African Journal of Aquatic Science

African Journal of Aquatic Science
The African Journal of Aquatic Science is an international journal devoted to the study of the aquatic sciences, covering all African waters. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed original scientific papers and short articles in all the aquatic science fields including limnology, hydrobiology, estuarine and coastal marine science. Amongst the topics covered in this Journal are ecology, conservation, bio-monitoring, management, water quality, ecotoxicology, biological interactions, physical properties and human impacts on aquatic systems. Supported by the Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists, the African Journal of Aquatic Science serves as an indispensable reference source for those interested in understanding the dynamics affecting the valuable aquatic resources of Africa.Subscriber access to this journal is available online here


African Journal of Marine Science

African Journal of Marine Science
The African (formerly South African) Journal of Marine Science provides an international forum for the publication of original scientific contributions or critical reviews, involving oceanic, shelf or estuarine waters, inclusive of oceanography, studies of organisms and their habitats, and aquaculture. Papers on the conservation and management of living resources, relevant social science and governance, or new techniques, are all welcomed, as are those that integrate different disciplines. Priority will be given to rigorous, question-driven research, rather than descriptive research. Contributions from African waters, including the Southern Ocean, are particularly encouraged, although not to the exclusion of those from elsewhere that have relevance to the African context. Submissions may take the form of a paper or a short communication. The journal aims to achieve a balanced representation of subject areas but also publishes proceedings of symposia in dedicated issues, as well as guest-edited suites on thematic topics in regular issues.
The African Journal of Marine Science is available full text online and more information can be accessed here


African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries

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African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries
The African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries (Afr. J. Trop. Hydrobiol. Fish.) provides a medium for the publication of original and well supported ideas and findings on techniques, methodology and research findings from aquatic scientists, fishery economists and sociologists.
CALL FOR PAPERS – for the ‘African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries’: The African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries is now to be published electronically on the LVFO Website and the last issue- volume 12 can be downloaded from journal page through the link at the site - http:/
In order to revive the Journal and have regular publications the publisher is counting on authores to submit their research as soon as possible. Please pass this information to other colleagues in your institution or in other relevant institutions. The new ‘Instructions to Authors’ can also be downloaded from the journal webpage at LVFO Website.
Potentional peer-reviewers and editorial board members are also encouraged to write to the journal editor expressing their interest.


Journal of Aquatic Sciences

Journal of Aquatic Sciences
The Journal of Aquatic Sciences publishes articles on problems and issues in Aquatic Sciences from all parts of the world. The journal accepts for publication manuscripts of very high international standard containing reports of original scientific research. Acceptable topics include aquatic biology, aquatic resources management, aquatic ecotoxicology and pollution, fish physiology, nutrition, health, breeding, population dynamics, fish processing and preservation.
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Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology
Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology is a publisher of multidisciplinary peer-reviews original research works and critical reviews on interdisciplinary studies in Biotechnology, Agriculture, Food and Environment interface; and is published twice a year. It serves scientists in the field of Agriculture, Food science and Technology; Animal science, Agriculture Economy and Extension, Fisheries and Aquiculture, Biotechnology, Breeding and Veterinarians. 
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Nigerian Journal of Fisheries

Nigerian Journal of Fisheries
The Fisheries society of Nigeria (FISON) was founded in 1976 by some few civil service based enthusiasts to promote the development of the fisheries profession and related disciplines in Nigeria, Africa and internationally. Today the membership of the society has expanded cutting across all the related disciplines including fisheries scientists, fishing companies and professional industrial fishing/fish farming enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. The Nigerian Journal of Fisheries is aimed at encouraging needed research into multivariate fisheries development options for national and international benefits and also providing the forum for dissemination of scientific findings in all aspects of fisheries for progressive development. It aims to serve individuals, industrialists and most importantly members of academia.


Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Open Access

Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Science (TAJAS) is a peer reviewed scientific journal that publishes original and scholarly research articles dealing with fundamental and applied aspects of agriculture, Food, Aquaculture and Wildlife. Occasionally invited review articles are published.
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Tropical Freshwater Biology

Tropical Freshwater Biology
Tropical Freshwater Biology promotes the publication of scientific contributions in the field of freshwater biology in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. One issue is published annually but this number may be increased. Original research papers and short communications on any aspect of tropical freshwater biology are acceptable. Review articles relevant to the tropics and books for review are welcome. Articles solely concerned with the physical and chemical environment and theoretical issues will be considered occasionally.


Water SA

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Water SA
Water SA is a multidisciplinary international journal publishing refereed original research and review articles on all aspects of water science, technology, engineering and policy. This includes: water resource development; the hydrological cycle; surface hydrology; geohydrology, hydropedology and hydrometeorology; hydraulics; limnology; freshwater and estuarine ecology; salinisation; treatment and management of municipal and industrial water and wastewater; treatment and disposal of sewage sludge; environmental pollution control; environmental and drinking water quality; drinking water treatment; water services, including domestic water supply and sanitation services; agricultural water; aquaculture in terms of its impact on the water resource; water policy and governance; water economics; water as a social good. 
The primary focus of the journal is on content that is relevant to the needs of the Southern African/SADC region, which includes research that is of broad international interest.  Submissions that are mainly or solely of interest within a single country will not be considered, except in the case of studies of particular importance to South Africa and/or its direct neighbours.
Contributions may take the form of a research paper, a critical review, a short communication, a rapid communication, a technical note or comments on papers already published.  A research paper is a comprehensive contribution to the subject, including introduction, experimental information and discussion of results.  (Technical accounts involving application of well-known techniques, and situation assessment/observation/sampling papers reporting results of work not carried out as a research activity, cannot be considered.)  A review is an authoritative, critical account of recent and current research in a specific field to which the author has made notable contributions.  A short communication is a concise account of new and significant findings to inform readers of preliminary or limited research results.  A rapid communication is an original contribution which merits prompt publication to publicise the findings of very recent research with immediate significance.  A technical note describes an original process or technique without necessarily including extensive data, theory or critical evaluation.  Comments on papers already published are sent to the authors of the paper for reply and both the comments and the authors’ reply will be published in the upcoming issue of Water SA.
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WaterSA is also available electronically through:


Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science

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Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science
The Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science (WIOJMS) provides an avenue for the wide dissemination of high quality research generated in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region, in particular on the sustainable use of coastal and marine resources. The journal publishes original research articles dealing with all aspects of marine science and coastal management. Topics include, but are not limited to: theoretical studies, oceanography, marine biology and ecology, fisheries, recovery and restoration processes, legal and institutional frameworks, and interactions/relationships between humans and the coastal and marine environment. In addition, Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science features state-of-the-art review articles and short communications. The journal will, from time to time, consist of special issues on major events or important thematic issues. Submitted articles are subjected to standard peer-review prior to publication.
Journal abbreviation: WIO J. Mar. Sci.
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