Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  


Cameroon Journal of Agricultural Science

Cameroon Journal of Agricultural Science

Journal Camerounais des Sciences Agricoles

The Cameroon Journal of Agricultural Science publishes new information on all aspects of agricultural science – agronomy, breeding, crop protection, economics, rural sociology, forestry and animal science, health and production


Central African Journal of Medicine

Central African Journal of Medicine

The Central African Journal of Medicine is a quarterly refereed general medical journal which seeks to promote the practice and science of medicine in Africa. Emphasis is placed on general medical topics, reflecting common and important conditions in the region. The journal also covers related medical fields. Submissions are encouraged in the form of research articles, reviews, case reports and letters.


Clinics in Mother and Child Health

 Open Access

Clinics in Mother and Child Health

Publisher Update - June 2013: This journal is now published by OMICS (, therefore as of 2014 AJOL will no longer be hosting this journal's future content.Clinics in Mother and Child Health is a bilingual journal and publishes (in English and French) research papers, case studies, historical surveys, and selected review articles. It is intended to provide locally and internationally relevant updates to the clinical practice of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Pediatrics while touching on the broader public health approaches to mother and child health.Other websites associated with this journal:


Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology

 Open Access

Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology

The Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology (CaJOST) is a new multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed international journal of the Sokoto State University. The Journal is domiciled at the Faculty of Science and its primary objective is to provide a platform for sharing, discussing and promoting latest developments in theoretical and experimental aspects of Science and Technology. The journal plans to publish twice a year (January and July).
Scope of the Journal
The Journal publishes original articles on all areas of Science and Technology. The types of articles accepted for publication are original research contributions, short communications, review articles, book reviews and letters to the editor.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology

Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology

The Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology is the official journal of the Cameroon Forum for Biological Sciences (CAFOBIOS). It is an interdisciplinary journal for the publication of original research papers, short communications and review articles in all fields of experimental biology including biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, pathology, environmental biology, microbiology, parasitology, phytochemistry, food science and agronomy. It aims to serve all bioscientists, and is published twice a year.This journal has a 6 month embargo period.


Cahiers des Religions Africaines

 Open Access

Cahiers des Religions Africaines

CRA publishes scientific studies on African religions, customs and cultures, both traditional and modern. The Journal is available to Africanists in the humanities (Theology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, Linguistics, Ethnology and religious Studies).

Aims and Scope
CRA a pour objectif de publier des recherches sérieuses sur les religions, croyances et coutumes africaines, traditionnelles et modernes et de contribuer ainsi à l'élaboration d'une pensée et d'une pratique chrétiennes tenant compte de l'expérience spirituelle des peuples africains. Ce faisant, il permet d'assurer une meilleure connaissance scientifique des cultures africaines et de les confronter aux réalités et défis du monde contemporain.

CRA aims to publish serious research on African religions, beliefs and customs, traditional and modern, and thus contribute to the development of Christian thought and practice taking into account the spiritual experience of African peoples. In doing so, it ensures better scientific knowledge of African cultures and confronts them with the realities and challenges of the contemporary world.

You can view this journal's own website here.


Continuing Medical Education

 Open Access

Continuing Medical Education

The future of CME - Changes in 2014Effective from January 2014, CME will be incorporated into a 'new-look' South African Medical Journal (available at A review article willintroduce readers to the educational subject matter, along with one-page summarises (in print) of additional articles that may be accessed in full online. We will continue to offer topical and up-to-date CME material. Readers are encouraged to register with to receive future notifications of new CME material. Kindly contact should you require assistance.CME is a medical Continuing Professional Development journal, written by South African experts for South African doctors.Other websites related to this journal:


Critical Arts

Critical Arts

CRITICAL ARTS examines the relationship between texts and contexts of media in the Third World, cultural formations and popular forms of expression. It aims to create a space for an African and Third World perspective of media (both formal and informal) in culture and social theory.

CRITICAL ARTS aims to challenge and engage conventional academic practices which reinforce undemocratic relations in society.


ChemSearch Journal

 Open Access

ChemSearch Journal

Chemsearch Journal is a peer – reviewed journal that publishes original research work, scientific papers and technical reports in all the field of Chemistry (pure science, agriculture, environmental science, science education and related fields).This journal is now Open Access so the content can be freely accesses online.


Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa

Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa is published bi-annually by Routledge.  Current Writing focuses on recent writing and re-publication of texts on southern African and (from a 'southern' perspective) commonwealth and/or postcolonial literature and literary-culture. Works of the past and near-past must be assessed and evaluated through the lens of current reception.Submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed by at least two referees of international stature in the field. The journal is accredited with the South African Department of Higher Education and Training.


Communicate: Journal of Library and Information Science

Communicate: Journal of Library and Information Science

The Journal deals with Library Science, Communication and Information Sciences


Counsellor (The)

Counsellor (The)

The journal publishes research articles that are empirical and theoretical, covering a wide range of issues relating to counselling and has broad interest for a readership comprised mostly of counsellors in educational institutions, mental health, professionals in government, private practice and community agencies. The Counsellor is the major outlet for counselling related issues in Nigeria.


Contemporary Journal of African Studies

Contemporary Journal of African Studies

The Contemporary Journal of African Studies, formerly published as Research Review of the Institute of African Studies (see RRIAS pages here: publishes academic and scholarly articles that set forth the findings of new research in any branch of African Studies, or discuss and re-evaluate earlier or current research or publications by an author or authors.



 Open Access


Conspectus is the journal of the South African Theological Seminary. The journal is fully accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training. Like the Seminary, the values of the journal are encapsulated in the phrase, “Bible-based, Christ-centered and Spirit led.” Operationally, the journal is marked by four distinctives:
1. With interdisciplinary discourse being a prized research objective at SATS, the journal publishes articles from across the broad spectrum of theological studies (Biblical Studies, Practical Theology, Systematic Theology, Studies in Church and Society), as well as studies that link with extra-theological disciplines.
2. Conspectus is a Christian journal whose ethos does not divorce academic reflection and engagement from belief in God, obedience to the Scriptures, and commitment to the church. Consequently, Conspectus welcomes articles that are soundly Scriptural in perspective, approach, and content. The tone should reflect a commitment to the inspiration, authority, and relevance of Scripture, and to a theology that serves the church and honors God.[1] Publishing articles that employ reader-centered methodologies for exegesis does not lie in Conspectus’s[2]
3. Like the Seminary, Conspectus prioritizes representation and input from various nations, ethnicities, and denominations under a broadly evangelical umbrella. This is reflected in the Editorial Board, Editorial Team, Board of Referees, and the journal’s content.
4. As SATS is based on the African continent, its journal is largely representative of the Majority World—reflecting on/from and speaking into this context. Although this emphasis is apparent, this does not preclude contributions and contributors from elsewhere in the world.
Conspectus is an open-access journal, meaning that the journal is made available to readers at no cost. The journal is catalogued under ATLA (American Theological Library Association), Logos Bible Software, Galaxy Software, Sabinet, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), African Journals Online (AJOL), and is available on the SATS website. To be published in Conspectus, an article must go beyond a summary of secondary sources and present the results of sound theological research into a biblical or practical problem in a way that would be valuable to the church, including scholars, pastors, students, missionaries, or other Christian workers.
You can view the journal's own website here


Creative Artist: A Journal of Theatre and Media Studies

 Open Access

Creative Artist: A Journal of Theatre and Media Studies

The Creative Artist is an annual publication devoted to the advancement of knowledge in all areas of Theatre and Media arts


Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning

 Open Access

Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning

Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly articles and essays that make marked contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. The Journal aims to provide a stimulating and challenging forum for contributors to describe, theorise and reflect on their teaching and learning practice, and is particularly interested in contributions that have relevance to the South African educational context.
Contributions that are critical, well-researched and come at relevant problems and issues from theoretical, practice-based or analytical angles are welcomed, as well as contributions that focus on innovative and reflective approaches to teaching and learning. 
All submissions must have a clear issue or problem that is addressing, and must make reference to the relevant literature. Where applicable methodology, results and evaluation of findings must be clearly discussed and related to the wider field or literature. Submissions relating local studies should make clear the applicability to a wider context and readership.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Cradle of Knowledge: African Journal of Educational and Social Science Research (The)

 Open Access

Cradle of Knowledge: African Journal of Educational and Social Science Research (The)

The journal covers and not limited to: Social Science and Humanities, Sociology, Social Welfare, Law, Anthropology, Religious Studies, Visual Arts, Political, Cultural Aspects of Development, Tourism Management, Public Administration, Psychology, Philosophy, Political Science, History, Education, Women Studies, Business and Marketing, Economics, Financial Development, Accounting, Audit, Banking, Management, Human Resources etc.
Other websites associated with this journal: