African Journal of Chemical Education
African Journal of Chemical Education (AJCE) is a biannual online journal of the Federation of African Societies of Chemistry (FASC). The primary focus of the content of AJCE is chemistry education in Africa and other parts of the world. More specifically, papers on any aspect of Chemistry Education such as teaching organic, analytical, physical, inorganic, polymer, green, climate change, environmental chemistry and chemistry curricula as well as assessment in chemistry are acceptable for publications. AJCE also encourages issues on chemistry and indigenous knowledge/practice, chemical safety, natural products and related areas. AJCE aims to serve the community of Chemistry Educators and Chemistry Teachers.
Other websites related to this journal:
African Journal of Education, Science and Technology
Focus: African Journal of Education, Science and Technology (AJEST) is a peer-reviewed official journal of the Inter-Universities Consortium-Africa which currently constitutes of University of Eldoret, Kenya, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Nigeria, Kyambogo University, Uganda, Mount Kenya University, Kenya and University of Makeni, Sierra Leone. AJEST aims at publishing and reporting on a wide range of interdisciplinary fields relating to education, science and technology. The journal seeks to provide a forum for scholars, researchers, practitioners and policy makers to disseminate current and emerging thought-provoking essays, discussion and research papers that will be valuable for policy and practice in Africa. AJEST has been consistently published since December 2013.
Scope: The fields covered include: nutrition, agriculture, literature, chemistry, biology, teaching and learning, entrepreneurship and business, food science, finance, environment, gender, technical vocational education and training, among other.
You can view this journal's website
African Journal of Educational Research and Development
AJERD is a bi-annual journal that publishes blind and peer reviewed, well researched articles across disciplines in all fields of learning with ultimate aim of advancing knowledge, informing policies and enabling sustainable development.
You can view the journal's website
African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences
African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences (AJESMS) is an international publication that aims at generating fresh scholarly inquiry and exposition in the fields of mathematics education, science education and related disciplines. AJESMS offers a forum for familiarizing the world with the goings-on in research endeavours and original thoughts in these important fields of human learning
Editorial decisions are made by our Editorial Board of active researchers who manage the peer review process and decide which manuscripts should be published.
Journal Website:
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (AJEST) is an open access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly) of articles in all areas of the subject. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately one month after acceptance. All articles are peer-reviewed. The African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (ISSN 1996-0786) is published monthly (one volume per year) by Academic Journals. Journal information is also available on the publisher's website here: has stopped updating this journal, as it no longer complies with our basic inclusion criteria.
African Journal of Health Professions Education
The AJHPE is a journal for health professions educators. It carries research articles, short scientific reports, letters, editorials, education practice, personal opinion and other topics related to the education of health care professionals. It also features African education-related news, obituaries and general correspondence.Other websites related to this journal:
African Journal of Social Work
African Journal of Social Work is an international refereed journal that serves as a forum for exchanging ideas and knowledge and discussing issues relevant to social work practice, education and research in the African region. Producing 2 issues a year, the Journal is published by the National Association of Social Workers (Zimbabwe) and is committed to reflecting culturally relevant and appropriate social work practice in Africa. Social work is seen as a broad-based profession that can vary from individual casework to community development and policy-related concerns.
African Journal of Social Work (AJSW) content is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Annals of Modern Education
Annals of Modern Education will be considered for publication publishes regular papers reporting findings of empirical research of interest to the international audience of researchers in education. However, review articles on specific educational topics will also be entertained. . Manuscripts in all areas of Education – Adult Education, Curriculum and Teaching, Students' Perspectives on Learning Environments, Environmental Education, Social and Special Education, Motivational and Emotional Aspects of Learning, Educational Foundation, etc, will be considered for publication. The Journal aims to facilitate the engagement of researchers world-wide with findings and issues most relevant to their own interests.Other websits related to this journal:
Bahir Dar Journal of Education
Bahir Dar Journal of Education is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that seeks to broaden our understanding of the processes that advance issues related to education from an educational perspective. It welcomes the submission of original research articles, systematic reviews, reflections, document reviews, letters to the editor, book reviews, and short communications on issues pertaining to education in general and teaching and learning practices in particular from all corners of the world. It accepts manuscripts focusing on educational issues at all levels of education.
As a peer-reviewed academic journal, we particularly welcome submissions that improve the conceptual understanding of the field of education in which the College of Education, Bahir Dar University, has been making every effort to be a center of excellence. We understand education to be an ongoing process that affects all communities and societies at large. We, therefore, do not have a geographical bias, but wherever possible, prospective authors should seek to highlight how their study has relevance to researchers and practitioners studying and actually practicing education and related areas in different classroom settings and academic environment contexts.
Berhan International Research Journal of Science and Humanities
Berhan International Research Journal of Science and Humanities (BIRJSH) is a multidisciplinary open access and peer reviewed journal that is published annually in both online and print version by Debre Berhan University (DBU). BIRJSH accepts innovative research and original ideas on various fields of Science and Humanity, Management, Economics, Accounting and Finance, Education, Agriculture, Natural Science, Health, Medicine, and Engineering. BIRJSH accepts research articles containing original research and has not been submitted/published earlier in any journal and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Moreover, the research article written either in English or in Amharic will only be considered for publication in BIRJSH. All content is free for everyone to access, and there are no submission or publication fees for authors. The BIRJSH welcomes timely original high-quality scholarly articles of appropriate length on the topic of Science and Humanity, broadly construed.
Aims and Scope
The aim of the Berhan International Research Journal of Science and Humanities (BIRJSH) Journal is to advance in research and publications of both fundamental and applied researches. Research findings of the highest caliber that have undergone rigorous expert review have been released in BIRJSH Journal. Working scientists and researchers from relevant departments, colleges, and institutes who are experts in their fields compose our academic editors. The goal of the Journals is to provide current and influential coverage of basic and applied researches while also aiming for the quality, rigor, and fairness of the review process. Articles published in this Journal are not limited to Ethiopia but it is open to all researchers and scholars from around the world. It is intended to publish original researches from the most recent trends in Science, Social Science and Humanities, Law, Business and Economics, Health and Medical Science, computing, Engineering and Technology in the academics or research institutes. The BIRJSH Journal publish article types of original researches, reviews, and book chapters. This journal is written and reviewed by national and international authors and editors. The Journal is published on a continual basis with a volume per year, every year in December. The BIRJSH Journal promotes the idea of making research freely available to the general public by offering open access to its content. Publications have a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 license.
