Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z  

Letter M: 28 journals.


Madagascar Conservation & Development

Open Access

Madagascar Conservation & Development

Madagascar Conservation & Development welcomes the results of original research, field surveys, advances in field and laboratory techniques, book reviews, and informal status reports from research, conservation, development and management programs and in-field projects in Madagascar. In addition, notes on changes in the legal status of any species (IUCN, CITES) or land (Protected Areas) existing in Madagascar, public awareness programs, the availability of new educational materials (include the name and address of distributor and cost, if applicable), job announcements (paid or volunteer), and notification of newly published scientific papers, technical reports and academic theses are all appropriate contributions. Readers are also encouraged to alert Madagascar Conservation & Development to pertinent letter-writing campaigns and other activities, which may need the support of the Madagascar Conservation & Development community. Finally, Madagascar Conservation & Development serves as a conduit for debate and discussion and welcomes contributions on any aspect of the legal or scientific status of any species living in Madagascar, or on conservation and development philosophy.
Other websites related to this journal:


Makerere Journal of Higher Education

Open Access

Makerere Journal of Higher Education

Biannually, the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development (College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University) produces Makerere Journal of Higher Education (MAJOHE) (ISSN: 1816-6822 [print]; 2707-6113 [online]). The goal of the Journal is to provide a visible outlet for definitive articles that discuss the theories, practices and policies relating to the role, development, management and improvement of higher education from an international viewpoint. Therefore, the editor invites contributions that link relevant theory and research evidence to the policy and practice of higher education. Though a highly diverse range of contributions will be considered, the Journal gives special preference to conceptual and empirical writing that is relevant to the understanding, promotion and constructive criticism of the reform agenda in African higher education institutions and national systems and integrates pertinent international developments, debates and challenges. This is because the Journal’s management board acknowledges that the questions, issues, theories and policies pertaining to the development of contemporary higher education institutions and systems require in-depth study and international comparison. Preference is also given to contributions that discuss new initiatives at regional and continental levels (including the work of national and multilateral higher education organisations and associations). The Journal’s editorial policy prefers submissions that synthesise the significance of different higher education policy alternatives and geographical experiences in explaining the phenomenon at hand. In addition to rigorous examination of the ‘local dimension’ of the issues that they expound, therefore, contributions mirror conversance with relevant international perspectives and experiences, thereby situating the debate in a broad discourse that facilitates holistic understanding of the issues at hand. Edited from Makerere University, Uganda, the Journal draws on the expertise of a diverse editorial board, as well as a wide range of reviewers in and beyond Africa. The Journal is committed to the publication of both experienced and early career researchers so its editorial policy puts overriding attention on helping contributors to reach the level of quality that is deemed fit for publication through ensuring relevant, fair and penetrating reviews as well as timely relay of feedback to contributors.


Malam: A Journal of Arabic Studies

Open Access

Malam: A Journal of Arabic Studies

Malam: A Journal of Arabic Studies, formerly called Malam: A Journal of Language and Linguistics, speciality journal dedicated to the advancement of research and innovations in the broad field of Arabic studies. It publishes research outcomes with significant contribution to the development of Arabic language, literature and teaching. Special attention is given to contributions of Nigerian and African Scholars in the past and contemporary periods.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Malawi Journal of Economics

Open Access

Malawi Journal of Economics

The Malawi Journal of Economics (MAJE) aims at publishing high quality articles focusing on the  application of economic analysis to a wide range of topics in different branches of economics with  relevance to economic and policy issues. It is of special interest to Malawian and African academics,  students, policy makers, development experts and others interested in the Malawian economy and  other African economies. Articles submitted for publication in the MAJE should focus on presenting results of empirical and policy-relevant economic research.


Malawi Journal of Science and Technology

Open Access Open Access

Malawi Journal of Science and Technology

The Malawi Journal of Science and Technology (MJST), the research journal of the Faculty of Science, Chancellor College in Malawi is published once or twice in a year depending upon availability of manuscripts and financial support. It includes contributions on empirical or theoretical investigations that cover the full range of science and technology, particularly those relevant to Malawi. Full length papers and short communications (500- 800 words) on original research, as well as succinct review articles, will be considered for publication. 


Malawi Medical Journal

Open Access Open Access

Malawi Medical Journal

The Malawi Medical Journal is a peer reviewed publication of scientific medical research and serves as a forum for the dissemination of findings of health-related research undertaken in Malawi to health workers in Malawi. It incorporates original research studies, policy analysis, case reports, literature reviews and occasional special features. It is published both in print and electronically on a quarterly basis.

Other websites related to this journal:


Management & Economics Research Journal

Management & Economics Research Journal is a peer-reviewed biannual international journal and free of charge (not charge any article processing charges "APCs" or publication fees), It is also a fully open-access journal for readers and authors, issued regularly by the Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences - Ziane Achour University of Djelfa (Governmental university affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Algeria), in two issues (March and September) from each year. The Journal is interested in the following fields of research (Business, Management, and Economics). 
For further information, please visit the journal's official website at



Mansoura Journal of Dentistry

Open Access

Mansoura Journal of Dentistry

Aim: Mansoura Journal of Dentistry aims to publish high-quality research including original articles, short communications, case reports, and scoping reviews and systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Scope: Mansoura Journal of Dentistry is interested in digital dentistry, stem cells and molecular biology, nanotechnology, and phenotypes and phenogenomics.
Mansoura Journal of Dentistry accepts publications in basic science and clinical dentistry such as oral and maxillofacial pathology, oral biology, dental biomaterials, prosthodontics, restorative dentistry, endodontics, pediatric dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral and maxillofacial radiology, oral medicine and periodontology, dental public health, and orthodontics.
You can view this journal's own website here


Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal

Open Access

Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal

Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Mansoura University. The mission of this journal is to provide a vehicle for authors looking for publishing good quality research in both basic and clinical veterinary medical sciences, especially the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of medical conditions of domestic, companion, and farm animals. The journal is dedicated publishing original articles, review articles, short communications, and case reports. Mansoura Veterinary Medical journal (Mansoura Vet Med J) is published in English Quarterly on an Open Access model. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles under the following conditions: The Publication Ethics of the journal follow the guideline of Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) to keep a high standard of review.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Marang: Journal of Language and Literature

Marang: Journal of Language and Literature

Marang: Journal of Language and Literature is an annual peer-reviewed journal. It publishes articles on a wide range of topics in literature, language, linguistics and theatre studies. Original contributions are welcomed on any of these core areas. A section of the journal is occasionally devoted to poetry. The journal strives to maintain high academic standards and an international reputation and has an international advisory board.


Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine

Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine

The Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine (MJSM) publishes original research papers, review articles, case reports and short communications on any aspect of health and tropical diseases. All papers are refereed by independent assessors.


Mathematics Connection

Mathematics Connection

MATHEMATICS CONNECTION aims at providing a forum topromote the development of Mathematics Education in Ghana. Articles that seekto enhance the teaching and/or learning of mathematics at all levels of theeducational system are welcome.


Mbeya University of Science and Technology Journal of Research and Development

Open Access Open Access

MUST Journal of Research and Development is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing quality research and review articles in the fields of Engineering and Technology, Science, Social Sciences, Humanities and Business from all over the world. As an open access journal, MJRD provides a unique opportunity to publish high quality contents that will be internationally accessible to any reader at no cost.
You can see the journal's website here.


Medical Journal of Zambia

Open Access

Medical Journal of Zambia

The Medical Journal of Zambia is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal intended for the publication of papers from all specialities of medicine (Internal Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology) and their subspecialties, basic sciences, public health, social medicine and medical politics.  The journal also welcomes contributions from experienced individuals describing the way they deal with particular problems (i.e. intended to pass on the art of medicine).


Medical Technologies Journal

Open Access

The Journal contains three main sections: in the first session we plan to publish all editorials, letters, opinion, news, the section is entitled “Editorials”. In the second section we publish medical findings as case reports, reviews, and original articles, this section is entitled “Health sciences”. In the third section we publish technological medical innovations, this section is called “Medical Technologies”.

1- Medical domains such as:
Surgery, Internal Medicine, Midwifery, Nursing, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology and Urology, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Dermatology, Rheumatology, Hematology and Transfusion Science, Anatomy, Histopathology, Oncology, Community Health, Occupational Health, Environmental Health, Social Health, Epidemiology, Public health, Patient Security, etc..)

2- Medical technologies such as:
Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Medical physics, Medical Bio-Chemistry, Medical Mechanical Engineering, Drug design,Medical education,Medical Economics etc.
You can view this journal's website here.


Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Open Access Open Access

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

The main aim of the Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci) is to support scientific knowledge and encourage scientific research and publication with ethical quality for pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical sciences in the World. MJPPS is published online quarterly, in March, June, September, and December. The language of the journal is English.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is an open access fully refereed international journal. The journal is based on independent and unbiased double-blinded peer-reviewed principles. Only unpublished papers that are not under review for publication elsewhere can be submitted.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences does not accept multiple and duplicate submissions. The authors are responsible for the scientific content of the material to be published.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences reserves the right to request any research materials on which the paper is based.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences publishes interesting original research conducted in all fields of pharmaceutical sciences, related clinical subjects, short communications, reviews, editorials, comments, and letter to the Editor including reports on publication and research ethics.
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences encourages and enables academicians, researchers, specialists, and pharmacists of all countries to publish their valuable research in all branches of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:



Open Access Open Access


Metamorphosis is a scholarly journal which publishes articles of any length containing valid scientific data concerning any aspect of the study of African Lepidoptera, at the discretion of the Editor. The content of articles may include but will not necessarily be limited to:
a. Taxonomic reviews, systematics and descriptions of new taxa.
b. Life history descriptions, behavioural studies and ecological research, including habitat descriptions.
c. Description of the lepidopteran fauna of specific areas, with checklists, photographs and notes.
d. Conservation management including IUCN assessments.
e. Phylogenetic hypotheses based on molecular analyses and other characters or evidence.
f. The distribution of Lepidoptera and biogeographical analysis.
g. Methodologies applied to studies of Lepidoptera.
The journal website can be found here:


Mgbakoigba: Journal of African Studies

Open Access Open Access

Mgbakoigba: Journal of African Studies

Mgbakoigba welcomes original and incisive contributions engaging historical and contemporary issues relevant to the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Environmental Sciences, especially as they affect the field of African Studies. Its main emphasis is to generate and construct a new agenda for approaching history, methodology and theory in African knowledge production. Considering new frameworks for reflecting and addressing issues arising from the present context of economic, political, cultural and technological changes, the journal aims to establish a platform to revisit the grand teleological narration of progress and modernity where Africa has always been denied intellectual agency and subjectivity.  The editors seek research papers and innovative essays engaging new debates, exhibition review essays, cultural events, responses to contemporary cultural criticisms in the relevant disciplines. All work submitted are subject to peer review. All submissions must not exceed 6, 000 word papers. 
All manuscripts and inquiries should be directed to the editor: Dr. Okechukwu Nwafor;  Email:


Microbes and Infectious Diseases

Open Access

Microbes and Infectious Diseases

Microbes and Infectious Diseases is a peer-reviewed, quarterly, open-access journal. It publishes original articles, review articles, short reports, correspondence, and letters to the editor of significant scientific and ethical standards that relate to all fields of medical/clinical/pharmaceutical microbiology, infection prevention and control, and infectious diseases. The scope of Microbes and Infectious Diseases will include the following topics:

• Clinical microbiology
• Medical microbiology
• Infectious Diseases
• Infection prevention and control
• Antimicrobial resistance
• Molecular microbiology
• Pharmaceutical Microbiology
• Microbial informatics and experimentations
• Microbiome
• Microbial genetics and Proteomics
Other websites associated with this journal:


Microbial Biosystems Journal

Open Access

Microbial Biosystems Journal

Microbial Biosystems is an open access, non-profit, and peer reviewed journal which publishes original papers in all aspects of microbial biology by the Arab Society for Fungal Conservation. MBJ is a biannual journal till 2020. In 2021 it will be quarterly published. The journal is open to papers dealing with all aspects of Microbial biology, systematics, and ecology. Research studies containing novel and significant findings, from the molecular level to ecosystems are welcome.
MBJ has been conceived in consideration of the recent progress in microbial research. An editorial board has been devised to ensure that all the main trends of contemporary microbial biology science are represented. Manuscripts are classified as 'Full Paper', 'Rapid Report' or 'Short Communication'. A Rapid Report is intended for publication, in a concise form, of new and relevant findings. The classification as Rapid Report is determined by the Editor in Chief. A Short Communication (no more than two printed pages) is for a concise but independent report. It is not intended for publication of preliminary results. Review articles are also published, but only upon invitation by the Editor. An international panel of highly qualified referees warrants the highest scientific standard.
Microbial Biosystems Journal publishes microbial researches of local and international interest. We seek reviews, advances in methodology, and original contributions, emphasizing the following areas:
1. A Transcriptomic and Proteomic Approach in Microbial Biology
2. Behavioral ecology
3. Biodeterioration
4. Biodiversity and Conservation
5. Cultural Heritage and Microbes
6. Ecosystem ecology
7. Global change and conservation ecology
8. Human Microbial Interactions
9. Industrial Applications
10. Microbial Ecology
11. Microbial-animal interactions
12. Microbial Biofuels
13. Microbial-plant interactions
14. Physiological Ecology
15. Pollution
Other websites associated with this journal:


Millennium Journal of Health

Open Access Open Access

Millennium Journal of Health

Millennium Journal of Health (MJH) is an open access peer reviewed journal within the scope of publishing quality original articles, review articles, brief communications, commentaries, case reports/series and systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis on clinical medicine, public health, nursing, biomedical sciences, global health, policies, practices, interventions, social determinants of health, environmental, behavioral and occupational correlates of diseases and one-health relevant articles. It is published twice per year in January and July. If you are interested to submit manuscripts, please follow the following link, (You need to be logged in first in order to submit your manuscripts, else you will have to register yourself). Please Follow this link ( register/sign-in to submit your manuscripts. We advise authors to read the instructions before you start the submission process.

Aims and Scope
Millennium Journal of Health (MJH) is an open access peer reviewed journal within the scope of publishing quality original articles, review articles, brief communications, commentaries, case reports/series and systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis on clinical medicine, public health, nursing, biomedical sciences, global health, policies, practices, interventions, social determinants of health, environmental, behavioral and occupational correlates of diseases and one-health relevant articles. It is published twice per year in January and July.

You can view this journal's website here.


Mizan Law Review

Open Access Open Access

Mizan Law Review

Mizan Law Review publishes peer reviewed original scholarly articles that identify, examine and analyze legal and related concepts, principles and stipulations based on research findings. The articles aim at interpretation, diagnosis, problem-solving, proactive critique and projection that assist the application and development of laws in Ethiopia. The journal focuses on law in action relating to Ethiopian laws, comparative laws and various themes under international law. It also publishes non-peer reviewed thematic comments, notes, sharing thoughts and case comments based on internal review. Mizan Law Review is published by the Center for Law in Sustainable development, St. Mary’s University (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).
The electronic ISSN for this journal is 2309-902X.
Indexed in DOAJ:  8 September 2010 
Accreditation by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: Dec. 18, 2020
Scopus indexed: 29 August 2022


Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science

Open Access Open Access

Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science

Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science (MEJS) is a free access e-journal devoted primarily to the original contributions containing original scientific findings in any of the science fields, having national or international appeal and significance. It is aimed to publish the research output mainly related to earth science, physical sciences, chemical sciences, biological sciences and computational sciences; and focuses on all aspects of geology, chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics and related areas. It publishes original peer-reviewed scientific papers, covering both basic and applied aspects of science including interdisciplinary researches. It will also include short communications, invited review papers, general review articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, comments and critique of published materials, information related to conferences and any other relevant topics. Papers from researchers working in different public and private sector, academic institutions, industries, companies etc., having national/international interest are accepted for publication.


Moor Journal of Agricultural Research

Moor Journal of Agricultural Research

Moor Journal of Agricultural Research (Moor J. Agric. Res.) is a peer-reviewed international journal, publishing original, basic and applied research articles in the areas of crop and animal science, basic and applied sciences related to Agriculture, Agric. Economics/Rural Sociology, Environmental Sciences, Product derivations, etc.


Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Journal of Women in Technical Education & Employment

Open Access

MAPJOWITED focuses on publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research, case studies, and technical reports in fields such as Engineering, Applied Sciences, Vocational Studies, Information Technology, Management Studies and other relevant disciplines. The journal encourages contributions that emphasize practical applications, industry relevance, and innovation in Technical Education.
Aims and Scope
The aim of this academic journal is to publish original and high-quality research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge and practices in specific and multi-disciplinary fields of study.
1. To disseminate peer-reviewed articles that present innovative research and critical analysis.
2. To encourage inter and multi-disciplinary contributions that broaden the scope and impact of the journal.
3. To uphold rigorous academic standards and ethical practices in all aspects of research publication
4. To foster scholarly exchange of ideas by providing an accessible platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators.


Mtafiti Mwafrika (African Researcher)

Mtafiti Mwafrika (African Researcher)

Mtafiti Mwafrika (African Researcher) is a peer-reviewed monograph series of the Centre for African Studies (CAS) at Uganda Martyrs University. The series is intended to offer a platform where those interested in African issues can express and exchange their ideas, and contribute towards a better knowledge and understanding of the African reality. The opinions expressed in the series are not necessarily those of CAS. Contributions to the series can be sent to the Editor and those deemed to be appropriate will be published in subsequent issues.


MULIKA Journal

Open Access

MULIKA Journal

MULIKA is an academic Journal of the Institute of Kiswahili Studies dealing with Kiswahili studies, especially language, literature and linguistics. Its main aim is to gather and disseminate knowledge on Kiswahili language and literature based on scholarly research. In addition, MULIKA serves as a bridge between Kiswahili users from different places and levels, and Kiswahili experts and stakeholders who are in secondary and tertiary level institutions of East Africa.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Multidisciplinary Journal of Horseed International University

Open Access Open Access

Multidisciplinary Journal of Horseed International University (MJHIU) is an international, multidisciplinary, scientific, peer-reviewed, open-access journal covering a wide range of topics from different subjects. It is the official publication of Horseed International University, one of the leading universities in Somalia. The journal is published twice per year in the months of March and September and accepts research articles, reviews, case reports, letters to editors, editorials, and short communications/brief reports.
Aims and Scope
The journal publishes high-quality research in the field of, but not limited to:
Medical and Health Sciences
Social science
Economic and Management Sciences
Political Sciences
Computer and Information Technology Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
You can see this journal's own website here.