Arụmarụka: Journal of Conversational Thinking
The journal was founded in January 2021 to promote the theory of Conversational Thinking propounded by Jonathan O Chimakonam and other proponents, and endorsed by the Conversational Society of Philosophy. The goal is to make it a world-class academic journal, publishing high-quality articles that engage deeply with ideas centred around African philosophical, political, sociological, historical, anthropological thinking etc., with the aims of reclaiming, correcting and promoting accurate African narratives, and fostering continuous conversation, and system building in African scholarship. It aims also to create a platform where scholars in African philosophy and studies can present novel ideas, critique and converse with established ideas/ systems, and build on existing systems using the conversational method.
ÉCHANGES, Revue de Philosophie, litterature et Sciences humaines
Échanges est une revue du Laboratoire d’Analyse des Mutations politico-juridiques, Économiques et sociales (LAMPES) de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (FSHS) de l’Université de Lomé (Togo). Revue papier et numérique en français et en anglais,
Échanges est conçue comme un outil de diffusion de la production scientifique en philosophie, littérature et sciences humaines. Cette revue universitaire à comité scientifique international se veut un lieu de recherche pour une approche interdisciplinaire, de croisement d’idées afin de favoriser le franchissement des frontières disciplinaires. Elle veut œuvrer à l’ouverture des espaces de connaissance en posant des passerelles entre différents domaines du savoir. C’est ainsi qu’elle met en dialogue les sciences humaines, la littérature et la réflexion philosophique et entend garantir un pluralisme de points de vues.
La revue publie différents articles, actes de colloques, essais, présentation de livre, textes de référence originaux et inédits.
Échanges is a journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FSHS) of the University of Lomé (Togo). A paper and digital journal in French and English, Échanges is designed as a tool for disseminating scientific production in philosophy, literature and the humanities.
This university journal with an international scientific committee aims to be a place of research for an interdisciplinary approach, of crossing ideas in order to encourage the crossing of disciplinary borders.
It wants to work towards opening up spaces of knowledge by building bridges between different areas of knowledge. This is how it puts the human sciences, literature and philosophical reflection into dialogue and intends to guarantee a pluralism of points of view. The journal publishes various articles, conference proceedings, essays, book presentations, original and unpublished reference texts.
You can view the journal's website
Ezumezu: African Perspectives on Logic, Transhumanism and AI Ethics
Ezumezu: African Perspectives on Logic, Transhumanism and AI Ethics was founded in January 2024 to promote studies in African logic and the African perspectives to transhumanism and AI Ethics, as part of African contributions to world knowledge. It honours the contributions of African thinkers such as Meinrad Hebga, Leopold Senghor, Campbell Momoh, Godwin Sogolo, Chris Ijiomah, Uduma Uduma, Akin Makinde, Udo Etuk, Innocent Asouzu, and Jonathan Chimakonam, to name a few. The aim is to make it a world-class academic journal, publishing high-quality articles that engage deeply with existing and new ideas, with the aims of reclaiming, correcting and promoting African narratives, and building accurate logical frameworks for African scholarship.
You can see this journal's own website
Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies
Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal that serves as a forum for disseminating research findings on issues relating to religion in general.The Journal aims at creating avenue for scholars to publish their research works on all aspects of religions. It seeks to promote critical research and original scholarship on issues related to all aspects of religion generally – theoretical, empirical or comparative. Other websites related to this journal:
Journal of Philosophy and Culture
The Journal of Philosophy and Culture is devoted to the promotion of scholarship in philosophy, culture and allied disciplines.
Journal of Philosophy and Religion
Journal of Philosophy and Religion (ISSN: 2958-1133) is a double-blind peer reviewed, open access, online Journal published by “Editon Consortium Publishing”, East Africa, Kenya. The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses covering all areas of Philosophy and religious studies.
Aims and Scopes
The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses covering all areas of Philosophy and religious studies.
You can see the journal's own website
Pan-African Journal of Theology
The Pan-African Journal of Theology (PAJOT) is one of the journals of the Adventist University of Africa (AUA). PAJOT is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal. It provides a platform for scholarship based on biblical fidelity for academics and practitioners in all areas of theological studies. The aim of the journal is to encourage original and deeper studies, provide appropriate and relevant application of Scriptures to society for the ultimate purpose of redemption. The journal is published in June and December every year. PAJOT is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CCBY-NC 4.0).
Aims and Scopes
The Pan-African Journal of Theology accepts and publishes original research areas of biblical and theological studies. These include but are not limited to biblical archaeology and history of antiquity; Hebrew Bible and New Testament studies; Church History; historical, biblical, systematic, and philosophical theology; science and religion; practical theology, ethics; world religions; and missiology. PAJOT also accepts short articles written from the perspectives herein mentioned. PAJOT affirms that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and infallible revelation of truth in written form. Furthermore, PAJOT endorses the use of the biblical-historical-grammatical method for the interpretation of the Scriptures, and recognizes the necessity of the Holy Spirit's aid in so doing. This journal does not subscribe nor promote the use of any method in biblical and theological studies that retains the principle of criticism which subordinates the Bible to human reason, tradition, or experience.
You can see this journal's own
Perspectives in Education
Perspectives in Education (PiE) is is a fully open access journal, which means that all articles are freely available on the internet immediately upon publication. PiE is also a professional, peer-reviewed journal that encourages the submission of previously unpublished articles on contemporary educational issues. As a journal that represents a variety of cross-disciplinary interests, both theoretical and practical, it seeks to stimulate debate on a wide range of topics. PiE invites manuscripts employing innovative qualitative and quantitative methods and approaches including (but not limited to), ethnographic observation and interviewing, grounded theory, life history, case study, curriculum analysis and critique, policy studies, ethno-methodology, social and educational critique, phenomenology, deconstruction, and genealogy.
Debates on epistemology, methodology or ethics, from a range of perspectives including post-positivism, interpretivism, constructivism, critical theory, feminism and post-modernism are also invited. PiE seeks to stimulate important dialogue and intellectual exchange on education and democratic transition with respect to schools, colleges, non-governmental organisations, universities and universities of technology in South Africa and beyond.
Other sites related to this journal:
Philosophical Papers is a generalist journal of philosophy edited in the Department of Philosophy at Rhodes University. The journal appears three times a year; the November issue of every year is topic-based and guest-edited.The journal is published by Routledge (Taylor & Francis). Information regarding submissions, subscriptions, and calls for papers, can be found on the Routledge website:
Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy
The journal aims at publishing scholarly articles in any branch of philosophy and related disciplines. It shows a special interest in articles which encourage philosophising within the content of Africa, etc.
Notice from the journal:You are cordially invited for the 2016 RESEACHERS INTERNATIONAL NETWORK CONFERENCE. VENUE: UNIVERSITY OF BENIN, NIGERIA. DATE: 13th -15 OCTOBER, 2016. All papers and Abstracts should be submitted on or before 20th September, 2016 to Thanks. For more information contact Dr. Ekanem on +2348037269701, Patrick +2348032182251 or visit
South African Journal of Philosophy
The aim of the
South African Journal of Philosophy (
SAJP) is to publish original scholarly contributions in all areas of philosophy at an international standard. Contributions are double-blind peer-reviewed and include articles, discussions of articles previously published, review articles and book reviews. The wide scope of the
South African Journal of Philosophy makes it the continent's central vehicle for the publication of general philosophical work.
More information on this journal can be viewed
The journal Thought & Practice is a biannual publication of the Philosophical Association of Kenya.
Vision A forum for incisive philosophic reflection on intellectual, social and political issues within the African context.
Mission Thought and Practice serves scholars with broad interests in the humanities and social sciences by disseminating original articles with a philosophical outlook, with emphasis on intellectual, social and political issues that are of special relevance to contemporary Africa.