empirical and experimental studies. The editors invite submission of manuscripts from contributors for publication. Manuscripts are peer reviewed anonymously, and those that are accepted are published in the following issue of the journal.
Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry
The Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry publishes original scientific papers, review articles, short reports and opinion papers in all areas of psychiatry and related fields, such as sociology, applied anthropology and neurosciences
Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology
Nigerian Association of Social Psychologists (NASP) is a unit under the Nigerian Psychological Association (NPA) and was inaugurated in March 2018. NASP has a longstanding commitment to maintaining the quality and integrity of research findings in social and personality psychology in Nigeria. This commitment is reflected in our ongoing efforts to identify, adopt, and promote best practices through the association’s publication platform, Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology (NJSP).
The Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology (Online ISSN: 2682-6151, Print ISSN: 2682-6143) is open to publication of high quality research on all topics within the field. The topics covered include, among others, intergroup relations, group processes, social cognition, attitudes, social influence and persuasion, self and identity, verbal and nonverbal communication, interpersonal relationships, language and thought, affect and emotion, embodied and situated cognition, cultural and cross-cultural phenomena, societal psychology and individual differences of social-psychological relevance.
NJSP is an international outlet for original empirical papers in all areas of personality and social psychology. Occasionally, NJSP will publish other pieces of particular interest to members of the Association, such as special topical issues, selected symposia, and invited addresses. All papers are reviewed with respect to their scholarly merit.
Note: Regardless of whether you are a member of the Association, you are welcome to view abstracts and to subscribe to its NJSP feed free of charge.
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Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies
The Nsukka Journal of Religion and Cultural Studies (NJRCS) is the official and open access journal of the Department of Religion and Cultural Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. NJRCS aims to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among scholars from various fields, including religious studies, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, , Psychology, and philosophy. By exploring the complex intersections of religion and culture, the journal seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of human experience and the promotion of tolerance, inclusivity, and social cohesion.
Aims and Scope
1. To provide a platform for scholarly engagement with the intersections of religion, philosophy, culture and other interdisciplinary fields in African and global contexts.
2. To foster critical thinking, research, and debate on the role of religion in shaping cultural values, beliefs, and practices.
3. To explore the complex relationships between religion, culture, and society, and their implications for human flourishing.
The NJRCS welcomes articles, and book reviews that address the following areas:
1. Religious traditions and their cultural expressions (e.g., Christianity, Islam, African religions, etc.).
2. Comparative studies of religion and culture across different regions and historical periods.
3. Methodological innovations in the study of religion and culture.
4. Cultural hermeneutics and interpretation of religious texts and practices.
Interdisciplinary fields such as Philosophy, anthropology, sociology, Psychology, Social Sciences, humanities, and other related areas.
You can see the journal's own website here
South African Journal of Psychiatry
The journal is the leading psychiatric journal of Africa. It provides open-access scholarly reading for psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and all with an interest in mental health. It carries empirical and conceptual research articles, reviews, editorials, and scientific letters related to psychiatry. It publishes work from various places in the world, and makes special provision for the interests of Africa. It seeks to serve its readership and researchers with the most topical content in psychiatry for clinical practice and academic pursuits, including work in the subspecialty areas of psychiatry.
Submissions in English (full article) will be considered for publication.
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Zimbabwe Journal of Health Sciences
The Zimbabwe Journal of Health Sciences (ZJHS) is a peer reviewed journal published by the Allied Health Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe. The journal aims at providing space for sharing and debating issues across disciplines such as Clinical Social Work, Counselling, Nutrition, Health Education, Natural Therapy, Paramedics, Psychology, Radiography, Ultrasonography and related areas. It is published bi-annually and considers research articles, commentaries (review reports), short communications, and book reviews as categories of contributions. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers will be reviewed by at least two expert referees. Articles submitted should be in the health field.
Aims and Scope
The journal will aim to give insight into the most urgent and important questions facing health practitioners globally across the many different fields of health sciences. The journal will welcome articles from all disciplines and articles that look at important interdisciplinary clinical issues. The journal aims to both educate health practitioners on important topics and discover new answers to key questions in health and will therefore consider both systematic reviews and topical educational reviews giving up-to-date summaries of key areas. Therefore, the journal will have an educational role and will not accept articles based solely on impact, but on relevance to today's health issues that have an impact on the future, as determined by the editors. The journal also aims to boost the visibility of both practitioners and the council and as such, through publications, health practitioners are encouraged to showcase ground-breaking research and innovations that they may have come up with.
You can see this journal's own website here