Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z  

Letter S: 70 journals.


SA Journal of Radiology

Open Access Open Access

SA Journal of Radiology

The SA Journal of Radiology is the official journal of the Radiological Society of South Africa and the Professional Association of Radiologists in South Africa and Namibia. The SA Journal of Radiology is a general diagnostic radiological journal which carries original research and review articles, pictorial essays, case reports, letters, editorials, radiological practice and other radiological articles.Other websites related to this journal:


SAFERE: Southern African Feminist Review

SAFERE: Southern African Feminist Review

SAFERE provides women with a writing platform which is feminist in content and orientation, as well as facilitating for African women to express their ideas and interests through a medium which is supportive and encouraging of feminist opinions and positions. The Journal is one of barely a handful of feminist journals coming out of Africa, and through careful editing and the collection of high quality written work, it has established itself as a journal of world standing from the time it was first published in 1995.


SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS

Open Access

SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS

This journal publishes contributions in English and French from all fields of social aspects of HIV/AIDS (care, support, behaviour change, behavioural surveillance, counselling, impact, mitigation, stigma, discrimination, prevention, treatment, adherence, culture, faith-based approaches, evidence-based intervention, health communication, structural and environmental intervention, financing, policy, media, etc).Le journal publie des communications en Anglais et en Français de tous les domains des aspects sociaux du VIH/SIDA (le soin, le soutien, le changement du comportement, la surveillance comportementale, la consultation, l'impact, la réduction, le stigmate, la discrimination, la prévention, le traitement, l'adhésion, la culture, les approches basées sur la foi, l'intervention évidence-basée, la communication sur la santé, l'intervention structurale et de l'environnement, le financement, la politique, le média, etc). Other websites related to this journal:


Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences

Open Access

Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences

The Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences aims to provide a platform for the publication of high-quality research articles, short communications, case reports, and review articles encompassing all aspects of Veterinary Sciences and related disciplines. The journal welcomes original research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge in these areas. Both basic and applied research articles are encouraged, as well as short communications that provide concise findings or preliminary results. Additionally, the journal invites case reports that present interesting or unique clinical cases, and review articles that critically analyze and summarize the current state of knowledge in specific areas of veterinary sciences. The scope of the journal includes:

  1. Animal Production:

    • Animal breeding and genetics

    • Animal nutrition and feeding

    • Livestock management and welfare

    • Reproductive biology and technology in animals

    • Animal behavior and welfare

    • Animal biotechnology and genomics

    • Animal husbandry practices and techniques

  2. Veterinary Medicine Specialties:

    • Small animal medicine and surgery

    • Large animal medicine and surgery

    • Avian and exotic animal medicine

    • Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics

    • Veterinary pathology and diagnostics

    • Veterinary anesthesia and pain management

    • Veterinary epidemiology and public health

    • Veterinary radiology and imaging

    • Veterinary clinical sciences

    • Comparative medicine and pathology

    • Veterinary immunology and infectious diseases

    • Veterinary oncology

    • Veterinary toxicology

    • Veterinary microbiology and virology

    • Veterinary parasitology

    • Veterinary public health and zoonoses

    • Veterinary education and research methodology

  3. One Health-related Research:

    • Interactions between human, animal, and environmental health

    • Zoonotic diseases and their prevention and control

    • Emerging infectious diseases and their impact on animal and human populations

    • Environmental impacts on animal and human health

    • Epidemiological studies and surveillance programs related to One Health

Please note that the journal also welcomes interdisciplinary studies that bridge the gap between veterinary sciences and other related fields, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Only original contributions written in clear and concise English would be considered for publication. The journal is published quarterly.


Sahel Medical Journal

Sahel Medical Journal

Sahel Medical Journal is a quarterly international Journal devoted solely to (1) dissemination of information about medical sciences in Nigeria, particularly the Sahel zone, Africa and the rest of the world, (2) to provide a medium where national and international medical and health organizations may relay information to medical scientists and others interested in health care in Nigeria, Africa, and the rest of the world, (3) it is also to serve as a forum for publications relating to international conferences in medical and health sciences in Nigeria, and (4) to promote inter-regional cooperation amongst medical and social scientists engaged in health care delivery in Nigeria in particular, and Africa in general.Other websites related to this journal:


Samaru Journal of Information Studies

Open Access

Samaru Journal of Information Studies

The Samaru Journal of Information Studies addresses issues in the field of library science, information science and related fields including but not limited to, information and communication Technology (ICT) applications to effectively create, apply, and communicate knowledge in organization. including but not limited to knowledge management, information and communication Technology (ICT) applications and use, communication, public relations and other allied areas of information studies. The basic objectives of the journal are (i) to provide current thoughts and research reports on developments and trends in the areas of Library and information science, academic, school, national and special librarianship. (ii) to provide a platform for new thinking and directions on the problems, prospects strategies and techniques of library and information services and ICT applications in library, archive, publishing and information works. (iii) to provide a forum for discussion of library and information science education and training, and future trends in information access and delivery.


SAPIENTIAE Revista de Ciências Sociais, Humanas e Enghenerias

Open Access Open Access

SAPIENTIAE Revista de Ciências Sociais, Humanas e Enghenerias

SAPIENTIAE is a refereed biannual scientific journal of the Óscar Ribas University, committed to the development of Sciences, especially in the diffusion of knowledge generated through research lines and their respective programs and projects; (Especially related to: Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, Law, International Relations, Psychology, Public Administration, Management and Marketing).
The scope of the areas is defined by the editorial committee in the revision of the theme to be addressed for each issue. SAPIENTIAE publishes articles, communications and book summaries.
You can view the journal's website here.


Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice

Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice

The Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice aims to promote and advance the practice and study of all fields of medicine in Nigeria in general as well as in other African countries and the rest of the world. We therefore welcome contributions relating to all aspects of medicine from workers throughout the world. Contributions may be in the form of original articles, solicited review articles, case reports, letters, preliminary communications etc. it aims to serve medical doctors, medical consultants, allied health professionals and medical scientists


Science and Development

Open Access Open Access

Science and Development

The Science and Development Journal of the College of Basic and Applied Sciences of the University of Ghana publishes original research articles, reviews and short communications in all scientific fields spanning agricultural, biological, engineering and physical sciences, with strong emphasis on promoting the link between science and development agenda. The journal aims to serve all scientist with quality scientific content by publishing high quality scientific articles and make these freely available to researchers world-wide through an open access policy.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé

Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé

The journal is focused on health sciences in general. It publishes articles related to major problems in public health in sub-Saharan Africa such as HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, neglected diseases and emerging disease. It covers different areas like public health,  epidemiology, clinical, paraclinical, health system and policy, biology, biochemical, pharmacology, pharmacopia and traditional medicine. 


Science Mundi

Open Access

Science Mundi

Science Mundi is a pluridisciplinary peer-reviewed journal. The journal provides prompt publication of research articles from diverse social, pure and applied science fields. All submitted works are subjected to double blind-peer review and promptly published on an open-source basis if they meet the requisite criterion. This includes prove of originality, scientific orientation and relevance to the existent body of literature. Papers are accepted on a rolling basis and published in the current biannual issue. The journal is published in an electric format (PDF). Each research article/work is issued with a unique Document Object Identifier (DOI) and promptly indexed. Submit your work today.
You can view this journal's website here.


Science World Journal

Open Access

Science World Journal

The SWJ is a peer review on-line international journal of broad appeal, aimed at fast publication of cutting edge research across the sciences. The Journal publishes multidisciplinary articles reporting on original research in the natural and physical sciences and their applications. The journal also promotes the application of computers in modeling and Bioinformatics. Other websites related to this journal:


Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal

Open Access

Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal

This Journal publishes original research work  (including theoretical/conceptual, empirical and critical studies), review articles, Debates, Teaching Cases, Invited articles, conference reports, short communications, case report, Ethics Forum, Education contribute significantly to further the scientific  knowledge related to the field of Science, Technology and Arts.
STAR Journal hopes that researchers, research  scholars, academicians, industrialists publication for the development in the field of Science, Technology and Arts.
Other websites related to this journal:


Sciences & Nature

Open Access

Sciences & Nature

Sciences & Nature, the Scientific Journal edited by the University of Abobo-Adjamé and the National Centre of Research and Agronomy (Côte d'Ivoire) publishes original and review articles, abstracts, reviews of publications, proceedings of various scientific meetings (colloquium, workshop, seminar) and information of interest in general. Subjects covered include agronomy, sciences of the earth, environment, biological, ecological, biochemical, agribusiness, nutrition, health science and techniques.


Scientia Africana

Open Access

Scientia Africana

Scientia Africana seeks to encourage communication among scientists all over the world through regular publication of their research findings. The journal publishes results of original research in all aspects of biological, chemical, earth, mathematical, physical and applied sciences including basic medical and engineering sciences. It also publishes review articles, book reviews, research notes and other short communications on all aspects of pure and applied sciences and accepts advertisements in related fields.


Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies

Open Access Open Access

Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies

Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published bi-annually by the Faculty of Military Science of Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Our journal has a long and proud history of researching and publishing on a broad spectrum of matters and issues relating to defence, security and military affairs using a discipline-based and inter-disciplinary research approach. Published articles are of high quality since all submissions are refereed (peer-reviewed) by at least two experts in the field. Refereeing is done with complete anonymity and confidentiality.
Other websites related to this journal:


Scientific Medical Journal

Scientific Medical Journal

Scientific Medical Journal: an official journal of Egyptian Medical Education provides a forum for dissemination of knowledge, exchange of ideas, inform of exchange of ideas, information and experience among workers, investigators and clinicians in all disciplines of medicine with emphasis on its treatment and prevention.


Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology

Open Access Open Access

Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology

Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology has been published since 1977 by the Bird Committee of the East Africa Natural History Society. Originally titled Scopus, the addition of Journal of East African Ornithology began with our January 2018 issue. The journal is published Open Access twice a year, typically in January and July. Authors retain copyright and their work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Our copyright and licensing agreement only applies from January 2018 onwards, and does not apply to previously published issues. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles.
Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology welcomes original contributions— which have not been published elsewhere— on all aspects of the ornithology of eastern Africa, encompassing the area from Sudan, Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa countries south to Mozambique, and including the Malagasy region. 
This journal does not charge Article Processing Charges or submission charges.


