Advanced Research In Economics and Business Strategy Journal

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Advanced Research In Economics and Business Strategy Journal
Advanced Research in Economics and Business Strategy is a peer reviewed scientific biannual international and free of charge, open-access journal, issued regularly by Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences - University of Oran 2, in two issues (June and December) from each year. The Journal is interested in the following fields of research: Business, Management and Accounting; Economics, Econometrics and Finance.

You can view this journal's website here and the journal is also online here.


Africa Development

Open Access

Africa Development
Africa Development is the quarterly bilingual journal of CODESRIA. It is a social science journal whose major focus is on issues which are central to the development of society. Its principal objective is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among African scholars from a variety of intellectual persuasions and various disciplines. The journal also encourages other contributors working on Africa or those undertaking comparative analysis of developing world issues. Afrique et Développement est un périodique trimestriel bilingue du CODESRIA. C'est une revue de sciences sociales consacrée pour l'essentiel aux problèmes de développement et de société. Son objectif fondamental est de créer un forum pour des échanges d'idées entre intellectuels africains de convictions et de disciplines diverses. Il est également ouvert aux autres chercheurs travaillant sur l'Afrique et à ceux se consacrant à des études comparatives sur le tiers monde.Other websites related to this journal include:〈=fr


Africa Insight

Africa Insight
Africa Insight is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal of the Africa Institute of South Africa. It is accredited by the South African National Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and is indexed in the International Bibliography of Social Science (IBSS). It is a multi-disciplinary journal primarily focusing on African Affairs.


African Anthropologist

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

African Anthropologist
African Anthropologist provides a forum for African and Africanist anthropologists, researchers, social scientists, writers, thinkers, philosophers, and artists to explore what it means to be human. 
AA seeks to stimulate conversation on culture, diversity, ideas, and life processes' complex webs and fabrics while developing anthropological conceptual and theoretical frameworks and research methodologies. 
AA is committed to advancing anthropological research and practice developments, initiating and sustaining multidisciplinary collaboration, and protecting human life and human rights.
Cover art: Virtud Femenina, by artist Mene Manresa Bodipo


African Crop Science Journal

Open Access

African Crop Science Journal
The African Crop Science Journal, a quarterly publication, publishes original research papers dealing with all aspects of crop agronomy, production, genetics and breeding, germplasm, crop protection, post harvest systems and utilisation, agro-forestry, crop-animal interactions, information science, environmental science and soil science. It also publishes authoritative reviews on crop science and environmental issues by invitation. It is bilingual, publishing in either English or French.                                             
Other websites related to the journal include:


African Environment

African Environment
Environmental Studies and Regional Planning Bulletin

African Environment is published in French and English, and for some issues, in Arabic.

(only the issue below has been received by AJOL)


African Health Sciences

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

African Health Sciences
African Health Sciences is an open access, free online, internationally refereed journal publishing original articles on research, clinical practice, public health, policy, planning, implementation and evaluation, in the health and related sciences relevant to Africa and the tropics. African Health Sciences acknowledges support provided by the African Health Journals Partnership Project that is funded by the US National Institutes of Health (through the National Library of Medicine and the Fogarty International Center) and facilitated by the Council of Science Editors.
Indexed on MEDLINE/PUBMED; PUBMED CENTRAL; African Index Medicus; HINARI; Bioline; AJOL; Science Citation Index - Clarivate (Thompson Reuters) Impact factor (2021): 1.108. CiteScore (2018): 0.99.
Other websites related to this journal include:
African Health Sciences encourages authors to now submit their papers online to the following website:


African Human Mobility Review

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

African Human Mobility Review
The African Human Mobility Review (AHMR) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed on-line journal created to encourage and facilitate the study of all aspects (socio-economic, political, legislative and developmental) of human mobility in Africa.
Through the publication of original research, policy discussions and evidence-based research papers, AHMR provides a comprehensive forum devoted exclusively to the analysis of contemporaneous trends, migration patterns and some of the most important migration-related issues. The journal is accessible on-line at no charge.
AHMR is jointly owned by the Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA) and University of the Western Cape (UWC).
At the moment, AHMR is also accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Journal List
Other websites associated with this journal:


African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues

African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
The African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues is dedicated to the Scientific investigation of psychological and social issues and related phenomenon in Africa. The journal does not undertake to specify rigidly an appropriate domain of context, but intends rather to reflect current significant research of psychology and social issues. Although the journal primarily publishes reports of empirical research, other types of papers relevant to the development of an African view of psychology (such as theoretical analyses, literature reviews, methodological notes, observations on published articles etc.) are also sought.


African Journal of AIDS Research

African Journal of AIDS Research
African Journal of AIDS Research (AJAR) is a peer-reviewed research journal publishing papers that make an original contribution to the understanding of social dimensions of HIV/AIDS in African contexts. AJAR includes articles from, amongst others, the disciplines of sociology, demography, epidemiology, social geography, economics, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, health communication, media, cultural studies, public health, education, nursing science and social work. Papers relating to impact, care, prevention and social planning, as well as articles covering social theory and the history and politics of HIV/AIDS, will be considered for publication.
Subscriber information for this journal is available online here.


African Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Sport Facilitation

African Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Sport Facilitation
The African Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Sport Facilitation will take and publish empirical studies and theoretical propositions as well as case studies that are community-based and inter/intra-cultural on human behaviour, relationship in the family, workplace, schools and organisations.


African Journal of Democracy and Governance

African Journal of Democracy and Governance
The African Journal of Democracy and Governance is a fully-peer-reviewed quarterly, bilingual (English/French), multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary journal of social sciences and humanities. Its main objective is to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and constitute a repository of scholarly works of high academic standards, which affect policies and contribute to the establishment and/or consolidation of democracy, good governance, development and peace that are critical for an African renaissance.
You can view the journal's website here.


African Journal of Economic Policy

African Journal of Economic Policy
The primary aim of this journal, an offshoot of the Trade Policy Research and Training Programme in Economics Department, University of Ibadan, is to provide a forum for development and equity on the African continent.


African Journal of Empirical Research

Open Access

African Journal of Empirical Research
The African Journal of Empirical Research (AJERNET) is hosted by AJER Publishing, a network of academic and research publishers headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. AJER Publishing has a strong presence in the academic community, with a wide network of reviewers, editors, and contributors from esteemed universities, experienced researchers, and reputable research institutions globally.
Mission Statement
AJERNET aims to provide a dynamic platform for researchers, students, and professors with the view of facilitating access to the latest multidisciplinary literature, encouraging research reviews, and promoting the sharing of expertise among academics worldwide.
Scope and Operational Approach
Our focus is on multidisciplinary empirical research, meta-analysis, and systematic reviews from social, pure and applied science disciplines. AJERNET maintains high standards through a meticulous peer-review process to ensure that only top-quality research is published. We believe in open access to knowledge and all content is published on an open-access basis, allowing for unfettered access, distribution, and reproduction of published works, provided proper citation is given.
Global Reach
We distribute all published content to thousands of libraries worldwide, ensuring that research gains international exposure. We provide comprehensive support and guidance to authors wherever they may be throughout the publishing process. In cases where submitted work doesn't initially meet our publication standards, we offer assistance and time for revisions.


African Journal of Food and Nutritional Security

African Journal of Food and Nutritional Security
The African Journal of Food and Nutritional Security, as an international journal, is intended to act as a forum for researchers working on food and nutritional security issues in Africa and the Third World in their widest range and perspectives.

We believe this journal to have ceased publishing


African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development

Open Access

African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
The African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND) is a peer reviewed scholarly journal. The journal is envisaged to enable dissemination and sharing of food and nutrition information issues on the continent. It taps social science, biochemical, food and nutrition related research and information. It also addresses issues related to agriculture, food security, and nutrition that affect Africa’s development and people’s livelihoods. It targets and is intended to serve the research and intellectual community; African and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs); African and development oriented bilateral and multilateral agencies; and African public institutions working towards solving food and nutrition problems through sound policies, and addressing issues that affect the African continent. AJFAND is open to both African and non-African contributors. Besides academic research, the journal provides an avenue for sharing information on national-level food and nutrition programs. QUALITY remains the driver of our efforts and not QUANTITY. The journal carries out a major mentoring and capacity building role for budding African scholars, and also gives visibility to African scholars in general by highlighting and sharing their work internationally.
Other websites related to this journal: 


African Journal of Health Economics

Open Access

The African Journal of Health Economics is an international journal aimed at promoting and sustaining the knowledge, development and application of health economics in health policy and systems in Africa, economic analysis of health and healthcare, development of methodologies for health economics and policy analysis that are sensitive enough to significantly reflect differences observed in the African context, health care provision, health care financing, equity and efficiency in service provision and delivery, public health policy and governance, determinants of health and their policy implications, valuation of health, a wide range of health related materials with policy implications, development and evaluation of health systems, programmes and related interventions being carried out in the Africa.
It is particularly keen to publish findings and reviews which though originating from the African region, are of general interest to a global readership. Articles originating from other parts of the worlds but which are relevant to policy debates in health systems in Africa are also welcome.

You can see this journal's own website here.


African Journal of Health Sciences

Open Access

African Journal of Health Sciences
The Journal of African Health Sciences has been in production and circulation since 1994.The Journal has been produced through the efforts of Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and the African Forum for Health Sciences (AFHES).
A lot of interest had been created in the Journal locally and internationally. The Journal was regularly patronized by scientist as one of the leading scientific publication in Africa.
The Publications Committee, a committee comprised of the senior scientists that peruses all publications emanating from KEMRI, felt that it was essential to continue with the publication and circulation of the Journal as soon as possible. Therefore the Publications Committee formed a new team to revive the publication and circulation of the Journal and to ensure future sustainability of the Journal. The new team felt there is need for mechanism to fund the above activities towards revival of the Journal on behalf of the scientist.
Other websites related to this journal:


African Journal of Infectious Diseases

Open Access

African Journal of Infectious Diseases
The African Journal of Infectious Diseases (AJID), is a peer-reviewed, international journal that publishes papers which make an original contribution to the understanding of infectious diseases. Any paper relating to impact, care, prevention and social planning, will be considered for publication in AJID. Reports of research related to any aspect of the fields of microbiology, parasitology, infection, and host response, whether laboratory, clinical, or epidemiologic, will be considered for publication in the journal. AJID is index by AFrican Index Medicus, African Journals Online (AJOL), Scopus, EBSCO, MEDLINE, etc.
All the other links can be found on our site at:


African Journal of International Affairs

Open Access

African Journal of International Affairs
La Revue africaine des affaires internationales est une publication du CODESRIA. Elle offre une tribune pour l'analyse des questions contemporaines concernant les affaires internationales africaines, en relation avec les événements mondiaux qui ont des répercussions sur le continent. La Revue sollicite des contributions, en anglais et en français, aussi bien d' universitaires africains que d'universitaires d'autres continents travaillant sur l'Afrique. The African Journal of International Affairs (AJIA) is a bi-annual publication of CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal. It offers a platform for analyses on contemporary issues in African International Affairs in relation to global developments as they affect Africa. AJIA welcomes contributions in English and in French from both African scholars and scholars working everywhere on Africa. We believe this journal to be no longer publishing.Other websites related to this journal:〈=fr


African Journal of International Affairs and Development

African Journal of International Affairs and Development
The African Journal of International Affairs and Development (AJIAD) began in 1995 as a bi-annual devoted to the study of Africa in global affairs and development.


African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science

African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science is established mainly to provide a forum for librarians, archivists, documentalists, information scientists and other information related professionals in Africa to report their research findings but with emphasis on African setting. The Journal is refereed by distinguished scholars. Emphasis is on empirical research; however, manuscripts of high quality on theoretical aspects of the three information related disciplines will be considered for publication.
We are pleased to announce to our website users that we have made some exciting changes, and the journal can now be found at


African Journal of Political Science

African Journal of Political Science
Aims and Scope
The African Journal of Political Science is the flagship publication of the African Association of Political Science. It is an open-access and strictly peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the study of the political in all its dimensions and permutations in African and black societies in general. It targets both academic and non-academic readers interested in various perspectives on political questions facing Africa and the black world. It aims to contribute to growing, strengthening and diversifying the studies of political phenomena in every way desirable. It supports the Association’s objectives and will from time to time publish out of the Association’s colloquia and conferences.
Publishes two issues a year in April and in September and a special edition may be considered from time to time. Issues are available as open access.  The Journal invites manuscripts all through the year, submitted online through its website in two versions, one being anonymous. Research articles and essays must be between 5,000 and 7,000 words long. Commentary and debate articles must be 3,000 to 4,000 words responding to a debate or a topical issue. The journal has a dedicated space for the voices of emerging scholars/students. Emerging scholars’ essays must be 1,500 to 3,000 words long.  All must be prepared according to author guidelines. We encourage the submission of book reviews of up to 1,500 words in length. Longer review articles that debate the book will also be considered at 2,000 to 4,000 words in length. Submissions can be done here:
IMPORTANT NOTICE: It has come to our attention that our journal has been cloned. The journal at the following link is a clone, please do not submit articles to this journal: AfricanJournal of Political Science | About this Journal(


African Journal of Politics and Administrative Studies

Open Access

African Journal of Politics and Administrative Studies
African Journal of Politics and Administrative Studies offers open access platform to the scholars , researchers, academia, and students of politics and administration with a view to publishing the most captivating , innovative and trending researches that explore political issues and administrative research in the wake of globalization.
Hosted by the Department of Political Science Department of Ebonyi State University Abakaliki Nigeria, West Africa.
Since 2004, “ AJPAS” has become a peer-reviewed international journal which accepts high quality research articles. The Journal is published two times a year (June/December).
The Journal is keen in capturing the major developments in the Political science and Public Administration discipline that is growing vertically and horizontally. The goal of AJPAS is to provide original, relevant, and timely information from diverse sources; to write and publish with absolute integrity; and to serve as effectively as possible the needs of scholars. AJPAS also provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global knowledge production and exchange. AJPAS is open to all researchers, in the field of Political Science and Public Administration regardless of their geographical origin, race, nationality, religion or gender in so far as they have an adequate scientific articles. All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer review by members of the editorial board who are noted experts in the appropriate field of specialization.


African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines

Open Access

African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines
The “African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines (AJTCAM)” is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, international, scientific Open Access Journal that provides publication of articles on phytomedicines, ethnomedicines and veterinary ethnomedicines. The journal is published by a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) known as “African Traditional Herbal Medicine Supporters Initiative (ATHMSI)”. The Journal welcomes submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately two-to-three months after acceptance
Other websites related to this journal are: and the PUBMED link:


African Musicology Online

Open Access

African Musicology Online
African Musicology Online is a high quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serve the society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation in research work. African Musicology Online welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual framework from researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students from all over the world. African Musicology Online engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.

Other websites associated with this journal:


African Quarterly Social Science Review

Open Access

African Quarterly Social Science Review
The African Quarterly Social Science Review (AQSSR) stands tall as a distinguished peer-reviewed journal, seamlessly blending intellectual exploration with an unwavering commitment to excellence. As a beacon guiding scholars, students, and educators, AQSSR offers a vibrant platform for peer-reviewed research articles and empirically driven works in the realm of social sciences. Embracing diversity in thought and methodological rigor, AQSSR fosters an environment where scholarly inquiry thrives. With a dedication to advancing knowledge and understanding, articles are welcomed on a rolling basis, ensuring a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights. By upholding the highest standards of scholarship, AQSSR continues to be a trusted resource for academics and practitioners alike, shaping discourse and driving progress in the field of social sciences across Africa and beyond.

Aims and Scope
Our aim is to cultivate a dynamic environment that not only provides access to the latest literature and innovations in the social sciences but also fosters the exchange of ideas and expertise in Africa and beyond.

You can view this journal's own website here.


African Research Review

Open Access

African Research Review
African Research Review (AFRREV) is a Peer Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary Journal of the International Association of African Researchers and Reviewers (IAARR) with its head office in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Its aim is to publish scholarly research outputs in and on Africa. Its focus is on the broad areas of Africa Development and issues in various Academic Disciplines. AFRREV will also publish research monographs, feature articles, brief notes, comments on published articles and book review. The journal is published about four times a year (January, April, July & October) and other issues as the case may be. 
As of 2013 all issues of AFRREV will be open access and therefore free to download.
Other websites associated with this journal:


African Social Science and Humanities Journal

Open Access

African Social Science and Humanities Journal
ASSHJ is an online international open access publication journal with a policy of an anonymous peer-reviewing process. As a double-blind academic journal, it focuses on social sciences and humanities issues and topics to benefit developed and developing countries.
ASSHJ is a quarterly journal (four times a year). Our audience is scientists, practitioners, researchers, policymakers, government agents, NGOs, professionals, academia, and many more.
Manuscripts for publication include original and unpublished research papers in the form of conceptual articles, theoretical and experiential, review articles, case reports, and empirical research papers. All the submitted manuscripts should not be under consideration or reviewed for publication in any journal anywhere. 
To reinvigorate academic integrity and research quality.
To bridge research knowledge, ideas, and innovation gap through academic publications.
To expand the network of the national and international research community through publications.
To provide an established platform for scholarly collaborations in a global research community.
To provide the platform for research and knowledge sharing between academic researchers, consultants, and practitioners.
To become a household name and well-known scientific journal for social science and humanities research.
You can view this journal's own website here.


African Studies Monographs

African Studies Monographs
The African Studies Monographs is a serial that promotes research and scholarship on the African perspective worldwide. This includes matters of philosophy, history, literature, arts and culture, environment, gender, politics, administration crisis management, etc.


AFRREV LALIGENS: An International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender Studies

Open Access

AFRREV LALIGENS: An International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender Studies
LALIGENS is a peer-reviewed journal by International Association of African Researchers and Reviewers (IAARR). It is published three times a year. Three topical issues are to be addressed by this journal – language, literature and gender with the following sub-headings among others:

  • the relationship between language and development and offers a specific proposal for addressing issues of language policy and planning in Africa and elsewhere in the world

  • the extinction and survival of many African languages

  • the role of foreign languages in African context

  • issues of gender portrayal in language and literature

  • all about feminism

  • the relationship between language and gender

  • Gender-related linguistic properties such as referential terms, word formations, syntactic structures, semantic connotations, social gender and idiomatic expressions.

  • Literature related topics among others 

Other websites associated with this Journal:


AKIRI (Revue des sciences humaines et sociales, lettres, langues et civilisations)

Open Access

AKIRI (Revue des sciences humaines et sociales, lettres, langues et civilisations)
Dans un environnement marqué par la croissance, sans cesse, des productions scientifiques, la diffusion et la promotion des acquis de la recherche deviennent un impératif pour les acteurs du monde scientifique. Perçues comme un patrimoine, un héritage à léguer aux générations futurs, les productions scientifiques doivent briser les barrières et les frontières afin d’être facilement accessible à tous.
Ainsi, s’inscrivant dans la dynamique du temps et de l’espace, la revue « AKIRI » se présente comme un outil de promotion et de diffusion des résultats des recherches des enseignants-chercheurs et chercheurs des universités et de centres de recherches de Côte d’Ivoire et d’ailleurs. Ce faisant, elle permettra aux enseignants-chercheurs et chercheurs de s’ouvrir davantage sur le monde extérieur à travers la diffusion de leurs productions intellectuelles et scientifiques.
AKIRI est une revue à parution trimestrielle de l’Unité de Formation et de Recherches (UFR) : Communication, Milieu et Société (CMS) de l’Université Alassane Ouattara. Elle publie les articles dans le domaine des Sciences humaines et sociales, Lettres, Langues et Civilisations. Sans toutefois être fermée, cette revue privilégie les contributions originales et pertinentes. Les textes doivent tenir compte de l’évolution des disciplines couvertes et respecter la ligne éditoriale de la revue. Ils doivent en outre être originaux et n’avoir pas fait l’objet d’une acceptation pour publication dans une autre revue à comité de lecture.

Vous pouvez consulter le site Web de cette revue ici.


Bahir Dar Journal of Education

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Bahir Dar Journal of Education
Bahir Dar Journal of Education is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that seeks to broaden our understanding of the processes that advance issues related to education from an educational perspective. It welcomes the submission of original research articles, systematic reviews, reflections, document reviews, letters to the editor, book reviews, and short communications on issues pertaining to education in general and teaching and learning practices in particular from all corners of the world. It accepts manuscripts focusing on educational issues at all levels of education.
As a peer-reviewed academic journal, we particularly welcome submissions that improve the conceptual understanding of the field of education in which the College of Education, Bahir Dar University, has been making every effort to be a center of excellence. We understand education to be an ongoing process that affects all communities and societies at large. We, therefore, do not have a geographical bias, but wherever possible, prospective authors should seek to highlight how their study has relevance to researchers and practitioners studying and actually practicing education and related areas in different classroom settings and academic environment contexts.


Bakolori Journal of General Studies

Open Access

The Bakolori Journal of General Studies (BAJOGES) is a quarterly publication of the Seminar and Publication Committee of Abdu Gusau Polytechnic, Talata Mafara as against its former bi-annual policy. This was as a result of the publication grant of the Tertiary Trust Fund and the patronage of the journal from members of the academia. Scholarly articles that cut across various disciplines are reviewed for their contributions to knowledge, general scientific and technological breakthrough, as well as the enhancement of the acquisition of practical skills for self-reliance and national development.
Other websites associated with the journal:


Cahiers des Religions Africaines

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Cahiers des Religions Africaines
CRA publishes scientific studies on African religions, customs and cultures, both traditional and modern. The Journal is available to Africanists in the humanities (Theology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, Linguistics, Ethnology and religious Studies).

Aims and Scope
CRA a pour objectif de publier des recherches sérieuses sur les religions, croyances et coutumes africaines, traditionnelles et modernes et de contribuer ainsi à l'élaboration d'une pensée et d'une pratique chrétiennes tenant compte de l'expérience spirituelle des peuples africains. Ce faisant, il permet d'assurer une meilleure connaissance scientifique des cultures africaines et de les confronter aux réalités et défis du monde contemporain.

CRA aims to publish serious research on African religions, beliefs and customs, traditional and modern, and thus contribute to the development of Christian thought and practice taking into account the spiritual experience of African peoples. In doing so, it ensures better scientific knowledge of African cultures and confronts them with the realities and challenges of the contemporary world.

You can view this journal's own website here.


Contemporary Journal of African Studies

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Contemporary Journal of African Studies
The Contemporary Journal of African Studies, formerly published as Research Review of the Institute of African Studies (see RRIAS pages here: publishes academic and scholarly articles that set forth the findings of new research in any branch of African Studies, or discuss and re-evaluate earlier or current research or publications by an author or authors.


Democracy & Development: Journal of West African Affairs

Democracy & Development: Journal of West African Affairs
Democracy & Development – Journal of West African Affairs is a bi-annual (Rains and Harmattan editions), published by the Centre for Democracy & Development. The journal’s broad focus areas are: 1. Conceptualising Democracy and Development in West Africa; 2. Practical problems that have inhibited democratic reform in the region; 3. Civic organisations and the new and innovative programmes, activities, and personalities driving the democracy and development agenda in the region; 4. Conflict and peace-building; 5. Public policy research (empirical and theoretical) on the democracy, security, and development nexus. Democracy & Development: Journal of West African Affairs is the only one of its kind entirely devoted to reporting and explaining democratic developments in the sub-region. It is read widely by researchers, journalists, opinion moulders, and academics.  This journal will be updated soon.


Dirassat Journal Economic Issue

Open Access ##site.journalOpenaccessDiamond##

Dirassat Journal Economic Issue (DJEI) (ISSN: 2676-2013. E-ISSN: 2676-2080) is an open-access, peer-reviewed Bi-Annual journal publishing theoretical and empirical research papers covering the major aspects of management, accounting, economics, and management information systems, Commerce, Marketing, HRM and finance. All articles in Dirassat Journal Economic Issue are posted online immediately as they are ready for publication.
DJEI is published by the Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Laghouat, Algeria. The journal's emphasis is on theoretical developments and their implementation, as empirical, applied, and policy-oriented research. The journal's purpose is to improve communications between, and within, the academic and other research communities, policymakers, and operational decision-makers. DJEI fills a unique niche among business publications of its type by publishing articles that strike a balance between the practical and the academic fields, recognizing the intricate relationships between many areas of business activities. DJEI is represented by a diverse and international Editorial Board comprising of individuals from reputable institutions.

Aims and Scope

The aim of the Dirassat Journal Economic Issue is to provide an international forum for discussion of advancements in all areas of Economics & management studies. The Journal publishes high-quality research articles in a global context pertaining to various business & economic disciplines:
Operations Management
Human Resources Management.
You can view this journal's own website here.


Drumspeak: International Journal of Research in the Humanities

Open Access

Drumspeak: International Journal of Research in the Humanities (DIJRH) is a peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal is one of the official journals of the Faculty of Arts in the College of Humanities and Legal Studies of the University of Cape Coast in Ghana to promote interdisciplinary research on Africa in the humanities. We publish twice every year (June and December). Our Editorial team, from diverse fields, ensures that manuscripts adhere to high-quality research and ethical standards.

Aims and Scope
Drumspeak: International Journal of Research in the Humanities (DIJRH) aims at championing critical interdisciplinary research in the humanities in general. In addition, the journal disseminates cutting-edge research that reflects and contributes to enriching academic debate and public discourse on issues of interest to Africa in the contemporary world.

You can view this journal's website here.


E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies

Open Access

E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies
ERATS is peer-reviewed and operates an open access policy aimed at Advancing Religous and Theological Studies throughout Africa. ERATS focuses on theoretical and empirical research in Religious and Theological studies. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts with the theoretical or empirical aspects from the following categories: African Traditional Religion, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Translation Studies, Christian Education, Church History, Church and Society, Comparative Study of Religions, Ecocriticism, Ethics, History and Mission, Inter-religious Dialogue, New Testament, Old Testament, Pentecostal Studies, Theology, Wisdom Literature. We however accept manuscripts relating to other areas not stated above pertaining to religious and theological research.
You can view this journal's website here.


East African Journal of Management and Business Studies

Open Access

East African Journal of Management and Business Studies
The East African Journal of Management and Business Studies is an academic journal dedicated to publishing research on management, business studies, business administration, accounting and finances, human resources and related issues from the African continent. It is published by the Gitoya Centre for Academic Research and Dissemination, Tanzania. 
You can see the journal's own website here.


East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights

The journal provides a platform for debate, research and publication on all related issues of human rights and peace. Themes include, but are not limited to, conflict, constitutional and administrative law, freedom of information, gender, law and development, good governance and public international law. Interdisciplinary articles on the above topics are encouraged.


East African Journal of Public Health

East African Journal of Public Health
The East African Journal of Public Health is a multi-disciplinary journal publishing scientific research work from a range of public health related disciplines including community medicine, epidemiology, nutrition, behavioural sciences, health promotion, health education, communicable and non-communicable disease. The journal also engages in, and responds to, current scientific and policy debates, including methodological issues in public health research.


Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development

Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development
The Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development (EAJRD) is now going to be jointly published by the Ugandan Agricultural Economics Association - a professional body for Agricultural Economists and those interested in agricultural economics and rural development issues - and the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Makerere University, Uganda.


Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review

Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review
The Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review (EASSRR) is a bi-annual journal published by the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern Africa (OSSREA). Since the publication of its maiden issue in January 1985, the EASSRR has been serving as a regional forum for reflective thinking and critical discourse on the economic, political, and social aspects as well as development issues of the countries and sub-regions within the Eastern and Southern African Region.


Eastern African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Open Access

Eastern African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Emphasizing experimental and descriptive research, the Eastern African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences presents articles that examine important issues in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. The social sciences focus on subjects like economics, psychology, geography and history, while the humanities explore philosophy, languages and literature, and the arts. This definition encompasses such fields of study as (in the humanities) history, English, philosophy, foreign languages, classics, history of art, and (in the social sciences) sociology, psychology, economics, and political science.

  • Papers that present integrated sets of studies that address significant theoretical issues relating to humanities and social sciences.

  • Theoretical papers and critical reviews of current experimental and methodological interest.

  • Single, well-designed studies of an innovative nature.

  • Brief reports, including replication or null result studies of previously reported findings, or a well- designed study addressing questions of limited scope.

You can see this journal's website here.


Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (The)

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (The)
The Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (EJBE) is a biannual peer-reviewed publication of the College of Business and Economics, Addis Ababa University. It seeks to encourage thinking among academics, practitioners and policy makers in the fields of Accounting and Finance, Economics, Business Management, and Public Administration and Development Management. Equally important, its main mission is to stimulate research-based and inter- and multi-disciplinary debate on the issues involving the four fields particularly as these pertain to the Ethiopian setting and development challenges. EJBE publishes research reports, book reviews, and Master’s thesis and PhD dissertation (abridged versions or chapters). Academic articles and other publishable works from related disciplines are also welcome. EJBE is an authoritative and refereed journal.
This journal content is now open access and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND.


Ethiopian Journal of Development Research

Ethiopian Journal of Development Research
The Ethiopian Journal of Development Research (EJDR) is a bi-annual journal devoted to development oriented research and published by the Institute of Development Research.
The publication covers wide areas of the development process. It is devoted to the multi-disciplinary study of development problems of Ethiopia in particular and the less developed world in general. Book reviews, synopsis of major research, theoretical and methodological approaches in the general area of development are also acceptable to the publishers of this journal. Contributions are welcome from any part of the world.


Ethiopian Journal of Economics

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Economics
The Ethiopian Economic Journal of Economics is a publication of the Ethiopian Economic Association. It is a bi annual publication devoted to the advancement of economics as a scientific discipline in Ethiopia. However, contributions of articles by non-Ethiopian and on economic experience of other countries are considered for publication.


Ethiopian Journal of Human Rights

Open Access

Ethiopian Journal of Human Rights
The Ethiopian Journal of Human Rights (EJHR) is a multidisciplinary journal published by the Center for Human Rights, Addis Ababa University (CHR, AAU). The objectives of the EJHR include the promotion of knowledge and dialogue on issues of human rights as a multidisciplinary theme. Furthermore, it envisions promoting human rights values including, but not limited to, understanding, tolerance, and participation.

All research articles published in the journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and they must be original contributions that are not under consideration for any other publication. The EJHR welcomes solicited and unsolicited research articles, reviews, commentaries, decisions of courts/tribunals, opinions/notes/reflections, etc. related to human rights.


Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences

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Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences
EJSS publishes scholarly works focusing on historical, socio-economic, development, cultural, gender, political and environmental issues. Contributions for the journal should include full-length original research articles, review articles, book reviews and letters.
The Journal works for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in social sciences. It provides a platform for the research community to share their findings, insights and views in social sciences. The Journal serves as a forum of critical, constructive and problem-solving research and knowledge creation.


Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities

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Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
It aims to provide a platform for the research community to share their findings, insights and views about all aspects of Social Sciences and Humanities.
The Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (Erjssh) is an open access peer reviewed journal published twice a year (July/August and December/Janu- ary in both print and online versions to be accessed free of cost. The journal accepts the research papers from the diverse fields of social sciences and humanities reflecting the disciplines taught in the college such as population, sociology, anthropology, political sci- ence, history, geography, religion, media, environmental issues, art/theatre and culture. Papers can be submitted in the form of full-length original research, review articles, book reviews, commentaries, editorials - policies, news and letters to the editor.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Feminist Africa

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Feminist Africa is a continental gender studies journal produced by the community of feminist scholars. It provides a platform for intellectual and activist research, dialogue and strategy. Feminist Africa attends to the complex and diverse dynamics of creativity and resistance that have emerged in postcolonial Africa, and the manner in which these are shaped by the shifting global geopolitical configurations of power.
Feminist Africa provides a forum for progressive, cutting-edge gender research and feminist dialogue focused on the continent. By prioritising intellectual rigor, the journal seeks to challenge the technocratic fragmentation resulting from donor-driven and narrowly developmentalist work on gender in Africa. It also encourages innovation in terms of style and subject-matter as well as design and lay-out. It promotes dialogue by stimulating experimentation as well as new ways of engaging with text for readers.
You can view this journal's website here.


Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions

Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions
Filosofia Theoretica is a publication of Calabar School of Philosophy (CSP), University of Calabar. From 2018,  the journal will begin to publish a third issue which will be a bi-lingual edition in both French and English languages.  Filosofia Theoretica provides outlet for well researched and original papers in the following areas of African studies: philosophy, culture, religions, history and arts. It also publishes book reviews. Its publication cycle is January-June and July-December issues. The journal is abstracted/indexed on SCOPUS, EBSCO Humanities Source, ProQuest, Google Scholar, Ajol, EBSCO Database, Philosopher's index, etc. Filosofia Theoretica is also accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DoHET), South Africa. 
Usage Policy: For student based personal use or general academic research only. Not to be used for commercial purposes without the prior notice of the publishers.
The website related to the journal is
The SCImago Journal Rank for this journal can be found here:


Gadaa Journal

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Gadaa Journal
Gadaa Journal is an open access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary bilingual journal (online and print version) published biannually by the Institute of Oromoo Studies (IOS) in Jimma University. It is a double blind, peer reviewed, open access, refereed Journal aspiring to have a brand value among the world’s multidisciplinary journals. The journal publishes original, multidisciplinary, scientific (theoretical and empirical) research in all fields of studies focusing on Oromoo and accepts articles that address aspects of the totality of Oromoo life in space and time.

This includes multidisciplinary research works pertinent to, but not limited to, Oromoo language, culture, philosophy, history, folklore, literature, arts, humanities, indigenous life systems and practices, environment, administrative and governance systems, economy, education, and science and technology. The forms of contributions the journal entertains include original research, review articles, book reviews, and short communications. These contributions should pass through the peer review process to be published on the journal.

This journal's own website can be found here.


Ghana Journal of Development Studies

Open Access

Ghana Journal of Development Studies
Ghana Journal of Development Studies (GJDS) is a multi – trans – and an interdisciplinary journal with a development focus. The GJDS publishes works on development policy, programming and projects, whether analytical, evaluative, basic, applicative and/or descriptive. It accepts papers from varied disciplinary areas; including the physical sciences, social sciences and the humanities. Articles must show direct relevance to development. Emphasis is on empirical research that build on and/or ground theory. However, manuscripts of high quality on theoretical aspects of development related disciplines as well as book reviews are considered for publication. The GJDS provides a forum for lecturers, researchers, and development-related professionals to re/present findings on critical research and/or analysis of development issues with emphasis on, but not exclusive to the Ghanaian as well as African settings. The GJDS is a journal of the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies of SD Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Ghana. The GJDS is a peer-reviewed journal and indexed on internationally acclaimed scholarly indexing/publishing systems: The International Bibliography of Social Sciences (IBSS), EBSCO and Society of African Journal Editors.


Ghana Journal of Higher Education

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The Ghana Journal of Higher Education provides a forum for informed discussion on challenges confronting Higher Education in Ghana, Africa and, beyond.

The Ghana Journal of Higher Education (GJHE) is owned by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), a body responsible for Tertiary Education regulation in Ghana. The journal provides a forum for informed discussion on challenges confronting Higher Education in Ghana, Africa and, beyond.
The journal publishes original papers and reviews all aspects of Higher Education, including, financing, quality, governance and leadership, management, access, gender parity among others.
You can see the journal's website here.


Global Africa

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Global Africa
Global Africa aims to be the echo of the new voices of African research of excellence in the humanities and social sciences. Its objective is to significantly increase the African contribution to global scientific creation, and to arouse critical reflexivity to strengthen the epistemological, theoretical, methodological and ethical foundations of research in the humanities and social sciences (HSS).

Aims and Scope

Global Africa is a pan-African, international journal, dedicated to the expression, dissemination and promotion of excellent research in the humanities and social sciences on the African continent and its diaspora. It welcomes reflections on global issues and their challenges apprehended from Africa and its diasporas to show how the transformations of the world are played out from the continent.
​Led by Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis (UGB) through its Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Social Sciences (LASPAD) in partnership with a consortium of thirteen pan-African, African and European research institutions, the journal aims to contribute to contemporary debates both within and beyond the academic sphere, in which African issues intersect with global issues. It is particularly interested in current and future transitions, whether economic, energy, demographic, digital, health, ecological, technological, urban, based on multi/interdisciplinary approaches.
​​Global Africa Publishes regular and thematic issues four times a year including expert viewpoints on current event and book recensions.
​​The journal is distributed with articles in HTML and PDF formats. The entire editorial process of the journal is subject to compliance with its Ethical Charter. Each participant in the process (editors, authors, reviewers, translators) is deemed to be aware of it and is required to comply.

You can see this journal's own website here.


Haki Journal of Human Rights

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Haki Journal of Human Rights
HAKI Journal of Human Rights is an annual peer-reviewed academic journal that seeks to provide researchers, scholars and human rights practitioners with a platform for engaging in human rights theory, practice and advocacy.
The journal’s general aim is to broaden the study and practice of human rights by fostering a critical re-examination of existing approaches from an Afrocentric perspective through discussions on themes on the universal theory and practice of human rights.The Journal invites analytically rigorous papers, articles, comments on cases, legislation, policies and book reviews pertaining to various themes in Human Rights in Kenya.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies

Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies
Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies (IJHS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Established in 1981, IJHS is an annual publication which serves as an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of issues of broad humanistic relevance. Preference is given to articles related to the African experience and environment, but there is also room for issues that embrace the larger international order or human culture from which the African world may derive valuable comparative insights.
The copyright for reproduction of articles published in the journal belongs to the Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. However the responsibility for obtaining copyrights permission for the fair use of any published material is that of the individual author, as the faculty accepts no liability whosoever for any failure to do this. Only articles prepared strictly in accordance with the following guidelines will be considered.


Ilorin Journal of Economic Policy

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Ilorin Journal of Economic Policy
The Ilorin Journal of Economic Policy (IJEP)  is an open access journal owned by the Department of Economics, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, that is made up of a collection of scholarly perspectives on different aspects of contemporary economic policy issues encountered mainly in developing countries. The focus of the Journal is to publish quality papers that provide pragmatic policy directions for government and policy makers in the public and private sectors. The contributions employ qualitative, quantitative or mixed research, methodology and present conceptual or theoretical framework which are applicable to real-world development. The Journal is published twice a year (June and December).


Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Welcome to Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IAJIKS). The name Indilinga: stands for the "circular orientation" of indigenous African communities which is exhibited in their material culture and behaviour. The journal has been motivated by the need for a dependable expression for critical and analytical writing on issues related to production, dissemination and recognition of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. IAJIKS represents a variety of cross disciplinary interests in ethno-methodology and in qualitative methods. Debates on methodology, epistemology, ethics, gender, education, science and technology, arts, food systems and social-cultural issues are invited.Abstracts can also be viewed at


International Diplomatic Review Journal

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International Diplomatic Review Journal
The principal purpose of the journal is to publish scholarly work in a wide range of development issues namely; International Relations, Multilateral and Bilateral Diplomacy, International Trade and Investment, Geopolitical issues, Local and International Conflict Management, and Post Conflict Reconstruction, Peacekeeping and Peace Building, Diaspora and Remittances for Development, Civil-Military Relations, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Small Arms and light weapons, Human Security Issues, Human Trafficking and Drug Addiction, Economic, Cultural and Conference Diplomacy, Tourism, Cross Border Issues, Regional Cooperation, Strategic Negotiations and Mediation Skills, Refugees Issues and Forced Migrations, Diplomatic Communication Skills, Globalizations issues (sovereignty, sea and air space invasion and territorial integrity), Gender issues (human trafficking, refugees, peacebuilding and effects of war), Global crises (Climate change, Food Security, Human Security and Environment Diplomacy).
You can view this journal's website here.


International Journal of Current Research in the Humanities

Open Access

International Journal of Current Research in the Humanities
The International Journal of Current Research in the Humanities (IJCRH) is a trans-university, peer-reviewed journal that is based in the Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts, College of Humanities and Legal Studies, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
It is indexed with the Ghana Library Board (GLB) and it is at different stages of evaluation by other leading indexing bodies. Its aim is to provide a forum for the ventilation of current ideas, thoughts and opinions in the arts, humanities and cognate areas for the improvement of the human condition and the promotion of the cause and course of humanity.
IJCRH provides a platform for academicians, scholars, researchers and practitioners from all areas of arts and humanities to publish their papers and research findings. It publishes only original research papers and review papers. The submitted paper should meet some criteria such as: originality, unpublished or/ not submitted to any other journal. We publish papers on a variety of topics, contexts and analytic strategies that examine the quickly evolving relationship between human beings and the environment.
Other websites associated with this journal:


International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research

Open Access

International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research
The International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research (IJHHR), as an open-access, double-blind peer-review journal, aims to publish high-quality articles that promote empirical, theoretical, and methodological knowledge of Home Economics and Hospitality Management for the benefit of practitioners, educators, students and associates in the field of Home Economics Education, Hospitality Management and Allied Specialties. It publishes original research reports, brief research reports, and opinion review articles in all areas of Home Economics and Hospitality Management, which include but are not limited to:

  • Child Development and Care

  • Clothing and Textile

  • Cosmetology Education

  • Creativity and Innovation in Hospitality Industry

  • Entrepreneurship Education

  • Event Management

  • Financing in Hospitality Management

  • Foods and Nutrition

  • Home Management and Human Resources

  • Leisure and Outdoor Catering

  • Lodging and Accommodation in Hospitality

  • Restaurant Management

  • Safety and Security in Hotel Management

  • Sustainability in Hospitality Management

  • Tourism and Travels

  • Allied Topics in Agriculture, Education and Social Sciences related to Home Economics

You can view this journal's website here.


Jarida la Mnyampala

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Jarida la Mnyampala
The Jarida la Mnyampala (JM) is an academic journal published by the Department of Kiswahili at St. John’s University of Tanzania. JM is a registered Kiswahili journal with the following identifiers: ISSN 2683-6440 (print) and e-ISSN 2683-6432 (online). The journal specializes in publishing scholarly articles on Swahili literature, linguistics, and culture. We warmly invite authors, researchers, and Swahili enthusiasts to submit their articles for consideration. All submissions should be sent to the Chief Editor via the journal’s email at


Aims and Scope
The journal focuses on publishing articles on Swahili literature, linguistics, and culture. We also publish articles related to book reviews/book critics. The official language of the journal is Kiswahilli. To broaden the readership, the author may write their abstract in both English and Swahili.The journal focuses on publishing articles on Swahili literature, linguistics, and culture.

You can see this journal's website here.


Journal of Adult Education in Tanzania

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Journal of Adult Education in Tanzania
Journal of Adult Education in Tanzania (JAET) is a high quality open access peer reviewed research journal published by the Institute of Adult Education (IAE) for thirty three consecutive years in publications focused on publishing adult education contributions, related fields and crosscutting issues. It provides a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners, policy makers, teachers, students and other informed contributors to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies and literature review.

You can see this journal's own website here.


Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education

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Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education
The Journal of Advocacy, Research, and Education is the official journal of the Centre for Behaviour and Wellness Advocacy, Ghana (formerly KAD International). As an open-access multidisciplinary journal, its scope covers several disciplines. The journal is published thrice annually (April, August, and December) and our Editorial Board encourages submissions that are of broad interest to people all over the world. 
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Advocacy, Research, and Education publishes original submissions (both empirical and theoretical), reviews, position papers and commentaries on multidisciplinary themes to address all areas of global interest.
Our scope covers a wide range of themes in education, social sciences, cultural studies, law, health sciences, arts, applied sciences, pure sciences, engineering, technology, business and other related disciplines.

You can view the journal's website here.


Journal of Educational Foundations

Journal of Educational Foundations
The Journal of Educational Foundations (JEF) publishes papers from all fields in education. The Editorial Board accepts original, scholarly articles on significant educational issues in Nigeria and Africa. Both empirical and theoretical papers are accepted, although empirical papers are strongly preferred. Papers should concentrate on providing practical suggestions to improve the quality of education across Nigeria and Africa in general.


Journal of Internal Displacement

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Journal of Internal Displacement
The JID aims to raise the profile of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) by creating a platform whereby leading scholars, representative of this group, and others, can disseminate and exchange ideas on contemporary issues as well as mentor young scholars in the field. The JID is an inter-disciplinary platform for discussions, critical dialogue, emerging themes, reflections and explorations on a wide range of topics and regions related to displaced populations around the globe.
You can view the journal's website here.


Journal of Issues and Practice in Education

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The Journal of Issues and Practice in Education (JIPE) is a refereed journal produced by the Open University of Tanzania, Faculty of Education. It is published twice a year, in June and December. The journal is designed to inform both academics and the public on issues and practices related to the field of education. The journal provides academics with a forum to share experiences and knowledge. It also informs the public about issues pertinent to their day-to-day educational experiences.

Aims and Scope
The Journal of Issues and Practice in Education (JIPE) is a property of the Open University of Tanzania and is operated by the Faculty of Education. It is a peer-reviewed journal that provides an international forum for the sharing, dissemination, and discussion of educational issues. It publishes articles based on empirical research and reviews. The journal welcomes contributions from a wide range of areas of education. The focus areas include educational policy, special education, adult education, educational leadership and administration, childhood education, educational psychology, educational philosophy, education technology, counselling in education, teacher education, etc. The contribution can focus on teaching, development, instruction, innovations, learning methodologies, and new technologies in education and learning. Original research articles: We receive research articles that substantially contribute to research practice or policy in any educational research area. Research articles are contributions that publish original, unpublished research. They should be between 3000 and 8000 words, excluding tables, Figures, and references. The original research article should follow the conventional structure: introduction, methodology, results/findings, and discussion. However, JIPE allows some flexibility. Book Reviews: The Journal of Issues and Practice in Education (JIPE) invites original and insightful book reviews that comprehensively survey one or several books. Book reviews should include detailed synopses and evaluations of the books and give an account of the books’ aims, strengths, and limitations. As appropriate, the review should critically evaluate the books' contributions to the field of education. Book reviews should be about 1000-2000 words.

You can view this journal's website here.


Journal of Kiswahili and Other African Languages

Open Access

Journal of Kiswahili and Other African Languages
The Journal of Kiswahili and Other African Languages is a high quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serve the society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation and research work. Journal of Kiswahili and Other African Languages welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual framework from researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world. Journal of Kiswahili and Other African Languages engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can view this journal's website here.


Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa

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Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa
The journal is cross-disciplinary and therefore it publishes articles from a wide-range of topics including language, technology, entrepreneurship, finance and communication. It is meant to promote dialogue across disciplines by emphasizing the interconnectedness of knowledge. It is ideal for scholars eager to venture into other disciplinary horizons.


Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa
The Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa (JLISA)/Revue de Bibliotheconomie et Science de l'information en Afrique is expected to explore the range of issues and problems of concern to librarians, information scientists and other information professionals especially in Africa and aims to publish articles, short communication and conference reports.


Journal of Linguistics, Literary and Communication Studies

Open Access

Journal of Linguistics, Literary and Communication Studies
The Journal of Linguistics, Literary and Communication Studies is a high-quality open-access, peer-reviewed, and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serving society in the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, innovation, and research work. The journal welcomes and acknowledges high-quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, and conceptual frameworks in the fields of Linguistics, Literature, and Communication Studies. Journal of Linguistics, Literary and Communication Studies engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.

You can view the journal's own website here.


Journal of Policy and Leadership

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The JPL aims to provide academicians, consultants, practitioners, professionals, and other stakeholders with a scholarly forum for exchanging knowledge and experience in public policy, governance, and leadership, a significant avenue for disseminating scholarly works. The objective is to fill the vacuum of relevant information in African countries. The journal receives contributions from authors worldwide.

Aims and Scope
The JPL aims to provide academicians, consultants, practitioners, professionals, and other stakeholders with a scholarly forum for exchanging knowledge and experience in public policy, governance, and leadership, a significant avenue for disseminating scholarly works. The objective is to fill the vacuum of relevant information in African countries and beyond. The journal receives contributions from authors worldwide.

You can view the journal's own website here.


Journal of Psychology in Africa

Journal of Psychology in Africa
Findings from psychological research in Africa and related regions needs a forum for better dissemination and utilisation in the context of development. Special emphasis is placed on the consideration of African, African-American, Asian, Caribbean, and Hispanic-Latino realities and problems. Contributions should attempt a synthesis of emic and etic methodologies and applications. The Journal of Psychology in Africa includes original articles, review articles, book reviews, commentaries, special issues, case analyses, reports and announcements.Publisher Details Please note: This journal is no longer published within Africa, which, according to AJOL's policies, does not allow us to host the subsequent issues of this journal published after 2005. Please contact the new publisher - Taylor & Francis Group (UK) for further information:


Journal of Research in National Development

Journal of Research in National Development
The Journal of Research in National Development aims to encourage interdisciplinary research, joint authorships and the recognition of the interface among disciplines. Favorite articles are quantitative, empirical and developmentally biased. It aims to serve all with interest in the development of developing countries, especially social scientists. Abstracts are available at Full text of vol 5 (2) 2007 & vol 6 (1) 2008 is available open access at


Journal of Science, Innovation and Creativity

Open Access

Journal of Science, Innovation and Creativity
The Journal of Science, Innovation and Creativity is a high quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serve the society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation and research work. Journal of Science, Innovation and Creativity welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual framework from researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world. Journal of Science, Innovation and Creativity engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can view this journal's website here.


Journal of Social Development in Africa

Journal of Social Development in Africa
The Journal of Social Development in Africa (JSDA) publishes analyses of social development issues as they affect the poor and marginalised. It deals especially with concerns relevant to sub-Saharan Africa and is addressed to development workers, social workers, planners, policymakers and academics in a variety of fields. The Journal seeks to enhance understanding of the social development processes to contribute to the planning and implementation of appropriate intervention strategies at different levels. Its goal is to discover how to target projects that are relevant to those most in need and how to maximise popular participation to create egalitarian and productive communities.


Journal of Sociology and Development

Open Access

Journal of Sociology and Development
The Journal of Sociology and Development is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly, original empirical research, theoretical contributions, and book reviews in the fields of Sociology and Development Studies with a multidisciplinary and global perspective, and with a focus on the African continent. The vision of the journal is to stimulate scientific communication towards the understanding of the continent departing from a plurality of perspectives. With most social sciences journals being produced and published outside Africa, JSD is envisaged as a forum for the growing number of academics working within the social sciences disciplines in Africa. International contributions are welcome and crucial in achieving the JSD vision. JSD welcomes contributions in all branches of Sociology as well as contributions in the field of Development Studies that take a marked socio-economic, political and cultural perspective on questions related to societal development, social policy, governance, resource management and similar topics.


Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria

Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria
The Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria focuses on the following areas: Agriculture, Food Science, Technology/Engineering, Science and Applied Science, Vocational/Technical Education.


Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO

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Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO
Kenya National Commission is the focalpoint for all UNESCO affairs in Kenya, in disciplinary scope that cuts across government agencies,academia, Non- governmental Organizations (NGOs), Civil Society Organizations (CBOs)and individuals dealing in UNESCO areas of competence.

As the intellectual arm of the United Nations, UNESCO serves as a laboratory of ideas and clearing house for collecting, exchanging and disseminating information in UNESCO areas of competence. The Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO is a fulfilment of the UNESCO mandate and is an initiative of the Board of the Commission.The Journal has been made a success by a team of commiteed Editorial Board of the Commission.

Among the critical roles of Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, is to share knowledge and advice government on policy. The Commission anticipates that the dissemination of this journal shall influence improved performance and decision making in various Ministries, Departments and Agencies in the Government of Kenya and the world at large.

Aims and Scope
The Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO is a platform open to scholars and researchers across the globe.The aim of the Journal is to be a leading source of scholarly articles and research papers in the UNESCO thematic areas through the promotion of research publications.The Journal Publishes articles in the thematic areas of Education, Sciences, Culture, and Communication and Information.

