Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z  

Letter Z: 13 journals.


Zagazig Journal of Occupational Health and Safety

Zagazig Journal of Occupational Health and Safety

Zagazig Journal of Occupational Health and Safety is aimed at physicians and researchers in the wide-ranging discipline of occupational and environmental health and safety. The field is devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, management and scientific analysis of occupational , environmental and safety health problems; it also covers the promotion of health of workers, their families, and communities.


Zagazig Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Open Access

Zagazig Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Focus and scope of journal
Zagazig Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (ZJPS), an open-access biannual peer-reviewed scientific journal, is the official journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Zagazig University.
The aim of ZJPS is the international coverage of significant scientific advances in various disciplines of pharmaceutical sciences and related subjects. It publishes high-quality original research, reviews, mini-reviews, case reports, letters to the editor, opinions, commentaries, conference abstracts, and preprints. The scope of ZJPS includes the following disciplines:

  1. Pharmacology & Toxicology.

  2. Pharmaceutics.

  3. Pharmacy Practice

  4. Pharmacognosy

  5. Microbiology & Immunology

  6. Biochemistry

  7. Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

You can view this journal's website here.


Zagazig University Medical Journal

Open Access Open Access

Zagazig University Medical Journal

ZUMJ is an open-access, international, bi-monthly, double-blinded peer-reviewed medical journal. It publishes high-quality clinical and basic medical research and other relevant manuscripts that relate to all fields of medical sciences. The journal will consider for publication manuscripts from any part of the world but particularly reports that would be of interest to readers in the Middle East or other parts of Africa and Asia. The journal aims to provide and exchange the most recent and up-date medical knowledge all over the world.
ZUMJ is the official publication of “The Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt”; founded since 1977.
You can see this journal's website here.


Zambezia: The Journal of Humanities of the University of Zimbabwe

Zambezia: The Journal of Humanities of the University of Zimbabwe

Zambezia is a bi-annual journal of the University of Zimbabwe. Its focus is humanities in Zimbabwe and the surrounding region but specialist articles of a more general interest are also published.


Zaria Historical Journal

Open Access

Zaria Historical Journal

Zaria Historical Research (Zahir) accepts well-researched and scholarly articles on all aspects of humanities and the social sciences.


Zede Journal

Open Access Open Access

Zede Journal

Zede is a scientific journal on engineering science and application, produced under the auspices of the Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University. The main objective of the journal is to publish research articles, findings and discussions on engineering sciences, technology and architecture thereby assisting in the dissemination of engineering knowledge and methodologies in solving engineering problems. Technical Notes of significant contribution may be considered for publication.Other websites related to this journal:


Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research

Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research

The Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research (ZJER) is an international refereed journal that is published by the University of Zimbabwe’s Human Resources Research Centre (HRRC) under the Faculty of Education. The journal is available in print and online three times a year. ZJER is hosted online by African Journals OnLine (AJOL) at The main thrust of ZJER is to facilitate the publication of educational and scholarly research articles written by academics throughout the world. The HRRC has a team of Editors, supported by the Editorial Board and Editorial Advisory Board, which works to maintain and improve the quality of our publications.


Zimbabwe Journal of Health Sciences

Open Access

The Zimbabwe Journal of Health Sciences (ZJHS) is a peer reviewed journal published by the Allied Health Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe. The journal aims at providing space for sharing and debating issues across disciplines such as Clinical Social Work, Counselling, Nutrition, Health Education, Natural Therapy, Paramedics, Psychology, Radiography, Ultrasonography and related areas. It is published bi-annually and considers research articles, commentaries (review reports), short communications, and book reviews as categories of contributions. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers will be reviewed by at least two expert referees. Articles submitted should be in the health field.
Aims and Scope
The journal will aim to give insight into the most urgent and important questions facing health practitioners globally across the many different fields of health sciences. The journal will welcome articles from all disciplines and articles that look at important interdisciplinary clinical issues. The journal aims to both educate health practitioners on important topics and discover new answers to key questions in health and will therefore consider both systematic reviews and topical educational reviews giving up-to-date summaries of key areas. Therefore, the journal will have an educational role and will not accept articles based solely on impact, but on relevance to today's health issues that have an impact on the future, as determined by the editors. The journal also aims to boost the visibility of both practitioners and the council and as such, through publications, health practitioners are encouraged to showcase ground-breaking research and innovations that they may have come up with.
You can see this journal's own website here


Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology

Open Access Open Access

Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology publishes papers in the broad field of basic and applied sciences, engineering and technology including, but not limited to the following areas:
Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Civil and Water Engineering, Climate Change and Global Warming, Chemical Engineering, Clinical Sciences, Computing Sciences, Electrical, Electronic Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Mathematics, Materials Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Environmental Science and Pollution, Food Sciences, Molecular Genetics, Physics and Sports Science.
You can see this journal's own website here and here.


Zimbabwe Journal of Technological Sciences

Zimbabwe Journal of Technological Sciences

The Zimbabwe Journal of Technological Sciences receives and publishes articles that address issues in Technology as a developmental field in Africa. The aim is to develop new technological knowledge that is geared to enhance the lives of the African people through solving pertinent problems that affect them. The diversity of technology makes the journal scope wide, enabling it to accept a variety of articles as shown in the guidelines.


Zimbabwe Science News

Zimbabwe Science News

The Zimbabwe Scientific Association was founded in Bulawayo in 1899 to promote the study and advancement of science in Zimbabwe and to facilitate the acquisition and dissemination of scientific knowledge. The Zimbabwe Science News was first published in 1967 and the content is multi-disciplinary and semi-popular.

The Zimbabwe Science News has ceased publication.


Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal

Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal

Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal contains original and review papers on all aspects of animal health in Zimbabwe and SADC countries, including articles by non-veterinarians.This journal did not publish any issues between 2002 and 2015 but has been revived and and it actively accepting papers and publishing from 2016.


Zoologist (The)

Open Access

Zoologist (The)

The Zoologist, an Open Access publication of the Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN) is an international journal that publishes scholarly articles in English Language twice a year, in June and December. It is dedicated to promoting innovative research on animals, ecosystems and sustainability. The journal welcomes articles based on original research on biological phenomena at scales ranging from the molecular level through organismal, population, community to ecosystem levels within the sub disciplines of Ecology, Population dynamics, Epidemiology, Immunology, Environmental Science, Hydrobiology & Fisheries, Biodiversity & Conservation, Physiology, Anatomy, Cell Biology, Zoos & Parks, Genetics & Molecular Biology, Wildlife Management, Ethnozoology, Parasitology & Public Health, Epidemiology and Entomology. Papers in other areas are acceptable at the editors’ discretion. The journal also publishes short notes, expository and review articles, and book reviews.
The journal is available online at or and