Securities Market Journal


Shakespeare in Southern Africa

Shakespeare in Southern Africa

Shakespeare in Southern Africa is interested in both literary and theatrical approaches to Shakespeare. Its geographical scope is not confined to Southern Africa. Contributions discussing the legacy of Shakespeare elsewhere in Africa, with a specific focus on the Shakespearean experience in particular African countries, are especially welcome. The journal actively seeks to publish articles investigating the impact of Shakespeare in other parts of the world, such as India, the United States, South East Asia and South America.
Other websites related to this journal:


Sierra Leone Journal of Biomedical Research

Open Access

Sierra Leone Journal of Biomedical Research

The Sierra Leone Journal of Biomedical Research publishes papers in all fields of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences including Basic Medical Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Dental Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biotechnology in relation to Medicine, Environment and Health, Nursing Sciences, Health Education and Primary Health Care.
Note: the journal's maiden issue is now open access - other issues of this journal are subscription based.Other websites related to this journal:


SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science

Open Access Open Access

SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science

SINET is a peer-reviewed, biannual journal of science published by the Faculty of Science at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, from 1978 to 2021. As of 2022, it transitioned to a triannual format, with issues now published in April, August, and December each year. The publisher is the College of Natural and Computational Sciences, formerly the Faculty of Science. The journal caters to an international readership, both within Africa and globally. Since its inception in 1978, SINET has been publishing original research articles, review articles, short communications, and feature articles across a broad range of fields, including but not limited to Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Life Sciences, Physics, Sports Science, Statistics, Earth Sciences, Information Sciences, Enviromntal Science, Food Science and Biotechnology.


Social Empowerment Journal

Open Access Open Access

Social Empowerment Journal

Social Empowerment Journal is an international, blind-double-peer-reviewed, Trimestral and free of charge, open-access academic journal, published by the Labratory of Social Empowerment and Sustainable Development in the Desert Environment, the Faculty of Social Sciences – University Amar Telidji of Laghouat, Algeria. The journal focuses on topics related to Humanities, Social and economic Sciences. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute their original and innovative work in the field. The journal accepts original and full-length academic articles that reflect the latest research and developments in practical aspects of the mentioned domain. Our journal is published in both print and electronic versions. The electronic version can be accessed and downloaded freely. All papers around the world are very welcome to publish their work in our Journal. Manuscripts can be sent in two languages (English, Arabic) for the four issues (March, June, September and December) of each year.

Aims and Scope
The journal focuses on the investigation of principles and practices in social, humanitarian and economic studies. The main goal is to improve research approaches in the study of societal phenomena from an interdisciplinary angle and cognitive cohesion from multidimensional angles of research in sociology and various disciplines including: psychology, economic, linguistic andlamic studies.

You can view this journal's website here.


Sokoto Journal of Medical Laboratory Science

Open Access

Sokoto Journal of Medical Laboratory Science

Sokoto Journal of Medical Laboratory Science (SJMLS) represent a unique opportunity for accelerated interdisciplinary exchange of thought-provoking commentary, responsibly conducted research, case reports and review of literature of reliable information on the current discoveries and developments in the field of Medical Laboratory Science. The Journal is published quarterly and advocates for adherence to the codes regarding accuracy, transparency and honesty in all scientific communications. Commitment to provide high quality work and speed is our philosophy. This fast review process is useful for faster dissemination of knowledge.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences

Open Access

Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences

The Journal publishes original research articles related to veterinary sciences, including livestock health and production, diseases of wild life and fish, preventive veterinary medicine and zoonoses among others. Case reports, review articles and editorials are also accepted.
Other sites related to this journal:


Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy

Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy

The journal aims at publishing scholarly articles in any branch of philosophy and related disciplines. It shows a special interest in articles which encourage philosophising within the content of Africa, etc.Notice from the journal:You are cordially invited for the 2016 RESEACHERS INTERNATIONAL NETWORK CONFERENCE. VENUE: UNIVERSITY OF BENIN, NIGERIA. DATE: 13th -15 OCTOBER, 2016.   All papers and Abstracts should be submitted on or before 20th September, 2016 to  Thanks. For more information contact Dr. Ekanem on +2348037269701, Patrick +2348032182251 or visit  


South African Actuarial Journal

Open Access Open Access

South African Actuarial Journal

South African Actuarial Journalis published by the Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA). It is issued free to members of ASSA and will also be made available to them on the Society's website for access via the Internet. The focus of SAAJ is on actuarial research–particularly, but not exclusively, on research of relevance to South Africa. The subject matter must, however, lie within the scope of actuarial work and be relevant and of interest to at least a minority of the profession in South Africa. 
Other websites related to this journal:
Actuarial Society of South Africa (SAAJ) content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence.
For details see:


South African Crime Quarterly

Open Access

South African Crime Quarterly

South African Crime Quarterly is an inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal that promotes professional discourse and the publication of research on the subjects of crime, criminal justice, crime prevention, and related matters including state and non-state responses to crime and violence. South Africa is the primary focus for the journal but articles on the above mentioned subjects that reflect research and analysis from other African countries are considered for publication, if they are of relevance to South Africa.
SACQ is an applied policy journal. Its audience includes policy makers, criminal justice practitioners and civil society researchers and analysts, including the academy. The purpose of the journal is to inform and influence policy making on violence prevention, crime reduction and criminal justice. Articles submitted to SACQ are double-blind peer-reviewed before publication.
Other sites related to this journal:


South African Family Practice

Open Access

South African Family Practice

South African Family Practice(SAFP) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which strives to provide primary care physicians and researchers with a broad range of scholarly work in the disciplines of Family Medicine, Primary Health Care, Rural Medicine, District Health and other related fields. SAFP publishes original research, clinical reviews, and pertinent commentary that advance the knowledge base of these disciplines. The content of SAFP is designed to reflect and support further development of the broad basis of these disciplines through original research and critical review of evidence in important clinical areas; as well as to provide practitioners with continuing professional development material.(Note: In January 2003 South African Family Practice merged with Geneeskunde – The Medical Journal to form South African Family Practice incorporating Geneeskunde, and since January 2004 it is again only known as South African Family Practice (SAFP). As a result the numbering of the journal now begins from Volume 45 in 2003).
Other websites related to this journal:


South African Gastroenterology Review

South African Gastroenterology Review

THE SOUTH AFRICAN GASTROENTEROLOGY REVIEW is written by specialists in the field. Its aim is to publish articles pertinent to the practicing Gastroenterologist in South Africa. The South African Gastroenterology Review is distributed to a broad spectrum of clinicians who have an interest in clinical gastroenterology and hepatology. 
The views expressed in individual articles are the personal views of the Authors and are not necessarily shared by the Editors, the Advertisers or the Publisher. No articles may be reproduced in any way without the written consent of the Publisher


South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation

Open Access

South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation

Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Navorsing in Sport, Liggaamlike Opvoedkunde en OntspanningThe South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation is published by the Southern African Alliance for Sport Science, Physical Education and Recreation. Contributions from the fields of Sport Science, Movement Education, Recreation/Leisure Studies, Exercise Science and Dance Studies will be considered for publication. The articles submitted will be administered by the appropriate Review Editor and evaluated by two or more referees. 
This journal's own homepage:
Content published in and after 2023 will now be freely accessible for this title. 


South African Journal of African Languages

South African Journal of African Languages

The South African Journal of African Languages is a peer-reviewed research journal devoted to the advancement of African (Bantu) and Khoe-San languages and literatures. Papers, book reviews and polemic contributions of a scientific nature in any of the core areas of linguistics, both theoretical (e.g. syntax, phonology, semantics) and applied (e.g. sociolinguistic topics, language teaching, language policy), and literature, based on original research in the context of the African languages, are welcome. The journal is the official mouthpiece of the African Language Association of Southern Africa (ALASA), established in 1979.

Read more here


South African Journal of Agricultural Extension

Open Access

South African Journal of Agricultural Extension

The South African Journal of Agricultural Extensionaims to: * advance and apply the science of extension and of rural development as scientific discipline by stimulating thought, study, research, discussion and the publication and exchange of knowledge both nationally and internationally. * promote the professionalism, status and dignity of the extension profession amongst the scientific fraternity, the general public and with the studying youth. * practise the natural-, economic- and managerial sciences responsibly and in public interest. * act as representative mouthpiece for the extension profession in agriculture. 
As of February 2018, this journal content is open access online.
Other websites related to this journal: and


South African Journal of Animal Science

Open Access

South African Journal of Animal Science

The South African Journal of Animal Science is a peer-reviewed journal for publication of original scientific research articles and reviews in the field of animal science. The journal is published both electronically and in paper format. The scope of the journal includes reports of research dealing with farm livestock species (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and poultry), as well as pertinent aspects of research on aquatic and wildlife species. The main disciplines covered are nutrition, genetics and physiology. Papers dealing with sociological aspects of well-defined livestock production systems are also invited, providing they are scientific by nature and have been carried out in a systematic way.
Other websites related to this journal:
The journal is ISI Rated (Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science Impact factor) with an Impact Factor of 0.678 for 2016.


South African Journal of Bioethics and Law

Open Access

South African Journal of Bioethics and Law

The South African Journal of Bioethics and Law is a bi-annual journal for health professionals dealing with bioethics, law, human rights and related topics. A call for papers:The SAJBL is a key new journal that is dedicated to discussions of significant and critical issues surrounding the application of bioethics, health law and human rights in clinical practice, health policy and regulation and research. The journal will be an electronic one that will be issued twice a year. The editors welcome submissions from authors under the following headings: Empirical Ethics, Clinical Ethics, Health Policy and Law, Case Studies, and Review Articles. Cross-disciplinary debate is encouraged in order to increase the understanding of the complex ethical issues challenging consumers and providers of health care.
Other websites related to this journal:


South African Journal of Botany

South African Journal of Botany

The South African Journal of Botany, the official journal of the South African Association of Botanists publishes papers which make an original contribution to any field of Botany. Papers are accepted on the understanding that their contents have not been published, or submitted for publication, elsewhere. All submitted papers are refereed by at least two highly qualified referees and by an Editor from the Editorial Review Board. Editorial policy is flexible as to the nature of the papers considered for publication. The journal publishes mini reviews, full papers, short communications and book reviews. The South African Journal of Botany is available online on Ingenta at http://www.ingentaconnect.comOther website related to this journal: note that this journal is now published by Elsevier - a non-African publisher. For this reason AJOL no longer hosts journal content, this can be found here:  


South African Journal of Chemistry

Open Access Open Access

South African Journal of Chemistry

The journal publishes short communications, full research papers and review articles in all branches of chemistry.
Other websites associated with this journal:


South African Journal of Child Health

Open Access

South African Journal of Child Health

The SAJCH is a quarterly, peer reviewed, medical child health journal. 
Other websites related to this journal:


South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Open Access

South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition

  1. The Journal accepts articles from all basic and applied areas of dietetics and human nutrition, including clinical nutrition, community nutrition, food science, food policy, food service management, nutrition policy and public health nutrition.

  2. The Journal has a broad interpretation of the field of nutrition and recognizes that there are many factors that determine nutritional status and that need to be the subject of scientific investigation and reported in the Journal.

  3. The Journal seeks to serve a broad readership and to provide information that will be useful to the scientific community, the academic community, government and non-government stakeholders in the nutrition field, policy makers and industry.

  4. The Journal encourages articles from all investigators in the field of dietetics, food, nutrition and related areas. In particular young researchers and researchers from historically disadvantaged backgrounds will be encouraged and supported to submit their research work for publication.

  5. The Journal is based in South Africa and encourages articles from other African countries to act as a forum for the discussion of African nutritional issues.

  6. The Journal is committed to high scientific and ethical standards.

  7. The Journal will accept letters for publication, which are relevant to the Journal.

  8. The Journal provides a forum for publication of congress abstracts, supplements, short communications and policy statements with their technical support papers.

  9. The views expressed in the Journal are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Editorial Board.

  10. The Journal will be managed by an Editor and Editorial Board with the following responsibilities:

    • Maintenance of scientific standards of the articles published and appointment of a review Panel of experts for the peer review process

    • Maintenance of ethical standards of the articles published

    • Encouragement and support of authors
    • Promotion of the readership

    • Ensuring the spread of articles published

  11. Maintenance of ethical standards with regard to sponsorship and advertisements

  12. The Editorial Board of the SAJCN recognises the important role that advertisements and sponsorships play in meeting the costs of the publication and in ensuring the continued existence of the Journal. The SAJCN welcomes advertising or funding from all possible sources, provided the advertisements or funding arrangements are supportive of the objectives of the Journal and do not conflict with the mission, vision and values statements of ADSA, NSSA and SASPEN. The following guidelines shall be implemented for sponsorship and advertising:

    • The Jakarta Declaration, which clearly stipulates that “both the public and the private sector should promote health by pursuing policies and practices that ….. restrict production and trade in inherently harmful goods and substances such as tobacco and armaments, as well as unhealthy practices?

    • Advertisements/sponsorships should not conflict with the South African Code of Ethics for the Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. The updated code will be used as soon as it is formally released.

    • The Journal will accept advertisements for infant-feeds, which are therapeutic in nature, for example lactose free feeds, breast milk fortifiers, hypo-allergic feeds and feeds designed for tube feeding. Any such advertisements shall include a phrase that normally exclusive breast milk feeding is the best food for babies.

    • There shall be full disclosure at all times of funding sources

    • The decision to reject an advertisement / sponsorship rests with the Editorial Board and should be recorded, so that further investigations can be conducted if required

    • Non-designated support will be accepted from interested organisations and shall be acknowledged in the Journal

    • The allocated editorial space for advertisements should not normally exceed 40% of the total editorial space in any one issue of the Journal; however, the costs of publication of the Journal should always be borne in mind in any one given situation

    • The Editor, in consultation with the Editorial Board as appropriate, will be responsible for the final acceptance of any advertorial material

Other websites related to this journal:
SAJCN website
The South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition (SAJCN) is also Accredited with the DHET (SAPSE) and now on the DOAJ.


South African Journal of Cultural History

South African Journal of Cultural History

The South African Journal of Cultural Historycontains scientifically researched articles on of Cultural historical significanceOther websites related to this journal:


South African Journal of Education

Open Access

South African Journal of Education

The South African Journal of Education (SAJE) publishes original research articles reporting on research that fulfils the criteria of a generally accepted research paradigm; review articles, intended for the professional scientist and which critically evaluate the research done in a specific field in education; and letters in which criticism is given of articles that appeared in this Journal.
Indicate the relevance of the study for education research where the education system is characterised by transformation, and/or an emerging economy/development state, and/or scarce resources. Research articles of localised content, i.e. of interest only to specific areas or specialists and which would not appeal to the broader readership of the Journal, should preferably not be submitted for consideration by the Editorial Committee.
Ethical considerations: A brief narrative account/description of ethical issues/aspects should be included in articles that report on empirical findings.
SAJE is ISI accredited (in the Social Sciences Citation index), with an impact Factor is 0.560 (in 2015). 
Other websites related to this journal: and


South African Journal of Geomatics

Open Access

South African Journal of Geomatics

The South African Journal of Geomatics (SAJG) publishes peer-reviewed original papers within the broad discipline of Geomatics (including surveying techniques, technology and applications, mine surveying, hydrographic surveying, cadastral systems, land tenure, development planning, GIS, photogrammetry and remote sensing). The journal is designed to serve as a source reference and archive of advancements in these disciplines. The focus is on papers relevant to the South African and African context, but is not restricted to these areas. This includes both technological developments as well as social adaptations appropriate to the needs of Geomatics in Africa.
Other websites associated with this journal:


South African Journal of Higher Education

South African Journal of Higher Education

The South African Journal of Higher Education as an independent, fully accredited publication, is a medium for articles of interest to researchers and practitioners in higher education, and provides a focal point for the publication of educational research from throughout the world. It is a referee-assisted publication and enjoys the professional support of an international Educational Advisory Board as well as the assistance of Consultant Editors. The journal is interdisciplinary in approach and its purpose is to provide institutions of higher education and professional readers with scholarly information on major innovations in higher education, research projects and trends.Other websites related to this journal: and


South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Open Access

South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

The SAJOG is a bi-annual, general specialist obstetrics and gynaecology journal that publishes original, peer-reviewed work in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology, including contraception, urogynaecology, fertility, oncology and clinical practice. The journal carries original research articles, editorials, clinical practice, personal opinion, South Africa health-related news, obituaries and general correspondence.
Other websites related to this journal:


South African Journal of Occupational Therapy

Open Access Open Access

South African Journal of Occupational Therapy

The South African Journal of Occupational Therapy (SAJOT) is the official journal of the Occupational Therapy Association of South Africa (OTASA) and is a leading publication for research into occupational therapy in Africa. The Editorial Team can be contacted at The SAJOT accepts research articles, scoping/integrative/systematic/rapid reviews, scientific letters, commentaries, and opinion pieces. We publish and disseminate research articles that contribute to the scientific knowledge of the profession and its outcomes which have reference to service delivery in Africa. This journal provides a platform for debate around issues relevant to Occupational Therapy in Africa which will also contribute to the development of the profession worldwide. This journal provides open access to its content immediately at the time of publication of an edition on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Therefore, all articles that are published in SAJOT may be found on this web site (see below) and under the tab Archives. They may also be found on the following web sites: SciELO, EBSCOHost, OTDBase, OT Search and ProQuest. In addition, articles are preserved via Portico.
You can view the journal's website here.


South African Journal of Philosophy

South African Journal of Philosophy

The aim of the South African Journal of Philosophy (SAJP) is to publish original scholarly contributions in all areas of philosophy at an international standard. Contributions are double-blind peer-reviewed and include articles, discussions of articles previously published, review articles and book reviews. The wide scope of the South African Journal of Philosophy makes it the continent's central vehicle for the publication of general philosophical work.
More information on this journal can be viewed here.


South African Journal of Plant and Soil

South African Journal of Plant and Soil

The South African Journal of Plant and Soil publishes original articles and commentaries on research in the fields of fundamental and applied soil and plant science. Original research papers, short communications including germplasm registrations, relevant book reviews and commentaries on papers recently published, and, exceptionally, review articles, will be considered for publication in the Journal.More information on this journal can be found online here:


South African Journal of Psychiatry

Open Access

South African Journal of Psychiatry

The journal is the leading psychiatric journal of Africa. It provides open-access scholarly reading for psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and all with an interest in mental health. It carries empirical and conceptual research articles, reviews, editorials, and scientific letters related to psychiatry. It publishes work from various places in the world, and makes special provision for the interests of Africa. It seeks to serve its readership and researchers with the most topical content in psychiatry for clinical practice and academic pursuits, including work in the subspecialty areas of psychiatry.
Submissions in English (full article) will be considered for publication.
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South African Journal of Science

Open Access Open Access

South African Journal of Science

The South African Journal of Science is an open access, multidisciplinary journal published bimonthly by the Academy of Science of South Africa. Its objective is to promote the visibility and impact of South African and African research by publishing high-quality original research from Africa or on African-relevant issues that will be of interest to readers in any discipline and for the benefit of scholars, educators, the general public and policymakers. It also provides a forum for discussion of news and developments in research and higher education.


South African Journal of Sports Medicine

Open Access Open Access

South African Journal of Sports Medicine

The South African Journal of Sports Medicineis an international, refereed journal published for professionals with a primary interest in sports medicine and exercise science practice. The journal publishes original research and reviews covering diagnostics, therapeutics and rehabilitation in healthy and physically challenged individuals of all ages and levels of sport and exercise participation. Original manuscripts, i.e., those that have not been published elsewhere except in abstract form, will be accepted from all countries and subject to peer review by the Editors and Editorial 
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South African Journal of Surgery

Open Access

The South African Journal of Surgery is published by the South African Medical Association and publishes papers related to surgery.
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South African Medical Journal

Open Access

South African Medical Journal

 The SAMJ is a monthly, peer-reviewed, internationally indexed, general medical journal publishing leading research impacting clinical care in southern Africa.  The Journal is not limited to articles that have ‘general medical content’, but is intending to capture the spectrum of medical and health sciences, grouped by relevance to the country’s burden of disease. This will include research in the social sciences and economics that is relevant to the medical issues around our burden of disease
The journal carries research articles and letters, editorials, clinical practice and other medical articles and personal opinion, South African health-related news, obituaries, general correspondence, and classified advertisements (refer to the section policies for further information).
The South African Medical Association is the official publisher of the SAMJ.
Back issues of the journal from years 1886 - 2002 can be found on the journal's website under the 'Back Issues' link at the top of the home page.
The SAMJ 2010 impact factor is 1.676


South African Music Studies

South African Music Studies

SAMUS: South African Music Studies is the official organ for the South African Society for Research in Music (SASRIM). It gives priority to the publication of research on South African music, but continues to represent the wider field of research interests in the country and in the rest of Africa. The journal invites work from any of the sub-disciplines in music studies, including musicology, ethnomusicology, popular music studies, music theory and music education, as well as research that draws connections between music and other fields in the arts and humanities. 
Other websites related to this journal:
More information can be found on This journal is also indexed in RILM Abstracts, The Music Index.


South Sudan Medical Journal

Open Access Open Access

South Sudan Medical Journal

The SSMJ is the a multi-professional journal in the South Sudan which caters for the needs of Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Clinical Officers, Pharmacists and all other cadres in the health profession. Its vision is to see a well-trained, skilled professionals delivering high quality healthcare to the population of the South Sudan.
The mission of SSMJ is to publish research and clinical guidance that will positively influence the development of healthcare services in South Sudan.
Other websites associated with this journal:


South Sudan Mining Journal

Open Access Open Access

The South Sudan Mining Journal is a web and print-based publication in the Republic of South Sudan. It was established to aggregate mining stories and publishes a peer-reviewed original research and journal on all aspects of the mining industry from South Sudan and beyond. The journal is supported by a distinguished Editorial Board of scientists who are experts in their fields and have extensive experience in publishing and reviewing.
Aims and Scopes
Our aim: to aggregate mining stories and publishes a peer-reviewed original research and journal on all aspects of the mining industry from South Sudan and beyond.
You can see this journal's own website here
Our scope: SSMJ publishes original research papers and articles related to the following topics:
(1) Geology
(2) Mining Engineering
(3) Oil & Gas Exploration and Production
(4) Energy Systems and Development
(5) Environmental Impact Assessment and Mitigation in Extractive Industries
(6) Economics of the Extractive Industries and their Relationship to the Environment
You can see this journal's own website here


Southern Africa Journal of Education, Science and Technology

Open Access

Southern Africa Journal of Education, Science and Technology

SAJEST is an independent publication of the Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE). The Journal acts as a platform for scientific inquiry and exchange of ideas, as well as a teaching tool through the publication of well-researched peer-reviewed articles of the highest quality, covering the broad areas of Agriculture, Commerce, Education, and Science. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence.


Southern African Business Review

Open Access

Southern African Business Review

The Southern African Business Review serves as a vehicle for the publication and dissemination of research in the fields of the economic and management sciences.  Research contributions should conform to high standards of scholarly research inquiry.  The following should at least be addressed:  purpose/objective of the article, sound conceptualisation/theoretical foundation, statement of the research problem or hypothesis, research methodology (where applicable), analysis/discussion of research findings (where applicable) and conclusion.Other websites related to this journal:


Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia

Open Access Open Access

Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia

The Journal's primary aim is the publication of review and CME papers, aimed at both specialist professionals and general practitioners. Original research will be accepted for review; as will Case Reports and letters to the Editor. All material will be sent for peer review. 
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Southern African Journal of Critical Care

Open Access Open Access

Southern African Journal of Critical Care

The SAJCC is an academic medical journal publishing original research, reviews and editorials in the fields of Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Nursing. The Journal is published bi-annually and accredited by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DoHET).
This Journal publishes scientific articles related to multidisciplinary critical and intensive medical care and the emergency care of critically ill humans.
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Southern African Journal of Environmental Education

Open Access Open Access

Southern African Journal of Environmental Education

About the Journal 

Welcome to the home of the Southern African Journal of Environmental Education (SAJEE).
SAJEE is an accredited and internationally refereed journal, published by the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA). SAJEE is indexed to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and SCOPUS. The journal is produced annually on a continuous-publishing-model basis. 

SAJEE aims to publish and report on a wide range of aspects relating to Environmental Education, Ethics and Action in southern Africa and elsewhere, with a strong focus on research. The journal seeks to further the academic study and the practice of environmental education by providing a forum for researchers, scholars, practitioners and policy makers, and aims to carry papers reflecting the diversity of environmental education practice in southern Africa. It includes a variety of research genres; conference reviews and keynote papers; comparative studies; retrospective analyses of activities or trends in a particular field; commentaries on policy issues; and critical reviews of environmental education, ethics and action in a particular country or context. The journal actively seeks out international dialogue in order to provide perspective on and for environmental education in southern Africa.

Providing southern African and other authors with a forum for debate and professional development, it also incorporates an author support programme to encourage new authors in the field to establish themselves as scholarly writers.

The journal is committed to ensuring highest levels of scientific integrity. The SAJEE Editors subscribe the Academy of Science of South Africa's Code of Best Practice in Scholary Journal Publishing, Editing and Peer Review. 
Papers published in the Research Paper section of the journal undergo an academically rigorous and thorough double blind review process by two qualified reviewers. Keynote,Viewpoint and Think Piece papers are reviewed by one of the editors of the journal and/or another qualified reviewer.

Institutional support for the journal is provided by the Rhodes University Environmental Learning Research Centre, in the Faculty of Education at Rhodes University (South Africa).
For article queries please contact the Journal Manager:

2016 Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa
Online ISSN 2411-5959 
Print ISSN 0256-7504
Print ISBN 1810-0333  

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public and scholarly community supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The journal has double diamond status, as it is both open access and also does not charge authors a submission or processing fee.


Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine

Open Access

Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine

The Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine is a medical journal focused on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention and related topics relevant to clinical and public health practice. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate original research results and to support high-level learning related to HIV Medicine. It publishes original research articles, editorials, case reports/case series, reviews of state-of-the-art clinical practice, and correspondence.
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Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies publishes articles on a wide range of linguistic topics and acts as a forum for research into ALL the languages of southern Africa, including English and Afrikaans. Original contributions are welcomed on any of the core areas of linguistics, both theoretical (e.g. syntax, phonology, semantics) and applied (e.g. sociolinguistic topics, language teaching, language policy). Review articles, short research reports and book reviews are also welcomed. Articles in languages other than English are accompanied by an extended English summary.


Read more here


Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science

Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science

Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science is one of the leading forestry journals in the Southern Hemisphere. The journal publishes scientific articles in forest science and management of fast-growing, planted or natural forests in the Southern Hemisphere and the tropics. Papers are also encouraged on related disciplines such as environmental aspects of forestry, social forestry, agroforestry, forest engineering and management as well as the goods and services that are derived from forests as a whole. Articles published by the journal are of value to foresters, resource managers and society at large. The journal particularly encourages contributions from South America, Africa and tropical/subtropical Australasia and Asia. Publication of the journal is supported by the Southern African Institute of Forestry.
Read more about this journal here


Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics

Open Access

Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics

Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SPiL) is an annual/biannual open access, peer-reviewed international journal, published by the Department of General Linguistics, Stellenbosch University. The papers published in SPiL are intended for scholars with an interest in linguistics and related disciplines. SPiL provides a platform for scholars to share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews.
Though many of the contributions originally took the form of working papers – presented for critical discussion – all have been subjected to review. Some of the papers appearing in SPiL may be published later in a revised or extended form elsewhere.
Other website associated with this journal: 


Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus

Open Access

Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus

SPiL Plus originated as a supplement to Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SPiL). The SPiL Plus series has two main aims. Firstly, it serves as a vehicle for the distribution of new and relatively inaccessible information in the field of modern linguistics. Secondly, it aims to stimulate critical discussion in Southern African linguistics.

SPiL Plus is an annual/biannual open access, peer-reviewed international journal, published by the Department of General Linguistics, Stellenbosch University. The papers published in SPiL Plus are primarily intended for scholars with an interest in linguistics and related disciplines in Southern Africa. SPiL Plus provides a platform for scholars to share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews.
Other website associated with this journal:


Studies in Gender and Development in Africa

Open Access

Studies in Gender and Development in Africa

This journal has ceased publication. SIGADA is a trans-disciplinary publication that prioritizes gender as a development issue. It is a forum for sharing research, resources, aesthetic expressions, lived realities and activisms that privilege and promote gender issues in development as well as contribute towards gender equality and social justice in Africa. Regional (continental), sub-regional, national, area, organizational and individual as well as trans-national studies and works are accepted. It supports the sharing of research and other productions on gender issues in Africa’s development. Theoretical and empirical works on social and physical sciences are accepted. Submissions may focus on policy, programmes, and/or projects. A clear link to development is a basic requirement. In order to support the sharing of diverse experiences, articles, biographies, book reviews, research reports, poetry or songs, community events, national resources inventories and project designs are encouraged. 


Sud Sciences et Technologies

Sud Sciences et Technologies

Sud Sciences et Technologies : Bulletin Technique de l'E.I.E.R, une revue scientifique est proposée pour servir de cadre d'expression et de présentation de programmes et de résultats de recherches ou de travaux d'ingénierie ayant un intérêt scientifique et technologique pour le développement socio-économique des populations d'Afrique.


Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

Open Access Open Access

Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

Sudan JMS is a joint project of continuous medical education program at Faculty of Medicine - Omdurman Islamic University, The National Centre for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Ibn Sina Hospital and Omdurman teaching Hospital (Sudan). Sudan JMS is published every three months. High-quality papers written in English or Arabic language dealing with aspects of medical sciences are welcomed. Sudan JMS publishes original articles, case reports, Letter to the Editor, commentaries and peer reviews.
Other websites related to this journal: and and


Sudanese Journal of Dermatology

Sudanese Journal of Dermatology

The Sudanese Journal of Dermatology aims to stimulate research and papers in the field of dermato-venereology and related subjects and to increase knowledge and to up-date dermatologists with new approaches and better management of patients with dermatological disorders.


Synthèse: Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie

Open Access

Synthèse: Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie

Synthèse : Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie is a half-yearly international peer-reviewed journal published by the Diroctorate of Publication of “Université Badji Mokhtar- Annaba” (Algeria) since 1996.
Synthèse is a multidisciplinary journal. Its scope covers the fields of pure and applied science, natural and life science, medicine, geology, architecture and engineering. It offers a space for publication of original experimental and theoretical research studies as well as review articles. Manuscripts should be submitted in English, French and Arabic. 
This journal's website can be viewed here: