African Crop Science Journal

Open Access

African Crop Science Journal
The African Crop Science Journal, a quarterly publication, publishes original research papers dealing with all aspects of crop agronomy, production, genetics and breeding, germplasm, crop protection, post harvest systems and utilisation, agro-forestry, crop-animal interactions, information science, environmental science and soil science. It also publishes authoritative reviews on crop science and environmental issues by invitation. It is bilingual, publishing in either English or French.                                             
Other websites related to the journal include:


African Journal of Food and Nutritional Security

African Journal of Food and Nutritional Security
The African Journal of Food and Nutritional Security, as an international journal, is intended to act as a forum for researchers working on food and nutritional security issues in Africa and the Third World in their widest range and perspectives.

We believe this journal to have ceased publishing


African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development

Open Access

African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
The African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND) is a peer reviewed scholarly journal. The journal is envisaged to enable dissemination and sharing of food and nutrition information issues on the continent. It taps social science, biochemical, food and nutrition related research and information. It also addresses issues related to agriculture, food security, and nutrition that affect Africa’s development and people’s livelihoods. It targets and is intended to serve the research and intellectual community; African and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs); African and development oriented bilateral and multilateral agencies; and African public institutions working towards solving food and nutrition problems through sound policies, and addressing issues that affect the African continent. AJFAND is open to both African and non-African contributors. Besides academic research, the journal provides an avenue for sharing information on national-level food and nutrition programs. QUALITY remains the driver of our efforts and not QUANTITY. The journal carries out a major mentoring and capacity building role for budding African scholars, and also gives visibility to African scholars in general by highlighting and sharing their work internationally.
Other websites related to this journal: 


African Journal of Livestock Extension

African Journal of Livestock Extension
African Journal of Livestock Extension aims to bring to the fore the role and significance of livestock in maintaining rural, peri-urban and urban households, vis-à-vis its impact on poverty alleviation, household nutritional status, economic coping strategy and provision of employment. The focus of the journal relates to all species of livestock.


African Journal of Range and Forage Science

African Journal of Range and Forage Science
The African Journal of Range & Forage Science is the leading rangeland and pastoral journal in Africa. The Journal is dedicated to publishing quality original material that advances rangeland ecology and pasture management in Africa. 
Read more abou the journal here


Agricultural and Food Science Journal of Ghana

Open Access

Agricultural and Food Science Journal of Ghana
The Agricultural and Food Science Journal of Ghana publishes papers describing research, observational or experimental and critical reviews in Agriculture and Food Science.


Agricultural Economics and Extension Research Studies

Agricultural Economics and Extension Research Studies
AGEERS is the premier peer-reviewed journal among professionals interested in agriculture, community development and social advancement of knowledge related numerous disciplines including social works, social sciences, social and economic development. It promotes agricultural research. 
Link to the journal website:



Open Access

Agro-Science, the journal of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Nigeria, was borne out of the need for a forum and technical mouthpiece for the communication and extension of scientific and agricultural research in Africa and countries in the rest of the tropical region of the world. Agro-Science is an international journal of high technical/intellectual quality, published four times a year (January, April, July and October). It is tropical in scope and has the following areas of focus: Crop Science: Animal Science; Animal Health; Soil and Environment, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Home Economics, Food and Nutrition; Post-harvest Technology; Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization.
Other websites related to this journal:


Agronomie Africaine

Open Access

Agronomie Africaine
En dotant l'Association Ivoirienne des Sciences Agronomiques, (AISA), leur Association, d'une Revue Scientifique dénommée "AGRONOMIE AFRICAINE" (Agron. Afr.) les chercheurs Ivoiriens engagés dans la recherché agronomique entendent apporter leur modeste contribution la diffusion de l'Information Scientifique et Technique à l'échelle internationale. Cette Revue pluridisciplinaire offer ainsi à tout chercheur dont les préoccupations professionnelles s'adressent à l'Afrique, l'occasion de publier en Francais ou en Anglais des articles originaux sur des résultats de recherches fondamentales ou appliquées, relatives à: - Agronomie générale - Phytogénétique et amélioration des plantes - Protection des végétaux - Science du sol - Technologie de transformation et de conservation des produits agricoles - Péche, aquaculture et environnement - Zootechnie - Agro-économie et sociologie rurale En outre, des numéros spéciaux peuvent être consacrés aux compte-rendus d'Assises Scientifiques diverses et quelques éléments publicitaires relatifs à l'agriculture peuvent être diffusés dans la Revue. Pour en garantir le caractère international et pluridisciplinaire, le Conseil Scientifique d'Agronomie Africaine se compose de personnalités scientifique d'origines et de préoccupation scientifiques diverses.
International journal published by The Ivorian Association for Agricultural Sciences (A.I.S.A) The creation of a scientific journal called "AGRONOMIE AFRICAINE" (Agron. Afr.) by the Ivorian Association for Agricultural scientists (AISA) is meant to bring the modest contribution of its members to the spreading of Scientific and Technical Information at an international level. This multidisciplinary journal gives the opportunity to any Africa-oriented Scientist, to publish in French or English, original works about fundamental and applied research relative to : - General Agronomy - Genetics and plant breeding,Plant protection - Storage and transformation Technologies of agricultural products - Animal Science - Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment - Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Furthermore, proceedings from various scientific meetings may be published in special issues of the journal and few agriculture-related commercials may also be diffused To ensure the multidisciplinary and international bases, the Scientific Board is composed of scientists of various scientific backgrounds and nationalities.
You can view the journal's website here.



Open Access

Agrosearch aims to create an effective medium for dissemination of information on research findings in all areas of agriculture, food sciences and development. The journal publishes original articles and short communications on topics such as agronomy, crop protection, soil science, forestry, animal science, agricultural economics; extension and technology, rural development, food technology, and allied disciplines.Open Access: Please note that as of September 2013 all issues of this journal will be published as open access and are therefore free to all users.Other websites associated with this journal:


Algerian Journal of Biosciences

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Algerian Journal of Biosciences
Algerian journal of Biosciences (AJB) is published by Department of biology faculty of sciences Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life University of Echahid Hamma Lakhdar, Algeria. AJB is a biannually, international, open access, journal dedicated to various disciplines of biology, Biology, Environmental and Agricultural Sciences. AJB is an international means of interaction between researchers, academics and employees in various areas of neighborhoods. AJB publishes manuscripts (Original research, review articles, Short communication, Case reports, and letter to editor) on original work, either experimental or theoretical.
Algerian journal of Biosciences (AJB) aims to establish itself as a platform for exchanging ideas in new emerging trends in biological, Agricultural science. as well as Ecological and Environmental science that needs more focus and exposure and is always committed to publish articles that will strengthen the knowledge of all biologists, researchers, academics and staff. Subject areas covered of Biological Sciences, Agricultural sciences and Environmental science.
You can view this journal's websites here and here.


Alternatives Rurales: Revue scientifique et de réflexion sur le développement agricole et rural

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Alternatives Rurales: Revue scientifique et de réflexion sur le développement agricole et rural
La revue Alternatives Rurales est une revue qui a pour objectif d’offrir un espace de communication, réflexion et débat sur le développement rural et agricole au Maroc, mais aussi dans d’autres pays de la région et d’Afrique. Cette revue s’adresse aux acteurs du développement agricole et rural, aux acteurs institutionnels, aux chercheurs, aux organisations professionnelles, aux étudiants et au grand public.

The Alternatives Rurales journal aims to be a space for communication, thinking and debate on rural and agricultural development in Morocco and other countries of the region and of Africa. The content of the journal is of interest for actors of rural and agricultural development, actors of public institutions, academics, professional organizations, students and more broadly civil society.

You can view Alternatives Rurales' own website here.


Animal Production Research Advances

Animal Production Research Advances
Animal Production Research Advances is a peer-review journal established expressly to promote the production of all animal species utilized as food. The journal has an international scope and is intended for professionals in animal production and related sciences. We solicit contributions from animal production and health specialists in academia, industry, veterinary and environmental health, as well as from specialists in economics, extension, sociology, agric engineering, fisheries and wildlife, minilivestock, livestock farming systems and other disciplines.


Animal Research International

Open Access

Animal Research International
This journal is an international journal publishing original research involving the use of animals and animal products.


Annales des Sciences Agronomiques

Annals of Agronomic Sciences is a scientific review which goal is to publish original articles, technical notes, reviews of literature, scientific information, in all the fields of sciences and biological technology, ecology, biochemistry, biotechnology, geology, soil sciences, agro-feedings, human and animal nutrition. Articles are written in French or English with a detailed summary of a half-page in the second language. The authors having regularly paid their annual contribution profit from 12 pages per number for the publication of their articles. They profit from 10 drawn with share from their articles when they are published. 


Bowen Journal of Agriculture

Bowen Journal of Agriculture
The Bowen Journal of Agriculture serves to provide information for effective management of agriculture and associated innovations. It publishes papers in the fields of agricultural economics, forestry, crop production and mechanization, wood technology, food sciences and technology, rural sociology and extensions, environmental management, soil science, animal science and fisheries management.


Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa

Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa
The Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa publishes articles on original research relevant to animal health and production activities which may lead to the improvement of the livestock industry in Africa and better utilisation of her animal resources.

Le Bulletin de la Santé et de la Production animales en Afrique contient des articles de recherches originales traitant d’activitiés en matiére de santé et de production animals visant à assurer le développement de l’industrie animale et une meilleure utilisation des resources du bétail en Afrique.


Cameroon Journal of Agricultural Science

Cameroon Journal of Agricultural Science
Journal Camerounais des Sciences Agricoles

The Cameroon Journal of Agricultural Science publishes new information on all aspects of agricultural science – agronomy, breeding, crop protection, economics, rural sociology, forestry and animal science, health and production


ChemSearch Journal

Open Access

ChemSearch Journal
Chemsearch Journal is a peer – reviewed journal that publishes original research work, scientific papers and technical reports in all the field of Chemistry (pure science, agriculture, environmental science, science education and related fields).This journal is now Open Access so the content can be freely accesses online.


Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science

Open Access

Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science
Direct Research Journal of Agriculture and Food Science (DRJAFS) (ISSN 2354-4147) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original research, comprehensive review articles, short reports, and commentaries in the field of Agricultural and Food Science.
The journal strives to provide a forum for Authors, as well as other researchers to share their findings on all aspects of Agricultural and Food Science and to disseminate innovative, relevant, and useful information on Agricultural and Food Science throughout the world.

