African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science is established mainly to provide a forum for librarians, archivists, documentalists, information scientists and other information related professionals in Africa to report their research findings but with emphasis on African setting. The Journal is refereed by distinguished scholars. Emphasis is on empirical research; however, manuscripts of high quality on theoretical aspects of the three information related disciplines will be considered for publication.
We are pleased to announce to our website users that we have made some exciting changes, and the journal can now be found at
African Journal of Management Research
Topics and themes appropriate for African Journal of Management Research will come from and cut across organisational/institutional sectors (public, private, non-for-profit) and address matters of theory, research and practice from a variety of management and organisational disciplines including: Finance, Operations, Human Resource, Organisational Behaviour, Marketing Services, Public Administration, Health Services Management, and Information systems.AJMR aims to serve management and business academics.
ESARBICA Journal: Journal of the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives
ESARBICA Journal focuses on records and archives management and the related fields of indigenous knowledge systems.
Ghana Library Journal
The Ghana Library Journal is an open-access double-blind peer-reviewed journal intended for librarians, library administrators, information scientists, academics, educators and students from various backgrounds who are interested in all aspects of Librarianship and Information Science that are central to the information profession.
Information Impact: Journal of Information and Knowledge Management
Information Impact: Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (IIJIKM) is a Journal of Library and Information Science published in Nigeria. IIJIKM is a peer review journal for librarians, information scientists, information specialist, library educators and other related practitioners to report their empirical research findings. However, articles written from a sound theoretical understanding will be considered for publication. The journal (IIJIKM) is aimed at keeping researchers and practitioners abreast with the most recent issues and developments in Information and Knowledge Management.
Other website associated with this journal:
Information Manager (The)
The Information Manager is an Interdisciplinary Journal which provides a forum for the publication of high quality articles on theory, practices, innovation and research covering knowledge management, public relations and other allied areas of information studies. It serves as a forum for new research in information dissemination and communication processes in general,
The basic focus of Information manager are:
i. to provide current thoughts and research reports on developments and trends in the various fields that relate to information management.
ii. To facilitate knowledge enhancement related to information management
iii. To provide a platform for new thinking and directions on the problems, prospects, strategies and techniques of information management.
Information Technologist (The)
The Information Technologist: An International Journal, of Information Communication Technology (lCT) is a referred Journal by Nigerians and foreign renowned Scholars who have distinguished themselves in the field of Library, Information, and Communication Technology (lCT).
Essentially the journal concerns itself with the pervasive impact and the changes in the basic character of library and information operations and services occasioned by the use of technology.
The journal deals mainly with the publication of the results of empirical research in the field of Library, Information Science, Communication and Information Technology as they affect Developing Countries. The journal is also devoted to articles of high quality on the theoretical aspects of its area of concern.
Book reviews, letters to the editor, news items and other brief communications are also welcome.
This journal has been positively evaluated in the Scientific Journal Impact Factor Journal List Evaluation Process with a score of SJIF 2022 = 6.129 (Scientific Journal Impact Factor Value for 2022).
The purpose of Innovation journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa is to publish material on libraries, information supply and other related matters in South and Southern Africa.
International Journal of Applied Technologies in Library and Information Management
The journal aims to publish high quality primary and secondary research and peer-reviewed papers for worldwide readership by librarians and information professionals. The journal is an online open access journal published for Librarians, Information Scientists, Information Technologists, Information and Knowledge Managers and Research Scholars (including undergraduates and postgraduate LIS students). There is also a print version of the journal.
Focus and scope of journal
Empirical research, analytical review or technical briefs papers are invited for publication consideration in JATLIM. The Journal is an international journal dedicated to well researched articles on technologies applicable to library and information management in all types of libraries and information centres. Studies on other aspects of Librarianship and Information Science such as Information Seeking Behaviour, Technologies for LIS education and practice are as well considerable.
International Journal of Information Security, Privacy and Digital Forensics
The journal is managed and published by Nigeria Computer Society (NCS). It is a knowledge resource for practitioners, academics, scientists, experts and researchers, among others, working in various fields of Information Security, Privacy, Trust, Digital Forensics, Hacking, Database Security, cybersecurity, communication security, digital Forensics, Security Issues in Emerging Technologies etc.. We welcome original contributions as high quality technical papers (full and short) describing original unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual or experimental research. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the editorial board and selected reviewers and those accepted will be punished.
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International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization: Theory and Applications
The Aim of the Journal is to publish high impact original articles in Mathematical Sciences, including Optimization theory, techniques and methods.
It is an open access peer-reviewed international Journal that publishes original research articles in the broad range of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization, including articles that relate directly and indirectly to Mathematical Sciences and Optimization. Consequently, good and original articles relating to Computer Sciences, Statistics, Modelling, Differential Equations, Algorithms, Iterative processes, Pure Mathematics etc. are also publishable in the Journal.
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International Journal of Pedagogy, Policy and ICT in Education
The Journal provides a platform for educational research dissemination in Africa, covering pedagogy, language policy, and ICT in education. Occasionally, papers on Special Education and governance are featured. Lecturers and students are our target community.
Journal of Development and Communication Studies
The Journal of Development and Communications Studies (JDCS), published online and in print by Development Media Consulting, is a biannual academic, peer reviewed journal, ISSN 2305-7432, dedicated to research exploring linkages between communication and human development. The core aim of the JDCS is to make available to development planners, students, civil society, politicians and the public, research recommendations for the benefit of social development in Malawi and Africa, foremost, and the world, second.JDCS welcomes contributions from all over the world. Malawian academics, researchers, and university students are especially encouraged to submit their original research (completed and ongoing alike) reports for publication.JDCS believes in the words of Dr Nyengo Mkandawire of the University of Malawi who said, during his professorial inaugural lecture on 17 March, 2014, that:“Ideally, [research findings] must be published locally [because] it has been shown that research published in local journals has the highest likelihood of changing practice.”Other websites associated with this journal:
Journal of Emerging Technologies
Journal of Emerging Technologies (JET) is an international interdisciplinary journal on computing trending topics and issues in the field of information and communications technology (ICT), information systems (IS), information technology (IT), computer science (CS), software engineering (SE), information systems management (ISM), and other related disciplines with the vision and mission to promote quality and current technological research worldwide.
Aims and ScopeAs an open-access international peer-reviewed journal, JET focus to support academic and non-academic researchers, practitioners, and research institutes to reach their potential and have access to open-access computing scientific materials. Every research paper (manuscript) received by JET is editorially screened, checked for plagiarism, and peer-reviewed through a double-blind review process promptly. We pride ourselves on quality, rigor, and original work. JET only accepts original and unpublished papers (manuscripts) with the scope on Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Information Systems (IS), Computer Science (CS), and Information Technology (IT) topics such as: Social media, e-health, IT governance, Industry 5.0, e-Government, Smart City, Cybersecurity, Society 5.0, Big data and privacy, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial intelligence (AI), Digital marketing, Digital transformation, Machine learning, Block-chain technology, Argument reality, Internet marketing, e-commerce, Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), Environmental technology (Green technology) and many more.
You can see this journal's website
Journal of Languages & Translation
The Journal of Languages & Translation is an international biannual, peer-reviewed open-access Journal issued by the Laboratory of Information and Communication Technologies in the Teaching of Foreign Languages and Translation (TICELET), Faculty of Foreign Languages, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef Algeria. Journal of Languages & Translation is a distinguished journal committed to publishing high-quality and original research in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish. Covering the latest developments in linguistics, literature, and translation. the journal serves as a platform for scholarly exploration and advancement.
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Languages & Translation is a distinguished journal committed to publishing high quality and original research in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish. Covering the latest developments in linguistics, literature, and translation. The journal serves as a platform for scholarly exploration and advancement. The Journal of Languages & Translation covers the latest developments in many fields of research such as language and linguistics, translation and interpretation, discourse analysis, Computer-assisted language learning/teaching, literature, and Intercultural Communication.
You can see this journal’s own website here
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa
The Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa (JLISA)/Revue de Bibliotheconomie et Science de l'information en Afrique is expected to explore the range of issues and problems of concern to librarians, information scientists and other information professionals especially in Africa and aims to publish articles, short communication and conference reports.
Journal of the South African Society of Archivists
Journal Aim and Scope
Journal of the South African Society of Archivists (JSASA) is published annually by the South African Society of Archivists. The journal publishes original articles and book reviews in English on archival science, records, information management and oral history. The purpose of the JSASA is to disseminate research content that support high level learning, teaching, community engagement, research and practice-based experience in archives and records management. Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form or be under consideration for publication by another journal. The main focus is on empirical research results, case studies and reports of innovative projects. However, opinion papers and articles of high quality on practical and theoretical aspects will be considered. This journal is especially useful to professionals, academics and students in the archives, heritage, museum and records management fields.
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Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science
Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science (LJLIS) aims to publish articles, short communications and conference reports which will: raise the level of awareness within the international library and information community of the potential for change and innovation; assist policy and decision-making in the medium term (five to ten years); help in reporting on present research, the implementation of research results, and the planning of future research; raise the standard of professional theory and practice.
