African Environment

African Environment
Environmental Studies and Regional Planning Bulletin

African Environment is published in French and English, and for some issues, in Arabic.

(only the issue below has been received by AJOL)


African Journal of Applied Zoology and Environmental Biology

Open Access

The African Journal of Applied Zoology and Environmental Biology (formerly the African Journal of Applied Zoology) was inaugurated to meet the growing need for an indigenous authoritative organ for the dissemination of the results of scientific research into the fauna of Africa. Its scope has been widened and the title changed to include original research papers which make significant contributions to flora on the other aspects of environmental biology relevant to Africa. Concise contributions on investigations on faunistics, biochemistry, microbiology, hydrobiology, nutrition, botany, soil and water chemistry, are invited for publication.


African Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism

Open Access

The African Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (AJEM) is a biomedical peer-reviewed journal with international circulation. It publishes Reports of Original Work, preferably briefly described, in the fields of endocrinology, metabolism and related subjects. Reviews are authoritative, evidence-based articles on topical subjects. Submission in this category is generally by invitation; however, unsolicited manuscripts are also welcome. Authors are encouraged to discuss an outline of their idea with the editor-inchief of AJEM.


African Journal of Tropical Entomology Research

Open Access

African Journal of Tropical Entomology Research
African Journal of Tropical Entomology Research (AJTER) is a bilingual (French and English) open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research articles, short communications and review articles covering a wide range of subjects in general entomology, agricultural, veterinary, medical, environmental entomology and entomophagy of tropical regions with emphasis on the advancement of entomology in Africa. In addition, the journal also welcomes submission by authors of letters and comments to the editor.
The journal is subject to double-blind peer review and reviewers may be members of the journal's reviewers' committee or external reviewers. The selection of peer reviewers depends on their availability and the topic of the manuscript.
Mission : to contribute to the advancement and application of scientific discoveries in tropical entomology, by providing free online access to research information without financial, legal or technical barriers (freely distributed and available from several websites).
You can view this journal's website here.


African Zoology

African Zoology
African Zoology, a peer-reviewed research journal, publishes original scientific contributions and critical reviews that focus principally on African fauna in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems. Research from other regions that advances practical and theoretical aspects of zoology will be considered. Rigorous question-driven research in all aspects of zoology will take precedence over descriptive research. The journal publishes full-length papers, critical reviews, short communications, letters to the editors as well as book reviews. Contributions based on purely observational, descriptive or anecdotal data will not be considered.Other websites associated with this journal:


AFRREV STECH: An International Journal of Science and Technology

Open Access

AFRREV STECH: An International Journal of Science and Technology
STECH: An International Journal of Science and Technology is a peer-reviewed journal of interdisciplinary scientific research, theories, and observations. STECH is a semi-annual publication of International Association of African Researchers and Reviewers (IAARR). The mission of this journal is to provide a platform for the dissemination of scientific research and theory across the academic disciplines. We seek to facilitate greater communication between the scientific assembly in Africa and the larger scientific community. To this end, STECH provides a platform for research conducted both inside and outside of Africa. The journal is provided strictly in the spirit of academic and scientific discourse and in support of our mission of improving the human condition and researches in Africa. 
Other websites associated with this journal:


ATBU Journal of Environmental Technology

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ATBU Journal of Environmental Technology
The journal of environmental technology is devoted to the publication of papers which advance knowledge of practical and theoretical issues of the environmental technology. Selection of papers for publication is based on their relevance, clarity, topicality and individuality; the extent to which they advance knowledge and understanding, and their likely contribution towards inspiring further activity, development and research.  The aims of the journal are to provide an avenue for dissemination of academic research findings dealing with environmental issues and to provide a forum for meaningful discussions and debates between academics and field practitioners of the natural and the built environments. The journal will therefore accept for publication research results of both the natural; the technological; and the built environment.


Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics

Open Access

Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics
Biological and Environmental Science for the Tropics is an international peer review journal that welcomes original research note, short communications and review articles. Submitted papers should contain results from original researches that are not being considered for publication elsewhere or previously published. The Journal’s scope is interdisciplinary in nature and covers any aspects related to issues on life and environmental sciences especially from the field of Plant and Animal sciences, Biochemistry, Biosecurity, Microbiology, Pharmaceuticals sciences, Taxonomy, Biodiversity and Evolution, Forestry, Food science, Limnology, Pathology, Genetics, Ecology, Biotechnology, Postharvest, Weed science, Bioremediation, Agriculture, Soil science, Zoology and other life science related fields.


ChemSearch Journal

Open Access

ChemSearch Journal
Chemsearch Journal is a peer – reviewed journal that publishes original research work, scientific papers and technical reports in all the field of Chemistry (pure science, agriculture, environmental science, science education and related fields).This journal is now Open Access so the content can be freely accesses online.


Environmental Technology and Science Journal

Open Access

Environmental Technology and Science Journal
The Environmental Technology and Science Journal (ETSJ) is devoted to the publication of papers which advance knowledge of practical and theoretical issues of the environmental technology. The aim of the journal is to provide an avenue for dissemination of academic research findings from various disciplines of the environment, engineering, pure and applied sciences, arts and social science, which have materials that emphasize on environmental issues.
Other websites associated with this journal: https// 


Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production

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Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production
The Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production is a peer reviewed journal publishing original basic and applied research articles, short communications, technical notes, and review articles dealing with livestock and livestock related issues. Although the journal focuses on livestock production in Ethiopia, papers from similar agro-ecological regions of the world are welcomed.
You can view the journal's website here.


Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management
Kindly note that from 1 September 2017, updating of this journal has been suspended by AJOL, pending the outcome of a journal ownership dispute process.
The Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management (EJESM) is based in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. Its aim is to publish original research output in the area of Geography, Ecology, Botany, Conservation studies, Food and Nutrition, Water Resources, Urban Studies, Environmental Design and Management and other allied disciplines. It is devoted to disseminating results of original research in these fields. Review papers and short communications on topical issues of contemporary importance are also accepted. The journal publishes six issues annually in February, April, June, August, October and December.


FUTY Journal of the Environment

Open Access

FUTY Journal of the Environment
The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for dissemination of research findings necessary for sound policy formulations towards a better environment. It is an inter-disciplinary journal concerned with issues in the following disciplines: Architecture, Building, Estate Management, Environmental Management, Geography, Industrial Design, Surveying and Geoinformatics, Urban and Regional Planning, Agriculture, Forestry and Wild Life and other related fields.


Ghana Journal of Geography

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Ghana Journal of Geography
The Ghana Journal of Geography (GJG) is published by the Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana. The Journal publishes the best of original research and scholarship in physical and human geography as well as research from other related disciplines working on issues of spatial relevance. It provides a forum for discussing new issues and ideas of relevance to the developing world.


Global Journal of Environmental Sciences

Open Access

Global Journal of Environmental Sciences
Global Journal of Environmental Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Environmental Sciences including waste management, pollution control, and remediation of hazards. The journal is published twice a year.Visit the Global Journal Series website here: 


International Journal of Applied Agriculture and Apiculture Research

Open Access

International Journal of Applied Agriculture and Apiculture Research
The journal publishes current and emerging issues in the following areas: Animal science, crop science, weed science, biological science, food science, Biotechnology in agriculture and apiculture, agricultural extension, agricultural economics, soil science, agricultural technology and aquaculture. It aims to promote the effective dissemination of information on research findings thus encouraging active research in all aspects of agricultural and apicultural sciences and to provide an effective means for research scientists to contribute to international scientific and technological knowledge in the agricultural and apicultural sciences.Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Agriculture and Environment

Open Access

Journal of Agriculture and Environment
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment is a biannual, peer reviewed publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, Usmanu Danfodiyo, Sokoto, Nigeria.  The Journal welcomes articles from original research in the various branches of Agriculture and related fields, specifically in areas of:

  • Agriculture (Crop, Animal and Soil sciences)

. Agronomy and Crop Protection

  • Agricultural Economics, Extension and Policy

  • Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization   

  • Food Science and Technology

  • Biotechnology as related to Agriculture

  • Forestry, Fisheries and wildlife management

  • Rangeland management

  • Interaction of the above with the environment

Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

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Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
The Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open access international Journal that aims to publish original research articles, review articles, short communications and case studies in areas of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. All papers are subjected to peer-review by members of the editorial board or qualified reviewers in double blind peer review system. The journal is published by Bahir Dar University of Ethiopia. 
This journal is also indexed on EJOL, and you can visit the journal's own website here.


Journal of Environmental Extension

Journal of Environmental Extension
Journal of Environmental Extension is to be published annually to generate ideas on formulation, packaging, dissemination and consequential impacts of ideas/policies relating to the quality and sustainability of the environment.


Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science

Open Access

Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science
The Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science publishes rigorous theoretical reasoning and advanced empirical research in all areas of Meteorology and Climate Sciences. We welcome articles or proposals from all perspectives and on all subjects pertaining to Meteorology, Agriculture, Humanity, Physics, Geography, Oceanography and Marine science, GIS, Geophysics, Environmental Sciences, Urban and Regional Planning and Architecture.


Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment

Open Access

Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment
The Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment lays emphasis on result of empirical research and conceptual issues in different aspects of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Management, Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences, Pure and Applied Environmental Sciences; Engineering, Geography, Geology, Applied Economics and Biological Sciences.


Journal of Solar Energy and Sustainable Development

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The Journal of Solar Energy and Sustainability Development (JSESD) is a peer-reviewed, open access, biannual, scientific journal. It aims to propagate state-of-the art and eminence research in the journal themes. It provides a bridge between research and implementation of renewable energy technologies. Its content is available to academics and researchers to support exchange of knowledge on the national and global levels. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, Case studies and technical reports.

Special subject issues may be published within regular issues and they experience the same reviewing scheme.

The JSESD provides renewable energy issues and promotion of renewable energy-based engineering knowledge and advancement. Priority is given to the development of technical solutions regarding issues of energy sustainability and water desalination that would lead to the development of energy systems and help solve water shortage in the region. Discussion of economic and environmental issues of energy systems are highly and well encouraged. The journal welcomes research articles that deals with: modeling, simulation, optimization, analysis and experimental work with appropriate findings. It encourages all research work that will support UN’s sustainable development goals, especially goal number 7 related to clean and affordable energy (SDG7).

JSESD welcomes papers on topics that are within the context of the wide scope of the journal.
You can see the journal's website here.


Journal of Water Science and Environment Technologies

Open Access

Journal of Water Science & Environment Technologies – JOWSET- is an international, peer-reviewed journal covering all of the water & environmental sciences, including different disciplinary and emerging research fields.
Aims & Scope
We aim to make JOWSET as a platform between applied sciences, engineering applications and environmental aspects of water. Papers describing progress in full-scale implementations are particularly encouraged. JOWSET offers fast publication for new findings and research directions.
Topics of the journal
The scope of the journal covers an extensive set of subject areas; theoretical, fundamental and applied papers are welcome on the areas detailed below:

  • Water treatment Processes and Technologies

  • Desalting technologies

  • Membranes technologies

  • Environmental Technologies,

  • Removal & sensing technologies of pollutants

  • Nanoparticles uses in water treatments

  • Water and urban Hydro systems

  • Emissions and transfer of pollutants,

  • Waste, Soil and Sediments

  • Organic and mineral anthropical waste (mainly solid waste, urban water, sediment).

  • Environmental risks.

  • Renewable energy

  • Climate change

  • Life Cycle Analysis

Readership information
Readership of JOWSET includes academic, government and industrial scientists from all disciplines, specialized or interdisciplinary, including the following.

  • Physical and theoretical chemists

  • Analytical

  • Organic & inorganic Materials

  • Hydrogeology

  • Polymer

  • Surface

  • Sustainable energy and environmental scientists

  • Biochemists

  • Biologists

  • Physicists

  • Engineers

  • Water treatment


LAUTECH Journal of Civil and Environmental Studies

Open Access

LAUTECH Journal of Civil and Environmental Studies (LAUJOCES) is an academic journal of the Department of Civil Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria. It is an international peer review journal which publishes original research papers, reviews and technical notes in the fields of Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Highway and Transportation Engineering, Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Sciences and other related disciplines. LAUJOCES provides a veritable platform for dissemination of new research outputs, latest technologies and discoveries that promote research, academic excellence and sustainable development.
Other websites associated with this journal:


les cahiers du cread

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les cahiers du cread
Our Journal “les cahiers du cread” is a quarterly economic review publishing original findings of empirical research and theoretical debates on fields pertaining to our mission coverage (Macro Economics, Industrial Economics and Firms, Human Development & Social Economics, Agriculture & Environment).
You can view this journal's website here.


Madagascar Conservation & Development

Open Access

Madagascar Conservation & Development
Madagascar Conservation & Development welcomes the results of original research, field surveys, advances in field and laboratory techniques, book reviews, and informal status reports from research, conservation, development and management programs and in-field projects in Madagascar. In addition, notes on changes in the legal status of any species (IUCN, CITES) or land (Protected Areas) existing in Madagascar, public awareness programs, the availability of new educational materials (include the name and address of distributor and cost, if applicable), job announcements (paid or volunteer), and notification of newly published scientific papers, technical reports and academic theses are all appropriate contributions. Readers are also encouraged to alert Madagascar Conservation & Development to pertinent letter-writing campaigns and other activities, which may need the support of the Madagascar Conservation & Development community. Finally, Madagascar Conservation & Development serves as a conduit for debate and discussion and welcomes contributions on any aspect of the legal or scientific status of any species living in Madagascar, or on conservation and development philosophy.
Other websites related to this journal:



Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Metamorphosis is a scholarly journal which publishes articles of any length containing valid scientific data concerning any aspect of the study of African Lepidoptera, at the discretion of the Editor. The content of articles may include but will not necessarily be limited to:
a. Taxonomic reviews, systematics and descriptions of new taxa.
b. Life history descriptions, behavioural studies and ecological research, including habitat descriptions.
c. Description of the lepidopteran fauna of specific areas, with checklists, photographs and notes.
d. Conservation management including IUCN assessments.
e. Phylogenetic hypotheses based on molecular analyses and other characters or evidence.
f. The distribution of Lepidoptera and biogeographical analysis.
g. Methodologies applied to studies of Lepidoptera.
The journal website can be found here:


Mgbakoigba: Journal of African Studies

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Mgbakoigba: Journal of African Studies
Mgbakoigba welcomes original and incisive contributions engaging historical and contemporary issues relevant to the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Environmental Sciences, especially as they affect the field of African Studies. Its main emphasis is to generate and construct a new agenda for approaching history, methodology and theory in African knowledge production. Considering new frameworks for reflecting and addressing issues arising from the present context of economic, political, cultural and technological changes, the journal aims to establish a platform to revisit the grand teleological narration of progress and modernity where Africa has always been denied intellectual agency and subjectivity.  The editors seek research papers and innovative essays engaging new debates, exhibition review essays, cultural events, responses to contemporary cultural criticisms in the relevant disciplines. All work submitted are subject to peer review. All submissions must not exceed 6, 000 word papers. 
All manuscripts and inquiries should be directed to the editor: Dr. Okechukwu Nwafor;  Email:


Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology
Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology is a publisher of multidisciplinary peer-reviews original research works and critical reviews on interdisciplinary studies in Biotechnology, Agriculture, Food and Environment interface; and is published twice a year. It serves scientists in the field of Agriculture, Food science and Technology; Animal science, Agriculture Economy and Extension, Fisheries and Aquiculture, Biotechnology, Breeding and Veterinarians. 
Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Botany

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Botany
The Nigerian Journal of Botany is published by the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON) and is devoted to disseminating results of original research in pure and applied Botany, from within and outside Nigeria.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Hydrological Sciences

Nigerian Journal of Hydrological Sciences
Nigerian Journal of Hydrological Sciences publishes original research papers, case studies and critical reviews in all the sub fields of the hydrological sciences including water-based management and policy issues that impact on the environment and economics. These comprise the physical, chemical, biological, stochastic and systems aspects of surface and groundwater hydrology, hydro-meteorology, hydrogeology and eco-hydrology. Social science perspectives on hydrological problems such as resource and ecological economics, environmental sociology, psychology and behavioural science, management and policy analysis are also invited. The scope of the journal includes applied aspects as in agricultural water management, ecosystems management, water resources engineering, water quality, hydropower, watershed and environmental management.


Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment

Open Access

The Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment is the official journal of the Faculty of Science, Delta State University, Abraka Nigeria and publishes original peer-reviewed research manuscripts in agriculture and pure and applied sciences.
Aims and Scope
The journal is designed to contribute towards the promotion of science particularly in the developing countries of the world. Manuscripts on environmental, physical and biological sciences with particular reference to the African continent are highly welcome. The subjects covered include: Agriculture, Biochemistry, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Microbiology, Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Zoology Manuscripts for publication will be accepted on the basis of their high scientific merit and originality. Manuscripts are welcome from all over the world.
You can see this journal's own website here


Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research

Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research
The Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research (previously named Nigerian Journal of Soil Research) is an annual publication of the Department of Soil science, Faculty of Agriculture/Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaira. The journal accepts articles in English. The journal is concerned with soils and environmental issues of tropical interest.


Nigerian Journal of Technological Research

Nigerian Journal of Technological Research
The Nigerian Journal of Technological Research is a pure scientific journal with a philosophy of attempting to provide information on problem solving technology to its immediate environs and the international community. The scope of the journal is in the core areas of: Pure and Applied Sciences; Engineering Sciences; Environmental Sciences; Agricultural Sciences; Information and communication Technology; Management and Entrepreneurship sciences.


Pan-African Journal of Health and Environmental Science

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Pan-African Journal of Health and Environmental Science
The Pan-African Journal of Health and Environmental Science (AJHES) is one of the flagship journals of the Adventist University of Africa (AUA). AJHES is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles in the areas of health and environmental sciences. This journal provides a platform of academic exchange for scholars and readers in Africa and beyond. We accept empirical research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods;and theoretical and conceptual manuscripts. AJHES is published in June and December every year. All articles in AJHES are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CCBY-NC 4.0).
Aims and Scope
The Pan-African Journal of Health and Environmental Science (AJHES) seeks to publish original research in the in the areas of health and environmental sciences and other related disciplines. Topics covered in the journal include environmental issues, public health, occupational health, epidemiology, global health, among others. AHJES welcomes submissions of the highest quality, reflecting a wide range of perspectives, topics, contexts, and methods in the areas of health and environmental sciences.
You can see this journal's own website here.


Regional Maritime University Journal

Regional Maritime University Journal
The Regional Maritime University Journal has as its scope topics relating to the maritime industry, including but not limited to the following:

  • Maritime education and training

  • Maritime technology

  • Maritime administration

  • Maritime environmental and ocean management

  • Port and shipping administration

  • Maritime transport and logistics

  • Maritime policy and practices

  • Maritime safety and security

  • Engineering

  • Information Communication Technology

  • Oil and gas

  • Multimodal transport administration and management

  • Technological, organisational, sociological, economic, etc. issues related to the maritime and allied industry


Revue Africaine d’Environnement et d’Agriculture

Open Access

Revue Africaine d’Environnement et d’Agriculture
The African Journal of Environment and Agriculture is a French-language journal (free access) which publishes original and summary articles (four issues per year) concerning all areas related to agriculture and management sustainable environment: plant and animal production, veterinary science, forest science, soil and earth science, rural engineering, environmental science, fisheries and fish farming, bio-industries, agri-food and socio-economics. Articles are accepted for publication on the basis of their scientific value after peer review.
You can view this journal's website here


Revue de l’Environnement et de la Biodiversité-Programme d’Appui Stratégique à la Recherche Scientifique (REB-PASRES)

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Revue de l’Environnement et de la Biodiversité-Programme d’Appui Stratégique à la Recherche Scientifique (REB-PASRES)
The journal aims to serve ecologists and environmental scientists, decision-makers and all of those who are interested in the preservation of ecosystems and their biodiversity. REB-PASRES publishes French and English-language original articles in the following fields: Biology, Ecology, Conservation, Sustainable management and Quality of natural resources and ecosystems, Environment and Anthropogenic pressure interactions.
You can visit this journal's website here.


Rwanda Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Open Access

The RJEAS  publishes  information about advances and their applications in making better use of the Rwandan and regional end environment  in  the fields  of Agricultural  Sciences,  Environmental  Sciences, Veterinary  Medicine,  Animal  and  Crop  Sciences,  Forestry,  Agricultural   mechanization,   Food science and Nutrition,  Agricultural Economics, Aquaculture and fisheries. Articles describing application   of  mathematical   modeling,   ICT,  genomics,   climate   change,   informatics,   remote sensing  and geographic  information  systems in agriculture  and environment but not limited to,  are highly  welcome. RJAS is meant to be national, regional and international both in the source of articles and its readership.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment

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Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment
The Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment (RJESTE) is a peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually by the University of Rwanda - College of Science and Technology. The journal aims at publishing original research articles, review articles, and selected conference articles on the latest developments in the fields of engineering, science, technology, environment and related. The publications should either demonstrate a significant new discovery or other contribution that has been established to fairly rigorous scientific standards. The Journal will publish articles written in standard British English.


Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology

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Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology
Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology has been published since 1977 by the Bird Committee of the East Africa Natural History Society. Originally titled Scopus, the addition of Journal of East African Ornithology began with our January 2018 issue. The journal is published Open Access twice a year, typically in January and July. Authors retain copyright and their work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Our copyright and licensing agreement only applies from January 2018 onwards, and does not apply to previously published issues. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles.
Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology welcomes original contributions— which have not been published elsewhere— on all aspects of the ornithology of eastern Africa, encompassing the area from Sudan, Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa countries south to Mozambique, and including the Malagasy region. 
This journal does not charge Article Processing Charges or submission charges.


South African Journal of Science

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South African Journal of Science
The South African Journal of Science is an open access, multidisciplinary journal published bimonthly by the Academy of Science of South Africa. Its objective is to promote the visibility and impact of South African and African research by publishing high-quality original research from Africa or on African-relevant issues that will be of interest to readers in any discipline and for the benefit of scholars, educators, the general public and policymakers. It also provides a forum for discussion of news and developments in research and higher education.


South Sudan Mining Journal

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The South Sudan Mining Journal is a web and print-based publication in the Republic of South Sudan. It was established to aggregate mining stories and publishes a peer-reviewed original research and journal on all aspects of the mining industry from South Sudan and beyond. The journal is supported by a distinguished Editorial Board of scientists who are experts in their fields and have extensive experience in publishing and reviewing.
Aims and Scopes
Our aim: to aggregate mining stories and publishes a peer-reviewed original research and journal on all aspects of the mining industry from South Sudan and beyond.
You can see this journal's own website here
Our scope: SSMJ publishes original research papers and articles related to the following topics:
(1) Geology
(2) Mining Engineering
(3) Oil & Gas Exploration and Production
(4) Energy Systems and Development
(5) Environmental Impact Assessment and Mitigation in Extractive Industries
(6) Economics of the Extractive Industries and their Relationship to the Environment
You can see this journal's own website here


Southern African Journal of Environmental Education

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Southern African Journal of Environmental Education

About the Journal 

Welcome to the home of the Southern African Journal of Environmental Education (SAJEE).
SAJEE is an accredited and internationally refereed journal, published by the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA). SAJEE is indexed to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and SCOPUS. The journal is produced annually on a continuous-publishing-model basis. 

SAJEE aims to publish and report on a wide range of aspects relating to Environmental Education, Ethics and Action in southern Africa and elsewhere, with a strong focus on research. The journal seeks to further the academic study and the practice of environmental education by providing a forum for researchers, scholars, practitioners and policy makers, and aims to carry papers reflecting the diversity of environmental education practice in southern Africa. It includes a variety of research genres; conference reviews and keynote papers; comparative studies; retrospective analyses of activities or trends in a particular field; commentaries on policy issues; and critical reviews of environmental education, ethics and action in a particular country or context. The journal actively seeks out international dialogue in order to provide perspective on and for environmental education in southern Africa.

Providing southern African and other authors with a forum for debate and professional development, it also incorporates an author support programme to encourage new authors in the field to establish themselves as scholarly writers.

The journal is committed to ensuring highest levels of scientific integrity. The SAJEE Editors subscribe the Academy of Science of South Africa's Code of Best Practice in Scholary Journal Publishing, Editing and Peer Review. 
Papers published in the Research Paper section of the journal undergo an academically rigorous and thorough double blind review process by two qualified reviewers. Keynote,Viewpoint and Think Piece papers are reviewed by one of the editors of the journal and/or another qualified reviewer.

Institutional support for the journal is provided by the Rhodes University Environmental Learning Research Centre, in the Faculty of Education at Rhodes University (South Africa).
For article queries please contact the Journal Manager:

2016 Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa
Online ISSN 2411-5959 
Print ISSN 0256-7504
Print ISBN 1810-0333  

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public and scholarly community supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The journal has double diamond status, as it is both open access and also does not charge authors a submission or processing fee.


Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science

Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science
Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science is one of the leading forestry journals in the Southern Hemisphere. The journal publishes scientific articles in forest science and management of fast-growing, planted or natural forests in the Southern Hemisphere and the tropics. Papers are also encouraged on related disciplines such as environmental aspects of forestry, social forestry, agroforestry, forest engineering and management as well as the goods and services that are derived from forests as a whole. Articles published by the journal are of value to foresters, resource managers and society at large. The journal particularly encourages contributions from South America, Africa and tropical/subtropical Australasia and Asia. Publication of the journal is supported by the Southern African Institute of Forestry.
Read more about this journal here


Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation

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Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation
The Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation accommodates articles addressing research findings of the current diverse and multidisciplinary approaches towards ecosystem conservation at national and global levels. The journal is published biannually and accepts research and review papers covering technological, physical, biological, social and economic aspects of management and conservation of tropical flora and fauna.


Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences

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Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences
The Journal publishes  peer reviewed papers  with the aim of sharing new developments in the agricultural and environmental sciences  which include forestry, fisheries, livestock, crops, environment, biotechnology, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering.
The readership of the Journal include students, researchers, extension workers, policy makers, academia ,investors and entrepreneurs.


Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources

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The Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources operates under the Provost’s Office, College of Agriculture and Renewable Resources, Ejigbo Campus, Osun State University, P.M.B. 4494, Osogbo, Nigeria. The mission of the Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources is to expand the body of knowledge in the core areas of Agriculture, Applied and Pure Sciences, Agricultural Mechanisation, Environmental Sciences, Sciences, Renewable Natural Resources and Management. Transactions with Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources will principally be online. The Journal is domiciled within the official website of the Osun State University: Submission of articles should be done through e-mail attachment to the editor at Articles are anonymously peer-reviewed (double blind) by relevant experts and professionals in the field of expertise. All submissions must be firmly based on experience or research and must be relevant to current issues. Articles are reviewed for their quality, length, content, and applicability to an international readership with strict adherent to the Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources Author’s Guidelines. Only a paper with favourable reports shall be considered for possible acceptance for publication. The acceptance of manuscripts for publication is decided by the Editorial Board. Articles are accepted with the understanding that their content is the author’s original work, not slanderous, libelous, or plagiarized. All statements of opinion and supposed fact in the Journal are published under the authority of the authors. They are not to be accepted as the view of the editors, the publisher, the UJARR Journal Committee, or the Osun State University.

Aims and Scope
The aims and objectives of the Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources are to expand the body of knowledge in the core areas of Agriculture, Applied and Pure Sciences, Agricultural Mechanisation, Environmental Sciences, Sciences, Renewable Natural Resources and Management through our editorial contents. The contents include columns for Editor in-Chief, feature articles, short communications, reviewed and original research articles and technical articles.

You can see this journal's own website here.


West African Journal of Applied Ecology

Open Access

West African Journal of Applied Ecology
The focus of the West African Journal of Applied Ecologyis on ecology, agriculture and water pollution. It aims to serve as an avenue for lecturers and researchers in West Africa to publish their work. 
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