You can see this journal's own website here. The journal's permanent archive is here.


East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal

East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal is published by the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KARI). Improving and sustaining the national soil and water resource base to meet the challenges of poverty alleviation and food security.


Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
EJAS is to provide readers with original scientific research, both basic and applied, with far reaching implications of Ethiopian agriculture. Thus, EJAS seeks to publish those papers that are most influential in Ethiopian agriculture and that will significantly advance scientific understanding of agriculture.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production
The Ethiopian Journal of Animal Production is a peer reviewed journal publishing original basic and applied research articles, short communications, technical notes, and review articles dealing with livestock and livestock related issues. Although the journal focuses on livestock production in Ethiopia, papers from similar agro-ecological regions of the world are welcomed.
You can view the journal's website here.


Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science
The Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science (EJCS) is published by the Crop Science Society of Ethiopia (CSSE). The society is a non-profit professional association established in 1987. It was inaugurated as a society in December 1991 with the objective of contributing towards the development of Ethiopian agriculture in general and the solving of crop production-related problems in particular through promoting effective research, documenting and disseminating scientific information, encouraging professional growth, and fostering interdisciplinary interactions and dialogues among crop scientists, policy makers and other governmental and non-governmental partners and stakeholders involved in the sector. Accordingly, the journal publishes research articles in the area of Crop breeding and genetics, crop biotechnology, Agronomy and physiology, Crop protection, Soil-Crop-Water related research results, Climate smart Agriculture in relation to crops, crop value chains and other crop related articles.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology
Ethiop. J. Sci. Technol. is envisioned as a key forum for researchers, academicians, industry, and students of physical science, life science, and engineering to communicate breakthroughs and developments in basic and applied science and technology-based findings. In the future, depending on the anticipated increase in the volume of research, manuscript submissions and staff composition and quality, the journal will have specialized journals still within the discipline of science and technology.
The Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology publishes high-quality original research articles, reviews, short communications, and feature articles on basic and applied aspects of science, technology, engineering, agriculture, energy, telecommunication, health, and other related fields.
Other websites associated with this journal:
Online submissions and reviews can be managed through the following link:


Federal University Dutsin-Ma Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology

Open Access

FUDMA JAAT is a journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Federal University Dutsin-Ma with a scope covering researches across the field of Agriculture and Technology such as: Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Animal Science, Agronomy, Crop Protection, Soil Science, Forestry, Fisheries, Food Science & Technology, Agricultural Engineering etc.
Aims and Scope
Our aim is to provide a platform to showcase research findings of individuals and groups for the benefit of all.
You can see this journal’s own website here.


Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science
The Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science is a national scientific journal which is published by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of Ghana to serve as an outlet for papers concerning West African agriculture and related disciplines.


Ghana Journal of Forestry

Ghana Journal of Forestry
The Ghana Journal of Forestry (ISSN 0855-1707) is published by the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. The journal publishes scientific articles concerned with forest management and conservation, and in particular the application of biological, ecological and social knowledge to the management of forests. The scope of the journal includes the global forest ecosystem.
The journal aims to encourage communication between scientists in disparate fields which share a common interest in ecology and natural resources management, and to bridge the gap between research workers and forest managers in the field to the benefit of both.


Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science

Open Access

Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science
About GJAS

The Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science (GJAS) is the official journal of the Ghana Society of Animal Production (GSAP). The journal publishes results of original research and reviews in all aspects of livestock and poultry production, i.e. breeding and genetics, nutrition and forages, physiology, economics and special topics. GJAS readers include stakeholders in research, education, industry and government.
All opinions and articles published in the journal reflect the views of the authors and not necessarily those of the Journal. Submission of a paper implies that it has not been submitted or published elsewhere, and that the authors accept the conditions for publication outlined in the journal. Once accepted for publication, authors transfer copyright of their articles to GSAP unless expressly exempted in writing by the copyright holders. Those wishing to use illustrations or data from the journal in other publications should obtain permission from the publisher, and include a line acknowledging the journal as the source of material.
The first year of journal publication which is the maiden issue was in 2010. The frequency of publication has been two issues per year. We only publish in hard copy and due to the cost involved, we find it difficult to publish smaller number of articles. The last issue was published in 2020 in Ghana in the English Language. All papers are submitted to 3 reviewers for a blind review and the editorial board makes a decision whether to accept or reject the paper when a minimum of two review reports are received on each paper. It takes 4 to 8 weeks for a review to get done. Out of 10 articles, 7 manuscripts are accepted for publication.


Global Approaches to Extension Practice: A Journal of Agricultural Extension

Global Approaches to Extension Practice: A Journal of Agricultural Extension
Global Approaches to Extension Practice (GAEP), A publication of the Department of Agricultural Extension, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria is an international journal which considers articles from all areas of Agricultural Extension: rural sociology, environmental extension, extension communication technology, community and rural development, programme planning, extension administration, indigenous knowledge practices, extension education, livestock extension, Women- In-Agriculture, home economics extension, and other relevant extension related issues.


Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Open Access

Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of Agricultural Sciences including Animal Production, Fisheries, Agronomy, Processing and Agricultural Mechanization. Related topics in Biological Sciences will also be considered.
Visit the Global Journal Series website here:


International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development

International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development
The International Journal of Agricultureand Rural Development (IJARD) is an International Journal designed to provide information in the areas of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics. The main aim is to disseminate information resulting from the research experience of Scientists working in all the fields agriculture including Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Animal Sciences, Fishery Management, Agronomy, Forestry and Wildlife resources, Soil Science, Agricultural Engineering and Food Processing.


International Journal of Applied Agriculture and Apiculture Research

Open Access

International Journal of Applied Agriculture and Apiculture Research
The journal publishes current and emerging issues in the following areas: Animal science, crop science, weed science, biological science, food science, Biotechnology in agriculture and apiculture, agricultural extension, agricultural economics, soil science, agricultural technology and aquaculture. It aims to promote the effective dissemination of information on research findings thus encouraging active research in all aspects of agricultural and apicultural sciences and to provide an effective means for research scientists to contribute to international scientific and technological knowledge in the agricultural and apicultural sciences.Other websites associated with this journal:


International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems

International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems
International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems (IJOTAFS) publishes high-quality peer reviewed articles, in English, in all areas of agriculture and food production and processing including tree production, pesticide science, post harvest biology and technology, seed science, irrigation, agricultural engineering, water resources management, marine sciences, agronomy, animal and veterinary science, physiology and morphology, aquaculture, crop science, dairy science, entomology, fish and fisheries, forestry, freshwater science, arid soil research and rehabilitation, agricultural genomics, horticulture, soil science, systematic, virology, viticulture, economics and agribusiness.


Journal of Agricultural Extension

Open Access

Journal of Agricultural Extension
The mission of the Journal of Agricultural Extension is to publish conceptual papers and empirical research that tests, extends, or builds agricultural extension theory and contributes to the practice of extension worldwide.
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Agricultural Extension (JAE) is devoted to the advancement of knowledge of agricultural extension services and practice through the publication of original and empirically based research, focusing on; extension administration and supervision, programme planning, monitoring and evaluation, diffusion and adoption of innovations; extension communication models and strategies; extension research and methodological issues; nutrition extension; extension youth programme; women-in-agriculture; extension, marginalized and vulnerable groups, Climate Change and the environment, farm and produce security, ICT, innovation systems. JAE will normally not publish articles based on research covering very small geographic area (town community and local government areas/council/counties) that cannot feed into policy, except they present critical insights into new and emerging issues is agricultural extension and rural development.


Journal of Agricultural Research and Development

Journal of Agricultural Research and Development
The Journal of Agricultural Research and Development aims at publishing research reports, short communications, Critical Reviews in Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, Agronomy, Forestry, Animal Science, Food Technology, Soil Science, Home Economics, Agricultural Extension, Rural development, Environmental Biology and Agricultural Engineering


Journal of Agriculture and Environment

Open Access

Journal of Agriculture and Environment
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment is a biannual, peer reviewed publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, Usmanu Danfodiyo, Sokoto, Nigeria.  The Journal welcomes articles from original research in the various branches of Agriculture and related fields, specifically in areas of:

  • Agriculture (Crop, Animal and Soil sciences)

. Agronomy and Crop Protection

  • Agricultural Economics, Extension and Policy

  • Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization   

  • Food Science and Technology

  • Biotechnology as related to Agriculture

  • Forestry, Fisheries and wildlife management

  • Rangeland management

  • Interaction of the above with the environment

Other websites associated with this journal:


Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
The Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open access international Journal that aims to publish original research articles, review articles, short communications and case studies in areas of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. All papers are subjected to peer-review by members of the editorial board or qualified reviewers in double blind peer review system. The journal is published by Bahir Dar University of Ethiopia. 
This journal is also indexed on EJOL, and you can visit the journal's own website here.


Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

Open Access

Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences
The Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences JAFS is a platform for scientists dealing with agriculture, food science and related technological and socioeconomic issues with focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Articles on these areas are published after critical peer review. JAFS targets researchers and policy makers.


Journal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR)

Open Access

Journal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR)
Journal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR), a biannual journal, is an official publication of Agricultural Volunteers of Nigeria (AgVON). The journal considers articles from the following areas: Agriculture, Home Economics/Food science, forestry, wildlife and fisheries, environment and waste management, economics, urban and Regional planning, sociology and other relevant social and applied sciences.Other websites associtaed with this journal:


Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences

Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences
The Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences generally aims to foster progressive partnerships between different stake holders towards sustainable Agriculture.
Papers in Animal husbandry, Fisheries, wild life, crop and Soil Science, agricultural economics, Extension, Forestry, environment and papers with a Social Science tilt that are geared towards sustainable agriculture are acceptable for publication.


Journal of Applied Chemistry and Agricultural Research

Journal of Applied Chemistry and Agricultural Research
JACAR is a learned journal devoted to the publication of high quality articles in all areas of Agricultural Sciences and Applied Chemistry. Applied Chemistry manuscripts should be restricted to corrosion of materials, environmental chemistry and water quality (pollution studies), physico-chemical properties of naturally occurring products, colloid chemistry, nutritional chemistry and metallurgy. Articles must be original and written in English.


Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences Research

Open Access

Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences Research
The Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences Research (JOBASR) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers, reviews, technical reports, and brief communications in all science and technology-related subjects such as Chemistry, Agriculture, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Physics, and Computational Analysis. The Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences Research (JOBASR) provides free access to its users to the full text of articles. All our publications are free to access and easy to track. the users are allowed freely to read, copy, download, print, and search and distribute the full text of the articles. They don’t need any prior permission from the publisher and the authors. JOBASR provides instant visibility of the published manuscripts after they are reviewed and accepted.
Aims and Scope
The aim of Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences Research (JOBASR) is to be one of the foremost sources of scholarly articles and research papers through the support of research publication at reasonable or at no cost in long run. This is to make research publication hassle free for financially constrained researchers and scholars. The published article will always be an open access, free under Creative Commons License 4.0 and archived for future generations.
The Objectives of Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences Research (JOBASR) are:
1. To supply publishing platform to scholars and researchers from different science and technology-related fields
2. To grant research and scholarly articles available free of cost to all users without any subscription or login ID.
3. To give scholars a chance to be part of the scholars community who assists and helps others in publication and review.
4. To create research publication hassle free to ensure sharing of knowledge in due time.
You can see this journal's own website here.


Journal of Food Stability

Open Access

Journal of Food Stability
The Journal of Food Stability publishes high quality original research articles and short research cutting-edge scientific advances as well as review articles in the field of Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Agriculture. All papers should focus on the novelty of the research carried out.
Published by FTD Resources Publisher.
Aims and Scope
- Agriculture (Feed Formulation, Crop Production, Animal Production, Agriculture and health,
- Post-harvest utilization of plants, animals, fish and derived products as human food, animal feed, or for industrial applications)
- Food, Nutrition and Health
- Food Technology
- Food Microbiology
- Food Processing
- Food Composition
- Food Materials and Food Engineering
- Food Chemistry
- Food Safety and Quality
- Food Formulation
- Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals and Supplements
- Food Preservation
- Food Security
- Sensory and Consumer Sciences
- Antioxidants and Phytochemicals in Foods and Health
The journal publishes in French and English. You can view the journal's website here.


Journal of Food Technology in Africa

Open Access

Journal of Food Technology in Africa
AJOL believes this journal has ceased publication.The Journal of Food Technology in Africa is Published Quarterly. It is intended for publication of papers on original work and reviews of all aspects of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition. Articles should be basic research that impinge on major areas of concern and relevance to the Food Industry in the African Continent.Other websites related to this journal:


Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, Nairobi

Open Access

Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics (JND) is a peer reviewed refereed international Journal encompassing all the sub-discipline of Nutrition and Dietetics. Issued twice a year, ISSN 2415-5195. Each issue contains approximately six articles. The journal is published on behalf of Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute. JND is a publication that promotes national and international nutrition and dietetics specific and sensitive research. The Journal publishes original research articles, short communications and review articles in the following areas: Clinical nutrition and dietetics. Food service therapy. Community nutrition. Public health nutrition. Nutrition practice and legal issues. Food science and nutrition. Multidisciplinary research related to the above areas.
Aims and Scope
Journal Objectives: To promotes publication of national and international nutrition and dietetics specific and sensitive research. To research into and provide public education on nutrition and dietetics.
Target group: The target audience is primarily nutrition and dietetics scientists, related medical scientists, training institutions and food industry.
You can see this journal’s own website here.


Journal of Underutilized Legumes

Open Access

JUL is an official publication of the Society of Underutilized Legumes, is an international peer-reviewed journal that is generally seeking to be one of the world’s most rated, well-indexed, and most globally circulated journals in the nearest future. JUL is dedicated to publishing original research articles as well as reviews and short communications on issues relating to research and development and other issues geared towards improving the economics, utilization, conservation and general development of the underutilized legumes in the African Continent and the world at large. The Journal basically covers areas of Agronomy, Crop Development, Botany, Biochemistry, Ethnobotany, Taxonomy,Biotechnology, Climate change, Animal Nutrition, Law, Commerce, Economics, and any other Field or Discipline wherein the research/discourse is majorly based on underutilized legumes. To accommodate a wider scope, the journal publishes articles covering other underutilized crops.
You can see this journal's website here.


Microbial Biosystems Journal

Open Access

Microbial Biosystems Journal
Microbial Biosystems is an open access, non-profit, and peer reviewed journal which publishes original papers in all aspects of microbial biology by the Arab Society for Fungal Conservation. MBJ is a biannual journal till 2020. In 2021 it will be quarterly published. The journal is open to papers dealing with all aspects of Microbial biology, systematics, and ecology. Research studies containing novel and significant findings, from the molecular level to ecosystems are welcome.
MBJ has been conceived in consideration of the recent progress in microbial research. An editorial board has been devised to ensure that all the main trends of contemporary microbial biology science are represented. Manuscripts are classified as 'Full Paper', 'Rapid Report' or 'Short Communication'. A Rapid Report is intended for publication, in a concise form, of new and relevant findings. The classification as Rapid Report is determined by the Editor in Chief. A Short Communication (no more than two printed pages) is for a concise but independent report. It is not intended for publication of preliminary results. Review articles are also published, but only upon invitation by the Editor. An international panel of highly qualified referees warrants the highest scientific standard.
Microbial Biosystems Journal publishes microbial researches of local and international interest. We seek reviews, advances in methodology, and original contributions, emphasizing the following areas:
1. A Transcriptomic and Proteomic Approach in Microbial Biology
2. Behavioral ecology
3. Biodeterioration
4. Biodiversity and Conservation
5. Cultural Heritage and Microbes
6. Ecosystem ecology
7. Global change and conservation ecology
8. Human Microbial Interactions
9. Industrial Applications
10. Microbial Ecology
11. Microbial-animal interactions
12. Microbial Biofuels
13. Microbial-plant interactions
14. Physiological Ecology
15. Pollution
Other websites associated with this journal:


Moor Journal of Agricultural Research

Moor Journal of Agricultural Research
Moor Journal of Agricultural Research (Moor J. Agric. Res.) is a peer-reviewed international journal, publishing original, basic and applied research articles in the areas of crop and animal science, basic and applied sciences related to Agriculture, Agric. Economics/Rural Sociology, Environmental Sciences, Product derivations, etc.


Nigeria Agricultural Journal

Open Access

Nigeria Agricultural Journal
Published by the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, the Nigerian Agricultural Journal is the oldest agricultural journal in the country having been published since 1961. It is published bi-annually to quarterly, and contributions are accepted from anyone engaged in agricultural work in Nigeria and other countries in tropical Africa.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Food Journal

Nigerian Food Journal
The Nigerian Food Journal (NIFOJ) is a peer-reviewed journal designed to contribute towards the development of new and improved food sources and products based on sound research. NIFOJ is also designed for effective communication of special attributes and advantages of food products as well as focus on the activities of the food industry in Nigeria. The journal publishes pure and applied food science and technological research to promote knowledge sharing and nutrition development in all aspects of the food processing and consumption value chain. Aspects covered in NIFOJ include food chemistry, food engineering, food microbiology, food packaging, food preservation, food safety, new product development, and sensory analysis.Other websites associated with this journal:


Nigerian Journal of Animal Production

Nigerian Journal of Animal Production
The Nigerian Society for Animal Production was inaugurated in March 1973 during the First International Symposium on Animal Production in the Tropics at the University of Ibadan, lbadan, Nigeria. This society is responsible for the publication of the Nigerian Journal of Animal Production (NJAP) which commenced publication in 1974.


Nigerian Journal of Animal Science

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Animal Science
The Nigerian Journal of Animal Science (NJAS) is an official publication of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN) that is published twice a year in two issues. The Journal publishes carefully peer-reviewed original research articles on various farm and laboratory animals covering diverse areas such as production, management, health, physiology, nutrition, feeds and feedstuff, breeding and genetics, reproduction, animal products, biotechnology, socio-economics, extension, farming systems and crop/livestock interactions within the context of sustainable livestock production among others.  Review articles should cover new development in a field of livestock production.


Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology
Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology is a publisher of multidisciplinary peer-reviews original research works and critical reviews on interdisciplinary studies in Biotechnology, Agriculture, Food and Environment interface; and is published twice a year. It serves scientists in the field of Agriculture, Food science and Technology; Animal science, Agriculture Economy and Extension, Fisheries and Aquiculture, Biotechnology, Breeding and Veterinarians. 
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Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science

Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science
Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science (NJHS) is an international double-blinded, peer-reviewed Journal of Horticultural Society of Nigeria. The journal publishes original research manuscripts in all aspect of horticulture and horticultural industries. Specifically, the journal publishes full length paper, short communication, reviews and technical reports in area of horticultural research and industries that have not been published previously or considered for publication elsewhere. Issues of the journal are released quarterly.


Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research

Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research
The Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research (previously named Nigerian Journal of Soil Research) is an annual publication of the Department of Soil science, Faculty of Agriculture/Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaira. The journal accepts articles in English. The journal is concerned with soils and environmental issues of tropical interest.


Nigerian Journal of Soil Science

Nigerian Journal of Soil Science
The Nigerian Journal of Soil Science publishes research works in all aspects of soil science.


Nigerian Veterinary Journal

Open Access

Nigerian Veterinary Journal
The Nigerian Veterinary Journal (NVJ) has been in existence since 1971. The NVJ is published by the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA) as part of the association's commitment to the advancement of Veterinary Medicine in Nigeria and other parts of the world, with a general view of enhancing the livestock economy worldwide.Other websites related to this journal can be found here: and


North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research

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North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research (NAJFNR) ISSN : 2588-1582 is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal with no publication charges, costs or fees. The journal is committed to the rapid publication of the latest research and studies in all fields of human nutrition and food sciences.  The NAJFNR is dedicated to publishing innovative and high-quality papers providing a better understanding of the advances in nutrition fields such as original research, review, short communication, correspondence, case reports, hypothesis formation, expert opinion, and commentaries. The NAJFNR publishes papers that address human, animal, cellular, or molecular nutrition and food science.
The primary purpose of NAJFNR is to act as an advancing professional knowledge usable by researchers and practitioners across the range of research and practice issues such as:

  1. Nutritional Science (NS): study of food, nutrients, and other food substances, the intake and biochemical processing of food substances, their relationship to health and disease, and the application of this information to policy and programs.

  2. Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT): evidence-based medical approach to treating certain chronic conditions through the use of an individually-tailored nutrition plan. This nutrition plan aims to benefit the patient's own health and reduce health-care costs.

  3. Public Health Nutrition (PHN): is the application of nutrition and physical activity to the promotion of good health, the primary prevention of diet-related illness of groups, communities, and populations (not individuals) through health services, program development, and policy advocacy.

  4. Food Science and Biotechnology (FSB): is the study of the physical, biological, and chemical makeup of food; the causes of food deterioration; and the concepts underlying food processing. Some disciplines can be included such as: chemistry, engineering, microbiology, and nutrition to the study of food to improve the safety, nutrition, wholesomeness and availability of food.

The journal also seeks to increase consumer awareness of the interrelationship between nutrition, physical activity and lifestyle to ameliorate health across the lifespan and to determine how health policies can be improved by taking a more nutrition-focused approach.
We welcome manuscripts describing observational and interventional studies as well as basic scientific reports on the topics of food sciences, diets, metabolism, nutrients, clinical nutrition, social sciences and health economics related to nutrition, eating behavior and disorders, and nutrition policies. Physical activity partnered with nutrition education; and strategies to reduce food insecurity are also valued.
The journal hosts also the proceedings of relevant congresses and presents shorter notices focused on the original character of the Mediterranean and North African nutritional civilization. In addition, this journal is intended as a platform for scientific debate and knowledge-sharing among students professionals and researchers, and between them and the broader scientific community, and finally as a tool making nutrition a development priority in Africa through enhancing scientific cooperation.
The average time between submission and the final decision is 45 days. The time between acceptance and online publication is less than 15 days.
Papers with a major focus on traditional medicine will not be accepted.
Direct rejection: Submitted manuscripts can be rejected without given comments after initial review by an editor if the manuscripts are considered inappropriate or of insufficient importance for publication in the NAJFNR. Submitted manuscripts will not be reviewed if they fail to match the aims and scope of the journal, or if they do not conform to standard English usage and do not meet the formatting requirements.
Specific topics covered in the journal include:


Pest Management Journal of Ethiopia

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Pest Management Journal of Ethiopia
The Pest Management Journal of Ethiopia is national in scope but may also entertain manuscripts that have regional nature and are relevant to Ethiopian agriculture. It covers all disciplines of crop protection: diseases, insects, weeds, nematodes and vertebrate pests. Priority is given to papers dealing with crop protection problems that are highly relevant to Ethiopian agriculture. Manuscripts dealing with non-chemical pest management aspects are preferred.

You can view this journal's website here.


Revue Africaine d’Environnement et d’Agriculture

Open Access

Revue Africaine d’Environnement et d’Agriculture
The African Journal of Environment and Agriculture is a French-language journal (free access) which publishes original and summary articles (four issues per year) concerning all areas related to agriculture and management sustainable environment: plant and animal production, veterinary science, forest science, soil and earth science, rural engineering, environmental science, fisheries and fish farming, bio-industries, agri-food and socio-economics. Articles are accepted for publication on the basis of their scientific value after peer review.
You can view this journal's website here


Rwanda Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Open Access

The RJEAS  publishes  information about advances and their applications in making better use of the Rwandan and regional end environment  in  the fields  of Agricultural  Sciences,  Environmental  Sciences, Veterinary  Medicine,  Animal  and  Crop  Sciences,  Forestry,  Agricultural   mechanization,   Food science and Nutrition,  Agricultural Economics, Aquaculture and fisheries. Articles describing application   of  mathematical   modeling,   ICT,  genomics,   climate   change,   informatics,   remote sensing  and geographic  information  systems in agriculture  and environment but not limited to,  are highly  welcome. RJAS is meant to be national, regional and international both in the source of articles and its readership.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Science and Development

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Science and Development
The Science and Development Journal of the College of Basic and Applied Sciences of the University of Ghana publishes original research articles, reviews and short communications in all scientific fields spanning agricultural, biological, engineering and physical sciences, with strong emphasis on promoting the link between science and development agenda. The journal aims to serve all scientist with quality scientific content by publishing high quality scientific articles and make these freely available to researchers world-wide through an open access policy.
Other websites associated with this journal:


South African Journal of Agricultural Extension

Open Access

South African Journal of Agricultural Extension
The South African Journal of Agricultural Extensionaims to: * advance and apply the science of extension and of rural development as scientific discipline by stimulating thought, study, research, discussion and the publication and exchange of knowledge both nationally and internationally. * promote the professionalism, status and dignity of the extension profession amongst the scientific fraternity, the general public and with the studying youth. * practise the natural-, economic- and managerial sciences responsibly and in public interest. * act as representative mouthpiece for the extension profession in agriculture. 
As of February 2018, this journal content is open access online.
Other websites related to this journal: and


South African Journal of Animal Science

Open Access

South African Journal of Animal Science
The South African Journal of Animal Science is a peer-reviewed journal for publication of original scientific research articles and reviews in the field of animal science. The journal is published both electronically and in paper format. The scope of the journal includes reports of research dealing with farm livestock species (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and poultry), as well as pertinent aspects of research on aquatic and wildlife species. The main disciplines covered are nutrition, genetics and physiology. Papers dealing with sociological aspects of well-defined livestock production systems are also invited, providing they are scientific by nature and have been carried out in a systematic way.
Other websites related to this journal:
The journal is ISI Rated (Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science Impact factor) with an Impact Factor of 0.678 for 2016.


South African Journal of Plant and Soil

South African Journal of Plant and Soil
The South African Journal of Plant and Soil publishes original articles and commentaries on research in the fields of fundamental and applied soil and plant science. Original research papers, short communications including germplasm registrations, relevant book reviews and commentaries on papers recently published, and, exceptionally, review articles, will be considered for publication in the Journal.More information on this journal can be found online here:


Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science

Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science
Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science is one of the leading forestry journals in the Southern Hemisphere. The journal publishes scientific articles in forest science and management of fast-growing, planted or natural forests in the Southern Hemisphere and the tropics. Papers are also encouraged on related disciplines such as environmental aspects of forestry, social forestry, agroforestry, forest engineering and management as well as the goods and services that are derived from forests as a whole. Articles published by the journal are of value to foresters, resource managers and society at large. The journal particularly encourages contributions from South America, Africa and tropical/subtropical Australasia and Asia. Publication of the journal is supported by the Southern African Institute of Forestry.
Read more about this journal here


Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Open Access

Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Science (TAJAS) is a peer reviewed scientific journal that publishes original and scholarly research articles dealing with fundamental and applied aspects of agriculture, Food, Aquaculture and Wildlife. Occasionally invited review articles are published.
Other websites associated with this journal: and 


Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation

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Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation
The Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation accommodates articles addressing research findings of the current diverse and multidisciplinary approaches towards ecosystem conservation at national and global levels. The journal is published biannually and accepts research and review papers covering technological, physical, biological, social and economic aspects of management and conservation of tropical flora and fauna.


Tanzania Veterinary Journal

Tanzania Veterinary Journal
TVJ publishes original contribution to knowledge on Veterinary Science, Animal Science and Production, and allied sciences including new techniques and developments in Veterinary Medicine and Public Health. The Journal also publishes editorial comments, policy and professional matters, field and clinical reports, animal health, animal production, advances in Veterinary Biotechnologies, non-traditional livestock farming and utilization, pastures and the environment, education and training, book reviews, short communications, mini reviews, and letters to the editor. In addition to regular issues, TVJ also publishes Tanzania Veterinary Association (TVA) conferences proceeding papers and books of abstracts. The proceedings papers are published as special issue and the volume number usually corresponds with the sequence number of the respective conference. The target readers of the Journal are the researchers, clinicians, animal scientists, field extension officers, biomedical and broader biological scientists as well as policy makers.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection

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Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection
TJPP is an open access peer-reviewed journal published in English twice a year and specialized in all plant health aspects, particularly IPM. It is hosted in the Tunisian Institution of the Agricultural Research and Higher Education (IRESA). It is managed by a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional Tunisian Editorial Board. The objective of publishing TJPP in open access is to freely disseminate research results for plant health specialized scientists in order to globally exchange and generalize knowledge in this field.


Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences

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Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences
The Journal publishes  peer reviewed papers  with the aim of sharing new developments in the agricultural and environmental sciences  which include forestry, fisheries, livestock, crops, environment, biotechnology, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering.
The readership of the Journal include students, researchers, extension workers, policy makers, academia ,investors and entrepreneurs.


Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources

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The Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources operates under the Provost’s Office, College of Agriculture and Renewable Resources, Ejigbo Campus, Osun State University, P.M.B. 4494, Osogbo, Nigeria. The mission of the Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources is to expand the body of knowledge in the core areas of Agriculture, Applied and Pure Sciences, Agricultural Mechanisation, Environmental Sciences, Sciences, Renewable Natural Resources and Management. Transactions with Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources will principally be online. The Journal is domiciled within the official website of the Osun State University: Submission of articles should be done through e-mail attachment to the editor at Articles are anonymously peer-reviewed (double blind) by relevant experts and professionals in the field of expertise. All submissions must be firmly based on experience or research and must be relevant to current issues. Articles are reviewed for their quality, length, content, and applicability to an international readership with strict adherent to the Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources Author’s Guidelines. Only a paper with favourable reports shall be considered for possible acceptance for publication. The acceptance of manuscripts for publication is decided by the Editorial Board. Articles are accepted with the understanding that their content is the author’s original work, not slanderous, libelous, or plagiarized. All statements of opinion and supposed fact in the Journal are published under the authority of the authors. They are not to be accepted as the view of the editors, the publisher, the UJARR Journal Committee, or the Osun State University.

Aims and Scope
The aims and objectives of the Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources are to expand the body of knowledge in the core areas of Agriculture, Applied and Pure Sciences, Agricultural Mechanisation, Environmental Sciences, Sciences, Renewable Natural Resources and Management through our editorial contents. The contents include columns for Editor in-Chief, feature articles, short communications, reviewed and original research articles and technical articles.

You can see this journal's own website here.


UNISWA Journal of Agriculture

UNISWA Journal of Agriculture
The aim of UNISWA Journal of Agriculture is to serve as a forum for disseminating and integrating scientific knowledge in those disciplines that underpin agriculture. The journal publishes research papers, case studies, essays and review articles as well as first hand experiences in soil, plant, water and animal sciences, natural resources management, home economics and nutrition, and other related areas of relevance to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region in particular and African in general.


UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology

UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology
The UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology is a publication of the Faculties of Agriculture, Health Sciences and Science of the University of Swaziland. It publishes results of original research or continuations of previous studies that are reproducible. Review articles, short communications and accounts of new experimental techniques and methods in experimentation are also published. The Journal is normally published twice a year.