Nigerian Journal of Communication
Nigerian Journal of Communication (TNJC) is a scholarly, academic, professional peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal of the African Council for Communication Education (ACCE), Nigeria Chapter. It is devoted to publishing researches, book reviews and position papers in all functional areas of communication. The journal focuses on relevant and contemporary issues in all areas of communication including Print Journalism, Broadcast Journalism, Development Communication, Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing Communication, Business and Organisational Communication, Political Communication, Science, Health and Environmental Communication, International Communication, Traditional/Indegenous Communication, ICT and Online Communication, Film and Multimedia, Communication Theory and Methodology, Communication, Culture and Society, Media Language, and other communication-related disciplines or areas. While the journal is Nigerian-based, it also accept contributions from accross the world.
You can see this journal's website
Nigerian Libraries provides information on library science in Nigeria.
Nigerian School Library Journal
The Nigerian School Library Journal is a scholarly publication of the Nigerian School Library Association that focuses on issues relating to school library media centers’ establishment, administration, organization, media resources management, reading development, e-learning/m-learning, and other related topics of concern to researchers and school librarians or media specialists and those in the field of library and information sciences.
Regional Journal of Information and Knowledge Management
The Regional Journal of Information and Knowledge Management is a biannual open access scholarly journal. All the articles published in the journal are double blind peer reviewed by eminent information and knowledge management scholars. The journal provides a credible, safe and trustworthy platform for information and knowledge management professionals, researchers and scholars in Africa and beyond to engage, share and learn through the publishing of quality scholarly materials online.
This is a biannual open access scholarly journal. All the articles published in the journal are double blind peer reviewed by eminent information and knowledge management scholars. One print special edition is published annually. This edition publishes the most popular articles of the year.
To be the preferred academic journal on information and knowledge management in Africa
To provide a credible, authoritative and trustworthy platform for information and knowledge management professionals and scholars in Africa and beyond to engage, share and learn through the publishing of quality scholarly materials
Revue d'Information Scientifique et Technique
The review aims at publishing research papers on any topic related to information processing at the digital age which includes but is not limited to: digital Libraries, Digital Humanities and Heritage, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Web Technologies, Linked Data, Databases, big data, Machine Learning, deep learning, computer vision, ... and other issues related to information access, ethics and privacy.
Publication language is English but the review welcomes papers in Arabic language from native Arabic speakers.
Samaru Journal of Information Studies
The Samaru Journal of Information Studies addresses issues in the field of library science, information science and related fields including but not limited to, information and communication Technology (ICT) applications to effectively create, apply, and communicate knowledge in organization. including but not limited to knowledge management, information and communication Technology (ICT) applications and use, communication, public relations and other allied areas of information studies. The basic objectives of the journal are (i) to provide current thoughts and research reports on developments and trends in the areas of Library and information science, academic, school, national and special librarianship. (ii) to provide a platform for new thinking and directions on the problems, prospects strategies and techniques of library and information services and ICT applications in library, archive, publishing and information works. (iii) to provide a forum for discussion of library and information science education and training, and future trends in information access and delivery.
The Journal of Informatics
The Journal of Informatics (TJI) provides quality scholarly works in the area of Applied Informatics. The intention of the journal is to acquaint readers with scholarly information about innovation and other developments in ICT field, especially within Africa and other developing contries. Therefore, this journal is managed by a team of researchers and practitioners interested in promoting ICT research and practices. The following are the key areas of the Journal– Programming, Databases and data warehousing, Computer security, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Mathematics, Operating Systems, Networking, ICT Systems Management, ICT4Dev, Library Science and Records Management.
Aims and ScopeThis Journal publishes articles in the area of applied informatics. The following areas define its scope: Programming, Databases and data warehousing, Computer security, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Mathematics, Operating Systems, Networking, ICT Systems Management, ICT for Development, Library Science and Records Management.
You can view this journal's website
University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal
The University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal (UDSMLJ) is an interdisciplinary academic journal that publishes scholarly articles on all aspects of Library, information Science and and related fields of study. These include organization of knowledge, information dissemination , information and knowledge management, Information Technology and its application, Management in Libraries, Communication, Human Information Behavior, Records and Archives Management, Information Literacy, Information Retrieval, Reference Services and Information Systems. The journal is published twice a year in June and December.The key purpose of the journal is to serve as a catalyst of a dialogue between LIS practitioners and professionals from other fields of study with the aim of smoothening the integration of information into all walks of life. This commitment rests on the understanding that the availability and accessibility of research outputs to readers is a paramount development requirement.
The journal is published twice per year, that is June and December.
Authors are in invited to submit their articles to be considered for publication. See
information for authors for details.
This journal can also be accessed at the following link