You can view this journal's website here.


Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa

Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa
The Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa (JMAA) is published by NISC (Pty) Ltd in association with the South African College of Music at the University of Cape Town. It is an accredited, internationally refereed journal that aims to combine ethnomusicological, musicological, music educational and performance-based research in a unique way to promote the musical arts on the African continent. This journal also incorporates book, audio and audiovisual media and software reviews.Read more here


Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project

Open Access

Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project
The Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project is a peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary academic journal. It publishes serious, well-researched, and original papers or reports in linguistics, languages, literature, culture, and technology, as well as communication studies related to Nigerian languages. It is an annual publication that began in 2019. It publishes occasional supplements as the needs arise. Although manuscripts are received all year round for consideration, it is an outlet for the work on the Nigerian Languages Project, some of which pass through the Conference of the Nigerian Languages Project (CNLP).

Aims and Scope
The Journal of the Nigerian Languages Project is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal of the Nigerian Languages project. The journal's main aim is to gather information on the documentation efforts across Nigeria and publish volumes on and in the languages of Nigeria. It publishes articles from linguists, language activists, and speakers that address theory, research, technology, and practice concerning Nigerian languages, literature, culture, and indigenous knowledge systems from synchronic and diachronic perspectives.

You can see this journal's own website here.


Journal of Visual and Performing Arts

Open Access

Journal of Visual and Performing Arts
The Journal of Visual and Performing Arts is a high quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serve the society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation and research work. Journal of Visual and Performing Arts welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual framework from researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world. Journal of Visual and Performing Arts engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can see this journal's website here:


Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences

Open Access

Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences
JJEOSHS is a publication of Jumuga Research Team, a group of scholars who first brainstormed on myriad of challenges and unresolved issues in the era of globalization. Is globalization ushering in a just society or a poorer world where huge gaping holes in all centers of human endeavors obtains? Have we lived up to the dictates of the 21st skills movement in education that calls for professional networking globally, originality in research, technology-driven researches, joint researches, and multidisciplinary academic discourses? Do we have enough resources to establish a credible international journal that has a global appeal? While financial resources remain elusive, we realized that we have plenty of human resources, specialists in Business, History, English language, Economic Management, Gender and Development, Political Science, Oral Literature, Literature, Theology, Philosophy, Sociology, Religion, Anthropology and Education Foundations.
In addressing the above questions since 2010, the members felt that financial resources need not impede a noble mission. As the Cuban revolutionalist (Fidel Castro, 1926-2016) once said, “I began revolution with 82 men. If I had to do it again, I do it with 10 or 15 and absolute faith. It does not matter how small you are if you have faith and plan of action.” With faith, we dare let JJEOSHS speak to the world and attempt to offer solutions in our respective areas. Again, as the American business magnate (Bill Gates) once noted, “Great educators have always known that learning is not something that is limited to the classrooms, or that should be forcibly undertaken under the supervision of teachers.” Through this forum of research and publication, especially online publication, we build a broad-based library of learning relevant matters facing our global community. It is in this space that we build an online classroom that is bringing like-minded people on board. It is in this forum that we are empowered to mentor one another through the medium of publication, and indeed appreciate that we can all be teachers, mentors, and coaches to one another. We realize the broad nature of education that surpasses the four corners of the classroom. Being in the age of technology, we attempt to make the best use of education; and indeed sharpen our brains through reading and critiquing the already published work. With a mere phone, iPad, laptop or a desk top we can now explore some of the best ideas that could otherwise be taken to the maker without having been read or heard anywhere. With this conviction, Jumuga Research Team were convinced that we too can make a difference just as those who were before us did; and hopefully surpass them courtesy of the new age of science and technology.
In so doing, we sought to be the proverbial Giraffe that saw the present and the future plus the inherent dangers of the jungle and chose to talk rather than keep the knowledge to itself. We chose to talk rather than merely watch the unfolding drama. Such insights resonate with the scriptural exhortation that says, “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). In borrowing the wisdom of the proverbial and far-sighted Giraffe, we felt that research and publication is the way to go. JJEOSHS is a by-product of this journal that begun as a mere brainstorming session during our leisure times. Certainly, even leisure session has far-reaching impacts on the life of an individual and the society.
JJEOSHS journal is attractive in appearance, published on time, delivers quality papers, open to all people across the globe, and encourages graduating post graduate scholars to publish with us. We encourage original researches from readers and researchers of all calibers of life, irrespective of their levels of education. We publish all quality papers brought to us, provided, they are of good standards. We encourage the marginalized groups in our global society to submit their researches, write-ups, articles, book reviews, and short messages as well. Such marginalized groups in society may include refugees, homeless people, vagabonds who are in their situations out of human error, women who feel messed up by patriarchy, evictees, and victims of war among others. Such can write papers on Education in marginalized areas, Survival in specific marginalized areas, Study of mathematics in a refugee camp, winning an electoral contest in a foreign land, business ventures in time of war, a case study on Jewish or African evictees, learning English in a non-English speaking countries, the challenge of terrorism in a particular city of the world, interracial marriage in the era of globalization, and strategies of overcoming prejudices in specific areas among other critical areas. Equally, affluent societies may provide researches that are relevant to our contemporary situations.


Kioo cha Lugha

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Kioo cha Lugha
Kioo cha Lugha is an international journal published by the Institute of Kiswahili Studies (IKS). The journal is devoted to the publication of papers on Kiswahili language, linguistics and literature and other African languages. It promotes critical discussions and reviews, especially on contemporary issues regarding language and literature. The journal also publishes short pieces of fiction and poems. It is published annually but from 2021 it will be published bi-annually.
Journal website:



Kiswahili is an interdisciplinary international journal devoted to the study of Kiswahili language, linguistics and literature. Its main aim is to gather and disseminate under a single cover a wide variety of research and discussion of fundamental concern to all those scholars who have an interest in Kiswahili language, linguistics and literature.


Lagos Notes and Records

Lagos Notes and Records
Lagos Notes and Records is an annual, interdisciplinary journal of the humanities. It is devoted to the publication of well-researched articles in all the subjects in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Law. In addition to original articles, the journal publishes review articles, brief accounts of work in progress, notes and comments on issues arising out of recent publications.


Le Carrefour Congolais

Open Access

Le Carrefour Congolais
The objective of the journal is to promote a Congolese approach to research in social sciences, particularly in Anthropology. It provides researchers from various disciplines, professionals from development organizations, media, and businesses in the DRC with a platform where they can publish the outcomes of their practices as well as relevant ideas that could inspire the development of social programs. Authors are offered the opportunity to write and analyze, even in local languages, the issues experienced by Congolese people on a daily basis.
L’objectif de la revue est de promouvoir une approche méthodologique congolaise de la recherche en sciences sociales, en particulier en anthropologie. Elle offre aux chercheurs des diverses disciplines, aux professionnels des organisations de développement, aux médias et aux entreprises en RDC l’opportunité de publier les résultats de leurs recherches sur les problématiques vécues quotidiennement par les Congolais et de disséminer les idées pertinentes susceptibles d’inspirer l’élaboration des programmes de développement social. Les auteurs ont la possibilité d'écrire et d'analyser leurs données de recherche aussi dans les langues locales.
You can see this journal's website here.


Legon Journal of the Humanities

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Legon Journal of the Humanities
Founded in 1974, Legon Journal of the Humanities (LJH) is a peer-reviewed periodical published by the College of Humanities, University of Ghana. LJH welcomes the following types of contributions in the humanities from scholars in all countries: 

  1. research articles 

  2. reviews of new and particularly noteworthy books and films

  3. interviews with distinguished writers, filmmakers, and scholars

The journal is devoted to the study of the humanities, operationally conceptualized to cover not just the arts and languages but also social science disciplines, such as cultural studies, human geography, international affairs, management studies, political science, psychology, and sociology. The journal occasionally publishes theme-based issues, coordinated by guest editors. For such editions, a call for papers (CFP) is announced in a preceding issue of the journal and/or through listserv/mail shots. 
For all its issues, LJH only publishes original contributions (i.e., papers that have not been published elsewhere) and therefore, disapproves of duplicate publication and multiple submissions of the same paper to different publication outlets.  In consonance with best academic practices, it equally takes a very dim view of the illegitimate direct replication of material in the form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. The Editorial Board will not only ban authors of plagiarized material from any subsequent association with the journal, but also bring any breach of intellectual property rights to the attention of the contributor’s institution.
The language of publication is English. As of Vol. 26, LJH will be published online twice a year as a gratis open access journal.  
Legon Journal of the Humanities is indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).


Makerere Journal of Higher Education

Open Access

Makerere Journal of Higher Education
Biannually, the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development (College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University) produces Makerere Journal of Higher Education (MAJOHE) (ISSN: 1816-6822 [print]; 2707-6113 [online]). The goal of the Journal is to provide a visible outlet for definitive articles that discuss the theories, practices and policies relating to the role, development, management and improvement of higher education from an international viewpoint. Therefore, the editor invites contributions that link relevant theory and research evidence to the policy and practice of higher education. Though a highly diverse range of contributions will be considered, the Journal gives special preference to conceptual and empirical writing that is relevant to the understanding, promotion and constructive criticism of the reform agenda in African higher education institutions and national systems and integrates pertinent international developments, debates and challenges. This is because the Journal’s management board acknowledges that the questions, issues, theories and policies pertaining to the development of contemporary higher education institutions and systems require in-depth study and international comparison. Preference is also given to contributions that discuss new initiatives at regional and continental levels (including the work of national and multilateral higher education organisations and associations). The Journal’s editorial policy prefers submissions that synthesise the significance of different higher education policy alternatives and geographical experiences in explaining the phenomenon at hand. In addition to rigorous examination of the ‘local dimension’ of the issues that they expound, therefore, contributions mirror conversance with relevant international perspectives and experiences, thereby situating the debate in a broad discourse that facilitates holistic understanding of the issues at hand. Edited from Makerere University, Uganda, the Journal draws on the expertise of a diverse editorial board, as well as a wide range of reviewers in and beyond Africa. The Journal is committed to the publication of both experienced and early career researchers so its editorial policy puts overriding attention on helping contributors to reach the level of quality that is deemed fit for publication through ensuring relevant, fair and penetrating reviews as well as timely relay of feedback to contributors.


Malam: A Journal of Arabic Studies

Open Access

Malam: A Journal of Arabic Studies
Malam: A Journal of Arabic Studies, formerly called Malam: A Journal of Language and Linguistics, speciality journal dedicated to the advancement of research and innovations in the broad field of Arabic studies. It publishes research outcomes with significant contribution to the development of Arabic language, literature and teaching. Special attention is given to contributions of Nigerian and African Scholars in the past and contemporary periods.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Malawi Journal of Economics

Open Access

Malawi Journal of Economics
The Malawi Journal of Economics (MAJE) aims at publishing high quality articles focusing on the  application of economic analysis to a wide range of topics in different branches of economics with  relevance to economic and policy issues. It is of special interest to Malawian and African academics,  students, policy makers, development experts and others interested in the Malawian economy and  other African economies. Articles submitted for publication in the MAJE should focus on presenting results of empirical and policy-relevant economic research.


Mtafiti Mwafrika (African Researcher)

Mtafiti Mwafrika (African Researcher)
Mtafiti Mwafrika (African Researcher) is a peer-reviewed monograph series of the Centre for African Studies (CAS) at Uganda Martyrs University. The series is intended to offer a platform where those interested in African issues can express and exchange their ideas, and contribute towards a better knowledge and understanding of the African reality. The opinions expressed in the series are not necessarily those of CAS. Contributions to the series can be sent to the Editor and those deemed to be appropriate will be published in subsequent issues.


Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Open Access

Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is a leading multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed open access journal, publishing research across the breadth of the arts and humanities. Part of Royallite Global, the journal has a mission to make research and knowledge accessible to all – authors therefore benefit from high visibility and readership for their work. The journal’s broad scope allows researchers to explore interconnected subject areas.
The journal operates under the expert guidance of a team of Senior Editors, supported by an international Editorial Board. Each submission is evaluated on its own scholarly merit and research integrity, and our expert academic editors take an objective and constructive approach to peer review. Article-level metrics let the research speak for itself.
Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences considers original research and review articles in the following sections and broad topical areas:
Culture, Media & Film
Explores the ever-expanding fields of communications, media and film within the spheres of culture and their historical contexts. The section welcomes cross-disciplinary perspectives and those which address critical theory.
Cultural Heritage
Publishes work spanning the full range of cultural heritage research; inclusive of archaeology, anthropology, (including museum, heritage and conservation studies) and the connections and subdisciplines in-between and adjacent. Submissions of research and reviews are encouraged that explore diverse chronological contexts, global and local perspectives, and theoretical and methodological approaches.
Digital Humanities
Explores the potential impact of information technology and digital media on research communities. Digital technology has fundamentally changed the way humanities researchers conduct studies and engage with the world. It is now common for scholars to share research online with an increasingly global audience, yet wider resources and policies continue to animate and inform much of digital humanities research.
Covers the full breadth of historical research, ranging from social, economic and political, to cultural and international fields of history. The section’s broad chronological scope and geographical coverage enables researchers to explore multidisciplinary approaches and perspectives to their research.
Literature, Linguistics & Criticism
Publishes work spanning the full range of literature research, critical analysis and linguistics. National and international perspectives are welcome, and the section aims to attract research and reviews informed by multiple theoretical approaches and encourages cross-disciplinary connections, including cultural studies, politics, sociology and other humanities disciplines.
Philosophy & Religion
Aspires to cover the full diversity of these fields of research and its traditions. Interdisciplinary research that seeks literary, critical, conceptual, and historical approaches to religion are encouraged. We welcome Western and Eastern philosophy approaches, including: continental philosophy, pluralism, analytic philosophy, history of philosophy, ethics and critical theory.
Visual & Performing Arts
Publishes broad research across the visual and performing arts and texts. We encourage submissions that explore any form of performance studies and theories, in context within their wider interdisciplinary cultural and sociological contexts. Research fields include: contemporary arts, exhibitions, music, dance, critical theory, technology and theatre studies.
Criminology & Criminal Justice
Promotes critical reflection and international scholarship through exploring trends in crime control and the comparative organization and operation of criminal justice systems. We encourage work that looks at how key sociological constructs such as age, class, gender and race and ethnicity interact with definitions of criminality and the contemporary management of crime.
Providing a forum for international and interdisciplinary approaches to geography research. Topics covered may include urban, rural, regional, cultural, human, political, population and environmental geographies, and geographies of social well-being.
Leisure & Tourism
Provides an international platform for the publication of empirical and theoretical-based research findings in all areas of leisure and tourism. The section particularly welcomes both multi- and interdisciplinary approaches, and work with applications to other areas of the journal, and the wider Cogent Series.
Media & Communication Studies
Offering an international forum for all work covering the media and new media technologies. The section invites a broad range of topics from the philosophy of communication to strategic communication, and digital cultures to journalism studies.
Politics & International Relations
Publishing contemporary scholarship across all subfields of political science, including political theory, comparative politics, international relations and political methodology. The section welcomes diverse methodologies and various approaches, from positivism to rational choice theory, and structuralism to institutionalism.
Embodying a global perspective, this section encourages work which advances the theoretical understanding of sociological topics. Submissions may report findings using both quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Focusing on wide-ranging and multidisciplinary research, discussion and analysis on contemporary sport issues. Topics may include the history, sociology, and psychology of sport, as well as sports administration and management.
Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences considers original academic articles, review articles and critical essays in any of the following fields of the arts and humanities:
- Archaeology
- Conservation Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Cultural Anthropology
- Film Studies
- Heritage Studies
- History
- Linguistics
- Literature & Criticism
- Media Studies
- Museum Studies
- Philosophy
- Religious Studies
- Visual & Performing Arts
- Criminal Justice
- Criminology
- Environmental Studies
- Geography
- International Relations
- Law
- Media & Communication Studies
- Planning
- Politics
- Social Anthropology
- Sociology
- Sport
- Leisure and Tourism

Other websites associated with this platform:


NG Journal of Social Development

Open Access

NG Journal of Social Development
The NG-Journal of Social Development is one of the open access International Journals, in the area of development studies, social studies, arts, humanities, social policy, education policy, history, anthropology, management since its foundation in 2003. It started first as a print journal before it started publishing online in 2014. It has published many seminal articles, academic debates, and well researched scholarly papers bordering on the scope. Priority is given to papers which are relevant to important current issues, cutting edge and stimulating research outputs both contextual, theory and analysis. The journal has made novel and significant contributions to the field of development studies.

We invite articles that are interdisciplinary or focused on particular disciplines like public administration, political science, management, sociology, anthropology, geography education policy, fiscal policy, development studies and other related fields.


Nigeria and the Classics: Ibadan Journal of the Classics and Multidisciplinary Studies

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Nigeria and the Classics: Ibadan Journal of the Classics and Multidisciplinary Studies
Nigeria and the Classics (NigCL) is a multidisciplinary journal, double-blind and peer-reviewed. It accepts original publications in English on any aspect of classical antiquity, African History, African world view, problems and prospects, including all fields in the Humanities. Review of recent publications that relate to classical antiquity and Africa are also accepted.


Nigerian Bar Journal

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The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) is a non-profit, professional association of all lawyers admitted to the Bar in Nigeria. It is engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights, the rule of law and good governance in Nigeria. It has an observer status with the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, and a working partnership with many national and international non-governmental organizations concerned with human rights, the rule of law and good governance in Nigeria and in Africa.

The Nigerian Bar Association has 125 branches across 36 States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and its National Secretariat is located and administered from Abuja alone. Its organizational Structure comprises of a National Executive Committee, a National Officers/ Management Board, Sections, forums, committees, Working Groups and a National Secretariat.

The Nigerian Bar Association is a principled, people-centred organization, which takes with all seriousness, its leading role in advancing the reform of Nigeria’s laws, strengthening her access to justice institutions and promoting the rule of law and good governance.

The NBA also has commitment to strengthening legal skills and law practice of its members, and to improve the legal profession in order to meet the needs of the 21st century. It also seek to reposition its members to embrace and cope with the changes occasioned by globalization, information technology and economic developments, to enable the Nigerian lawyer and law firm compete in the international globalised market


Nigerian Journal of Communication

Open Access

Nigerian Journal of Communication
The Nigerian Journal of Communication (TNJC) is a scholarly, academic, professional peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal of the African Council for Communication Education (ACCE), Nigeria Chapter. It is devoted to publishing researches, book reviews and position papers in all functional areas of communication. The journal focuses on relevant and contemporary issues in all areas of communication including Print Journalism, Broadcast Journalism, Development Communication, Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing Communication, Business and Organisational Communication, Political Communication, Science, Health and Environmental Communication, International Communication, Traditional/Indegenous Communication, ICT and Online Communication, Film and Multimedia, Communication Theory and Methodology, Communication, Culture and Society, Media Language, and other communication-related disciplines or areas. While the journal is Nigerian-based, it also accept contributions from accross the world.
You can see this journal's website here.


NJINGA e SEPÉ: Revista Internacional de Culturas, Línguas Africanas e Brasileiras

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NJINGA e SEPÉ: Revista Internacional de Culturas, Línguas Africanas e Brasileiras
The Scientific Journal Njinga & Sepé (ISSN: 2764-1244) was created in honor of the African Queen Njinga Mbandi and the Brazilian indigenous warrior Sepé Tiarajú. The Journal respects the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights (1996), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2002) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2006).
Revista Njinga & Sepé  accepts and publishes texts written in any African or indigenous Brazilian language and videos of sign languages. A special exception is opened for all languages ​​of East Timor as it is a partner country of UNILAB. Texts written in any other European language (Spanish, French, Portuguese or English) must be accompanied by an abstract in an African or indigenous Brazilian language . Sign languages ​​will have 2 abstracts and a video of a maximum of 10 min. The Journal will publish one (1) volume per year, with two numbers (1st number in May and 2nd number in October) and occasionally a special volume depending on the demand of the authors and the Scientific Committee.
Njinga & Sepé Magazine is composed of six (6) sections: Section I - Unpublished articles and translations/interpretations; Section II - Interviews, book reviews; Section III - Poetry and Lyrics of Popular Songs; Section IV - Reports of experiences, photos, recipes for traditional foods, rites and festivities; Section V - Proverbs, taboos, myths and others; Section VI - Sign Languages ​​. Each author will choose a section. It is important to register because all texts must be submitted through the Journal's website. Well done to the cultures, traditions and languages ​​of indigenous peoples, African peoples and the people of East Timor. 
All texts received are first submitted to verification of originality using the Turnitin Originality software, from the company Turnitin for the detection of textual similarity and integrity in academic texts (anti-plagiarism): . The texts approved in this phase are submitted to peer review (blind) to define approval or not.
Access to published works is completely free.
Authors neither pay nor receive any financial tribute for their contribution and publication.
Editors, reviewers, translators, Scientific Committee and other contributors participate voluntarily.
You can see the journal's own website here.


OGIRISI: a New Journal of African Studies

Open Access

OGIRISI: a New Journal of African Studies
OGIRISI is a multidisciplinary journal. Its principal scope definition is focus on Africa. It therefore welcomes articles that attend to the African world, existence and development; African worldview and values; African symbols and institutions; African situation and the globalizing world; African problems and prospects. Reviews of publications that focus on Africa are also received.


PAN African Journal of Musical Arts Education

Open Access

PAN African Journal of Musical Arts Education
The PAN African Journal of Musical Arts Education is a high-quality open-access, peer-reviewed, and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serving society through the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, innovation, and research work. PAN African Journal of Musical Arts Education welcomes and acknowledges high-quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, and conceptual frameworks from researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students from all over the world. PAN African Journal of Musical Arts Education engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.

You can view the journal's website here.


Pan-African Journal of Business Management

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Pan-African Journal of Business Management
PAJBM is a bi-annual and a peer-reviewed open-access journal that focuses on promoting research publications and the dissemination of research findings undertaken by Africans and international scholars from business and management-related disciplines. PAJBM is committed to publishing scholarly articles that have a high impact on the business and management fields as a whole. The journal is devoted to the improvement and further development of theories & practices of business and it is designed to appeal to academics, practising managers and policy makers. The journal accepts original research, theoretical papers, research reports that cover programs and innovations throughout the international community. The journal also addresses
Wide subjects that are crucial to the business and management fields, including but not limited to: marketing, economics, entrepreneurship, human resources, project management, management of natural resources, accounting, finance, tourism management issues, education management issues, legal issues in business, social-cultural & business concepts, transport and logistics as well as general management issues.


Regional Journal of Information and Knowledge Management

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Regional Journal of Information and Knowledge Management
The Regional Journal of Information and Knowledge Management is a biannual open access scholarly journal. All the articles published in the journal are double blind peer reviewed by eminent information and knowledge management scholars. The journal provides a credible, safe and trustworthy platform for information and knowledge management professionals, researchers and scholars in Africa and beyond to engage, share and learn through the publishing of quality scholarly materials online.
This is a biannual open access scholarly journal. All the articles published in the journal are double blind peer reviewed by eminent information and knowledge management scholars. One print special edition is published annually. This edition publishes the most popular articles of the year.
To be the preferred academic journal on information and knowledge management in Africa
To provide a credible, authoritative and trustworthy platform for information and knowledge management professionals and scholars in Africa and beyond to engage, share and learn through the publishing of quality scholarly materials


Research Journal of Business and Finance

Open Access

Research Journal of Business and Finance
The Research Journal of Business and Finance is a high quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serve the society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation and research work. Research Journal in Business and Finance welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual framework from researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world. Research Journal in Business and Finance engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can see this journal's website here.


Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies

Open Access

Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies
The Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies is a high-quality open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed multidisciplinary research journal, dedicated to serving society by the global dissemination of information through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation research work. Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews and conceptual frameworks from researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students from all over the world. Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies engages its noble efforts for the development and endeavours to give you the best.
You can see this journal's website here.


Research Review of the Institute of African Studies

Research Review of the Institute of African Studies
Please note: As of 2013 the Research Review of the Institute of African Studies is now publishing under the title Contemporary Journal of African Studies. You can view the CJAS pages on AJOL here: Research Review of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana is a peer-reviewed inter-disciplinary scholarly journal of the humanities and social sciences in Africa, appearing twice a year.Other websites related to this journal:


Review of Southern African Studies

Review of Southern African Studies
Review of Southern African Studies is a multidisciplinary journal of Arts, Social and Behavioural Sciences.


Revue Congolaise des Sciences Humaines et Sociales

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Revue Congolaise des Sciences Humaines et Sociales
The Congolese Review of Human and Social Sciences (RECOSH) is an international, multidisciplinary scientific journal, published every six months by the Center for Research in Human Sciences (CRESH) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It is open to academic and research circles around the world and allows the publication in French (sometimes in English) of high-quality original scientific articles, conference proceedings, and communications at national and international conferences. Any publication is accepted on the basis of its added value in the field concerned, after double-blind evaluation by at least two experts on the issue addressed, and validation by the editorial committee.

La Revue Congolaise des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (RECOSH) est une revue scientifique internationale, multidisciplinaire, éditée semestriellement par le Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRESH) en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Elle est ouverte aux milieux académiques et de recherche du monde entier et permet de publier des articles scientifiques originaux de grande qualité, des actes de colloques, des communications à l’occasion des congrès nationaux et internationaux. Toute publication est acceptée sur la base de sa valeur ajoutée dans le domaine concerné et ce, après évaluation, en double aveugle, par au moins deux experts de la question abordée, et validation par le comité éditorial. La langue de publication est le français, toutefois, les articles en anglais sont accueillis.
You can view this journal's website here.


Rural Planning Journal

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Rural Planning Journal
The Rural Planning Journal (RPJ) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes cutting-edge research of interest relating to rural development planning. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, and conceptual

Aims and Scope
Thematic areas of interest include Rural Development; Poverty Reduction; Development Planning and Management; Economic and Investment Planning; Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition; Environment, Climate Change and Energy; Population and Development; and, Cross-Cutting Issues. Specific focus areas include public policies, social services, agriculture, regional planning, public health, development finance, environment, gender, governance, business and entrepreneurship, and natural resources management.

Currently, the Journal publishes articles twice a year in June and December.

You can view this journal's website here.


South African Journal of African Languages

South African Journal of African Languages
The South African Journal of African Languages is a peer-reviewed research journal devoted to the advancement of African (Bantu) and Khoe-San languages and literatures. Papers, book reviews and polemic contributions of a scientific nature in any of the core areas of linguistics, both theoretical (e.g. syntax, phonology, semantics) and applied (e.g. sociolinguistic topics, language teaching, language policy), and literature, based on original research in the context of the African languages, are welcome. The journal is the official mouthpiece of the African Language Association of Southern Africa (ALASA), established in 1979.
Read more here


South African Journal of Cultural History

South African Journal of Cultural History
The South African Journal of Cultural Historycontains scientifically researched articles on of Cultural historical significanceOther websites related to this journal:


Studies in Gender and Development in Africa

Open Access

Studies in Gender and Development in Africa
This journal has ceased publication. SIGADA is a trans-disciplinary publication that prioritizes gender as a development issue. It is a forum for sharing research, resources, aesthetic expressions, lived realities and activisms that privilege and promote gender issues in development as well as contribute towards gender equality and social justice in Africa. Regional (continental), sub-regional, national, area, organizational and individual as well as trans-national studies and works are accepted. It supports the sharing of research and other productions on gender issues in Africa’s development. Theoretical and empirical works on social and physical sciences are accepted. Submissions may focus on policy, programmes, and/or projects. A clear link to development is a basic requirement. In order to support the sharing of diverse experiences, articles, biographies, book reviews, research reports, poetry or songs, community events, national resources inventories and project designs are encouraged. 


Tanzania Journal of Sociology

Open Access

Tanzania Journal of Sociology
The Tanzania Journal of Sociology is a yearly publication that seeks to address sociological issues from a multi-disciplinary perspective. It aims to generate scholarly reflections in the field of sociology and anthropology and related fields of social sciences. The journal encourages manuscripts informed by up-to-date empirical studies focusing on local and global concerns. Our goal is to create platform for scholars, practitioners and policy makers, from Tanzania and international research community, to explore the critical yet creative aspects for scholarly discussion and knowledge sharing. The journal publishes articles, book reviews, conference papers, critical comments, research reports, and other genres of academic writing. The journal is published in June and December by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Dar es Salaam.
Other websites associated with this journal:



Open Access

THE COLLOQUIUM is a publication of Federal College of Education {Technical) Omoku, Rivers state ,Nigeria. It is a multi-disciplinary thematic policy journal devoted to the publication of high-quality research/review articles , survey articles offering description of the scientific advances achieved in given fields. Some editions are compendia of articles selected following a special thematic College seminar and or conferences. The Journal is and funded and supported by Tertiary Education trust Fund TETFUND. 
Other websites associated with this journal:


The CRAB: Journal of Theatre and Media Arts

Open Access

The Crab: Journal of Theatre and Media Arts is a peer-reviewed journal of the Department of Theatre and Film Studies, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. It avails space for presentation of well researched theory based and critically robust articles, relevant to the humanities and social sciences, with special focus on Theatre, Film and other Media related areas.


UDS International Journal of Development

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UDS International Journal of Development

Focus and Scope

The UDS International Journal of Development is an online, open-access peer-reviewed journal of the University for Development Studies, Ghana.  It is a multi-trans and inter-disciplinary journal with a development focus.  It publishes works that are analytical, evaluative, basic, applicative and/or descriptive. It accepts papers from varied disciplinary areas; including the Humanities, Social Sciences, Physical and Applied Sciences, Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, Business and Commerce as well as Information Technology. Articles must show relevance to development. Emphasis is on empirical research that builds on and/or ground theory. However, manuscripts of high quality on theoretical aspects of development-related disciplines as well as book reviews are considered for publication.
The UDS International Journal of Development provides a forum for researchers and development-related professionals to re/present findings on critical research and /or analysis of development issues with an emphasis on, but not exclusive to the Ghanaian as well as African settings.
To provide on a regular and sustained basis, an excellent scholarly journal for reporting empirical research findings, policy analysis, topical issues, theoretical concerns, and reviews on development.
The review process involves sending papers to at least two experts for review. The manuscript is a confidential document. Please do not discuss this document with anybody else. Any communication with the author of the manuscript must be done through the Journal Editorial office.
The referee provides advice to the Editor-in-Chief, who makes the final decision, together with members of a well-selected panel We will normally pass on your comments (anonymously, of course) to the author.
As a practice, the author and the reviewer are not known to each other. Even if we do not accept a paper, we would like to pass on constructive comments that might help the author to improve the paper, or in preparing a fresh paper. For this reason, please give detailed comments (with references, where appropriate) that will help the Editor-in-Chief to make a decision on the paper and the authors to improve it. Send detailed comments separately and make your recommendations and any confidential comments to the Editorial Secretary by electronic means. Corrections can also be made on the actual text itself and highlighted for the benefit of the author and the editor.
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