You can see the journal's own website
Business Education Journal
The Business Education Journal is an Open Access Peer Review Journal.
Aim: The BEJ was created to highlight the rich output of mainly business, economics, and social sciences-related issues in Tanzania but also elsewhere through its open access policy.
Scope: The BEJ is interested in all original business studies, economics, social sciences, humanities, applied sciences, natural sciences, information and communication technology, and industrial and legal metrology original articles, business and economic case reports, case series, images, reviews and opinions. The BEJ was created to highlight the rich output of mainly business, economics, and social sciences-related issues in Tanzania and elsewhere through its Open Access policy.
Scope: BEJ is interested in all original business studies, economics, social sciences, humanities, applied sciences, natural sciences, information and communication Technology, and industrial and legal metrology original articles, business and economic case reports, case series, images, reviews and opinions.
The Business Education Journal is double-blind peer review journal published quarterly by the College of Business Education Tanzania. BEJ has an outstanding editorial board made by experts in all fields of business and management. BEJ cordially invites scholars, academicians, and researchers from all over the world to submit their unpublished original work for inclusion in our next publication issue (Vol. 11, No. 02, 2023). BEJ publishes high quality original papers that have undergone rigorous and relevant research processes.
Final submission date: 31 December 2022
Reviewers feedback: 14 January 2023
Final re-submission date: 28 January 2023
Publication: February 15 2023
Continuing Medical Education
The future of CME - Changes in 2014Effective from January 2014,
CME will be incorporated into a 'new-look'
South African Medical Journal (available at A review article willintroduce readers to the educational subject matter, along with one-page summarises (in print) of additional articles that may be accessed in full online. We will continue to offer topical and up-to-date CME material. Readers are encouraged to register with to receive future notifications of new CME material. Kindly contact should you require assistance.CME is a medical Continuing Professional Development journal, written by South African experts for South African doctors.Other websites related to this journal:
Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning
Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly articles and essays that make marked contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. The Journal aims to provide a stimulating and challenging forum for contributors to describe, theorise and reflect on their teaching and learning practice, and is particularly interested in contributions that have relevance to the South African educational context.
Contributions that are critical, well-researched and come at relevant problems and issues from theoretical, practice-based or analytical angles are welcomed, as well as contributions that focus on innovative and reflective approaches to teaching and learning.
All submissions must have a clear issue or problem that is addressing, and must make reference to the relevant literature. Where applicable methodology, results and evaluation of findings must be clearly discussed and related to the wider field or literature. Submissions relating local studies should make clear the applicability to a wider context and readership.
Other websites associated with this journal:
East African Health Research Journal
The EAHRJ promote and facilitate the application of knowledge from research to strengthen national and regional health policy and practice; development of human-resource capacities and skills; exchange and dissemination of health-research information; and advocacy of evidence generated from health research.
EAHRJ contains peer-reviewed articles, original articles, reviews, book reviews, short communications, surveys, commentaries, opinions on policy or practice, essays, reports, etc., from East Africa. It covers the wide range of subjects and issues in the health sector ranging from medicine, geo-medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical science, veterinary science, food science, health-related agriculture science, health professionals, etc., that provide evidence for improving health policy and practice.
Other websites associated with this journal: and
East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences
East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS) is an international open access journal that publishes scholarly articles in the field of education and social sciences. The main focus for this journal is to inspire, motivate and nurture researchers from various corners of the world to search and share knowledge and insights through research and publication. The primary target audience includes researchers and practitioners in the field of education and Social Sciences. Content of manuscripts published in this journal include: Educational Administration, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Technology, Inclusive Education, Educational Psychology, Religious Education, Supervision of Instruction, Quality Assurance in Education, Comparative Education, Issues in Primary, Secondary and Higher Education, Foundations of Education, Teaching Areas like Languages, History, Geography, Economics, Mathematics, Sciences, etc and other issues related to Education and Social Sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Edo Journal of Counselling
Edo Journal of Counselling, the official publication of Edo Chapter of Counselling Association of Nigeria publishes original well researched and well articulated papers/articles on all issues relating to counselling and psychology that use a variety of appropriate approaches to the conduct of theoretical, empirical and experimental research and inquiry. The editors invite scholarly manuscripts in theory and practice of all fields of education, qualitative, quantitative and clinical researches on counselling and related fields.
English in Africa was founded in 1974 to provide a forum for the study of African literature and English as a language of Africa. The Editor invites contributions, including unsolicited reviews, on all aspects of English writing and the English language in Africa, including oral traditions. English in Africa is listed in the Journal of Commonwealth Literature Annual Bibliography, the Modern Language Association MLA International Bibliography, Institute for Scientific Information Arts and Humanities Citation Index, and accredited by the South African Department of Education.
The journal has its own website at
It is also indexed on EBSCO, by GalePublishing and by SABINET Online. EiA is archived by JSTOR and SABINET Gateway
Ethiopian Journal of Education
The Ethiopian Journal of Education (EJE) seeks to publish scholarly articles based on work in education and related areas. EJE publishes original empirical studies, literature reviews, theoretical articles, methodological articles, book reviews, dissertation and thesis abstracts, synopsis of major research, short communications, commentaries(comments on articles published in the Journal), and other relevant issues in the area of education. Manuscripts to be published in EJE should satisfy the quality and standard required by a reputable journal.
EJE is published biannually in June and December. In general, the number of articles published per issue is not less than five. However, depending on situations, a special edition may be issued with more than five articles.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences
Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences focuses on publishing articles relating to education and sciences. It publishes original research findings, experiments, action research, case studies, brief communications, and review articles in the fields of education and sciences. The objective is to create forum for researchers in education and sciences.
Please see for more information
Ethiopian Journal of Sport Science
Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions
Filosofia Theoretica is a publication of Calabar School of Philosophy (CSP), University of Calabar.
From 2018, the journal will begin to publish a third issue which will be a bi-lingual edition in both French and English languages. Filosofia Theoretica provides outlet for well researched and original papers in the following areas of African studies: philosophy, culture, religions, history and arts. It also publishes book reviews. Its publication cycle is January-June and July-December issues. The journal is abstracted/indexed on SCOPUS, EBSCO Humanities Source, ProQuest, Google Scholar, Ajol, EBSCO Database, Philosopher's index, etc. Filosofia Theoretica is also accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DoHET), South Africa.
Usage Policy: For student based personal use or general academic research only. Not to be used for commercial purposes without the prior notice of the publishers.
The website related to the journal is
The SCImago Journal Rank for this journal can be found here:
Ghana Journal of Higher Education
The Ghana Journal of Higher Education provides a forum for informed discussion on challenges confronting Higher Education in Ghana, Africa and, beyond.
The Ghana Journal of Higher Education (GJHE) is owned by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), a body responsible for Tertiary Education regulation in Ghana. The journal provides a forum for informed discussion on challenges confronting Higher Education in Ghana, Africa and, beyond.
The journal publishes original papers and reviews all aspects of Higher Education, including, financing, quality, governance and leadership, management, access, gender parity among others.
You can see the journal's website
Global Journal of Educational Research
Global Journal of Education Research is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Education including curriculum development, educational technology, foundation, administration etc.
Visit the Global Journal Series website here:
Huria: Journal of the Open University of Tanzania
Huria is an international journal that publishes original research papers of academic interest (theoretical, applied and general), targeting tertiary institutions and researchers and is therefore hospitable to scholarly writing on a variety of academic topics ranging from education, humanities, social sciences and all cross cutting issues related to societal transformation in developing countries. The types of contribution range from original research papers, review articles and technical notes. Submitted papers are subject to blind peer review by reputable researchers who are experts in the relevant fields. Papers are evaluated for the quality of research as well as the relevance and accessibility for an international audience. The journal is published triennially in March, July and December.
Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Welcome to
Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IAJIKS). The name Indilinga: stands for the "circular orientation" of indigenous African communities which is exhibited in their material culture and behaviour. The journal has been motivated by the need for a dependable expression for critical and analytical writing on issues related to production, dissemination and recognition of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. IAJIKS represents a variety of cross disciplinary interests in ethno-methodology and in qualitative methods. Debates on methodology, epistemology, ethics, gender, education, science and technology, arts, food systems and social-cultural issues are invited.Abstracts can also be viewed at
International Journal of African Higher Education
IJAHE aims to advance knowledge and promote research, as well as provide a forum for policy discussion and analysis on diverse higher education issues in the African continent. IJAHE anticipates assuming a vital role in shaping discourse, reporting new frontiers and creating a nexus for communication and networking among a wide array of researchers, students, academicians, policy makers and policy analysts interested in and concerned with higher education in Africa.
IJAHE, as a multidisciplinary journal, publishes research articles, essays and reviews on a multitude of higher education issues in Africa. The Journal also comes out in special issues that are comparative and theme-based in nature. The Journal considers issues not only on the theory and practice of African higher education from scholars around the world but also strongly encourages higher education practitioners in the continent to contribute and share their expertise and experience. The Journal serves as an independent and unbiased forum that accommodates a wide variety of perspectives and analyses, which are solid in their formulation and organization.
Other websites associated with this journal:
International Journal of Educational Research
International Journal of Educational Research (IJER) is the official Journal of the Department of Educational Foundations, University of Lagos, Lagos-Nigeria. The Journal publishes articles concerned with research theory and practice or programme application in the field of Education and the Behavioural Sciences.
IJER website:
International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research
The International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research (IJHHR), as an open-access, double-blind peer-review journal, aims to publish high-quality articles that promote empirical, theoretical, and methodological knowledge of Home Economics and Hospitality Management for the benefit of practitioners, educators, students and associates in the field of Home Economics Education, Hospitality Management and Allied Specialties. It publishes original research reports, brief research reports, and opinion review articles in all areas of Home Economics and Hospitality Management, which include but are not limited to:
- Child Development and Care
- Clothing and Textile
- Cosmetology Education
- Creativity and Innovation in Hospitality Industry
- Entrepreneurship Education
- Event Management
- Financing in Hospitality Management
- Foods and Nutrition
- Home Management and Human Resources
- Leisure and Outdoor Catering
- Lodging and Accommodation in Hospitality
- Restaurant Management
- Safety and Security in Hotel Management
- Sustainability in Hospitality Management
- Tourism and Travels
- Allied Topics in Agriculture, Education and Social Sciences related to Home Economics
You can view this journal's website
International Journal of Pedagogy, Policy and ICT in Education
The Journal provides a platform for educational research dissemination in Africa, covering pedagogy, language policy, and ICT in education. Occasionally, papers on Special Education and governance are featured. Lecturers and students are our target community.
International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment
International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment (IJOWITED) is a multidisciplinary double-blind peer-review journal that cut across all fields in Science, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Management studies, Information and Communication Technology among others and publishes original and quality research articles twice every year - July and December. Quality review articles that contribute to the body of knowledge are also welcome.
Call for papers are made from January to March for the first issue each year which will be published in July and the second Issue from July to September and published in December. Authors must ensure that manuscript submission is free from plagiarism and grammatical errors. Also, articles previously published or simultaneously submitted for publication in another journal are not allowed. Manuscript will not pass beyond the editorial table if these two are detected and will be rejected instantly.
This journal among other things seeks to advance the participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment (IJOWITED) is also part of an effort to achieve the mission of Women in Technical Education and Employment.
Our vision is to create a high-quality publication that will be relevant, challenging, thought-provoking, and inclusive of a diverse range of voices and perspectives, including graduate students, academic researchers and scholars. We welcome original research, theoretical contributions and reviews of the literature.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Journal for Language Teaching
Journal for Language Teaching = Ijenali Yekufundzisa Lulwimi = Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig
South African Journal for Language Teaching focuses on the publication of research in the domains of language teaching and applied linguistics with a particular focus on course and syllabus design, language testing in educational settings, and literacy and language proficiency development.
The Journal is not restricted to English – articles in all official South African languages may be included. Although the focus is on language teaching and applied linguistics n South Africa, the Journal engages with international research and researchers. The Journal places a high value on both its international standing and on scientific research in applied linguistics. Colleagues and postgraduate students from South Africa and the African continent, as well as from the wider international scholarly community, are invited to contribute to any of the following research foci:
Empirical studies. The Journal gives preference to the publication of research with an empirical base (quantitative and/or qualitative studies, mixed methods research, case studies, action research, etc.). Descriptions of language classroom interventions or courses with no empirical component are not typically considered for publication in the journal.
Longitudinal studies and large scale studies on contemporary language dilemmas will receive special consideration.
Original research articles. The majority of articles are original research articles, but
replication studies to validate previous findings are welcomed too.
Conceptual articles and meta-analyses are published from time to time.
State of the art reviews. The editor may invite specific authors on occasion to write “state of the art reviews” on relevant topics.
Special issues. The journal may include theme-based research. The Journal will consider featuring invited debates in special issues, for example with invited international contributors in dialogue with local scholars.
Festschrift of a specific colleague’s work is published occasionally.
Book reviews are welcomed, and the editorial board reserves the right either to request or to refuse to review such submissions.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Journal of Academic Finance
Journal of Academic Finance ( JoAF ) is a bilingual journal (French / English) which publishes free theoretical, empirical and/or critical texts focusing on one or more dimensions of finance in the world. It is dedicated to publishing high quality research papers in all areas of scientific research, finance, accounting, economics and social sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Journal of Adult Education in Tanzania
Journal of Adult Education in Tanzania (JAET) is a high quality open access peer reviewed research journal published by the Institute of Adult Education (IAE) for thirty three consecutive years in publications focused on publishing adult education contributions, related fields and crosscutting issues. It provides a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners, policy makers, teachers, students and other informed contributors to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies and literature review.
You can see this journal's own website
Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education
The Journal of Advocacy, Research, and Education is the official journal of the Centre for Behaviour and Wellness Advocacy, Ghana (formerly KAD International). As an open-access multidisciplinary journal, its scope covers several disciplines. The journal is published thrice annually (April, August, and December) and our Editorial Board encourages submissions that are of broad interest to people all over the world.
Aims and ScopeThe Journal of Advocacy, Research, and Education publishes original submissions (both empirical and theoretical), reviews, position papers and commentaries on multidisciplinary themes to address all areas of global interest.
Our scope covers a wide range of themes in education, social sciences, cultural studies, law, health sciences, arts, applied sciences, pure sciences, engineering, technology, business and other related disciplines.
You can view the journal's website
Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences
Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences (ISSN - 2278-960X, Online - 2320-2041) is a peer-reviewed journal published on behalf of the Society of Reproductive Biologists of Nigeria. The journal publishes articles relating to all aspects of Basic Medical Sciences of the Reproductive system of humans and Animals; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Laboratory Science, Medical Rehabilitation, Nursing, Medical Education, Social and Preventive medicine as it concerns the reproductive system. The Journal is published semiannually (in the months of January and July).AJOL is no longer updating this journal because it has been purchased by a Pulsus, a division of OMICS publishers group, with which AJOL does not work. Archival content of this title is being kept on AJOL as it is part of the scholarly record.
Journal of Education Management and Leadership
The Journal of Education Management and Leadership is a double-blind peer reviewed, open access, online Journal published by “Editon Consortium Publishing”, East Africa, Kenya.
Aims and Scope
The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses in all areas covering educational management, educational economics, and educational leadership.
You can see this journal's own website
Journal of Educational Foundations
The Journal of Educational Foundations (JEF) publishes papers from all fields in education. The Editorial Board accepts original, scholarly articles on significant educational issues in Nigeria and Africa. Both empirical and theoretical papers are accepted, although empirical papers are strongly preferred. Papers should concentrate on providing practical suggestions to improve the quality of education across Nigeria and Africa in general.
Journal of Educational Review
Journal of Educational Review is one of the official journals of Higher Education Research and Policy Network (HERPNET), domiciled in the Faculty of Education, University for Development Studies, P. O. Box TL1350, Tamale, Ghana. The Journal is published four times in a year in March, June, September and December.
Aims and Scope
1. Journal of Educational Review (JER) is an international peer- reviewed journal published in English, in March, June, September and December every year. JER provides an international platform for the African community of higher education institutions and actors to share research ideas, information and experience in general as well as those specific to the role and promotion of higher education in society today. The Journal (JER) is published under the auspices of HERPNET (Higher Education and Research Policy Network). The Journal includes and seeks contributions of research articles specifically on any aspect of higher education and on education generally.
2. Manuscripts should be original, clearly and precisely presented in English. Authors should submit three (3) copies of their manuscripts plus an electronic copy (preferably double space and saved in Word Documents)
3. Each submission should not be longer than 7000 words (14 printed pages) in total, including title, author(s) information, tables, figures, and references. Each article should be accompanied by an abstract of approximately 150 words typed on a separate sheet.
4. Preparation of Manuscript: JER adheres to a rigorous double-blind reviewing policy in which the identities of the reviewer and author are always concealed from both parties. All manuscripts are reviewed initially by the editorial board and only those papers that meet the scientific and editorial standards of the Journal, and fall within the aims and scope of the Journal will be sent for external review. Contributions are considered for publication only on the understanding that they are not simultaneously under consideration elsewhere in English, that they are the original work of the author(s), and that any pervious form of publication and any current consideration in other languages are disclosed. Authors assign copyright to HERPNET.
You can see the journal's own website here
Journal of Issues and Practice in Education
The Journal of Issues and Practice in Education (JIPE) is a refereed journal produced by the Open University of Tanzania, Faculty of Education. It is published twice a year, in June and December. The journal is designed to inform both academics and the public on issues and practices related to the field of education. The journal provides academics with a forum to share experiences and knowledge. It also informs the public about issues pertinent to their day-to-day educational experiences.
Aims and ScopeThe Journal of Issues and Practice in Education (JIPE) is a property of the Open University of Tanzania and is operated by the Faculty of Education. It is a peer-reviewed journal that provides an international forum for the sharing, dissemination, and discussion of educational issues. It publishes articles based on empirical research and reviews. The journal welcomes contributions from a wide range of areas of education. The focus areas include educational policy, special education, adult education, educational leadership and administration, childhood education, educational psychology, educational philosophy, education technology, counselling in education, teacher education, etc. The contribution can focus on teaching, development, instruction, innovations, learning methodologies, and new technologies in education and learning. Original research articles: We receive research articles that substantially contribute to research practice or policy in any educational research area. Research articles are contributions that publish original, unpublished research. They should be between 3000 and 8000 words, excluding tables, Figures, and references. The original research article should follow the conventional structure: introduction, methodology, results/findings, and discussion. However, JIPE allows some flexibility. Book Reviews: The Journal of Issues and Practice in Education (JIPE) invites original and insightful book reviews that comprehensively survey one or several books. Book reviews should include detailed synopses and evaluations of the books and give an account of the books’ aims, strengths, and limitations. As appropriate, the review should critically evaluate the books' contributions to the field of education. Book reviews should be about 1000-2000 words.
You can view this journal's website
Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education
The Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education (JLLE) is an academic journal published by the Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics of the University of Dar es Salaam. The journal aims to involve scholars from both inside and outside Tanzania. It provides a platform for different theoretical and thematic approaches to all aspects of linguistics, language teaching, language in education and discourse analysis. Articles may be written either in English, Kiswahili, French or Chinese.
The journal aims to serve theoretical and applied linguists, language experts in education and (critical) discourse analysts.
Journal of Policy and Development Studies (Editon)
Journal of Policy and Development Studies (ISSN: 2958-1141) is a double-blind peer reviewed, open access, online Journal published by “Editon Consortium Publishing”, East Africa, Kenya. The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses in all policy, development studies and related fields.
Aims and Scopes
The Journal publishes original scholarly research (empirical and theoretical), in form of case studies, reviews and analyses in all policy, development studies and related fields.
You can see this journal's own website here
Journal of Research and Academic Writing
The Journal of Research and Academic Writing publishes articles in the following key areas: Research application, Research spaces, Research Education, Research Methodology, Research methods, Research experiences, Research Philosophy, Research on research, Research and Artificial Intelligence (AI), History of research; and Research and Politics. It also documents the teaching, researching, developing, and implementing academic writing styles.
Aims and ScopeThe Journal of Research and Academic Writing is a peer-reviewed Journal relevant to all scholars in all disciplines, including graduate and post-graduate students. The journal covers the following key areas: Research application, Research spaces, Research Education, Research Methodology, Research methods, Research experiences, Research Philosophy, Research on research, Research and Artificial Intelligence (AI), History of research; and Research and Politics. It also documents the teaching, researching, developing, and implementing academic writing styles.
You can see this journal's website
Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education
The Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education (JRIIE) is an interdisciplinary double-blind peer review international journal which is published quarterly; that is March, June, September and December. Take note that reviewed and accepted articles are published immediately, but within the quarter.
Aims and Scope
JRIIE is an interdisciplinary journal, which aims to Assist Researchers in improving their research and Innovation through, among other things;
a) Planning and evaluating research activities for member researchers;
b) Disseminating research findings to the global community through publishing in journals, presenting in workshops, seminars, etc.
c) Mentoring young researchers to match seasoned, qualified and experienced personalities;
d) Facilitating researchers with the research process, from writing a concept paper to presenting research reports;
e) Supporting the researchers in acquiring appropriate research materials/ facilities;
f) Helping researchers in identifying and dealing with factors dismal research performance;
g) Hosting workshops and research conferences on emerging issues for researchers to show case their findings and present awards to the best research findings;
h) Assisting, where possible, in providing research grants to competitive proposals;
i) Promoting integration of interdisciplinary research;
j) Forging mutual research relationships and partnerships with other institutions, businesses and other corporations for mutual benefit of both parties.
k) Sourcing funding and support from its members, friends, government institutions and other grant giving institutions for specific research projects in line with the Journal’s strategic development plan.
l) From time to time to appointing a member of the journal to be part of the Editorial Board to advice on general research and governance matters, to oversee various Journal’s projects initiated or funded by the members or its partner organizations and to report regularly to the Journal’s management on the progress of each for further guidance.
m) Facilitating social networking among members of the Journal and authors.
n) Carrying out any other activity aimed at improving the research matters;
o) The Journal shall have non-political objects.
You can see the journal's own website
Journal of Student Affairs in Africa
Journal of Student Affairs in Africa (JSAA)
is an independent, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open-access academic journal that publishes scholarly research and reflective discussions about the theory and practice of student affairs in Africa.
JSAA aims to
contribute to the professionalization of student affairs in African higher education. It strives to be the foremost academic journal dealing with the theory and practice of the student affairs domain in universities on the African continent, and an indispensable resource for the executive leadership of universities and colleges dealing with student affairs, deans of students and other senior student affairs professionals, as well as institutional researchers and academics and students focused on the field of higher education studies and student affairs.
JSAA is published twice a year by the JSAA Editors in collaboration with University of Pretoria. The editorial and peer review policy adheres to the Code of Best Practice in Editorial Discretion and Peer Review for South African Scholarly Journals (Academy of Sciences of SA Council, 2008). JSAA is published online and in print.
Authors publish free of charge; there are no processing or page fees.
Since 2017, JSAA is DHET-accredited in South Africa by the national Department of Higher Education and Training as a subsidy earning scholarly journal on the SA-list of accredited journals. JSAA is indexed and co-hosted by AJOL, DOAJ, and indexed by ERIC, BASE, WorldCat Libraries and Google Scholar. Scopus, Sherpa/Romeo, Infobase and other indexing service subscriptions are currently being pursued.
Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria
The Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria focuses on the following areas: Agriculture, Food Science, Technology/Engineering, Science and Applied Science, Vocational/Technical Education.
Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences
JJEOSHS is a publication of Jumuga Research Team, a group of scholars who first brainstormed on myriad of challenges and unresolved issues in the era of globalization. Is globalization ushering in a just society or a poorer world where huge gaping holes in all centers of human endeavors obtains? Have we lived up to the dictates of the 21st skills movement in education that calls for professional networking globally, originality in research, technology-driven researches, joint researches, and multidisciplinary academic discourses? Do we have enough resources to establish a credible international journal that has a global appeal? While financial resources remain elusive, we realized that we have plenty of human resources, specialists in Business, History, English language, Economic Management, Gender and Development, Political Science, Oral Literature, Literature, Theology, Philosophy, Sociology, Religion, Anthropology and Education Foundations.
In addressing the above questions since 2010, the members felt that financial resources need not impede a noble mission. As the Cuban revolutionalist (Fidel Castro, 1926-2016) once said, “I began revolution with 82 men. If I had to do it again, I do it with 10 or 15 and absolute faith. It does not matter how small you are if you have faith and plan of action.” With faith, we dare let JJEOSHS speak to the world and attempt to offer solutions in our respective areas. Again, as the American business magnate (Bill Gates) once noted, “Great educators have always known that learning is not something that is limited to the classrooms, or that should be forcibly undertaken under the supervision of teachers.” Through this forum of research and publication, especially online publication, we build a broad-based library of learning relevant matters facing our global community. It is in this space that we build an online classroom that is bringing like-minded people on board. It is in this forum that we are empowered to mentor one another through the medium of publication, and indeed appreciate that we can all be teachers, mentors, and coaches to one another. We realize the broad nature of education that surpasses the four corners of the classroom. Being in the age of technology, we attempt to make the best use of education; and indeed sharpen our brains through reading and critiquing the already published work. With a mere phone, iPad, laptop or a desk top we can now explore some of the best ideas that could otherwise be taken to the maker without having been read or heard anywhere. With this conviction, Jumuga Research Team were convinced that we too can make a difference just as those who were before us did; and hopefully surpass them courtesy of the new age of science and technology.
In so doing, we sought to be the proverbial Giraffe that saw the present and the future plus the inherent dangers of the jungle and chose to talk rather than keep the knowledge to itself. We chose to talk rather than merely watch the unfolding drama. Such insights resonate with the scriptural exhortation that says, “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). In borrowing the wisdom of the proverbial and far-sighted Giraffe, we felt that research and publication is the way to go. JJEOSHS is a by-product of this journal that begun as a mere brainstorming session during our leisure times. Certainly, even leisure session has far-reaching impacts on the life of an individual and the society.
JJEOSHS journal is attractive in appearance, published on time, delivers quality papers, open to all people across the globe, and encourages graduating post graduate scholars to publish with us. We encourage original researches from readers and researchers of all calibers of life, irrespective of their levels of education. We publish all quality papers brought to us, provided, they are of good standards. We encourage the marginalized groups in our global society to submit their researches, write-ups, articles, book reviews, and short messages as well. Such marginalized groups in society may include refugees, homeless people, vagabonds who are in their situations out of human error, women who feel messed up by patriarchy, evictees, and victims of war among others. Such can write papers on Education in marginalized areas, Survival in specific marginalized areas, Study of mathematics in a refugee camp, winning an electoral contest in a foreign land, business ventures in time of war, a case study on Jewish or African evictees, learning English in a non-English speaking countries, the challenge of terrorism in a particular city of the world, interracial marriage in the era of globalization, and strategies of overcoming prejudices in specific areas among other critical areas. Equally, affluent societies may provide researches that are relevant to our contemporary situations.
Kashere Journal of Education
The Kashere Journal of Education (Kashere J. Edu.) is a biannual Journal that publishes in June and December of every year by the Faculty of Education, Federal University of Kashere in Gombe State, Nigeria. The Journal seeks to provide a unique and worldwide forum for communication between researchers, experts and policy makers in exchanging research findings, views, concerns and as well as innovative ideas in the form of original papers. The scope of the Journal is broad and international and covers a range of research areas in Education. The primary purpose of the Journal is to publish original research articles and reviews.
The review "Les Cahiers du MECAS", Management des Entreprises et du Capital Social of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Tlemcen, was launched in April 2005. Through the variety of subjects treated in three languages (Arabic, French and English), the review expects to lay a dynamic research groundwork in order to be part of a process of positive and constructive change for the Algerian University The objective is to make Algerian scientific production visible and accessible on a national and international scale. At first it was an annual review, but from 2016 it has become biannual with two issues per year, one in June and the other in December; each one contains between 20 and 40 articles. The review "Les Cahiers du MECAS" covers different research themes such as poverty analysis, Islamic economy, informal economy, Marketing and communication, innovation, entrepreneurship, economic engineering, managerial economics, as well as other research issues related to social capital. It aims to promote and disseminate original and innovative research work in most areas of economics and management. It hopes to set a benchmark for researchers and academics, leaders and managers of private and public organizations, professionals and experts, institutional actors at the national and international level, to help them sharpen their decision-making process. It is available free online and each issue is printed by a publishing house with a financial support from the university. It is an academic journal with a national and international scientific committee, an editorial board and scientific directors.
You can view this journal's website here.
Makerere Journal of Higher Education
Biannually, the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development (College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University) produces Makerere Journal of Higher Education (MAJOHE) (ISSN: 1816-6822 [print]; 2707-6113 [online]). The goal of the Journal is to provide a visible outlet for definitive articles that discuss the theories, practices and policies relating to the role, development, management and improvement of higher education from an international viewpoint. Therefore, the editor invites contributions that link relevant theory and research evidence to the policy and practice of higher education. Though a highly diverse range of contributions will be considered, the Journal gives special preference to conceptual and empirical writing that is relevant to the understanding, promotion and constructive criticism of the reform agenda in African higher education institutions and national systems and integrates pertinent international developments, debates and challenges. This is because the Journal’s management board acknowledges that the questions, issues, theories and policies pertaining to the development of contemporary higher education institutions and systems require in-depth study and international comparison. Preference is also given to contributions that discuss new initiatives at regional and continental levels (including the work of national and multilateral higher education organisations and associations). The Journal’s editorial policy prefers submissions that synthesise the significance of different higher education policy alternatives and geographical experiences in explaining the phenomenon at hand. In addition to rigorous examination of the ‘local dimension’ of the issues that they expound, therefore, contributions mirror conversance with relevant international perspectives and experiences, thereby situating the debate in a broad discourse that facilitates holistic understanding of the issues at hand. Edited from Makerere University, Uganda, the Journal draws on the expertise of a diverse editorial board, as well as a wide range of reviewers in and beyond Africa. The Journal is committed to the publication of both experienced and early career researchers so its editorial policy puts overriding attention on helping contributors to reach the level of quality that is deemed fit for publication through ensuring relevant, fair and penetrating reviews as well as timely relay of feedback to contributors.
Nigerian Journal of Family Practice
Nigerian Journal of Family Practice (NJFP) serves as a repository for cutting-edge, peer-reviewed research in all fields of primary health care and family medicine in a uniquely African context. Encouraging scholarly exchange between family medicine and primary health care researchers and practitioners across Sub-Saharan Africa, NJFP provides a contextual and holistic view of family medicine as practiced across the continent. The journal is indispensable for family medicine specialists, primary health care practitioners and academics from both the developing and developed worlds, and offers an engaging insight into the growth of these disciplines from a distinctly African perspective.
Coverage of NJFP includes: Family medicine; Primary health care; District health; Rural health; Health promotion Prevention of disease and disability; Community oriented primary care; Education and training of professionals and health workers in primary health care and family medicine; Medical informatics and information science; Accident & Emergency care; Occupational Health; Travel Medicine etc.
Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education
Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education is a collaborative peer reviewed scientific publication of the Network for Oral and Maxillofacial Infections, Oncology and Traumatology in Nigeria® with Department of Periodontics & Pure and Applied Dental Oral and Craniofacial Research Society (PADOCRS), Health Sciences Research Group (HESRG), University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State; Community Dental Health Unit of Department of Preventive Dentistry, University of Port Harcourt, River State; Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bayero University Kano, Kano State and Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Jos, Jos, Plateau State.
Aims and Scope
Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education welcomes high quality papers on all aspects of health research, health professional education including; undergraduate education, postgraduate training, continuing professional development and interprofessional education. As such, all issues of current interest, including teaching methods, curriculum reform, the training of medical/dental teachers, the selection of entrants and assessment techniques, are covered. • The readership consists primarily of teachers of medicine/dentistry, medical/dental educators, administrators of medical/dental faculties, medical/dental workers and researchers involved in the development of medical/dental education as a whole. Two issues of Nigerian Journal of Medical and Dental Education (NJMDE) are published annually covering January-June and July-December.
You can see this journal's own website
Nigerian School Library Journal
The Nigerian School Library Journal is a scholarly publication of the Nigerian School Library Association that focuses on issues relating to school library media centers’ establishment, administration, organization, media resources management, reading development, e-learning/m-learning, and other related topics of concern to researchers and school librarians or media specialists and those in the field of library and information sciences.
Pan-African Journal of Education and Social Sciences
The Pan-African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (PAJES) is one of the flagship journals of the Adventist University of Africa (AUA). PAJES is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles in the areas of education, business, leadership, human behavior, and other related areas. This multidisciplinary journal provides a platform of academic exchange for scholars and readers in Africa and beyond. The journal accepts empirical research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods; as well as theoretical and conceptual manuscripts. PAJES is published in June and December every year. PAJES is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CCBY-NC 4.0)
Aims and Scopes
The Pan-African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (PAJES) seeks to publish original research in the broad domains of education, business, leadership, human behavior, and other related areas. PAJES welcomes submissions of the highest quality, reflecting a wide range of perspectives, topics, contexts, and methods, including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary work.
You can see the journal's own website
Papers in Education and Development
Papers in Education and Development (
PED) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the analysis of educational problems and issues from a multidisciplinary point of view. Contributions are invited from authors in a variety of academic disciplines whose work has significant implications for educational policy and/or practice both in Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond. The journal is published
twice a year. The Editorial Board accepts research-based analytical papers, original research reports, book reviews and short communications.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Perspectives in Education
Perspectives in Education (PiE) is is a fully open access journal, which means that all articles are freely available on the internet immediately upon publication. PiE is also a professional, peer-reviewed journal that encourages the submission of previously unpublished articles on contemporary educational issues. As a journal that represents a variety of cross-disciplinary interests, both theoretical and practical, it seeks to stimulate debate on a wide range of topics. PiE invites manuscripts employing innovative qualitative and quantitative methods and approaches including (but not limited to), ethnographic observation and interviewing, grounded theory, life history, case study, curriculum analysis and critique, policy studies, ethno-methodology, social and educational critique, phenomenology, deconstruction, and genealogy.
Debates on epistemology, methodology or ethics, from a range of perspectives including post-positivism, interpretivism, constructivism, critical theory, feminism and post-modernism are also invited. PiE seeks to stimulate important dialogue and intellectual exchange on education and democratic transition with respect to schools, colleges, non-governmental organisations, universities and universities of technology in South Africa and beyond.
Other sites related to this journal:
Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies
Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies is a high-quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serving society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation research work. Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual frameworks from researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students from all over the world. Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can see this journal's website
Revue algérienne des lettres
The Revue algerienne des lettres is an international journal whose evaluation is done in double blind by peers. It is free and open access. It is published by the University of Ain Temouchent - Algeria. Its languages of writing and publication are French, English and, as of 2024, Spanish. The fields of interest of RAL are literature, didactics of FLE, language sciences, arts & letters and translation. RAL is a journal that publishes thematic issues, and occasionally, miscellaneous issues as well as special issues. RAL welcomes original and unpublished articles; it does not publish conference proceedings.
Aims and Scope
The main objective of the journal is to actively contribute to the dissemination of original articles that add value to research in the fields covered by the journal. The journal aims to encourage researchers from all countries as well as doctoral students to publish their research and make it accessible to the entire international scientific community.
You can see this journal's own website here.
Rwandan Journal of Education
Rwandan Journal of Education (RJE) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, and annual journal dedicated to education. Its primary goal is to publish and advance knowledge and research in the field of education. The Journal is based at the University of Rwanda – College of Education and it publishes articles that critically explore research and theoretical issues, as well as innovations that inform education policy, planning and practice.
RJE encourages submission of original and unpublished manuscripts on pertinent educational issues that will stimulate and/or enrich discussion forums on improving quality in all aspects of education including teaching and learning processes, programs, governance, management and others.
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Shakespeare in Southern Africa
Shakespeare in Southern Africa is interested in both literary and theatrical approaches to Shakespeare. Its geographical scope is not confined to Southern Africa. Contributions discussing the legacy of Shakespeare elsewhere in Africa, with a specific focus on the Shakespearean experience in particular African countries, are especially welcome. The journal actively seeks to publish articles investigating the impact of Shakespeare in other parts of the world, such as India, the United States, South East Asia and South America.
Other websites related to this journal:
South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation
Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Navorsing in Sport, Liggaamlike Opvoedkunde en Ontspanning /
The South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation is published by the Southern African Alliance for Sport Science, Physical Education and Recreation. Contributions from the fields of Sport Science, Movement Education, Recreation/Leisure Studies, Exercise Science and Dance Studies will be considered for publication. The articles submitted will be administered by the appropriate Review Editor and evaluated by two or more referees.
This journal's own homepage:
Content published in and after 2023 will now be freely accessible for this title.
South African Journal of Education
South African Journal of Education (SAJE) publishes original research articles reporting on research that fulfils the criteria of a generally accepted research paradigm; review articles, intended for the professional scientist and which critically evaluate the research done in a specific field in education; and letters in which criticism is given of articles that appeared in this Journal.
Indicate the relevance of the study for education research where the education system is characterised by transformation, and/or an emerging economy/development state, and/or scarce resources. Research articles of localised content, i.e. of interest only to specific areas or specialists and which would not appeal to the broader readership of the Journal, should preferably not be submitted for consideration by the Editorial Committee.
Ethical considerations: A brief narrative account/description of ethical issues/aspects should be included in articles that report on empirical findings.
SAJE is ISI accredited (in the Social Sciences Citation index), with an impact Factor is 0.560 (in 2015).
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South African Journal of Higher Education
South African Journal of Higher Education as an independent, fully accredited publication, is a medium for articles of interest to researchers and practitioners in higher education, and provides a focal point for the publication of educational research from throughout the world. It is a referee-assisted publication and enjoys the professional support of an international Educational Advisory Board as well as the assistance of Consultant Editors. The journal is interdisciplinary in approach and its purpose is to provide institutions of higher education and professional readers with scholarly information on major innovations in higher education, research projects and trends.Other websites related to this journal: and
Southern Africa Journal of Education, Science and Technology
SAJEST is an independent publication of the Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE). The Journal acts as a platform for scientific inquiry and exchange of ideas, as well as a teaching tool through the publication of well-researched peer-reviewed articles of the highest quality, covering the broad areas of Agriculture, Commerce, Education, and Science. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence.
Southern African Journal of Environmental Education
About the Journal
Welcome to the home of the Southern African Journal of Environmental Education (SAJEE).
SAJEE is an accredited and internationally refereed journal, published by the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA). SAJEE is indexed to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and SCOPUS. The journal is produced annually on a continuous-publishing-model basis.
SAJEE aims to publish and report on a wide range of aspects relating to Environmental Education, Ethics and Action in southern Africa and elsewhere, with a strong focus on research. The journal seeks to further the academic study and the practice of environmental education by providing a forum for researchers, scholars, practitioners and policy makers, and aims to carry papers reflecting the diversity of environmental education practice in southern Africa. It includes a variety of research genres; conference reviews and keynote papers; comparative studies; retrospective analyses of activities or trends in a particular field; commentaries on policy issues; and critical reviews of environmental education, ethics and action in a particular country or context. The journal actively seeks out international dialogue in order to provide perspective on and for environmental education in southern Africa.
Providing southern African and other authors with a forum for debate and professional development, it also incorporates an author support programme to encourage new authors in the field to establish themselves as scholarly writers.
The journal is committed to ensuring highest levels of scientific integrity. The SAJEE Editors subscribe the Academy of Science of South Africa's Code of Best Practice in Scholary Journal Publishing, Editing and Peer Review.
Papers published in the Research Paper section of the journal undergo an academically rigorous and thorough double blind review process by two qualified reviewers. Keynote,Viewpoint and Think Piece papers are reviewed by one of the editors of the journal and/or another qualified reviewer.
Institutional support for the journal is provided by the Rhodes University Environmental Learning Research Centre, in the Faculty of Education at Rhodes University (South Africa).
For article queries please contact the Journal Manager:
2016 Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa
Online ISSN 2411-5959
Print ISSN 0256-7504
Print ISBN 1810-0333
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public and scholarly community supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The journal has double diamond status, as it is both open access and also does not charge authors a submission or processing fee.
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies publishes articles on a wide range of linguistic topics and acts as a forum for research into ALL the languages of southern Africa, including English and Afrikaans. Original contributions are welcomed on any of the core areas of linguistics, both theoretical (e.g. syntax, phonology, semantics) and applied (e.g. sociolinguistic topics, language teaching, language policy). Review articles, short research reports and book reviews are also welcomed. Articles in languages other than English are accompanied by an extended English summary.
THE COLLOQUIUM is a publication of Federal College of Education {Technical) Omoku, Rivers state ,Nigeria. It is a multi-disciplinary thematic policy journal devoted to the publication of high-quality research/review articles , survey articles offering description of the scientific advances achieved in given fields. Some editions are compendia of articles selected following a special thematic College seminar and or conferences. The Journal is and funded and supported by Tertiary Education trust Fund TETFUND.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Yesterday&Today aims to publish research in the fields of History teaching as well as research–related findings (in History and History Education) to improve the teaching of History.
Yesterday & Today is a nationally accredited and open–access journal for research in especially the fields of History Education, History in Education, and the History of Education and where research-related findings are applied to improve the scholarly knowledge in these fields. With the University of Pretoria as custodian, this Journal is edited and published under the auspices of the Department of Humanities Education, the Faculty of Education, the University of Pretoria in South Africa, in conjunction with The South African Society for History Teaching (SASHT).
The journal’s objective is to publish research in the fields of History Education, History in Education, and the History of Education and where research-related findings are applied to improve scholarly knowledge in these fields.
The primary areas of interest are History Education, History in Education, and the History of Education in South Africa and Africa. However, research regarding international trends from outside Africa is accommodated.
The journal was started to encourage the development of history as a school subject and aims to involve historians, methodologists, educationists, history teachers and learners. The title was originally Historia Junior (South Africa) (1956–1980). As of 1981, the journal was known as
Gister en Vandag: Tydskrif vir Geskiedenisonderrig. In 2006 the journal changed its name to
Yesterday & Today. Articles are published in English.
You can view this journal's website
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research
The Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research (ZJER) is an international refereed journal that is published by the University of Zimbabwe’s Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC) under the Faculty of Education. The journal is available in print and online three times a year. ZJER is hosted online by African Journals OnLine (AJOL) at The main thrust of ZJER is to facilitate the publication of educational and scholarly research articles written by academics throughout the world. The HRRC has a team of Editors, supported by the Editorial Board and Editorial Advisory Board, which works to maintain and improve the quality of our publications.