Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z  

Letter T: 34 journals.


Tanzania Dental Journal

Open Access

Tanzania Dental Journal

Tanzania Dental Journal will consider for publication articles on original research work, reviews, short communications, letters, and case reports on all aspects of oral health.


Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Open Access

Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Science (TAJAS) is a peer reviewed scientific journal that publishes original and scholarly research articles dealing with fundamental and applied aspects of agriculture, Food, Aquaculture and Wildlife. Occasionally invited review articles are published.
Other websites associated with this journal: and 


Tanzania Journal of Community Development

Open Access Open Access

Tanzania Journal of Community Development

Since 13th April 2021, the Tanzania Journal of Community Development (TAJOCODE) has been publishing original research in the field and practice of community development. TAJOCODE is affiliated with the Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development (DAECD) of the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and Community Development Professional Association of Tanzania (CODEPATA). DAECD offers its expertise and oversees the management and the review process of the journal. Even though, the editorial decisions are based on the quality of submissions and appropriate peer review, rather than on any political, financial, or personal influences from the department, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), CODEPATA, and other stakeholders. TAJOCODE follows Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines (visit for details) to manage its peer-review process. All authors are welcome to submit complaints and appeals to the editor’s decisions.
Aims and Scope
TAJOCODE is devoted to improving knowledge and practice in community development. TAJOCODE advances inclusive community development research, and practice in all domains of community development. The journal publishes research, and practice in all aspects of community development with a view of contributing towards tackling various development challenges in Tanzania and the rest of the world. The journal welcomes English and Kiswahili articles that report research and practice; examine community problems; and analyse community development profession in Tanzania and elsewhere. Articles may address any community development issue including poverty; gender; community participation; social justice; economic development; budgeting; decentralisation; agricultural extension; education, community empowerment; sustainable development; rural and urban community development; and other relevant community development topics. TAJOCODE submissions should be aligned with the Community Development profession and should clearly document methodology, data-driven results, success stories, resources and/or lessons learned. Citations of research and resources are expected in every manuscript. TAJOCODE promotes a basic set of core values for the practice of community development. They include:
a) Promote the participation of all community members in urban and rural areas to actively and meaningfully influence the decisions that affect their lives.
b) Promote the engagement of community members in learning about community issues in all aspects including economic, social, cultural, environmental, political, legal, and psychological issues.
c) Does not support any effort that is likely to adversely affect the marginalized community members such as women and disabled people.
d) Accommodates the diverse interests and cultures of communities
e) Dedicates to enhance the leadership capacities of community members, community leaders, and groups within the communities
f) Strives to towards the long-term sustainability and wellbeing of marginalized communities.
You can see the journal's own website here


Tanzania Journal of Development Studies

Tanzania Journal of Development Studies

The journal focuses on social, economic, political and cultural development. The target of the journal is researchers and policy makers.


Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology

Open Access

Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology

Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.) emerged in 2006 from Uhandisi Journal, which was established in 1974. From 1974 to 2005, the Journal was published in print form in the name of Uhandisi Journal. However, efforts were made to ensure that all available past articles are scanned and uploaded online to preserve the history and track record of the Journal. Following institutional transformation of College of Engineering and Technology at the University of Dar es Salaam, it was considered necessary to change the name of the Journal in order to meet new challenges and opportunities over the years. From 2006, the Journal name was changed to Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.). 
Journal Website:
Objectices and Scope:

The Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (TJET) aims to disseminate current cutting-edge knowledge on all aspects of science, engineering, and technology.
TJET publishes both print and online media with ISSN 1821-536X (print) and ISSN 2619-8789 (electronic) respectively. TJET publishes articles on

  • Engineering;

  • Interdisciplinary research findings on the practice and theory in engineering and technology;

  • Engineering management;

  • Applied sciences;

  • Pure sciences;

  • Materials sciences; and

  • Applied mathematics.

The list above is inexhaustive, all closely related areas of science, engineering, and technology are highly welcome for peer review before publication. Authors are welcome to peruse previous articles (on the archives) to be familiar with some of the research fields that have been published.
The published articles must come from original work of the

  • individual authors;

  • research groups; and

  • research companies/institutes/universities

The scope of TJET covers all aspects of science, engineering, and technology for which there is new, interesting, or immediately applicable research findings to be shared with the scientific community and public. Further, review articles with useful insights into existing state of the art that clearly inform future research directions and collating literature into useful information are published.


Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation

Open Access Open Access

Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation

The Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation accommodates articles addressing research findings of the current diverse and multidisciplinary approaches towards ecosystem conservation at national and global levels. The journal is published biannually and accepts research and review papers covering technological, physical, biological, social and economic aspects of management and conservation of tropical flora and fauna.


Tanzania Journal of Health Research

Open Access Open Access

Tanzania Journal of Health Research

Tanzania Journal of Health Research (TJHR) was established 1997 as Tanzania Health Research Bulletin. It is a peer-reviewed journal open to national and international community contributions. By adopting an Open Access policy, the Journal enables the unrestricted access and reuse of all peer-reviewed published research findings. The National Institute for Medical Research in Tanzania publishes it four times yearly (January, April, July, and October).
TJHR publishes original articles that cover issues related to epidemiology and public health. These include, but are not limited to, social determinants of health, the structural, biomedical, environmental, behavioural, and occupational correlates of health and diseases, and the impact of health policies, practices, and interventions on the community.
It accepts articles written in English; spelling should be based on British English. Manuscripts should be prepared by the fifth edition of the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” established by the Vancouver Group (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE). For additional details not covered in the ICMJE Recommendations, TJHR refers to the American Medical Association (AMA) Manual of Style (10th edition), published by the American Medical Association and Oxford University Press.
TJHR is committed to information sharing and transparency with a mission of promoting the Essential National Health Research Initiative in Tanzania and particular demand-driven health research. The journal targets readers interested in health research issues, non-specialist scientists, policy and decision-makers, and the general public. TJHR receives articles on various areas. Among these are Global health and human rights, environmental health, public health informatics, chronic disease epidemiology, social determinants of health, dental public health, digital health, occupational health, mental health, epidemiology, maternal and child health, health policies, systems and management, biostatistics and methods, health economics and outcomes research, health behaviour, health promotion and communication.
TJHR does not limit the length of papers submitted explicitly but encourages authors to be concise to reach our audience effectively. In some cases, providing more detail in appendices may be appropriate. Formatting approaches such as subheadings, lists, tables, figures, and highlighting key concepts are highly encouraged. Summaries and single-sentence tag lines or headlines— abstracted sentences containing keywords that convey the essential messages—are also standard. The authors must sign and submit a declaration of the copyright agreement. Original scientific articles should follow the conventional structure: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion.
Peer-reviewers Policy
Once manuscripts have been submitted to the TJHR, they undergo internal screening by the journal editorial team. Manuscripts meeting submission criteria and standards are thereafter assigned to three peer reviewers who are given a maximum of three weeks to undertake the review and submit reviewers’ comments.
Authors are henceforth allocated a maximum of fourteen days to respond to reviewers' comments. However, Such an allocated time may be extended upon substantive request from the authors. This turnaround time can be extended upon request from reviewers/authors. The Editor-in-Chief reviews the author's responses to ensure that the author has adequately responded to all comments raised by peer reviewers. Reviewers are then informed of the status of the manuscripts they have reviewed.
Special issues
All articles submitted are peer-reviewed in line with the journal’s standard peer-review policy and are subject to all of the journal’s standard editorial and publishing policies. This includes the journal’s policy on competing interests. The Editors declare no competing interests with the submissions they have handled through the peer review.
Editorial Policies: All manuscripts submitted to the Tanzania Journal of Health Research should adhere to the TJHR format and guidelines
Appeals and complaints: Authors who wish to appeal a rejection or make a complaint should contact the Editor-In-Chief using the corresponding email address and not otherwise.
Conflict of Interest: All authors must complete the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. You do not need to submit the forms to the Journal. Instead, the corresponding author should keep the forms on file if a question arises about competing interests related to your submission. However, the online submission system will ask you to declare any competing interests for all authors based on the ICMJE Uniform Disclosure Form. If there are no competing interests, please indicate, “None declared.”
Benefits of publishing with TJHR: TJHR's open access policy allows maximum visibility of articles published in the journal as they are available to a broad community. 
For further information about publishing in the Tanzania Journal of Health Research, don't hesitate to contact us at


Tanzania Journal of Science

Open Access

Tanzania Journal of Science

Tanzania Journal of Science (Tanz. J. Sci.)  is an international journal published by the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam. The Tanzania Journal of Science, formerly known as “University Science Journal", was established in 1975 as a forum for communication and co-ordination between and among scientists and allied professionals. It is also intended as a medium for dissemination of scientific knowledge among scientists and the public at large to promote the advancement of pure and applied sciences. Tanzania Journal of Science publishes high quality contributions on original works in the fields of pure and applied sciences. Its review processes and decision criteria are rigorous. The manuscripts are evaluated by expert reviewers and editors to assess their scientific quality. Those manuscripts judged by the editors and Chief Editor to be of insufficient scientific quality or interest, or generally inappropriate are rejected promptly without formal review. Also, manuscripts not complying with the journal requirements and author guidelines are returned to the authors or rejected. The decisions regarding acceptance or rejection of papers are independent, unbiased and fair. 
Indexed/Abstracted in: African Journals OnLine (AJOL); CAB International or CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International, UK); CAB Direct; CAB Abstracts; CAB Global Health; Crossref; EBSCO Publishing; Journals for Free (J4F) database
For online submission please click here


Tanzania Journal of Sociology

Open Access

Tanzania Journal of Sociology

The Tanzania Journal of Sociology is a yearly publication that seeks to address sociological issues from a multi-disciplinary perspective. It aims to generate scholarly reflections in the field of sociology and anthropology and related fields of social sciences. The journal encourages manuscripts informed by up-to-date empirical studies focusing on local and global concerns. Our goal is to create platform for scholars, practitioners and policy makers, from Tanzania and international research community, to explore the critical yet creative aspects for scholarly discussion and knowledge sharing. The journal publishes articles, book reviews, conference papers, critical comments, research reports, and other genres of academic writing. The journal is published in June and December by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Dar es Salaam.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Tanzania Medical Journal

Tanzania Medical Journal (TMJ) is an OPEN ACCESS, multidisciplinary peer-reviewed, medical and health science journal published three times a year in January-April, May-August and September – December, by the Medical Association of Tanzania (MAT). The journal publishes any contribution that advances medical science or practice extending to all aspects of medicine, with the main objectives of improving all aspects of medicine in Tanzania and East Africa at large. In order to achieve these core objectives the journal publishes papers on original scientific research, short communications, case reports and letters to the editor, in any discipline of medical science.All material that is published by the TMJ represents peer-reviewed work, and opinion of distinguished authors; however, articles should not be interpreted to reflect the opinions of the Editors, MAT or our Publisher. TMJ requires all the authors to sign a declaration that the article and its contents published, or accepted has NOT been submitted or published in any other journal or publications. Further to this, the authors are made to sign a disclosure clause that they have no financial disclosures, related to the articles they have submitted and all the authors have approved the content of the publications.Authors should see the author guidelines and section policies for information on manuscript submission.TMJ DOES NOT CHARGE ANY FEE FOR PROCESSING OR PUBLICATIONThe Tanzania Medical Journal is an international Journal - ISSN: 0856-0719


Tanzania Veterinary Journal

Tanzania Veterinary Journal

TVJ publishes original contribution to knowledge on Veterinary Science, Animal Science and Production, and allied sciences including new techniques and developments in Veterinary Medicine and Public Health. The Journal also publishes editorial comments, policy and professional matters, field and clinical reports, animal health, animal production, advances in Veterinary Biotechnologies, non-traditional livestock farming and utilization, pastures and the environment, education and training, book reviews, short communications, mini reviews, and letters to the editor. In addition to regular issues, TVJ also publishes Tanzania Veterinary Association (TVA) conferences proceeding papers and books of abstracts. The proceedings papers are published as special issue and the volume number usually corresponds with the sequence number of the respective conference. The target readers of the Journal are the researchers, clinicians, animal scientists, field extension officers, biomedical and broader biological scientists as well as policy makers.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Tanzanian Economic Review

Open Access

Tanzanian Economic Review

Tanzanian Economic Review (TER) is a biannual journal of the Department of Economics, which is a part of the School of Economics of the University of Dar es Salaam. TER aims to promote greater understanding of socio-economic factors and processes that influence and shape the transformation of developing countries. The Journal is not limited to the Tanzanian Economy, it covers all aspects of Economics and Economic Transformation in developing countries and beyond.
You can view this journal's website here.


Tanzanian Journal of Population Studies and Development

Open Access Open Access

Tanzanian Journal of Population Studies and Development

Tanzania Journal of Population Studies and Development (TJPSD) is a journal which is published twice a year. It is a multi-disciplinary journal that pursue to address issues related to population, development and social sciences matters. It targets to publish and advocates scholarly articles in the field of Fertility, mortality, migration, health, population-environment nexus, diseases, disasters, urbanization, rural-urban linkages, policies and related fields of social sciences. The Journal motivates up-to-date empirical papers in terms of theoretical and methodological research as well as analytical review articles focusing on sustainable human development at local and international levels. Our main objective is to create a podium for scholars of various levels of academia from Tanzania and the global research community at large, to explore, critically analyze and share the scholarly writings and knowledge. For the interested scholars, articles should be sent to together with a brief profile of the author(s). All articles submitted for publication are blindly peer-reviewed. Apart from regular issues, the journal accepts publishing special issues related to the mentioned topics based on working group research and conferences. Its current Chief Editor is Prof. Herbert Hambati from the University of Dar es Salaam. The Journal has 10 editorial board members, 10 Editorial team members and 10 advisory board members. All are Senior Scholars (Professors & senior lectures) from universities within and outside Tanzania (Africa and rest of the world). The Journal has International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for print and electronic publications i.e. ISSN 0856-0227 and eISSN 2961-628X respectively. The Journal is released both in print and online via:
Aims and Scope
TJPSD is devoted to articles and research information on Tanzania and East Africa primarily, the global South and elsewhere in general. Our subject is to explain what takes place in our social, personal, legal, political, natural, economic, fertility, mortality, bioethical, migration and natural and human made environments, why and how, achievements and challenges in research and development efforts and possible problem-solving alternatives. We are particularly interested in work done which critiques, challenges, corrects or jettisons the flaws recognized in standard, conventional, fashionable assumptions and frameworks for addressing enduring concerns and matters arising on the African continent and global in general. TJPSD is not bound by narrow confines of disciplines. We welcome articles on themes and topics covering the broad spectrum of social sciences and humanities, including geography, history, economics, education, development studies, planning, social administration, literature, statistics, philosophy, cultural studies, religious studies, and law, to mention just a few. People of different ideological standpoints have the opportunity to argue their positions and cases, and we do welcome such healthy debates without taking part, to allow and promote complete academic freedom.
You can see this journal’s own website here


Technologies Avancées

Technologies Avancées

"Technologies Avancées" est à parution bi-annuelle. Les principaux thèmes qui y sont abordés recouvrent les axes de recherche développés parnos équipes, soit essentiellement : l'architecture des systèmes, la micro-électronique, la robotique/productique et les milieux ionisés.


The Catholic Voyage: African Journal of Consecrated Life

Open Access Open Access

The Catholic Voyage: African Journal of Consecrated Life

The Aims
The Catholic Voyage  seeks to educate, inform and form. It  strives to propagate “the good, the true and the beautiful” in communicating  message (John Paul II, Ecclesia in Africa, n.124) on Consecrated Life in its various forms.   In particular, its purposes are to: 
(1) Provide a forum for the cultivation, development and promotion of Theology, Canon law, Church History, spirituality, philosophy, and social and human sciences  insofar as they treat matters relating to Consecrated Life; 
(2) Become a medium for debate, dialogue and  reflection on historical, contemporary,  topical issues and challenges concerning consecrated life and its  mission  in the church and in the world;
 (3) Contribute to the local and universal Church’s  mandate for evangelization by proclaiming the Gospel through dialogue, inculturation,  the strive for justice, peace and integral human development of peoples;
 4)  Make Christ’s message relevant and credible through the   dissemination of serious studies, reflections, apostolates and ministries, documents and texts, as well as  sharing pertinent experiences and relevant testimonies of witnesses and experts relating to Consecrated life and Society of Apostolic Life.
Type of Papers and topics 
The Catholic Voyage publishes:

  •  Original and scholarly articles on historical, contemporary and current topics from any area of the ecclesiastical disciplines  that contribute to questions of social, cultural and religious significance, and from the human and social sciences,  insofar as they  relate to any aspect of  Consecrated Life and Society of Apostolic Life, especially in an African context and  perspective; 

  •    Papers and topics from  the areas of Sacred Scriptures, Theology, Morals, Canon Law,  Philosophy, History and cultural heritage of the Church, Patrology (or Patristics),  Spirituality, Religion, Church, inculturation, Integral human development,  Morals, Missiology,  Ecumenism and Inter-religious dialogue,  Cultures, Ethics,  Social and Cultural Anthropology, Social Sciences, Social Communications, Psychology, Education, Health Care. 

  •   Documents, Reports and Papers of the  assemblies of  important meetings  relating to  Consecrated  life,   as well as  well-articulated reflections  on vocation, life and ministry  of Consecrated persons; 

  •  Interviews, Experiences and  Witnesses (Testimonies) on issues  relating to  Consecrated Life and to the aims and objectives of the journal;

  •  Book reviews.  

The audience and community  it aims to  serve
The journal is destined primarily for members of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Formation houses, Major Seminaries, as well as the clergy. The readership extends to the lay people who share with Consecrated persons the same ideals, spirit and mission or who  are simply interested in deepening their knowledge about the vocation, life, mission, the history and theology of consecrated life in the  Church. While it is addressed to readers and researchers principally in Africa, we hope that this journal will be beneficial or helpful to interested readers and scholars in other regions of the world.
Journal keywords

  • Catholic Church. 

  • Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria.

  • Consecrated Life and Charism in Africa. 

  • Truth and Mercy in Religious Institutes. 

  • Catholic Theology, Mission and Voyage.

Other journals associated with this journal:



Open Access


THE COLLOQUIUM is a publication of Federal College of Education {Technical) Omoku, Rivers state ,Nigeria. It is a multi-disciplinary thematic policy journal devoted to the publication of high-quality research/review articles , survey articles offering description of the scientific advances achieved in given fields. Some editions are compendia of articles selected following a special thematic College seminar and or conferences. The Journal is and funded and supported by Tertiary Education trust Fund TETFUND. 
Other websites associated with this journal:


The CRAB: Journal of Theatre and Media Arts

Open Access

The Crab: Journal of Theatre and Media Arts is a peer-reviewed journal of the Department of Theatre and Film Studies, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. It avails space for presentation of well researched theory based and critically robust articles, relevant to the humanities and social sciences, with special focus on Theatre, Film and other Media related areas.


The Journal of Informatics

Open Access Open Access

The Journal of Informatics (TJI) provides quality scholarly works in the area of Applied Informatics. The intention of the journal is to acquaint readers with scholarly information about innovation and other developments in ICT field, especially within Africa and other developing contries. Therefore, this journal is managed by a team of researchers and practitioners interested in promoting ICT research and practices. The following are the key areas of the Journal– Programming, Databases and data warehousing, Computer security, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Mathematics, Operating Systems, Networking, ICT Systems Management, ICT4Dev, Library Science and Records Management.

Aims and Scope
This Journal publishes articles in the area of applied informatics. The following areas define its scope: Programming, Databases and data warehousing, Computer security, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Mathematics, Operating Systems, Networking, ICT Systems Management, ICT for Development, Library Science and Records Management.

You can view this journal's website here.


The Nigerian Health Journal

Open Access

The Nigerian Health Journal

The Nigerian Health Journal (TNHJ) is an OPEN ACCESS, internationally peer-reviewed, English language, medical and health science journal that was established in 2000, as a publication of the Nigerian Medical Association, Rivers State Branch. The journal publishes quarterly scientific manuscripts that advance medical science or practice covering all aspects of medicine including socio-economic, political and legal perspectives related to medical practice. The journal’s scope covers medical and health science disciplines including clinical research, public health, nursing, pharmacology, laboratory practice, anatomy, physiology, physiotherapy etc.
Other websites associated with this journal:


The Retail and Marketing Review

Open Access

An international and interdisciplinary scholarly forum for sharing insightful and original research and promoting debate in the rapidly developing and converging fields of marketing and retailing.
Aims and Scope
The Retail and Marketing Review (ISSN No: 2708-3209) has as its main focus to publish original research in the disciplines of marketing, retailing, business and related fields.The journal is a peer reviewed and refereed journal, and all articles are submitted to a double blind peer review process. Central to the Journal is the aim to disseminate knowledge in the relevant fields, which can and will be of value to both scholars and practitioners. The Journal serves as a medium for university faculty, researchers in both academia and private or public practice in the disciplines of management, retailing, marketing and related fields, to present and explore new ideas and concepts, to offer innovative ideas and directions, to explore new technologies and latest research tools in the areas of management. The journal uses its advisory/editorial board consisting of international and local academics to provide direction to the journal in terms of policy and publication.
You can view this journal's website here.


Thought and Practice

Open Access Open Access

The journal Thought & Practice is a biannual publication of the Philosophical Association of Kenya.
Vision A forum for incisive philosophic reflection on intellectual, social and political issues within the African context.
Mission Thought and Practice serves scholars with broad interests in the humanities and social sciences by disseminating original articles with a philosophical outlook, with emphasis on intellectual, social and political issues that are of special relevance to contemporary Africa.


Town and Regional Planning

Open Access Open Access

Town and Regional Planning

Town and Regional Planning is a South African accredited journal for independently adjudicated research articles on applicable topics in town, urban and regional planning. Each peer refereed article is indicated as such in the journal. The editorial staff considers articles in English and Afrikaans, written from any responsible point of view on subjects in any applicable field of scholarship, i.e. town, urban and regional planning. Authors are requested to write their manuscripts in a manner and style that is intelligible to specialists and non-specialists alike. Research contributions, which are peer reviewed, are: Review Articles, Research Articles, and Perspective Articles. Book reviews are also considered. The format for these categories can be found in the Guidelines to AuthorsTown and Regional Planning is endorsed by the South African Council for Planners (SACPLAN) the statutory Council of nominated members to regulate the Planning Profession in South Africa.
See the journals website here;


Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association

Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association

The Zimbabwe Scientific Association was founded in Bulawayo in 1899 (called the Rhodesia Scientific Assocation at the time) to promote the study and advancement of science in Zimbabwe and to facilitate the acquisition and dissemination of scientific knowledge. Its journal, Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association, was first published in 1903 and is now in its seventy-second volume. It is a multi-disciplinary journal and publishes papers on any aspect of science in Zimbabwe or the southern African region.

The Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association has ceased publication.


Tropical Freshwater Biology

Tropical Freshwater Biology

Tropical Freshwater Biology promotes the publication of scientific contributions in the field of freshwater biology in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. One issue is published annually but this number may be increased. Original research papers and short communications on any aspect of tropical freshwater biology are acceptable. Review articles relevant to the tropics and books for review are welcome. Articles solely concerned with the physical and chemical environment and theoretical issues will be considered occasionally.


Tropical Journal of Health Sciences

Tropical Journal of Health Sciences

The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences (TJHS) is an international journal which provides a forum for exchange of ideas to those engaged in work in the Health Sciences and related fields. The journal intends to publish high quality papers on original research, case reports, short communications, commentary, review articles, editorials, correspondence and book reviews. TJHS is an official organ of the College of Health Sciences (A WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Manpower Development), University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria and will also serve as a medium for disseminating information on the activities of the College.


Tropical Journal of Medical Research

Tropical Journal of Medical Research

Tropical Journal of Medical Research publishes original research work, review articles, important case report, short communications, and innovations in medicine and related fields.


Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research

Open Access

Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research

The Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR) is a peer-reviewed, open access online international journal which publishes original research papers. The journal welcomes submission from scholars and experts for possible publication from all over the world. The scope of the journal includes:
Pharmaceutical research
Chemistry and biochemistry of naturally occurring compounds
Biological evaluation of crude extracts
Traditional and complementary medicine
Biomedical research
Evaluation of natural substances of land and sea and of plants, microbes and animals,
Pharmacological and toxicological studies
Pharmacokinetics of phytochemicals
Isolation and characterization of compounds
Structure elucidation
Synthesis and experimental biosynthesis of natural products,
as well as developments of methods in these areas are welcomed in the journal. Finally, research papers in fields on the chemistry-biology boundary, papers discussing the screening of natural products for biological activity against different health targets are also encouraged.
Timely, concise and focused reviews on recent progress in active areas of natural Product will be also published.
This international journal is published monthly, and available in both printed and electronic formats.
You can view this journal's website at


Tropical Journal of Nephrology

Open Access

Tropical Journal of Nephrology

The Journal publishes original papers, review articles, case reports, technical reports, guidelines  in the field of general nephrology, dialysis, and transplantation as well as on medical education on special interests.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Open Access

Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISSN: Print 0189-5117, is peer-reviewed journal. The Journal is Official Publication of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. The journal publishes articles on the subject it provides a forum for the publication of original articles Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Reproductive Health, and Allied disciplines in the tropics. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Reproductive Health, Basic Science Research, clinical research, clinical trials, critical reviews, commentaries, public health controversies, consensus reports, special articles, case reports, letters, and other appropriate forms of communications in Maternal and Foetal Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology, Gynaecological Oncology, Female Urology, and other aspects of Reproductive Health. The journal is published 3 Issue in the months of January, May, and September.


Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Open Access

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

We seek to encourage pharmaceutical and allied research of tropical and international relevance and to foster multidisciplinary research and collaboration among scientists, the pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare professionals.
We publish articles in pharmaceutical sciences and related disciplines (including biotechnology, cell and molecular biology, drug utilization including adverse drug events, medical and other life sciences, and related engineering fields). Although primarily devoted to original research papers, we welcome reviews on current topics of special interest and relevance.
Other websites related to this journal: and


Tropical Veterinarian

Tropical Veterinarian

TROPICAL VETERINARIAN is an international journal devoted to all aspects of veterinary science as practiced in the tropics, including livestock production and management, animal disease (domestic and wild), various aspects of preventive medicine and public health and basic and applied research in these areas.


Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection

Open Access Open Access

Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection

TJPP is an open access peer-reviewed journal published in English twice a year and specialized in all plant health aspects, particularly IPM. It is hosted in the Tunisian Institution of the Agricultural Research and Higher Education (IRESA). It is managed by a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional Tunisian Editorial Board. The objective of publishing TJPP in open access is to freely disseminate research results for plant health specialized scientists in order to globally exchange and generalize knowledge in this field.


Turf Law Journal

Open Access Open Access

Turf Law Journal

The Turf Law Journal (TLJ) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by the School of Law, University of Limpopo. Although TLJ is a law journal, it also publishes other inter-disciplinary studies that have a bearing on law. Furthermore, while the journal mainly seeks to respond to legal questions in South Africa, comparative perspectives from Africa and beyond are most welcome.

Aims and Scope
The purpose of the journal is to provide a platform for high-quality research on transformative perspectives on law in South Africa. In particular, the journal targets high-quality research from emerging scholars and non-conventional perspectives from established researchers.

You can see this journal's own website here.


Tydskrif vir letterkunde

Open Access

Tydskrif vir letterkunde

Tydskrif vir letterkunde is a peer-reviewed journal, established in 1951. It is the oldest literary journal in South Africa. It publishes articles on African literature. The “literature” in Tydskrif vir letterkunde does not only signify belles letters, but also the diversity of contemporary cultural practices. Articles may be submitted in Afrikaans, Dutch, English and French.
Other websites related to this journal: