Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z  

Letter O: 11 journals.


Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum

OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY FORUM is written by specialists in the field. It aims, primarily, to present articles on the practice of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in South Africa and is distributed to GP’s and Specialists concerned with the rendering of healthcare to women.
The views expressed in individual articles are the personal views of the Authors and are not necessarily shared by the Editors, the Advertisers or the Publisher. No articles may be reproduced in any way without the written consent of the Publisher.


OGIRISI: a New Journal of African Studies

Open Access

OGIRISI: a New Journal of African Studies

OGIRISI is a multidisciplinary journal. Its principal scope definition is focus on Africa. It therefore welcomes articles that attend to the African world, existence and development; African worldview and values; African symbols and institutions; African situation and the globalizing world; African problems and prospects. Reviews of publications that focus on Africa are also received.


Open Veterinary Journal

Open Access

Open Veterinary Journal

Open Veterinary Journal is a peer reviewed international open access online and printed journal that publishes high-quality original research articles, reviews, short communications and case reports dedicated to all aspects of veterinary sciences and its related subjects. 
Other websites associated with this journal:


Orapuh Journal

Open Access

Orapuh Journal

Orapuh Journal aims to catalyze aggravated access to superior information and researches in, and to encourage the development of new researchers/authors from, the underserved biases of the oral and public health disciplines.
Orap J prioritises original researches, balanced, comprehensive or critical review articles, good, evidence-based information, and interactive clinical and related content from the oral and public health disciplines.

Other websites associated with this journal:


Orapuh Literature Reviews

Open Access Open Access

Orap. Lit. Rev. seeks to solve the prevailing dearth of superior and qualitative oral and public health scholarly literature in certain under-served biases of the disciplines by providing students, academics, and researchers with peer-reviewed 'micro-texts' that they can trust. 
You can view this journal's website here.


Orient Journal of Medicine

Open Access

Orient Journal of Medicine

Orient Journal of Medicine, which was founded in 1989, is the official journal of the Nigerian Medical Association of South-East Nigeria. Currently, it is owned by the Nigerian Medical Association, Anambra state branch. It was originally conceptualized as a quarterly, peer-reviewed, and open-access scientific journal that publishes original articles, reviews, case reports, and letters to the editor, in the biomedical sciences.
The journal aims at disseminating biomedical advances from research, clinical practice, and emerging issues relevant to human health from all specialties of medicine from all regions of the world.
Other websites related to this journal:


Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences

Open Access Open Access

Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences

The Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences was founded on 27th April 2019. It is published by the Department of Surgery at the Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital (COOUTH) in Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.

The Journal provides a platform for local and international clinicians to publish clinical studies, research articles, ethical issues and other topics pertinent to general surgery, surgical sub-specialties, Anaesthesia and Radiology.

We accept original reports, review articles, case reports, short communications and letters to the editor within the specialties under coverage. The OJSS observes rigorous peer-review process and undertakes to publish only those manuscripts that meet international standards. We aim to achieve a maximum period of twenty-eight days from submission to decision to publish or decline.


Other websites associated with this journal:



Open Access Open Access


ORiON is the official journal of the Operations Research Society of South Africa (ORSSA) and is published biannually. Papers in the following categories are typically published in ORiON:
• Development of new theory, which may be useful to operations research (OR) practitioners, or which may lead to the introduction of new methodologies or techniques.
• OR success stories, which describe demonstrably successful applications of OR within the Southern African context (at the developing/developed economy interface) or similar environments elsewhere.
• OR case studies, which might not be “success stories,” but which emphasize novel approaches or describe pitfalls in the application of OR.
• OR methodological reviews, which survey new and potentially useful methodological developments, aimed at OR practitioners especially in Southern Africa.
The above list is by no means exhaustive.
More information about the journal can be found at and
Popular ORiON Publication Topics/Subjects
• Arrival processes, queuing theory and applications
• Assignment, allocation and timetabling problems
• Conflict resolution and multi-criteria decision analysis
• Data mining, forecasting, statistical analysis and applications
• Decision support and decision making
• Demand, logistics and supply chain analysis
• Elections, government and development
• Financial investments, risk analysis and portfolio optimisation
• Graph & network theory and applications
• Inventory control theory and management
• Knapsack, packing and cutting problems
• Metaheuristics (e.g. genetic algorithms, tabu searches, simulated annealing)
• Mathematical (linear, nonlinear, integer, goal, dynamic) programming
• Natural resource management and conservation ecology
• Philosophy, history, marketing and teaching of OR
• Production management and project scheduling
• Reliability, repairability and availability
• Theoretical and computer simulation
• Transportation networks, vehicle routing and variations of the travelling salesman problem


Oromia Law Journal

Open Access Open Access

Oromia Law Journal

The Oromia Law Journal covers articles, book reviews, legislative and case comments related to legal, economic, political and social issues arising in relation to Oromia, Ethiopian, and other related International Laws.  As such, the journal has two audiences-primary and secondary. The primary ones are legal professionals of the region and the country. Law students, policy makers of the country, and even legal professionals in other jurisdictions are secondary audiences.


Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology

Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology

Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology is a scientific journal published by NISC in association with BirdLife South Africa. Ostrich is an international journal that publishes papers in the general field of ornithology in Africa and its islands. The journal publishes peer-reviewed original scientific papers (3 000 to 10 000 words) and short articles of <2 000 words. Results of studies of the behaviour, biology, breeding, ecology, migrations and movements, and systematics of birds are published. Extended taxonomic reviews will not be considered unless they include relevant discussion of behavioural or ecological criteria.
Ostrich is also available with full text here
Impact Factor: 0.833 (2016)
5-year Impact Factor: 0.662 (2016)


OYE: Ogun Journal of Arts

OYE: Ogun Journal of Arts

OYE: Ogun Journal of Arts is an annual publication devoted to publishing articles relevant to the development of the humanities. Essays in any of the regular disciplines of the humanities: language, linguistics, communication arts, history, theatre arts or performing arts, history and diplomatic studies or international relations, philosophy, religious studies, film, etc., are normally peer-reviewed before publication. Book reviews and commentaries pertinent to humanistic studies are also considered for publication.